FNAF's part 2
With the doctor's help, the youngest child has Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexia and Pseudobulbar Affect (PBA) making the husband to ignore it as they leaving it to the eldest to deal with it all as they set up everything for their little brother and had their triplet sisters checked out quickly and it's Golden Child Syndrome with ADHD and a small amount of Autism.
Golden Child often struggle with perfectionism, self-esteem issues, codependency and anxiety. They may even be at increased risk of developing narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), just like their parent. They'll make sure that this doesn't happen as they care for their siblings very much and will do anything for them.
This was making them to be diagnosed with Wendy syndrome. A popular psychology term used to describe an adult who's empathetic, nurturing and even self-sacrificing making her to know she also has ADHD making her to have it all set up for them making the mother to think the father did it all unaware of the truth until it's too late.
They had to have everything set up for them and made sure everything's paid for making the husband to not notice at all as they have work to do making them to despise their sperm donor as they preferred their uncle Ry than this man as they're father since he cares more for them than their sperm donor ever did.
The first restaurant's done and ready making them to go over there. They have their siblings holding their left hand and on their back as they care for them making many to aww at the site which has many to smile at it before returning to the front as both Fredbear and SpringBonnie are performing making the child to know it's their mother and uncle making them to get their siblings from food to eat.
The eldest child watches their siblings including their cousins, Char and Sam making them to see them as extra siblings to watch over. Their mother's hiding their identity making their uncle Ry to chuckle as they should be out there making them to glare at them with a blush on their face making them to chuckle even more.
Low is just making this too easy making them to pout and look away making Ry to hug them as this is far too easy making them to glare at them again. The eldest child knows they have a crush on each other and they approve of it greatly making this to be prefect as now they just need to get them on dates and then marriage, but then...
Then Car and Sam had both disappeared somewhere and the eldest child couldn't find them anywhere making them to keep their two siblings close by and then they saw both get killed. They looked like a tall man as it's pitch dark outside making them to know their mother's the bathroom making them to not expect them to do this.
They saw the butcher knife hit Char in the chest killing her instantly and then Sam was hit in the back behind his heart and both had slits in their throats most likely to stop them from screaming out for help and both were only three-years-old making her to run to uncle Ry and she saw their mother there as well, too making them to shout about a murder.
(AN: Ignore the dialog between William and Henry as both are actually working on this together as co-owners until the eldest child is old enough with college degrees in Math, Engineering and Robotics plus some Accounting to know the budget for each animatronic. I'm just putting it here since two murders accrued now)
Everyone freaks and they said it looks like a man, but it's so pitch dark outside, they couldn't see what they looked like, but they had a butcher knife and that The Puppet's box has something heavy on top of it and couldn't get out of their box. Ry was upset and Low went with them to check on the two fast.
They saw their bodies and Ry cries as police came over fast making them to see Ry crying as Low comforts him making them to explain what Low's eldest had told them making them to check the CCTV Cameras and sure enough, not a look at the face and they stayed away from the lights making it harder to find them for this.
They all stayed home until it blows over making the eldest to comfort their siblings as they know their triplet little sisters loved playing with Char like their little brother liked playing with Sam making them to feel lost as they stay near and kept them in their room making Low to smile at their kids as they went to sleep themselves, but after they do something.
The eldest was getting bullied and they didn't tell their mother as she has a lot on her hands and they can't put more onto them since two months ago, their father was found dead in an alley way making them to feel relieved, but at the same time missed them making them to hate this, but accepted they had still loved them somehow.
(AN: Ignore Glitchtrap, papa and the name Vincent. The mother and Glitchtrap are one and the same, but female in the future)
Now that the bullying is gone, they can relax a bit more as they look after their four siblings and hang out with their 'friends', but the reason they have upper commas around the word friends is fully because they drunk raped them at age thirteen, fourteen and now they're four months long at fifteen making them to hate this.
The Bonnie Mask one was half-drunk and thought they're a cunt-boy making them to not touch the chest area and was gentle on them making them to feel weird from it as they gave birth to twins: A girl and a boy that they had named Cassie and Gregory making them to be careful as they need to keep them hidden from their sperm donor.
The next pregnancy was a single with a boy that they had named William, but before they had gotten pregnant for the third time, they got killed by an animatronic from the Nightmare Animation Series named Nightmare Foxy with a scare right across their chest from the right shoulder to the left as it ends in the middle where the liver would be if the scare was reversed.
(Second Death: Nightmare Foxy. Date: January twentieth, nineteen-eighty-three. Second Soul Form: Fifteen-years-old)
Their little brother was asleep when the attack happened making all Nightmares Animatronics to freak as they saw them possessed NM Foxy making them to see them show up the next night with Nightmare SpringBonnie. It is the nightmare form of SpringPlush as they glared at them which scares them all greatly.
They demeaned to know why they're all trying to kill their little Shadow Prince making them to flinch back. They laid the law down and if they catch them doing so, they won't hesitate to dismantle them personally freaking them out. They also had started building their very own animatronic, but the thing is they're going to turn them into their spouse.
They know the law of the dead and they can't marry anyone living, but if it's not human, it's not a problem. At SL, the workers torn him apart for parts making them to scream and shout which alerted their mother and saw the animatronic making them to see why as they were working on him making them to fire those guys after seeing the CCTV Cameras.
It got them pissed as it fully made those idiots to flinch and lose their jobs cause of this fully and it hit the news as well, too. They calmed down after a couple of days away from everything making it easier on them as they still look after their siblings making them to take a major beaten, but the stomach area's never been hit once.
That was making them to be sighing of relief as it's soon going to be their brother's birthday soon, but those Nightmare Animatronics didn't heed their warning it would seems as their little brother is getting less sleep and that's not a good thing at all making them to have a blood grin on their face as they got a crowbar in their hands.
'Guess that means punishment time for them.' They think as they told their little brother to sleep and leave it to them to deal with the nightmares making to do as they were told and two hours later... They swinged the crowbar at the animatronics as their little brother has noise canceling handphones on which allows them to sleep.
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