12. You did Great...
Loon lay on the bed, nestled under the sheets, finally savoring the comfort of something more luxurious than a tent or the cold ground. It painted a picture of the immortal finally finding a moment to relax after the chaos he'd endured, from being targeted by others to confronting a long-lost friend who stirred up old wounds.
Yet, even with his eyes closed, Loon's lips twitched with frustration. Ayren's unyielding gaze offered no solace, making it difficult for him to drift off to sleep.
"If you keep clutching those blankets as if you're about to tear them apart, you won't get any rest," Ayren remarked, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
"You're not making it any easier for me to sleep, either," Loon grumbled, pulling the sheets up to hide his nose. He opened his eyes and shot a glance at the swordsman, who raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Why did you only get one room?"
"Well, I didn't realize you had the Great Mage chasing you. My apologies, oh immortal dragon." Ayren flashed a mischievous smile and pretended to bow, causing Loon to pout, feeling as if the swordsman were mocking him. "But I figured you would have been welcomed at the academy."
"Umi was my best friend." Loon sighed as his blue eyes were looking at a non-exact point.
"He was a pretty close one I bet." Loon looked at Ayren, who commented without even looking at the dragon. The swordsman was still in his usual clothes and his sword was resting on the side belt.
"Could you please refrain from commenting like that?" Loon sighed, noticing Ayren shrugging nonchalantly. "I'm sorry we ended up in this situation again," he mumbled, his tail flicking slightly out from beneath the blanket.
"Seriously..." Ayren sighed heavily. "You need to stop saying you're sorry." His red eyes locked onto Loon, who tilted his head in confusion. "Whatever is happening, it's not your fault." he added with a smile "Actually, it is." Loon pouted, prompting Ayren to chuckle softly. "But today's outcome was a result of my decision to come back and check on you. Do you see me regretting that choice?" he asked, his tone calm as Loon continued to watch him.
"Were you worried about me getting hurt?" Loon smiled, and Ayren felt like someone shot an arrow straight at his knee.
"I came back, because..." Ayren sighed as he moved a hand through his long hair "I told you, I did recognize their clothes, and I thought you were getting in danger and that... friend of yours..."
"He was just caressing my face." Loon tilted his head, and Ayren felt even mad.
"Was the food poisoned? You're speaking nonsense" Ayren's eyes were glowing almost in that dark room as there were few candles lightning it up along with the moon rays coming from the window "That man was alluring you, and Gods know what would have happened if I didn't get there in time."
Loon looked grumpy "You sound like I can't protect myself" Ayren raised his eyebrow
"...Of course?"
"What do you mean of course?!" Loon stood on the bed and crossed his arms "I am the Moon's Herald."
"Oh, there he goes," Ayren laughed as he walked near the bed "Indeed the Moon's Herald, the immortal who can command water and life in this world... and let everyone take advantage of him without even flinching."
Loon tilted his head and Ayren seriously couldn't really stand how the immortal looked at him like he was speaking in another language "Why do you sound so annoyed?"
"Because I can't stand the fact you look like you do not get what humans around you want... They always take from you and Umi isn't anything different... And you look like you don't mind... Ah, this makes me seriously insane."
"Isn't it normal for humans to desire something from Gods? After all, we exist to make them believe in something." Loon crossed his arms to then smile "What do you want, Ayren?"
Ayren looked at Loon, and sighed heavily "Nothing, I do not seek for anything."
Loon tilted his head as the swordsman stood in front of him and leaned "Actually I think now I do" his red eyes were looking at his blue shining eyes.
Loon felt embarrassed as Ayren's face was close to his. The swordsman was just staring into his blue eyes and he could swear he was getting lost in them again, losing the conception of time and everything around him. The immortal kept his eyes locked on the swordsman, whose face slowly did relax.
"Ayren?" Loon called him out with a soft voice and the swordsman kept his stare as his hand was moving towards the forehead of the dragon.
"You to have some self-respect" he pinched his forehead before doing some steps back, making Loon touch where he got hit.
"I do!" Loon exclaimed and Ayren tilted his head to then laugh.
"Good, when you feel like it, show me" he said ironically, making Loon even more embarrassed "I am leaving, you better sleep and..." he sighed as he stepped towards the door "If you... plan to go out the room..." he left a side eye "Do not make me come rescue you."
"I won't need you to do that anymore." Loon said as he crossed his arms, pouting, making Ayren look at him and block for some moment.
