Overhaul's In Hell, School Festival and Jiro's Giving Birth
Afton-Emily Royal Household: Willow Marionette Afton-Emily, Henry John Emily-Afton, Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily a.k.a Ennard, Eliza Rosemary Afton-Emily, Beth Laura Afton-Emily, Elizabeth Bluebell Afton-Emily, Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a NM. Fredbear, Charlotte 'Charlie' Violet Emily-Afton, Samuel 'Sammy' David Emily-Afton, Henry John Emily-Afton Jr, William Oliver Afton-Emily and Olivia Lilly Afton-Emily.
Michelle and Elijah's Household: Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Cassie Jane Afton-Emily, Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Harold William Afton-Emily, David Henry Afton-Emily, Willow Odette Afton-Emily II, Kaleb Christopher Afton-Emily, Calypso Annabeth Afton-Emily, Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Elijah Michael Afton-Emily, Noah Terrence Afton-Emily, Christiana Kelly Afton-Emily, Caetana Rosy Afton-Emily, Cosima Cosmos Afton-Emily and Cybill Venus Afton-Emily.
Elizabeth and Gabriel's Household: Elizabeth Bluebell Anderson nee Afton-Emily, Gabriel Lucius Anderson, Gabriel Lucas Anderson, Harmonia Ariel Anderson, Ronald Victor Anderson, Fleur Maka Anderson, Andy Wattyl Anderson, Mia Jackeline Anderson, Preston William Anderson, Dolly Taylor Anderson, Jerald Henry Anderson and Cher Daisy Anderson.
Gregory and Cassidy's Household: Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Christopher Even Afton-Emily II and Cassia Chikao Afton-Emily.
Christopher, Ethanoates and Athonites's Household: Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a NM. Fredbear, Kimberly Jane Afton-Emily, Kimberlee Jean Afton-Emily and Kathit Katoh Afton-Emily.
Cassie's Household: Cassie Jane Afton-Emily, Skylar Rio Afton-Emily, Jackson Tyler Afton-Emily, April Fleur Afton-Emily, Dorothy Karley Afton-Emily, May Solae Afton-Emily and Lunar Starla Afton-Emily.
Jeremy and Fritz and Elijah's Household: Jeremy Fredrick Davis nee Brown, Fritz Mikal Davis, Elijah Michael Afton-Emily, Evan Samuel Macbeth, Fred Daniel Jackson, George Castle Swiftian, Rebecca Tea Lionheart, Markus Edward Markiplier and Bella Melody Potter.
Susie and Kaleb's Household: Susie Asthana Afton-Emily nee Williamson, Kaleb Christopher Afton-Emily, Snowy Anna Afton-Emily, Samuel Davis Afton-Emily, Akko Rainy Afton-Emily, Jean Rouge Afton-Emily, Winter Willow Afton-Emily, James Leo Afton-Emily, Jamie Aaron Afton-Emily and Kaleb Carter Afton-Emily Jr.
Terresa and Renato's family: Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily Jr a.k.a NM. Bonnie JR, Evenly Pennie Afton-Emily, Johnathan Adrien Afton-Emily, Clarissa Barnette Afton-Emily, Eri Afton-Emily and Skull Ali Afton-Emily a.k.a Kid Nightmare Bonnie.
Terresa stays with Eri while the mission's underway as she needs to stay out of the spotlight to keep Eri safe from being kidnapped as Michelle gave the warning and many freaks as Terresa still wants him dead and she's busy guarding Eri in her house for two weeks making Aizawa to shake his head as he needs a raise cause of this.
Sir Nighteyes has no chose making him to think before he has Willow to join in herself making Henry to go with her as they saw Overhaul and won cause of Willow going on a killing spree making Sir Nighteyes to not regret this as he did explain and how they feel as Heroes don't kill at all and Henry explains about Terresa's belief in that.
"How smart is she?"
"No clue." Both said at the time making him to figure as much as he leaves it to Willow making her to stare before a smirk shows up on her face as she has one eye glowing purple with blackness covering her upper face as she's the Ruler of Hell for nothing as she thanks him and left making Henry to go and make sure she doesn't go over on them.
Willow has Overhaul to go through the same thing as he did to Eri and even allows Cassidy to have his soul in UCN after six or seven hundred years making Henry to lower it down to two or three hundred years as he gets Willow in bed making her to pout as many laugh at her as Henry has gotten her like when whenever she loses it.
Terresa doesn't care as she brings Eri out more and more and got her some training with her Quirk making her to learn more about it and wasn't scared of her Quirk anymore making Terresa to be pleased as she's no longer fearing what's a part of her making Terresa to be happy as her uncle Christ has a sure way of helping them.
School festival is around the corner and Terresa thought of them doing music making everyone to pick her making her to be shocked as Jirou's the better chose making many to argue with her on that as Kelsey managed to make her lose just by mentioning the sing offs in their dimension before the fusing making her to stare at him.
