FNAF's part 5
They rushed to their car and drove like a madman all the way to the hospital making the police to chase them as they tried to keep their awake making her to tell them about the note on the bedside table making them to promise to read it, but they expects her to make it as they crashed right into the hospital.
"SOMEBODY HELP MY MOTHER! PELASE!" They got the door opened and had doctors rush their mother into surgery as this is a serious injury as they explain what they can when the police came to arrest them which got some of the doctors to tell them to back off as one of the doctors told them that their mother is in a coma, but she'll be fine making them to fall to their knees.
"Oh thank God. Oh thank God." They were relived as Ry and the triplets were at the hospital as they slept there making them to explain to Ry and he was distraught as this is not a good thing for them as the child told them about the note on the bedside table making him to read it as they need to sleep in a proper bed.
Ry stays for one hour and then went home as they didn't think they'd crash into the hospital to get Low help which was a new for the hospital actually and with a good reason while the police want to arrest them for it until they saw the mother making them to flinch at the mentioning of springlocks making them to back off.
They feel liked they failed, but it doesn't feel like it as she's still alive and well may she be in the hospital as she's getting medical care and help making them to still worry for their mother as they go to work after Ry read the note making him to be shocked as he didn't know his Low was going through this at all.
Dear Henry,
I'm sorry. I should have told you, but I was scared you would leave me and end our friendship. I woke up as the Ruler of Hell for some reason and then I woke back up from the coma making me to still have my Ruler of Hell powers and form making me to think that I earned it for some reason or another making me to be confused.
Now it caused a side-effect as I need to kill to calm it down, but the problem is... They need to be kids and that's not right! Why kids?! Just why?! Sooo... I went to Heave and spoke to the Ruler of Heaven and I had to just explained fully everything and asked why kids to calm me down instead of criminals making even them to be shocked.
OOOH, were they pissed and gave me a out that I can use. I kill criminals until I go insane and then I have to kill teenagers that do crimes making it easier as teenagers count as children until legally eighteen as they can vote then making it easier on me, but then that night... I somehow lost it and killed Charlie and Samuel.
I'm sooo sorry, Henry. I didn't mean to as I must of been either knocked out or passed out for that to happen as the Ruler of Heaven did warn me about this. I know you'll hate me and take the triplets away from me, but please... Don't hate my children for being related to me as they had nothing to do with this at all.
I even killed those missing children, but Susie's was to reunite her with her dog which she agreed to, Jeremy was abused by his father and then Fritz by both parents and they also agreed making this to be the chance as it seems souls can age, but the stronger they are, the longer it takes to naturally age from the age they dead at.
They can also return to the ages they were at and other ages making them to mentally age as while and it's permanent for the mental aging only which's weird actually. The death of Christ took a troll on me and I killed two children that I didn't want to kill as they had normal and loving families to look after them fully.
Please... Please look after my children. I can't leave them alone if I die. Please be there for them. I love them too much to lose them. I love you and always had since I first met you, but let you go when you found love with your wife. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I was scared you would reject me and just want to remain as friends.
Willow Marionette Afton-Emily
I don't regret nor remorse over killing my dead husband for the abusiveness, the starvation and the neglection of my five dear children that the eldest one had to just step in as the very father-figure personally themselves and set everything up for them. No wonder they trusted you more and approved of you even more so actually.
Henry John Emily-Afton was shocked as he can't believe it as he looks to his own mark on his left wrist where his Ruler of Heaven mark is as her's is on her right wrist making him to smile as he can't reject her as he married her without her knowing it as both of them are now Afton-Emily and Emily-Afton without Willow even knowing about it.
He even adopted her children making him to be their father cause of this as both Charlie and Sammy would have loved this a lot he knows for sure as he looks after his children and his many grandchildren as he wonders how they managed to keep it a secret for so long as well as their misgenderfication experiment they went through at birth.
It took him a long time to get them to even wear female clothing and a female version of their business suit making many to be shocked as police came to the rescue making many to be furies as they lied for soo long and now they're getting justice for the crime they did as they all got the Death Sentence for this as Heaven's cleaning up house right now.
Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily can now fully be herself as her three friends got put into jail. If you intentionally kill another person you could be convicted and face a sentence of life in prison. Unlike first-degree murder that has no chance of parole for twenty-five years, parole eligibility can range from ten to twenty-five years for second-degree and is at the discretion of the court.
A sexual assault charge carries a minimum sentence of one year in prison as an indictable offence. Sexual assault with a restricted firearm. If a restricted or prohibited weapon is used while committing the sexual assault, the offender will be imprisoned for a minimum of five years for a first offence.
They got jail for twenty-six years each making them to not even see their own children nor will they're parents as it seems they enjoyed her torturment of her brother being killing on his very much birthday making them to be arrested as well, too.
Michelle had a hard time with the Toys as this is ridiculous making her to not only fix both the Originals and Toy Foxy, but she also had to deal with Charlie and Samuel making her to hate this as both kept targeting her as if she's her mother making her to hate this as she deals with Toy Foxy like a dog and Balloon Boy as a small boy.
She then gave up ten percent of her soul to NM. Foxy, so he can be with his friends as it seems that Christ is still alive making them to be shocked as she explains about the remnant and how it's keeping them on Earth making Christ to be the same. That got them to freak as one feels weird around him sometimes.
She then got attacked by three new Mare Series Animatronics making her to feel like they're not human-made like the Nightmare Series as she started possessing Terrormare Foxy from the Terrormare Animatronic Series making her to be confused before doing the same as NM Foxy, then she did the same with Hellmare Foxy making her to be confused.
The Hellmare Animatronic Series have Hell powers and Remnant mixed in to make them as she also did the same thing to them before she saw the most powerfully Mare Animatronic Series. The Demonmare Animatronics. The look like animatronic with demon horns and demonic claws plus powers of demons making her to freak out a bit.
She did the same as the others including Grim Foxy making her to have only half of her soul left making another foxy to show up as it's looking black and purple with purple irises making her to wonder as she can just fully possess it making her to get multi-streaks in her hair for which kind of animatronic she's possessing actually.
'Huh... Guess the Shadow Animatronics have Shadow Remnant or Agony Remnant to form, but I'm going for Shadow Remnant more so.' Michelle thought as she continues working on the restaurants. She even got one for the Mares to live in making them to enjoy it since they get adults and goths coming in more so than children.
No elders or people with heart conditions are allowed to enter Mare Realm making her to keep it safe as much as she can for them and many ignore it making them to be killed out and face the punishments for ignoring the warning signs making many to never do that no matter what as this seems serious for them to do this fully.
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