Untitled Part 1
Dad we just can't leave! this is my one and only home! what would mum say?! said Luna Loovegood a teenage sweet sort of intelligent girl, with white blond hair and sweet grey eyes a nice smile with a voice that sounds like a butterfly with the sweetest voice you ever heard was talking to you it's a soft sweet British voice that makes you feel like you've never been happier before. Dad, she said in her sweet voice. Yes? said her father. What about Ginny and Harry and Hermione and Ron and and and Neville? she started to cry a sweet cry... My deer he said they will miss you but we will be happy in the United States.And they shall be happy for you! They are daddy but well it's just what about Hogwarts?!! (Hogwarts is a magical place where Ghosts fly around and you can see them where you can learn wonderful spells and be in a house Hufflepuff Griffindor Slytherin and Ravenclaw Luna of course was in Ravenclaw.) Okay Daddy if you say but I hope that we will be able to keep in touch. Yes dear that would be very swell.
Later on that day when they had arrived in the United States they had settled down in a nice home next door to a teenage boy with black hair really buff and who rarely wore a shirt. Dear why don't you go meet the next door neighbor he seems... lonely, said Xenophilius (her father). I suppose i shall. said Luna. Okay have a nice time he said. Yes Father. Luna walked next door and knocked on the door. Hello is anybody the- hello said the boy. Luna hesitated before saying hi I'm Luna who are you... uh uh uh um uh er uh I'm uh uh er uh... Jake who is it? said a deep voice from behind the door.Oh uh dad it's a girl named-Hello said a bright voice you must be Luna! said this short teenager who reminded her of a sort of real life muggle pixie. Er yes actually who are you? Oh I'm Alice! Oh... So thank you for helping us carry our stuff to our new home. Anytime! Said Jake and Alice at the same time. Jake gave a frustirated but also sad and surprised look at Alice.
Later that day Alice,Jake,and Luna were by now very close friends but they all had their secrets...
By now they had all met Billy (Jake's Dad) and were off to meet Alice's family (well Jake already new her family but for he had imprinted on Luna he went with her and Alice, and besides Alice's family loved having Jake over.) So said Jake what do you like to do (as they were walking through the park to get to Alice's)
When they got to Alice's Jake and Alice were asking Luna questions about her radish earrings like, Alice: Why do you wear those? Luna: Oh so it will keep the Gingers away. Jake: what the heck are Gingers? Luna: oh they are rats and a moth mixed that look like Gingers so they're you have it Gingers. Oh said Jake and Alice at the same time. Jake was quiet the whole rest of the walk to Alice's thankfully they did not have to much more time on the walk and we got there in time for dinner.
Hello! said Alice. Hey said Jake then Luna said hi.
Hello said a man with pale white skin and blond hair and beautiful golden brown eyes.Luna looked at Alice really close and she had flipped out short hair and the same Golden Brown eyes as her father. And she (Luna) looked around the room and they're were 7 other people in the room besides Alice Jake and herself A girl with beautiful Blond hair and breathtaking clothes she had a perfectly round pale white face and skin as white as the cleanest snow and the same Golden Brown eyes. A buff boy almost as buff as Jake and dashing perfect brown hair and the most pale skin you've ever seen and Golden Brown eyes, also in the room was a skinny cute man with curly dirty blond hair and pale skin and perfect cheek bones and perfect pink lips and the greatest smile you've ever seen also the greatest Golden Brown eyes in the world , they're was also a man with hair as copper as a penny you might say and Golden Brown eyes perfect pale skin and also a women who looked as though she was seventeen or eighteen she also had the most perfect brown hair and pale skin so beautiful what a perfect family. Then their was also a little girl who looked about the age of two or three and she looked just like apparently her mother.And last but not least a woman with beautiful golden eyes and perfect brown hair.
Then The oldest had a warm welcome face and said Hello my name is Esme this is Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Edward,Bella my husband Carslile. and our newest member of the family Renesme. Oh well you are all an adorable family . So why are you here and what's your name? Asked the girl named Rosalie. Oh my name is Luna and Jake and Alice invited me said Luna. Oh whatever I'm going upstairs. And then she walked upstairs, Emmett walked over to Luna and said Well nice meeting you gotta go bye. He walked upstairs and hung out with Rosalie.
Oh well, then it was nice meeting you. I shall go now. No dear you can't leave!! said Esme. Oh but Father needs me we are catching Cackle Horned Snorkacks and also we are going to have dinner soon, so Goodbye. Oh well bye then. Said everyone. Goodbye! said Luna.
Jake decided to go with Luna and asked if she wanted to hang out tommorow. She said okay. then when they got to Luna's home. Luna's father said I have a very special surprise and Neville came out the door. And then Luna dropped Jake's hand and ran to Neville and smacked as hard as she could on the face Jake walked over and said who are you? to Neville. Neville said he was Neville and Jake said he was with Luna and that they were together. Luna looked at Neville then at Jake and ran upstairs to her room.
Jake ran after Luna Neville stayed and said he was going home. Neville left and Jake and Luna were talking and Luna had big tears slopping down her beautiful face. Jake said wait what the heck is going on. Well I did break up with Neville last year and I don't know why he still came I told him not to! Ever since our break up he's always been like a brother. I don't know why he came! And of course I'm with you Jake! Good he said. Because I love you Luna Loovegood!! Oh well I love you too, you are made for me and I'm made for you!! I promise we shall be together forever! Then all of a sudden Jake walked over and kissed her they had a long long long kiss. Jake I love you said Luna. I love you too. said Jake. Oh and my real name is Jacob, Jacob Black. Oh well my name is Luna, Luna Loovegood.Ya and that's the most best name I've ever heard of!! Why thank you I like it quite a lot too. They both laughed at that...
If we are going to take our life together seriously I think we should be completely honest with each other no matter what happens! No matter if were tourtered no matter for any cost! Okay? said Jake to Luna. Yes Jake of course. Okay I'll start by being completely honest I'm I'm I'm I'm a werewolf. Oh my goodness! That is amazing I've only met one other his name is Remes Lupin. Said Luna. Never heard of him said Jake. Oh well that's all right he's quite different. He died though by a death eater. Said Luna. WHAT THE HELL IS A DEATH EATER!? said Jake. Oh well a death eater is a servant of Lord Voldemort. Who's Voldemort? Oh well let me start from the begining. Said Luna. All right start from scratch.Said Jake. Okay well I am a witch and er Lord Voldemort is an evil evil terribly evil person, he likes to kill people for the fun of it and well you shall no the rest. Oh Luna you explain noth- wait did you just say YOUR A WITCH!!!!!??Yes I quite as well did, do you mind? No it's just I've never met one and you know how werewolves (some of them) imprint? Yes. Well I've imprinted on someone. Who? You my love! Oh my goodness that is the most sweetest thing I've ever heard!! Ya well we catch Cackle Horned Snorkaks! said Jake. They both laughed.
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