Afton-Emily Royal Household: Willow Marionette Afton-Emily, Henry John Emily-Afton, Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily a.k.a Ennard, Eliza Rosemary Afton-Emily, Beth Laura Afton-Emily, Elizabeth Bluebell Afton-Emily, Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a NM. Fredbear, Charlotte 'Charlie' Violet Emily-Afton, Samuel 'Sammy' David Emily-Afton, Henry John Emily-Afton Jr, William Oliver Afton-Emily and Olivia Lilly Afton-Emily.
Michelle and Elijah's Household: Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Cassie Jane Afton-Emily, Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Harold William Afton-Emily, David Henry Afton-Emily, Willow Odette Afton-Emily II, Kaleb Christopher Afton-Emily, Calypso Annabeth Afton-Emily, Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Elijah Michael Afton-Emily, Noah Terrence Afton-Emily, Christiana Kelly Afton-Emily, Caetana Rosy Afton-Emily, Cosima Cosmos Afton-Emily and Cybill Venus Afton-Emily.
Elizabeth and Gabriel's Household: Elizabeth Bluebell Anderson nee Afton-Emily, Gabriel Lucius Anderson, Gabriel Lucas Anderson and Harmonia Ariel Anderson.
Gregory and Cassidy's Household: Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Christopher Even Afton-Emily II and Cassia Chikao Afton-Emily.
Christopher, Ethanoates and Athonites's Household: Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a NM. Fredbear, Kimberly Jane Afton-Emily, Kimberlee Jean Afton-Emily and Kathit Katoh Afton-Emily.
Cassie's Household: Cassie Jane Afton-Emily, Skylar Rio Afton-Emily, Jackson Tyler Afton-Emily, April Fleur Afton-Emily, Dorothy Karley Afton-Emily, May Solae Afton-Emily and Lunar Starla Afton-Emily.
Jeremy and Fritz's Household: Jeremy Fredrick Davis nee Brown, Fritz Mikal Davis, Evan Samuel Macbeth, Fred Daniel Jackson, George Castle Swiftian, Rebecca Tea Lionheart, Markus Edward Markiplier (AN: Not related to Markiplier) and Bella Melody Potter (AN: Not related to Harry Potter).
Susie and Kaleb's Household: Susie Asthana Afton-Emily nee Williamson, Kaleb Christopher Afton-Emily, Snowy Anna Afton-Emily, Samuel Davis Afton-Emily, Akko Rainy Afton-Emily, Jean Rouge Afton-Emily, Winter Willow Afton-Emily, James Leo Afton-Emily, Jamie Aaron Afton-Emily and Kaleb Carter Afton-Emily Jr.
Terresa and Renato's family: Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily Jr a.k.a NM. Bonnie JR, Evenly Pennie Afton-Emily, Johnathan Adrien Afton-Emily and Clarissa Barnette Afton-Emily.
Terresa got the message and allows Kelsey to send the address as there's a secret rout everyone working in the amusement park takes to go down here as some stay as the nightguards to it to keep it safe as she wants to wait two months for allow them to get use to their new dimension as it's a lot to take in and many need to get use to it.
Nezu gave two weeks off making many to agree as all students were at home making Ashido, Uraraka and Jirou to be tortured as all three are showing their signs making the animals to see it only as the canines kept thrusting into the anus while Ashido's suckled on making her to be losing energy cause of it like Jirou as Uraraka sleeps.
But the wolf thrusts into her while she's asleep making her to moan and didn't wake up until after mating number six usually making her to be kneeing and on her hands making him to thrust into her at a better angel which has her trapped. Jirou's on her bed and the French bulldog's trusting into her as she's on her right hip.
Ashido's in the beanbag chair as the two headed rabbit of a fox suckles onto her nipples with chewing motions making her to be moaning as they activated their Quirks again making Ashido to hate this as her hands were behind her making her to hate this as the beanbag's backwards some as she had fixed it away from the wall for only an hour.
Ashido thinks they were waiting to for that as she has it underneath her as her back's on the beanbag chair making them to pounce onto her there and then as they have a good angel to suckle from her making her to hate this as her hands are trapped underneath her butt which ahs her making them go numb as they suckle on her.
The previous users of One For All were getting use to being around the alive as they can't marry or date anyone alive and must make sure they're dead like them and if they're powerful, they'll age every ten ages or else they're stuck at the age they're at making them to nod as the first user explains about his older twin brother to them as they take turns explaining.
All Might has it being speech-to-text making it easier as they also include their names, Quirks, date of birth and date of death making it easier and then they tried to figure out about All For One with Aizawa being there since he's part of the plan to make this easier for them to end him once and for all.
"And you gave it to problem child?" Aizawa asked as he wants to bang his head on the table for this.
"Yes. She has it at fifty percent right now, but seems to have another Quirk." Terresa didn't even explain about being from another dimension or being dead making Yoichi to slap his forehead at this.
"Can't believe she kept it a secret since she showed up here." Yoichi said as everyone looks towards him.
"What's wrong, first user?" All Might asked as he doesn't get it making him to be confused by this fully.
"Afton-Emily Terresa's from another dimension and is one hundred percent dead and since the other dimension got fused with our dimension, it has to be her dimension since it's called the FNAF's dimension, she's an Afton though and though, but who's her parents?" All Might was shocked as he wonders why she didn't mention anything.