For some reason, the swordsman felt the need to get away from that room. His hands were trembling like he wanted to again touch Loon's cheeks and get lost in his eyes as for some reasons he could feel at peace only by doing that. But he couldn't, he needed to get
some time away from the dragon.
"Sure thing." Ayren said before leaving, making Loon exclaim.
"I am serious!"
Ayren sighed once he closed the door. He laid his hand on his face, trying not to think about the view of Loon pouting, and sitting in bed. He looked adorable to his eyes.
"This is going to make me lose it." he said to himself to then walk to the first floor of the tavern, to get a drink "Is this the feeling the Emperor felt before losing his mind?" he laughed a little at his own thoughts "It would make sense..."
He planted his feet firmly on the ground as he entered the room, where people were drinking and reveling in the night. His red eyes were immediately drawn to Umi, who sat with a drink in hand, his purple eyes fixed intently on him.
Ayren sat in front of him and Umi smiled "The city is mine, I didn't sweat to find you, and you're pretty popular." he said as he was replying to a question from the swordsman.
"He's not coming with you" Ayren cut it off and Umi laughed a little
"Did you self-proclaim as his guardian?" he asked and the swordsman crossed his arms, trying to maintain his composure, also because he couldn't slain him in front of too many people.
If he wanted to murder, he had to plan to lure him somewhere and end his life where no one in the city would have known.
Idea that was soon discarded as soon as Loon's voice came to his mind;
"He wAs mY bEsT FrIEnd.".
"Damn you." Ayren cursed the half dragon, trying to make the pictures of Loon in bed, looking adorable away "I am not his guardian. He can take care of himself, I am a swordsman, got honor and a very short temper for your information." he smiled insanely and Umi felt a bit in awe towards those red glowing eyes, full of desire to murder him. He could feel it.
"What's your plan then?" Umi rest his back on the seat, looking at the swordsman "Loon is looking for something he won't be able to find anywhere now that people know his
"I just need to kill those and guess he can go back to his quiet life."
Umi flinched "Do you plan to kill the mage guilds?" he laughed insanely "Oh my... You're really something."
Ayren looked serious and Umi coughed "... Are you seriously planning to do that?"
"What's the big deal..." Ayren smiled "Finally I see a good reason to have him around."
"You may be skilled and hard to kill, but you're walking back into a situation you escaped long ago, Ayren," the mage warned. Ayren raised an eyebrow at Umi's serious gaze. "Honestly, I could tell you to go ahead; your death wouldn't concern me. In fact, it would be a perfect outcome for my plan since Loon refuses to return to me because of you." Umi sighed, his tone almost contemplative. "You've only been together for such a short time yet..."
"You're speaking nonsense, I did free him and wanted to help him. Things didn't go as swiftly as I thought so our time together got longer than expected." Ayren explained under Umi's curious stare.
"It might be true, but Loon trusts you."
"He doesn't." Ayren laughed "He feels he owes me something to repay for his freedom. He just doesn't know how even if I told you I do not seek any kind of payment from him."
Umi tickled his own cup to then look fiercely towards the swordsman, who smiled, feeling some tension coming off the body of the mage.
"I despise the fact a God like him is with someone as cursed as you." Umi smiled like he was trying to tease Ayren "But I can't go against his decisions anymore, my alluring abilities can't influence a God's will, so... I shall tell you this." the mage stood up "If you're really planning to kill whoever wants to get back Loon... It's going to be an endless fight till you will have no energy left and you will see yourself on the ground as the immortal you wanted to protect gets taken and imprisoned again, because you didn't let him stay with me."
"...And I am sure you did foresee this future in your magic fake ball, right?" Ayren had such an evil smile as he tilted his head, with his glowing red eyes locked on the mage and a smirk.
Umi gnashed his teeth "Join me in a duel outside."
Ayren smiled even more excited and without even losing more time, he stood up and followed the mage. Once he was outside, he noticed some mages, who were probably the guards of the Great Mage, standing in line.
Umi's eyes glowed as purple lightning struck the ground, forming a big circle around them two. "This is going to be our ground, nothing can come in or out, the city will be protected, so I won't hold back..." he opened up his eyes as he saw Ayren jumping high to then strike his sword towards him.
"You mages talk too much." Ayren was finally getting a moment to release all his madness and frustration over the events that happened.
