Summer Camp Plus Bakugou and Terresa's Been Kidnapped
Afton-Emily Royal Household: Willow Marionette Afton-Emily, Henry John Emily-Afton, Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily a.k.a Ennard, Eliza Rosemary Afton-Emily, Beth Laura Afton-Emily, Elizabeth Bluebell Afton-Emily, Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a NM. Fredbear, Charlotte 'Charlie' Violet Emily-Afton, Samuel 'Sammy' David Emily-Afton, Henry John Emily-Afton Jr, William Oliver Afton-Emily and Olivia Lilly Afton-Emily.
Michelle and Elijah's Household: Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Cassie Jane Afton-Emily, Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Harold William Afton-Emily, David Henry Afton-Emily, Willow Odette Afton-Emily II, Kaleb Christopher Afton-Emily, Calypso Annabeth Afton-Emily, Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Elijah Michael Afton-Emily, Noah Terrence Afton-Emily, Christiana Kelly Afton-Emily, Caetana Rosy Afton-Emily, Cosima Cosmos Afton-Emily and Cybill Venus Afton-Emily.
Elizabeth and Gabriel's Household: Elizabeth Bluebell Anderson nee Afton-Emily, Gabriel Lucius Anderson, Gabriel Lucas Anderson and Harmonia Ariel Anderson.
Gregory and Cassidy's Household: Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Christopher Even Afton-Emily II and Cassia Chikao Afton-Emily.
Christopher, Ethanoates and Athonites's Household: Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a NM. Fredbear, Kimberly Jane Afton-Emily, Kimberlee Jean Afton-Emily and Kathit Katoh Afton-Emily.
Cassie's Household: Cassie Jane Afton-Emily, Skylar Rio Afton-Emily, Jackson Tyler Afton-Emily, April Fleur Afton-Emily, Dorothy Karley Afton-Emily, May Solae Afton-Emily and Lunar Starla Afton-Emily.
Jeremy and Fritz and Elijah's Household: Jeremy Fredrick Davis nee Brown, Fritz Mikal Davis, Elijah Michael Afton-Emily, Evan Samuel Macbeth, Fred Daniel Jackson, George Castle Swiftian, Rebecca Tea Lionheart, Markus Edward Markiplier and Bella Melody Potter.
Susie and Kaleb's Household: Susie Asthana Afton-Emily nee Williamson, Kaleb Christopher Afton-Emily, Snowy Anna Afton-Emily, Samuel Davis Afton-Emily, Akko Rainy Afton-Emily, Jean Rouge Afton-Emily, Winter Willow Afton-Emily, James Leo Afton-Emily, Jamie Aaron Afton-Emily and Kaleb Carter Afton-Emily Jr.
Terresa and Renato's family: Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily Jr a.k.a NM. Bonnie JR, Evenly Pennie Afton-Emily, Johnathan Adrien Afton-Emily and Clarissa Barnette Afton-Emily.
Terresa warns her kids to behave for their babysitters making them to agree as NM. Bonnie went with her as he needs to keep an eye on her making her to give him a squeeze which has him calm making him to wonder how Nightmare and NM. Fredbear handle their shared husband as Elijah got added to Jeremy and Fritz's relationship and he's the dom.
Everyone got to the summer camp after dealing with Pixie-Bob's Earth Monsters cause of her Quirk making Terresa to freeze a path with the camp making them to all run through it and then she allows Shoto to melt it as it went underground to keep from exposing the camp site which helps out a lot.
Ashido, Uraraka and Jirou managed to keep their children with them, but it's going to be difficult now making them to know they need to ask for help, but can't as they'll lose them making to think of a different way as they can't keep this up, not to mention they're pregnant again and are so going to be having a hard time.
Terresa trains and Kelsey managed to figure out more of his own Quirk making Aizawa to see results and they're way ahead of the others including Hitoshi, Shoto, Kaminari and Pony as Vlad King fully complains Pony was suppose to be in his class, not Aizawa's making Nezu to get him to stop fully complaining about it.
Kaminari was getting better at his Quirk that no one made fun of him at all making him to wonder more as Terresa's always giving him new ideas to use for his Quirk like Shoto. Uraraka aw the wolf and it's watching as she trains making her to know the wolf is waiting, but when she told him she's pregnant again, he was trilled.
Ashido and Jirou's also pregnant again making them to freak and keep it from the teachers as they need to be careful while training now making them to avoid anything taxing which works making them to keep it up, but on the last day, they got attacked making the wolf to kill the Nomus which got Uraraka to calm, but she got attacked.
Her hands were pinned to the ground be a knife making her to wiggle before her shirt and bra were torn making her to also be blindfolded before she felt someone sucking on her nipples at the same time making her to freak as she's also gag making her to hate this even more so before she felt something pressed again her and she freaks even more.
The wolf shows up in time and rips them to sherds making Uraraka to feel the wolf's tongue down before as he licks her making her to moan before he used his mouth to pull the knife out as he steps onto her wrist to do so and she sits up before removing the blindfold making her to see the dead body parts.
"I'm not going to ask." Uraraka said as she grabs her jacket and zippers it up making the wolf to poke his nose at her stomach.