"Couldn't talk about it, couldn't talk about being dead, couldn't date or marry anyone who's alive and can't let scientist to find out or else they'll experiment on her. Powerful ones age every ten years making her to be very powerful cause of this as only powerful ones would know about this fully." Yoichi said making All Might to nod as she has to obey the law.
"We were brought back before the fusing meaning we're safe for now until the Rulers finds us as they will have us obey the laws to keep us safe from scientists experimenting on us to figure out how we're immortal." Nana said making them to agree as this is going to be a hard thing for them all and All Might has his back inside of him.
"So, twenty-one-fifty-nine is when she'll be sixteen physically then. We'll ask her of one of the flames from her Quirk is immortal flames and have her use that to hide her state and explain this is how she's immortal and aging very slowing physically." Nezu said making them to agree as Kelsey's the same as her making them to hope they'll going to be safe.
'Which FNAF's dimension fused with our dimension?' They all think making them to wonder as all the books have the information about it and a Michelle Afton-Emily was mentioned making them to know which FNAF's dimension fused with theirs, but her mother is Willow Afton-Emily who's dead husband took her last name making them to figure it out a bit more.
Hitoshi and Pony gets to see Terresa's home and her kids making Pony to play with the three younger ones as she had find while Hitoshi talks with Jake and Devon making Kelsey and Andrew to be jealous of him making Terresa to laugh as this is too funny making Christ to see it as well, too since she has the laptop showing those six only.
"Two months should be enough as we got two weeks off to get use to the new changes making it easier and I should have you warn grandma and grandpa that some souls aren't in neither Hell or Heaven as some dead children possess their favorite animals that I made for them all as animatronics with six from One For All to deal with All For One."
"Yeah, I can warn them for you. Oh! Shadow Chica went to do it faster for me. Makes it easier, but it seems she likes to cook for us all and I didn't mind, but I do want to cook sometimes making her to agree to it." Terresa laughs as Shadow Chica and the other Shadow Animatronics, but Foxy will do anything for Christ. Shadow Foxy has his elder sister's soul inside of it.
"How's my siblings?" Terresa asked as she missed them all greatly, but two more months of waiting is fine.
"Gregory married Cassidy and has two kids. I got raped and looking after a son named Kathit Katoh Afton-Emily. Cassie got raped six times and had singles. They're named Skylar Rio Afton-Emily, Jackson Tyler Afton-Emily, April Fleur Afton-Emily, Dorothy Karley Afton-Emily, May Solae Afton-Emily and Lunar Starla Afton-Emily.
Jeremy and Fritz got married and has six adoptive children named Evan Samuel Macbeth, Fred Daniel Jackson, George Castle Swiftian, Rebecca Tea Lionheart, Markus Edward Markiplier and Bella Melody Potter with Elijah being added in and both got rapped multiplying times making him to slaughter them all.
Susie and Kaleb got married with eight children named Snowy Anna Afton-Emily, Samuel Davis Afton-Emily, Akko Rainy Afton-Emily, Jean Rouge Afton-Emily, Winter Willow Afton-Emily, James Leo Afton-Emily, Jamie Aaron Afton-Emily and Kaleb Carter Afton-Emily Jr.
Noah and Millie are still dating until the time's right and are getting stronger throughout the years together. The others no luck with partners." Christ said making her to feel bad for them as that's not right for them to be alone like that. Terresa noticed the signs of abused on Todoroki and she kidnaps him not caring if he sees, she kidnapped him.
"Afton-Emily?" Todoroki asked as he's shocked she's kidnapping him as she tends to his injuries and looks after him making her to not have human eyes as they're her eyes in her true state dark green irises with a black dote in the middle and black spectra eyes, but there's red wide slits going through the middle of her eyes from top to bottom.
"Next time your father touches you, I'm going to kill him." Terresa warns him as he nods and feels safe for the first time making him to sleep as Terresa warns the group of six that she's the leader of making them to be pissed as Hitoshi's also the same, but both cause of his Quirk making Terresa to offer him rooming which he accepts.
Kelsey follows and helps bring all of his stuff to Terresa's underground city for the rooming making him to love it as it's better than staying with his sperm donor and incubator parents as he can't see them as his parents anymore. Terresa managed to get officer Tsukauchi's phone number and warns him about her threat to Endeavor plus Hitoshi's parents' abuse.
"Thanks. And no killing Endeavor. You also sent picture of the injuries which will help with the case against Endeavor."
"I believe it's been like this since Todoroki's been young. Five I think and his hatetrise towards his sperm donor got worse after putting his wife in the mental hospital after she pulled hot water over his left eye cause of a nervous mental break down. Think he abused her as well, too since she kept getting in the way saving Todoroki."
"Thanks. Information's been added in. We'll have Eraserhead help us out by stopping his Quirk with water-type Quirks to be on the safe side of this." Terresa thanks him and hangs up making Kelsey to know she hates abusers and this is the worse case ever that she has ever seen in her life as Todoroki's was the worse one yet.
Terresa saw on the news of Endeavor's arrest for child abuse, child solider training, domestic abuse to wife and child neglection of eldest child with child neglection of his two other children making Todoroki to be free as Endeavor lost his Hero license and was thrown into Tartarus shocking everyone as Hawks went up as temporary number two.
Terresa was satisfied as Todoroki's stuff was brought over to her place making him to have a housing of his own making him to feel much more safer and sound as he saw cook books on how to cook making him to see it's for beginners which will help him learn how to cook from it as he'll be looking after himself now.
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