Umi dodged Ayren's attack, quickly materializing a fireball and launching it at him. Ayren blocked the strike with his sword, feeling the flames get absorbed by the blade. The explosion sent smoke billowing into the air, leaving a smudge on Ayren's face.
The Great Mage teleported away, but Ayren continued to charge through the smoke. Umi swore he could see two glowing red orbs piercing through the haze. The swordsman resembled a devil more than a human, his intense gaze radiating fury and determination.
"Abomination." He cursed him as lightnings was striking close to the swordsman like some sharp blades that were managing to cut his skin.
Ayren was smiling even more as he felt some blood coming off the arms and Umi was feeling shivers around his body; he couldn't understand how the swordsman looked even faster and stronger the more he was getting hurt.
"You and your useless tricks," Ayren taunted, a laugh escaping his lips as he positioned his sword for a strike. The blade shimmered with a fierce light, and Umi's eyes widened in shock. In an instant, Ayren lunged forward, slashing through Umi's midsection and cleaving him in two.
Ayren smiled to then notice the two parts of the body becoming dust. He found himself on the ground after a big lightning strike hit him, causing his muscles not to respond for a moment.
"If you think it's so easy to defeat the Great Mage." Umi was floating from the ground, as his hands were full of purple mana, electricity and fire were his main elements, causing always the most atrocious spells to destroy any human.
Ayren laughed under Umi's surprised stare once he noticed him standing up "The forgotten mana... You're far from the human you were... Indeed" Umi laughed "Abomination, indeed."
"Oh, this is what I yearn for..." Ayren declared, leveling his sword at the mage. "Is this all you've got? Do you think you can make me beg for mercy or step aside from your futile attempts to reclaim him? If you defeat me, do you really believe he will return to you? He despises you."
Umi gnashed his teeth to then summon clones of him who attacked Ayren, who charged and between dodges and hits, killed the clones one by one. He was fast, strong, striking anything with his sword, hoping for an endless fight. He was finally having some fun, while Umi felt like he was getting insulted by Ayren's behavior.
No pain, no flinch, no satisfaction in seeing his enemy struggling. The only one struggling was Umi, who kept enhancing his attacks of fire and lightning.
"What do you want from Loon?" he asked and Ayren's eyes stare at Umi "Power? Or do you desire a place in the heavens?"
"I don't care about any of that. I'm nothing like you... I can't even believe I'm still speaking to one of the pathetic mages who consented to his imprisonment. Tell me, was it enjoyable watching him linger between life and death for all those years?" Ayren asked, his smile widening. "Oh, I'm sure you relished every moment of his suffering... A god brought to his knees for you. What a delightful sight that must have been." He lunged forward, stabbing yet another clone of the mage as Umi continued to teleport among them, desperately buying time to cast more powerful spells.
But Ayren was seriously giving him a hard time, he was fast, too fast. He needed more clones to buy time.
Umi gnashed his teeth "You don't know anything about the Emperor's plan."
"I do. I was a soldier of his before being who I am." Ayren's eyes glowed and Umi in that moment laughed insanely "What's so fun in that?"
"Oh my... So, you actually didn't know anything about the Emperor's plan... but you WERE the Emperor's plan." Umi laughed so hard "This story... I swear this is making me so excited to see the outcome of you two, having no idea who the other is."
Ayren cut his own palm as his sword was absorbing his blood, under Umi's surprised stare "I don't care about your words... Talking is killing the mood of the duel itself, so you better shut up." he smiled to then plant his feet to the ground, as his body prepared to strike in front of the clones.
In a glance, Ayren moved his sword in front of himself and the sword glowed, releasing a strong slash that hit all the clones, making Umi fall to the ground.
"You..." Umi rose to his feet as Ayren, panting but grinning with satisfaction, seemed eager for more, craving bloodshed from both sides. "I will turn your body into ashes!" Umi laughed maniacally, unleashing tongues of fire from his body that twisted together, igniting the entire area in a blazing inferno. Umi's face flinched as he saw something blue shining through the clouds of that dark night. The circle of magic shattered and both duelists looked around.
"Stop it."
Ayren heard Loon's voice and in no time Umi's face became an annoyed one once he got probably a whole waterfall in the face, making him soaking wet.
"Seriously." Umi looked at Loon, who tilted his head while he was handling the golden orb and the water dragon behind him was waiting for more orders.
Ayren looked at the mage, who was staring at Loon, who was walking towards the two of them with a calm expression.
