MHA part 9
Afton-Emily Royal Household: Willow Marionette Afton-Emily, Henry John Emily-Afton, Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily a.k.a Ennard, Eliza Rosemary Afton-Emily, Beth Laura Afton-Emily, Elizabeth Bluebell Afton-Emily, Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a NM. Fredbear, Charlotte 'Charlie' Violet Emily-Afton, Samuel 'Sammy' David Emily-Afton, Henry John Emily-Afton Jr, William Oliver Afton-Emily and Olivia Lilly Afton-Emily.
Michelle and Elijah's Household: Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Cassie Jane Afton-Emily, Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Harold William Afton-Emily, David Henry Afton-Emily, Willow Odette Afton-Emily II, Kaleb Christopher Afton-Emily, Calypso Annabeth Afton-Emily, Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Elijah Michael Afton-Emily, Noah Terrence Afton-Emily, Christiana Kelly Afton-Emily, Caetana Rosy Afton-Emily, Cosima Cosmos Afton-Emily and Cybill Venus Afton-Emily.
Elizabeth and Gabriel's Household: Elizabeth Bluebell Anderson nee Afton-Emily, Gabriel Lucius Anderson, Gabriel Lucas Anderson and Harmonia Ariel Anderson.
Gregory and Cassidy's Household: Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Christopher Even Afton-Emily II and Cassia Chikao Afton-Emily.
Christopher, Ethanoates and Athonites's Household: Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a NM. Fredbear, Kimberly Jane Afton-Emily and Kimberlee Jean Afton-Emily.
Terresa and Renato's family: Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily Jr a.k.a NM. Bonnie JR, Evenly Pennie Afton-Emily, Johnathan Adrien Afton-Emily and Clarissa Barnette Afton-Emily.
Terresa, Kelsey, Pony and Hitoshi went has a team for the next task making many to be shocked as they only defended more so than attack making them to stay in first place cause of it making it to work out somehow thanks to Terresa as no one can beat them cause of this as they passed with Team Bakugou, Team Todoroki and Team Tetsutetsu.
Terresa went to get her team some lunch when Todoroki asked to talk to her making her to look at him as she then noticed his hair and knew what he's Quirk was as she has a even much more powerful version of it which she doesn't want him to know about as this si not going to be a good thing at all fully.
"Why do you not use your fire side? I know you also have fire powers, but why don't you use them?" Todoroki got shocked by this turn of tables as he was going to ask if she's All Might's secret love child.
"Because it's my father's power. I don't want to use his fire." Todoroki told her making her to look confused.
"And why not? It's your power, Todoroki. It's not like he controls it, right?"
"No, but he's a terrible man and I don't want to use the fire I got from him."
"Okay, and? Just because he uses his Quirk wrong, doesn't mean you should, too. I know you heard the conversation I had with Bakugou, this power isn't from me either cause the previous user gave it to me cause they trust me and knows I won't abuse it, but I decided to use them for good. So, why can't you? It makes me mad.
Break the cycle and prove the world what good fire can do." Terresa told him as she walks away with the food making Todoroki to be left shocked as he never thought of it like that as he wonder if she's related to All Might as he believes that's something All Might might say if he was younger making him to see what she means.
'I... Never thought about it that way... "Prove I can do good with this fire"? That... That I can do. I'll prove everyone I'm not like my father. I'll save everyone I can.' Todoroki thinks not aware that his father was right behind him and also heard what she said making him to think she'll make a great bride for Todoroki. Now he just needs to find her parents.
NM. Bonnie doesn't like that man making him to warn Terresa who's furies, but she kept calm as to hides she knows anything as the one vs one matches are now up making her to be up against Bakugou first making her to be liking this, but Midnight can't let her bring her stuffy with her as she battles Bakugou making her to sigh.
"Sighs Fine. Love, stay here. This won't be long." She placed him down and many saw him moving making them to freak that it's alive as she gets ready to battle Bakugou which starts fast making her to dodge and she grabbed his arm making him to be slammed to the ground before she spins as she never let go of his arm.
