My hand is on fire by the smaller one hugging it, Dakota interlaced our fingers one mile back and the touch is more than welcome. The two of us are nearing a favorite spot of mine, branches are breaking underneath my weight as we walk through the woods. The wind picks up lightly when we finally enter an open field filled with flowers, the burst of colors feels so contradictory to the darkness of the woods surrounding it.
"This is so beautiful, Lij," She speaks and steps into my line of sight. Her eyes are widened and the light tint to her cheeks from the coldness of the night makes her so attractive. "I love flowers."
Laughing at her thinking this was news to me, "I know, love. This is what I would refer to as my childhood home."
A movement of confusion flashes across her face by my words, but she decides not to mention it. The moon illuminates her beautiful features and I find myself compelled by how her eyes are holding me captive. This is too fucking much, but some part of myself can't stop, it's impossible to have control around Dakota.
"If I didn't trust you this much, I would be freaking out right now. You did just carry me deep into the woods," Her laugh carries through the air and I join in on instinct.
"You must actually mean that somewhere in that brain of yours, otherwise, you wouldn't mention it," My teasing is received with an offended gasp from her before she slaps my chest lightly.
"You're probably the person I trust the most right now," The words make my eyes widen and she smiles at me. "Surprise?" She adds in a feeble attempt at gaining some courage back.
"Likewise, love," I smile in pure honesty and grab her soft cheeks, leaving a lingering kiss on her lips. Her body relaxes against mine and my lips slowly move against hers, she reciprocates my advances and grips my hair in her hands. The sweet taste of her on my tongue is enough to leave me panting for more, the way her full lips follow the lead of mine. When a sexy sigh falls from her, I have to pull back before I do anything rash.
It takes her a second to return to herself and when she does her fingers interlaces with mine. She urges me forward and is careful not to ruin any of the delicate flowers, "How did you even manage to find it? We're so far away from the road."
"Yeah, I mean, well... My mother wasn't the greatest mom," I start as we sit down on a space in the middle of the field, the flowers are surrounding us and I immediately feel at home. The pause that follows my words is heavy, but I want to tell her these things, "She never managed to make time for us and when she started using drugs, I had to find an outlet of some sort. In the middle of the night, I ran away from home and through the woods only to find this field. Ever since this has been my place of comfort whenever she relapsed or threatened either Tilly or me."
She's sitting cross-legged right in front of me, her hands fiddling with one of mine. The sadness hiding behind her eyes isn't necessary, but I know it won't do her any good to point it out. She is an empathetic person at heart. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Elijah, no one deserves something even close to what you've gone through. Parents should be here to protect us, they should be here to love us unconditionally. Unfortunately, some of them have given up on that privilege."
I shake my head, "Don't be sorry, love. This is also part of the reason for me fighting for custody, my mother wants Tilly to move under her roof and I refuse to let that happen. My sister won't ever be living with that disappointment of a parent."
"Thank you for opening up to me, Lij. I really do appreciate that you trust me enough for this," The honesty in her eyes throws me off. It's only now I realize that she is the first person I've ever opened up to like this, no one knows anything about this field, except for this beautifully freckled girl right in front of me. She has no idea what she's doing to me, but I can't bring myself to stop it. This feels too fucking amazing. "Also, I'll fight this fight with you. You're not alone in it."
Grabbing her hand, I pull it to my lips and leave a simple kiss on her knuckles, "I believe you, and I truly do appreciate it."
She smiles at me and suddenly flings her body in my direction, her arms circle around my neck, and mine land comfortably around her waist before both of us are slammed onto the ground. I laugh at her antics and guide some of her hair away from her face, she is now laying on top of me and the action makes it difficult for me to focus. "What was that for?" I laugh.
She beams down at me, "I don't know, something came over me I guess."
The sight of her laughing on top of me, makes my heart pound in my chest. My eyes fall to her lips and a strain goes straight to my crotch, "I want to kiss you so fucking much right now, love."
Her beautiful eyes widen by my words and she smiles shyly, "Then kiss me."
Not wasting a second, I grab her cheeks and guide her face down to mine. Finally, within reach, my lips land on hers, and an immediate shiver goes down my back. Our lips move in a perfect symphony, trying to see who will take dominance and her granting it to me. My tongue caresses her lower lip and she kisses me deeply, the feeling of having her move on top of me and kissing me with so much passion. It makes it hard for me to stay in control.
And this is exactly how the two of us ended up making out in the middle of my favorite field in Barnsley. If I don't watch out I'll burn my hands very badly with her, every part of me desperately wants to be with her, and the simple act of seeing her smile can make my whole fucking day.
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