"Weren't you supposed to sleep?" Ayren asked once Loon stopped next to the swordsman, as his blue eyes were still shining and focused on Umi like he was judging him.
Loon looked at Ayren, who tilted his head "Do you think I could sleep with all that chaos you two decided to cause? And with those trying to knock me down?" he asked pointing at the big water dragon, who was keeping inside a bubble three mages, under Ayren's surprised stare.
Loon tilted his head, looking at the swordsman "You got all your face dirty, did you even care to protect yourself?" he asked and the swordsman didn't know why but he felt weirdly happy to see him like that. He looked like no one could dare to touch him, strong but always so humble and caring.
It was confusing for Ayren, but he smiled, he actually smiled.
Loon couldn't understand what happened exactly between the two while he was taking care of the mages, who were trying to knock him down with a sort of ritual of herbs and magic, but he wanted to stop them, and take the opportunity to slap Umi with some water, to be totally honest.
He could have done worse, but he was still himself after all.
"So, you did indeed protect yourself" Ayren said as he left a deadly glance to the mages who were still inside the big bubble the big water dragon was keeping in his hands.
"Please, release us!" said one of the mages.
"I am about to throw up, this dragon flew to the sky and against the magic barrier... I am not feeling good..."
Umi was still soaked, but his body was literally boiling as he was trying to dry himself by using his fire power, while his eyes were staring at Ayren and Loon, who were just looking at each other and talking like there was no one else around.
People, who were assisting at the duel couldn't believe what they saw as Loon's aura was so strong and beautiful with the water dragon being basically his shadow, but they didn't even dare to speak too much as Ayren's aura next to him was dark and deadly.
The soldiers with Talon began to make the crowd move away as the duel was done. Talon left a side eye to Ayren, who noticed it and replied with a smirk.
After all, he didn't kill anyone... almost. And anyway, Umi started it.
He could consider it as self-defense.
"As you can see, I did indeed protect myself, but do not try to turn the discussion to me"
Ayren looked at Loon, who said "I thought you were going for a drink not for a duel with Umi."
Ayren crossed his arms and tilted his head "He started it."
Umi boiled even more of madness "He actually dared to tease the Great Mage."
"Silence.". Umi felt weird as Loon's side eye was shining and it felt like he was getting stabbed on the spot.
Loon looked at him and then Ayren, to then sigh and snap his fingers, making the mages he imprisoned in the bubble fall to the ground.
As soon as the mages were on the ground, they ran behind Umi, who sighed "You did an awful job." he whispered to then look at Loon, whose attention was back to Ayren enjoying a lot this little serious side of the dragon.
"Can I heal you?" Loon asked with a neutral stare as his orb was glowing and the other hand was about to lay on his chest.
Ayren laughed a little "Were you worried about me getting hurt?" he asked, and Loon felt embarrassed as he felt the swordsman was literally using the same question he asked him against himself.
"Of course I was."
The difference between how the two have replied to the same question was that Loon was actually honest.
Ayren's eyes opened up towards Loon, who looked at him with an obvious stare, as his blue eyes were on his. His spontaneous and honest tone was always surprising Ayren in a positive way, as he was used to mostly the tricks humans were always playing to hide the truth.
"Not like I could sleep with all that chaos of you two." Loon closed his eyes, trying to appear a little irritated as he crossed his arms.
But he stopped once he felt Ayren hand on his head, stroking slowly his hair. He looked at the swordsman, and he could swear he was smiling with a sweet gaze, his face was relaxed like the whole malicious aura around him was gone, just to touch the long hair of the dragon, and almost his jade horns too.
Ayren stopped his hand, but did let it rest on Loon'a head;
"You did great, Loon." he said and the dragon didn't know exactly why, but his heart did flutter towards Ayren's words told with a calm, soft tone.
Loon smiled as the tail was slowly moving happily, making Ayren smile even more as his eyes couldn't help but keep looking at the dragon in front of him.
"We should take care of your face." Loon smiled and Ayren looked at him like he was the only thing left in the whole world "Let's go back to the tavern... Ayren?" and the swordsman woke up from the trance once he noticed the immortal pulling his sleeve.
"As you wish." Ayren said, trying to appear irritated as he was letting Loon pull him back to the tavern.
Umi sighed as he was walking away, looking at the two who didn't even notice him going away with his mages.
"I wonder what will happen when you know... Ayren." Umi smiled, amused by what his eyes could foresee "Will you despise him and try to kill him? Or will you just lose yourself completely?"
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