"They're fine, I promise." Uraraka said making him to rub against her which she gave him a good ear scratching for this. Ashido and Jioru were safe including the babies as Uraraka's were with them fully. All three trust each other to look after the babies making her to wonder why Villains are here as they wolf picks her up and brings her back.
Terresa managed to keep many safe and when she saw Bakugou getting kidnapped, she also got kidnapped which works for her as she managed to get Kelsey to get everything ready in her spot as she sent her location to them and they got everything set to get the L.O.V leader out of there making Kelsey and Devon to have fun.
Terresa stays calm and wasn't tied up making her to keep this calm look as she knows they want them to join, but no luck thank you very much making them to hate this before All Might came a Kool-Aid Man smashing through the wall as the door's taking out as well, too. Terresa had to shake her head at him.
"Seriously? A Kool-Aid Man Body Smash through the walls? I'm surprised you're not get copyrighted for that right now actually." Terresa said as All Might rubs the back of his head at that before both her and Bakugou were teleported to someone with grey liquids coming from their mouth making her to look at the person for that.
"Rude. And the answer is still no to joining." Terresa tells him as he doesn't care as he went to steal her Quirk, but he attacks with not her Quirk, but her dead abilities, her dead powers making him to be badly hurt by this shocking Bakugou as this is too much for him before horns came and took him away fast.
Terresa's riding on one of them like a surfer as another one took the blue hair man away as well, too making many to be shocked before he was knocked out by Hitoshi and gloves are on his hands as he's tied up making Bakugou to be shocked at this before he saw Nana in the back as she holds the crusty like he's her child or something.
All Might had All For One by the balls as he's losing to him and All For One needs his successor back making him to be angry before he got defeated and taken to Tartarus with the L.O.V also captured making many to cheer before Dabi, a member of L.O.V asked where Endeavor is and all he got was he's in Tartarus which was shocking him.
Kelsey and Devon got back to U.A and dropped Nana off as Hound Dog welcomes her back and then they dropped Bakugou off at his home and then they went home themselves making Jake and Andrew to be laughing as All For One lost hugely against All Might which has Terresa shaking her head at this as All Might doing that much damage to All For One is no joke.
'Well, looks like we got the mission done and no fails even happen while doing it.' Terresa thinks as she's fine with her family coming over to see her now making NM. Bonnie to know Michelle's going to kill him which Terresa won't allow as they need him making him to jump and go fully human as he stares shocked at her.
"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" Cheers from the children were heard as Terresa nods making him to spin her around as this is good news making Kelsey, Andrew, Devon and Jake to smile as Hitoshi, Pony and Shoto will help out when needed which Terresa accepts as it's time for Andrew and Jake's date tomorrow and she ahs it all setup making them to worry.
And they did. Tuxedo suits, hairs fixed to perfection and the restaurant's a five star one making them to worry, but Terresa has it booked and paid for up to five thousand Yens making them to feel like she's going too far for them as they enjoy their meal and chat making them to feel better about this as no one can stop them.
Terresa had booked it a month ago to make it easier on them which has them shivering as she needs to stop making their dates to be grand which she looks at them blank and simple told them "No." making them to hang their heads as Kelsey and Devon's were also the same as theirs was the day after theirs making them to blush as it's a different five star restaurant.
Ashido's home and she places the babies down in their cribs before she's pounced onto making her to be thrusted into and suckled on since she has her bedroom door shut making her to be on her beanbag chair making her hands to be fully underneath her lower back as two pillows has somehow got underneath her hands making her to be more lifted up.
The two headed rabbit of a fox moves their heads up and down as they suckled onto her making her to be stuck as they mate with her again making her to be moaning and panting from this as the beanbag chair is moving the beans inside of it as she's lowered down cause of this making her to be low, but at the same time high cause of the pillows.
The two headed rabbit of a fox kept mating with her until the babies need her making it to be the same thing until summer camp making Ashido to have enough as she faints after the third break as Ashido's trapped in the same position after looking after the babies making her to hate this as she's still thrusted into be the two headed rabbit of a fox.
Jirou's home and the French bulldog follows her to her room as she had finished feeding her babies and placed them in their cribs before laying down on her bed making him to pounce and thrust into her as she took a shower and forgot to dry off or place p.js on making him to get her as she moans and pants making her to be stuck as two pillows' is under her lower back.
Jirou wakes up as it's been four hours making her to get up to feed the babies before she's back on the bed to sleep, but the French bulldog pounces making Jirou to be trapped as the pillows are still underneath her lower back making him to get good and deep inside of her making her to feel the knot before he turns around making her to come as well, too.
Jirou faints after the third break making her to be thrusted into still making her to be stuck as the French bulldog mates with her continuously until the babies need her to feed, clean or change their dippers making the French bulldog to have her to himself fully for the time being a she knots up and turns around making him to cumpies her as she comes as well, too.
Uraraka's back in her apartment and places the babies down before the wolf pounce and mates with her making her to freak as he thrusts into her making them to be stuck together as he didn't turn around when he knots up as he kept thrusting somehow making her to feel the knot to be moving inside of her as they cum together.
It's back to how it was before summer camp making her to faint until the babies need her making the wolf to mate with her as it seems the previous owners had someone brainwash this into their minds including the French bulldog and the two headed rabbit of a fox were also the same making the girls to be stuck good cause of their previous owners' actions.
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