!WARNING! - Sexual abusive scene, viewer discretion is HIGHLY advised. PLEASE do not read if you can't, know your limits. I also want to point out that I do not nor will I ever glorify a topic such as sexual assault, but it is happening and there needs to be more awareness! Please read at your own risk.
Feeling the painful bruise forming underneath his harsh hands, she clutches her eyes tightly not wanting to see the reality of what is happening. Her mind cannot comprehend how an uncomplicated party ended up with her being thrown onto the cold and unforgiving concrete, with a man forcefully gripping her and instantly licking his way down her neck. Her frantic eyes desperately look around trying to find an escape, trying to find someone, fucking anything!
Squirming around in his steel grip again, she desperately slaps at his unmoving chest before delivering a slap to the left side of his filthy bearded face. The cruel stench of whiskey invades her mind when he grabs her jaw in an iron grip and forces his dirty lips onto hers, the horrified whimpers leaving her are uncontrolled. Thick tears run down her flushed cheeks and her hoarse voice decides to scream again when he forcibly discards her skirt entirely.
"Shut the fuck up, whore," He spits and the smell of nicotine wafts over her crying face. Her screaming heart is pounding brutally in her chest, willing her to protect the remains of it, willing her to do something. But she doesn't. Every rational thought abandons her on the cold concrete when he removes his pants, the relentless pain from him roughly entering her forces even more traitorous tears to trickle down her achy cheeks.
Closing her eyes she hopelessly tries to imagine herself at home, at peace, where this isn't occurring. She would be happy and satisfied, scrolling through her Instagram and laughing at all of the meme pages. Her attempted focus dissolves slightly, but she insists it keeps up with the imaginary world. Please! Fluffy socks! Wearing those on her cold feet. Rubbing feet together and making that odd feeling. Hair in a bun! Scrunchie on her hand! Tea on the nightstand next to-
His stubby fingers suddenly curl in her hair and slam her head onto the ground, the pain so relentless and horrific she weeps. The wickedness of his stare comes closer and he bites down on her ear, painfully, "Don't appreciate it too much, slut. Look at me."
She can't do it. The simplicity of opening her eyes will make all of this a jarring reality, it will ensure that she will forever be horrifyingly corrupted by his sharp whiskey tongue, by his thick and forceful hands, by the absolute monster who just robbed her virginity. This reality is too fucking unforgiving. She will become a victim of rape, he will become her rapist. Opening her eyes will fuck with everything positive in her life. She cannot do it.
Her insides are burning, scorching, ripped, he takes everything he can, and more. She is a naked mess on the floor, the hopeless remains of her willing her to do something. Please do something. A horrifying stinging abruptly hits across her right cheek where his fist just made contact, "I didn't fucking bring you out here to look at you close your eyes. Open. Them!"
"No..." She whimpers and closes them even tighter, she doesn't want to open her red eyes and see the sinister lust shining behind his stare, the feeling of power this revolting adult finds in raping an innocent girl. Some part of her is disturbed that she couldn't fight him off, she used every possible method in the book, kicking him roughly between the legs, poking his eyes with nails. He got to her anyway.
Once again he violently slams her head onto the solid ground, this time she feels a hot liquid trickling down her scalp, making her hair wet. The disorientation makes her head spin, the pain subsides and some part of her is scarily grateful for the uncomplicated and easy distraction of passing out. Please take me away, please make me unaware, she weepingly begs her mind. Her worn and bloody body listens and as his sweaty frame keeps moving in and out of her, she tilts her flushed face to the side and slowly drifts away in the distraction her body extends.
"Shame I didn't get to see those beautiful green eyes of yours, tramp," He snorts against her head, the saliva on his tongue flies onto her curly hair and she would feel disgusted if it wasn't for the fact that her mind is gradually leaving. Consciousness draining out of her scorched skin with every breath she takes. Pain fading from her mind. Until the only feeling left in her is the light throbbing on the back of her head. Darkness consumes her.
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