She awakes with a severe jolt, the throbbing agony in her head makes it too real for her. Even though the pain in her head is insignificant compared to what's going on in her soul. Scanning the hospital room, trying to detect every single thing, makes her painstakingly anxious and the thought of what occurred is suffocating. A bandage is squeezing around her sore head and her right eye feels swollen. It's hard to see.
A sudden vision of that bearded man assaulting her terrorizes in her torturous mind, the image is so powerful and instantaneous it makes her scream in anguish and horror. She screams until there is a certain nothingness left in her, the raspy remains of her voice battle the surface trying to claw its way back. Everything around her darkens and three nurses grab her arms, placing her on the white bed again.
She feels too dirty to be resting on white. Too nasty. Too tainted.
"What?" She manages to whisper and one of them sits down next to her, not touching her and she appreciates it.
"Honey, you're in Barnsley Hospital. A stranger found you on the street and brought you in a couple of hours ago," The explanation makes her anxious, that stranger must've found her on the ground naked, bleeding, unconscious. The immense embarrassment floods her and is quite unexpected, it keeps progressing until she is tearing frantically at her neck with her long nails. The hopelessness in her actions is apparent to the nurse. His whiskey tongue licking her. She claws harder. His stubby fingers in her hair. She pulls the roots.
The nurse grabs her arms instantly and efficiently stops her actions, "You're okay now, no one can hurt you here."
She shakes her achy head as tears fall helplessly down her reddened cheeks, "Not... true."
Fresh and painful images torture her mind, not allowing her to rest for a minute. The nicotine on his voice, how his lips moved when he called her a whore the first time, how he squeezed her breasts painstakingly. Everything is a fucking reminder for her and she cannot steer away from it. The mere thought of her being a victim of rape makes her vomit onto the floor next to the bed, the two other nurses smile sorrowfully at her and clean up without any comments.
The woman next to her grabs her hand again, "Do you have anyone we can call? You didn't have any ID on you, so none of us know your name."
"Don't call," She says with a hoarse voice as tears spill. The thought of anyone knowing what happened makes her so ashamed, she is dirty and needs a long shower to rinse him off. His sweat, his saliva, his semen. OFF!
"No one deserves to go through this alone and you aren't over 18, are you?" The smile on her lips helps a little bit. It brings her back to reality.
"I'm 15," She whispers and shakes her head sadly. Fifteen was the age of which a stranger forcefully stole her virginity, he took it away from her, and here she is, having to struggle with everything that entails.
A face of concern washes over the nurse, she seems incredibly empathetic. "I'm so sorry, honey."
Not wanting to utter a word, a heavy silence stretches between the two of them. The nurse not wanting to pressure her too much, and feeling horrific for the damage done to her body now. The girl weeping inside, trying to make sense of what she did wrong, none of it made sense to her. She was at the party for an hour before leaving, she barely communicated with anyone. Why was it her fault? What did she do wrong?
"Can I please call your parents?" The nurse asks.
Shaking her head, "No."
A look of anguish from the nurse, "Who do you want me to call?"
"My brother," The little girl says and shivers by the thought of him knowing what happened to her, once again a wave of shame pressures her onto the bed.
"What's his name?"
"Elijah Black."
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