FNAF's part 6
The hospital managed to keep Willow alive for seven years before her heart gave out making Michelle to go over as she gently coats her mother's soul out and into her body as she has a special place for her as she needs to keep her close and after saying her last words, she left and went to Freddy Fazebear Frights making her to turn to see Springtrap there.
She built her like SpringBonnie, but broken making her to place her mother's soul inside and asked them to watch over her for her as she heads home making her to cry in the bathroom as she has gained demon horns on her head with a tail of a lantern demon. Michelle would have transformed even more if her children didn't save her.
She then remembers she has them and her papa Henry and her triplet siblings calmed her down making her to calm down and continue making the transformation to fully stop as she has family to protect and be there for them as she's needed by them and she's not going to leave them behind ever which calms Henry down greatly.
Henry got shot protecting his family in the year twenty-oh-six making Michelle to be shocked as she's sortingly pregnant with baby number seven as she got raped four more times and they're all singles making her to hate this as she had to ask both Cassie and Gregory to watch over their siblings plus their uncles and auntie while she does some nightguard work at Fredbear's Family Dinner.
Michelle finished up as that's a new one making her to have them all fixed up as that's a weird thing to happen and got the guys in jail for it as that's her inheritance they're trying to steal from her. She even heard of Flumpty's Restaurant, Freddy Fazebear JR's, Candy's Restaurant, Chuck E's Restaurant, Jollibee's and The Cog Forever Spinning making her to buy them all.
Michelle checked the history and noticed that her sperm donor had them all under their name and just sold it after four years max making her to take them in making her to fix everyone and get them set up and much better looking as this is not right and she had to do five nights at them making her to see her little brother at Jr's.
She got him to be safe as he went into a Shadow version of Fredbear making them to just call it Shadow Freddy as other Shadows showed up and Shadow Freddy's their boss making her to let Shadow Foxy go to them as she'll be fine for a couple of days making him to agree and left with them without her brother knowing it.
Michelle went to the other restaurants and started to get to work as the places look pretty bad and there's new animatronics making her to worry as this is major and she got them all dressed up to be looking better and to get better reception towards the costumers as she wants them to be able to come back as she took eight weeks to get them up and running again.
Michelle never thought she would be feeling pain in places she didn't know she had as she managed to survive all those places making her to worry as she has some injuries, but she's lucky she's only two months long as she's going to be taking a break making her to spend some time with her children as they need her right now.
Henry's soul went into Phantom Freddy making him to flirt with Springtrap a lot as he knows Willow's inside making Springtrap to shout at him as she hits him on the head each time he does that making the others to simply laugh at them as they got their entertainment right in from of them as this is funny as heck.
Michelle spent four years with her children and then she had to do some nightguard stuff as she did spent a lot of time with them, but this is serious as workers are dying and she needs to know what's going on at SL as she went there and on the first night, her name was changed to Eggs Benedict making her to hate this.
She'll get this error fixed up in the morning as she deals with what she has to do and when told to shock them, she refused and it can't forced her making her override the system making her to not shock any of the animatronics and she'll check up on them in the morning and get the lights fixed in Circus Baby's Gallery which shocked those animatronics.
(AN: Ignore the endings as a different ending is about to show up for her)
Michelle was all tied up in wires and she closes her eyes as she's going to get hurt as she knows her children and siblings are going to be mad at her as she got them all fixed up and no shocks were happening as she's moving them up onto the surface, but it seems they have a different idea and where about to kill her as she says only a couple of words.
"I'm sorry, children. I'm sorry, my siblings. I'm... I'm sorry... Circus Ennard." Then the scooper went to hit her in the stomach when there's a loud metal clang sound was heard as that made it all silent which scares Michelle as she's too scared to look in front of her until she felt a robotic hand on her left cheeks as it strokes her cheek softly and gently.
"What makes you think you need to apologies to me, my waifu Foxy?" She jerks her head up as she recognizes the voice and there is her Ennard holding back the scooper with his left hand as he looks down abound her making her to feel her face going red and she snaps out of ehr shock as she cries his name out.
"Impossible! We're Ennard!" The one's behind the glass shouts making him to laugh as he turns to look at them all making them to shiver at him fully.
"Yeah right. She built me and I got taken apart to be used as parts for you guys, sooo... I can control you." And with that, Ennard showed the fake Ennard what he means making them to cry in shock as they lost control of their bodies as Ennard frees his waifu and carries her in his arms as he got them out and got those guys back to normal with her help.
And when she was about to get fire, Ennard stops him as he asked what gave him the right to fire their boss making them to flinch as she shows her ID card making them to flinch as she's taking over making them to agree as the Funtimes were back on the surface with that place being fully turned into a part and service for them.
She even fixed Circus Freddy up and Bonnet as well, too as both her and Bon-Bon got legs and they're permanent as they can move around the place now while Lobit would be hard since they're a glitch of Funtime Foxy making Michelle to think of something for the and got them to be part of the tour as they helps kids find the Funtimes.
'And a bit of a Salvager Hunt wouldn't hurt either as they need the stamps of the Funtimes to pass fully and win a free birthday party paid free of charge.' Michelle thinks as Lolbit loves it making it to be perfect with the bracelets as Michelle tests it out herself with Ennard fully fixed up and walking around with her.
Michelle was seven months long when she had that attempt on her life making Ennard to scold her gently and to never do that again making her to blush as she remembers she had placed extra clips inside of him. Many asked why he's around her kids more and not with the other kids making him to figure he could lie a bit.
"I was given a couple extra power chips. It was supposed to make me more active. More able to roam around and play with kids more. And a few others mostly essential parts for any normal animatronic. Sadly was taking apart to be used for other animatronics making her to be sad and upset making her mother to be royally pissed and fired them for this as she comforts her.
They didn't even bother to ask if I was part of the show or not." Ennard said making them to nod as Michelle blushes at that as her kids and siblings love their father/big brother making her to smile at this as somehow he got some Remnant inside of him and he's not possessed at all which has her to be very confused by this all fully.
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