Dakota opens the door and gives me a big sheepish smile, her arms carrying at least five heavy books and three grocery bags filled to the brim. Her big glasses are perched onto her nose and a few strands of hair have escaped the bun on top of her head. The sight of her flushed cheeks and widened eyes makes me smile as I try to sit up on the couch in my living room.
"No," She states and hurries in my direction throwing the books and bags in front of me. "I brought some snacks, Tilly told me that she would be out tonight and she has been babysitting you for four weeks, after all. It's my turn now."
I smirk at her and shake my head, "And yet you've been here every single day, love."
She scoffs in humor and points towards the door, "Well, excuse me, I can leave if you'd like?"
I grab her wrist and guide her down next to me, gently supporting her jaw with my hand, I give her a simple kiss and the breath is knocked out of my body. "I don't want you to leave."
She smiles and grabs a snack from the bag, "Good because I wouldn't either way, these snacks are meant to be eaten by the two of us so you might as well get to it."
Nothing I say will assure her that I'm okay, it feels like my lung and rib has healed perfectly, there is little to no strain for me to move around anymore. Tilly and Dakota have been amazing at taking care of me, but they don't need to, I feel absolutely fine. Unfortunately, they follow the doctor's orders and I'm still on house arrest until we've passed six weeks. These past weeks have given me the opportunity to enjoy Dakota's company, her happy self has been by my side every day and I'm so appreciative.
I know it terrified her seeing me like that in the ring, but that doesn't indicate that she has to take care of me like this. When I told her this she got quite angry, apparently, she enjoys being here and she even brings her homework to ready herself for school. Our therapy sessions have been postponed until I feel better and we're so close to the end of her internship and my sessions. It freaks me out, not knowing whether I will get full custody of Tilly in the long run. It fucking terrifies me.
Having Dakota here has been a fantastic distraction, I've wanted her here and looked forward to seeing her. Tilly has enjoyed having another girl in the apartment, clearly, the two of them are hellbent on downvoting me in all of our discussions. They are stuck together like glue and I find it humorous.
Looking at the girl who makes my heart skip a beat, she laughs at a scene in The Office and it tugs at my mouth. I'm fucking whipped, it's insane. "Did you see that, Lij?" She asks and points to the scene with a laugh bubbling out of her throat.
Focusing on the TV I see Pam trying to calm everyone in the office down whilst very pregnant, this series has been our entertainment for the night. Dakota doesn't want to put a strain on me by having sex, the doctor ordered me to relax for at least six weeks and she is so terribly orderly at everything she does. Including this.
"Do you even know where Tilly went tonight?" I ask her, the thought suddenly popping into my mind.
She nods, "To some party with her best friend, she promised to stay out of trouble."
Laughing, "Tilly in trouble, I don't think that day will come, ever."
"Me neither," Dakota laughs and leans into my body, cuddling up to my side. "But I'll take it."
I guide a piece of her hair behind her ear, "Are we supposed to pick her up then?"
"Nope," She shakes her head in the limited range. "She can stay there for the night, I'm only a little nervous at the thought of her sleeping in a house filled with drunk people."
"You were the exact same in high school, you know?" I smile down at her, admiring how worried she is about my sister.
"That's why I can say these things," She says and tilts her head to look at me, her grey irises gazing into mine. "I'm quite concerned, I know, but her safety is important to me."
"Worrying will give you wrinkles, love," I joke and say the sentence I've heard her say on multiple occasions in high school.
"Won't you find me attractive with wrinkles? Personally, I feel like it would suit me very well," The tone of teasing on her tongue is intriguing.
I raise an eyebrow at her as my thumb caresses her cheek, "Don't really know if old age is my thing."
She scoffs at me with a smile and rolls her eyes, "Please, I'm only 21. You have one year on me."
"Incredible how lucky I get, catching myself such a young woman, huh?" She laughs at my words and pushes at my chest lightly. I grab her hand and the sudden pause in her movements is very obvious, her widened eyes fall to my lips as she licks her own quickly. The sight of her full and wet lips drives me crazy, this is fucking impossible. I cannot stay away from her.
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