I feel dizzy when I open my bedroom door. A vision enters my mind. Blood and bodies everywhere, with me in the center of it all. Blood dripping from my mouth from the nose I had bitten off. I feel a hand slip around my waist I turn to look at the person with a smile. He is handsome, at least what I can see of him is. His face is blurry, though I can tell he is handsome...and I want him.
When I come back to present, I see a note, the was carefully folded in the crook of my door. As I unfold the parchment sheer joy fills my body. I begin to read.
Dearest Scar ,
What I am about to tell you will confuse you though I mustn't tell you who I am. I was assigned to watch you since birth. My recent order was to kill you. Though I know it wasn't from my main boss. So i felt it was urgent I write you this letter. To tell you more through writing is dangerous. I need you to come to me. Look where your out of place but you feel most at think your alone but you feel like your watched. I will be there....until we meet princess.
sincerely (anonymous)
I look around to see if the person who left the note was still here. No one.....I decide to take a shower and before I head into the bathroom I close my door again. pulling my shirt off I look into the mirror.I slide my pants down and take them off. walking over to my laundry basket I throw them in. While there I unclasp my bra, the straps slide down my arms and I let it fall to my hand, tossing it to the bed. Examining my body in the mirror I walk into my bathroom where I pull off my panties and hop into the shower. I feel clean again when I come out I dress and walk out the door. Taking the note with me , I go for a walk. Thinking over and over as to what it meant......Then it hits me...when I was walking around getting to know the area I had come across a meadow surrounded by a ring of trees...just one layer of made the place special. This one particular tree though was in the center. It was particular because this one branch swoops down into a seat ,wide and flat like...enough room for two to sit or lay.
I go there in a run...this has to be the place....but I see no one. I sit in the tree and watch the field when suddenly I hear a voice that makes my heart pound. I turn and its HIM.
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