Terresa had thrown Bakugou out of the ring making her to be the winner making Bakugou to be pissed as she picks up NM. Bonnie making her to walk away after getting her win which has many to be shocked at her actions as they wonder how she managed that win making Bakugou to be pissed off about his lose to Terresa.
Tetsutetsu lost to Kelsey making him to not handle the fire being shot at him and Endeavor was shocked at the fire as it's like he's, but it's golden instead making him to know he never ever had cheated as he phones his oldest son and said he didn't cheat on his mother making them to see what he means as this is confusing him now.
Terresa warned Kelsey about this making him to slap his forehead as he shouldn't have done that then, but all well making Terresa to shake her head at him as they watch the rest of the matches. Kaminari was up against Ibara Shiozaki making him to lose cause of the vines wrapped around him which got Shiozaki to win.
Ashido lost to Sero making her to have a hard time as he used his tapes to swing her out of the ring which sucks making her to pout about it as Kirishima won against Iida as he grabbed him and lifted him up making him to toss Iida out of the ring making him to sigh as he needs to work harder it would seems.
Hitoshi won against Yosetsu Awase making them to fight, but Hitoshi managed to get him to talk and got him to walk out of the ring making him to be upset as he needs more training while Pony won against Yaoyorozu making her to be quick before Yaoyorozu even got the chance and then Todoroki won again Juzo Honenuki making him to pass.
Terresa, Kelsey, Shiozaki, Sero, Kirishima, Hitoshi, Pony and Todoroki got to go to the second round making there to be a break as Todoroki used his fire side and managed to avoid his father as he stays with Aizawa for protection as Present Mic helps out making Endeavor to back off fast as it's not worth it right now.
Kelsey won against Sero making him to lose big time, but Kelsey did show sportsmanship towards him making many to cheer for them before Kirishima lost to Pony making him to wonder how that had even happened as it was too fast for him to process it as many where the same thing making them to be confused by this.
Shiozaki lost to Hitoshi making her to ask 'God' for forgiveness making Terresa, Kelsey and Andrew to flinch as Henry hates when that happens making them to know once the fusing happens, he's going to have a word with her about it and then she'll lose her faith which can't happen as it'll weakening Henry if that happens making him to not care, but the Heaven does making him to sigh and just give up.
Henry still hates it even to this day making Willow to keep him busy when that happens which works out for Heaven. Terresa and Todoroki was the last match making her to give him a hard fight as she kept dodging and making him to doge, but he did get injuries that weren't too bad, but Terresa didn't get any as she dodges perfectly.
"Sorry, Todoroki. It's my win and I want to apologies for this." Todoroki and everyone else was confused until they saw her with both fire and ice as she uses the normal fire and ice making her to trap the fire in the ice and throws ten at Todoroki which explodes making him to be fully knocked out and out of the ring as everyone saw the fire and ice change colors.
They kept changing until they stopped at the cosmos one, the original color making many to freak out as that's impossible and Endeavor was even more shocked making a sorting Vigilante-turning-Villain was also shocked as he can't believe what he's seeing as Todoroki lost to a stronger version that can also change colors plus he saw Kelsey's...
"Who are they?" Kelsey, Pony, Hitoshi and Terresa made it, but the refuse to fight since they trained together making Midnight to think of something until Terresa has them doing Rock-Paper-Scissors making it fair and no hard feelings making the three to agree as pony lost, then Kelsey before it's only Terresa and Hitoshi before he also lost.
"Well, that's one way of winning the Sport Fest Festival, right Sho?" Present Mic said making Aizawa to agree with him as many don't know what to say to this at all actually. All might heads out the medals and congratulates them before ending it with "Good Job!" Than "Plus Ultra!" like the others making them to "BOO!" him for that.
Terresa, Kelsey and Andrew went home and her kids watched making them to cheer as their mother won making her to blush as she hangs the medal up in a glass case to hang the medal up on as Todoroki wants her to teach him how to use his Quirk properly as Kaminari wants her to do the same since the colors could mean other elements are mixed in.
'Ahhh shit! I'm a teacher now!' Terresa thinks as she agrees with Kelsey being there to watch for safety.
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