"Remember you sleep at my place. Sleep with one eye open, mister." Kelsey gulps as he forgot about that as Terresa had to confess onto why Kelsey never let her finished the threat in the U.S.J making them all to shiver as there's lots of story and she's one you don't ever mess with making them to shiver again at each story told.
Terresa needs a song that's normal and one that will get to people making her to worry hence why she wanted Jirou to sing instead. Terresa remembers a song that she got hooked onto and asked Jirou if she wants to do a remix of two different songs completing as one whole song making her to agree as Terresa shows the song and Jirou has it.
It the day as Terresa knows her huge family is going to be coming to watch making Nezu to have it be perfect in a build built for a whole lot of people as Gentle Criminal and La Bra were there to stop it, but they heard the voice of Terresa making them to stop and listen as they never heard a voice like hers before.
"No where to turn
No where to thide
Between a rock
And the hard place
Someone to find
I know that times are tought
Just stand and out
Putting my faith in tomorrow."
"Tried all my life, I've tried to find
Something that makes me hold on and never let go
Hero too, I am a hero too
My heart is set (my heart is set) and I won't back down
Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero
True heroes (true heroes) stand up for what they believe
So wait and see
So wait and see." Jirou sings next making many to be shocked at a duet being preformed right in front of them as it sounds next in some way.
"Holdin' every which way
So I make my own half
A deep breath and my
Best foot forward
One small step from zero
I'm not afraid cause the
World, that we want
Is right here for us to make
Just taking one small
Step to hero
I'll take the chance
And when I do
I'll be thinking of the
Same thing I always do
It's always you.." Terresa sings making many to see it a remix of two songs together and no one can believe it's two songs with the word 'Hero' being in them as Terresa feels sorry not much from Jirou's song came over making Jirou to not be mad at her.
"People will judge for no reason at all
Yeah they might try
To say your dream's dumb, don't listen
They may look down on me and count me out
I'm going my own way
They may look down on me and count me out
I'm a hero, I've got music
Hero too, I am a hero too
My heart is set and I won't back down
Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero
True heroes stand up for what they believe
Yeah I'll be." Jirou sings as this is incredible making her to feel like she's free from a whole lot of stuff making her to wonder about this as it feels like your free from everything.
"One small step from zero
I'm not afraid cause the
World, that we want
Is right here for us to make
Just taking one small
Step to hero
I'll take the chance
And when I do
I'll be thinking of the
Same thing I always do." Terresa said as she knows the last part will be together.
"I have met so many heroes in my life
Gave me the strength and courage to survive
Gave me the power to smile everyday
Now it's my turn to be the one to make you smile." Jirou's looking at Terresa who nods.
"It's always you.." Everyone cheering as that was awesome making many Jirou to blush as Terresa saw her family and they were shocked at this as she never lost her touch in fact, she's improved in them making them to wonder as this is Terresa improved and knows what to do making her to be very smart cause of this.
October sixteen and Jirou gave birth to twins again making her to breast feed them, but after she places them down into their cribs, she had gotten pounce on as it's nighttime right now making the French bulldog to thrust into her as she was about to put her p.js on making her to moan and pant as the French bulldog humps her repeatedly.
Jirou was weak from birthing the twins that she couldn't stop him as she's on her bed and he's humping her from behind making Jirou to be stuck before he knots up and turns around making him to cumpied her as she also cums as well, too. He pulls out leaving Jirou to roll onto her back, but he pounced onto her again making her to moan.
Jirou's stuck as the French bulldog thrusts into her making her to have two pillows under her lower back as it makes her be lifted up and allows him to thrust more into her as Jirou's mated repeatedly making her to pass out as he kept going back and forth of pulling out once he's done and then thrusting back into her making it to be tiring for Jirou.
Jirou is kept mating even after she passed out making him to be getting her pregnant good as even after the first shot to impregnant her, he'll keep going to increase the chances as Jirou's the only one for him making him to mate with her a lot cause of this making Jirou to be mated until the babies need her. All four of them.
Ashido's still being suckled on and being thrusted into as the two headed rabbit of a fox... They just won't stop as they're still trusting into her and sucking the breast milk out of her as her hands are trapped under her lower back with three pillows making her to be up more and feeling him standing on his high legs and still able to reach her nipples.
The chewing motions were also still there and they're also moving their heads up and down making Ashido to moan as she's unconscious right now from being mated with soo many times and they seem to know how to tug on the nipples making Ashido to moan from it louder as it's making the two headed rabbit of a fox to repeat it now over and over again.
Uraraka's out cold as the wolf mates with her making her to feel drained before he knots up and turns around as he cumpies her making Uraraka to just moan to it as the babies are going to be waking up soon, but with her out like she is, she can't feed them making the wolf to noticed this as he feels guilty for it, but the stupid thing in his head won't let him stop really.
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