Ashido Lays Eggs and Shoto Gives Birth part 1
Afton-Emily Royal Household: Willow Marionette Afton-Emily, Henry John Emily-Afton, Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily a.k.a Ennard, Eliza Rosemary Afton-Emily, Beth Laura Afton-Emily, Elizabeth Bluebell Afton-Emily, Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a NM. Fredbear, Charlotte 'Charlie' Violet Emily-Afton, Samuel 'Sammy' David Emily-Afton, Henry John Emily-Afton Jr, William Oliver Afton-Emily and Olivia Lilly Afton-Emily.
Michelle and Elijah's Household: Michelle Teresia Afton-Emily, Elijah Noah Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Cassie Jane Afton-Emily, Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Harold William Afton-Emily, David Henry Afton-Emily, Willow Odette Afton-Emily II, Kaleb Christopher Afton-Emily, Calypso Annabeth Afton-Emily, Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Elijah Michael Afton-Emily, Noah Terrence Afton-Emily, Christiana Kelly Afton-Emily, Caetana Rosy Afton-Emily, Cosima Cosmos Afton-Emily and Cybill Venus Afton-Emily.
Elizabeth and Gabriel's Household: Elizabeth Bluebell Anderson nee Afton-Emily, Gabriel Lucius Anderson, Gabriel Lucas Anderson, Harmonia Ariel Anderson, Ronald Victor Anderson, Fleur Maka Anderson, Andy Wattyl Anderson, Mia Jackeline Anderson, Preston William Anderson, Dolly Taylor Anderson, Jerald Henry Anderson and Cher Daisy Anderson.
Gregory and Cassidy's Household: Gregory Evan Afton-Emily, Cassidy Clover Afton-Emily nee Johnson-Williamson, Christopher Even Afton-Emily II and Cassia Chikao Afton-Emily.
Christopher, Ethanoates and Athonites's Household: Christopher Evan Afton-Emily, Ethanoates Kornalus Afton-Emily a.k.a Nightmare, Athonites Cornelius Afton-Emily a.k.a Goldie a.k.a Nightmare Fredbear, Kimberly Jane Afton-Emily, Kimberlee Jean Afton-Emily and Kathit Katoh Afton-Emily.
Cassie's Household: Cassie Jane Afton-Emily, Skylar Rio Afton-Emily, Jackson Tyler Afton-Emily, April Fleur Afton-Emily, Dorothy Karley Afton-Emily, May Solae Afton-Emily and Lunar Starla Afton-Emily.
Jeremy and Fritz and Elijah's Household: Jeremy Fredrick Afton-Emily nee Davis nee Brown, Fritz Mikal Afton-Emily nee Davis, Elijah Michael Afton-Emily, Evan Samuel Macbeth, Fred Daniel Jackson, George Castle Swiftian, Rebecca Tea Lionheart, Markus Edward Markiplier, Bella Melody Potter, Omar Peter Afton-Emily, Rosy Julia Afton-Emily, Brian Tobis Afton-Emily, Sally Iris Afton-Emily, Zackary Caloyer Afton-Emily, Peony Aqua Afton-Emily, Jeffery Luis Afton-Emily and Heather Emma Afton-Emily.
Susie and Kaleb's Household: Susie Asthana Afton-Emily nee Williamson, Kaleb Christopher Afton-Emily, Snowy Anna Afton-Emily, Samuel Davis Afton-Emily, Akko Rainy Afton-Emily, Jean Rouge Afton-Emily, Winter Willow Afton-Emily, James Leo Afton-Emily, Jamie Aaron Afton-Emily and Kaleb Carter Afton-Emily Jr.
Millie and Noah's Household: Millicent 'Millie' Afton-Emily nee Fitzsimmons, Noah Afton-Emily, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ??? and ???.
Terresa and Renato's family: Terresa 'Terisa' Marionette Afton-Emily, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily a.k.a NM. Bonnie, Renato Perseus Afton-Emily Jr a.k.a NM. Bonnie JR, Evenly Pennie Afton-Emily, Johnathan Adrien Afton-Emily, Clarissa Barnette Afton-Emily, Eri Afton-Emily, Skull Ali Afton-Emily a.k.a Kid Nightmare Bonnie, Patrick Kevin Afton-Emily, Pennie Kila Afton-Emily, James Charlies Afton-Emily and Augusta Sera Afton-Emily.
Terresa's there for Shoto as it's October twelfth making him to worry as he's stomach is getting bigger and bigger making NM. Marionette to worry as they hold them and carry them making Shoto to feel like he's a burden to his lover which NM. Marionette disagrees with as they want to carry him around and help him out.
Shoto's worried for the birth and Recovery Girl's willing to do a Bikini-Section on him if it makes him feel better as the carnal entrance is getting bigger to give birth out of making Shoto to go with the section as he's not ready to birth naturally if there's more than one baby inside of him which Recovery Girl agrees with.
Terresa stays by his side as Hitoshi, Pony, Kelsey, Jack, Devon, Andrew and Denki stays by his side, too as he needs all the support that he can get making him to thank them as this is something he can go through alone and he's happy to have friends like them which they smiled about as they'll never leave him alone.
Recovery Girl did a ultra sound and Shoto's pregnant with four children making him to be right about the section first, but it would seems Terresa's keeping them from hurting him and keeping him safe from harm making her to deal with a lot until Shoto and NM. Marionette got closer and then let him take over the safety of Shoto fully.
Shoto felt her protect for his safety is gone, but NM. Marionette's is twice that making Shoto to not worry about it, but he can still feel Terresa's to the babies like she's keeping them from hurting him and from their growth as well, too which has him looking even bigger than he should have be as if she's trying to keep them from being in incubators after they leave him.
Terresa agrees as she's worried for him and doesn't want him to lose a single one making him to feel happy about this. October twenty-eighth and Ashido's in great pain as her stomach is super swollen and she's pushing out eggs making her to push out an egg every five minutes making her to have three hundred and twenty eggs to look after.
She's drained and tired making her to know she'll be needing to incubate the eggs and rotate them making her to see Terresa has made one for ostriches since Koda has two eggs from two different nest that he saved and wants to hatch them making Terresa to have made too much making the Afton family to have a good ostrich meat and eggs sell.
Plus use the eggs in their restaurants with permits giving making Ashido to take enough for her eggs as Terresa has made over four hundred of them as each household in the Afton Family are doing this making them to have good amount and Terresa didn't noticed the missing ones as each one holds twelve eggs and Ashido took twenty-seven of them.
Ashido's relieved as she doesn't need to get rapped again as her husband pounces onto her making her to accept as it was ten minutes after she feed her children making her to accept her husband as she lays flat and doesn't move, though she's moaning and panting as she mates with her husband making her to accept as he cumpies her over and over again.
It's making her be to pregnant as she can't wait to give birth to her husband's babies again as they suckle onto her nipples making her to miss this as her breast were sore as she only feeds her children and they're all very healthy before they stop after four hours to feed the children again before repeating it again as Ashido forgets about the rape she had as the dreams has finally stopped.
November eighteenth and Shoto's scared, but Terresa's there as she helps him making her to explain the C-Section for his birth to help him out and to make sure he knows about it as Denki was somehow hit by it from Monoma as he copied it from Elijah when he met them making her to be upset and Monoma had unconscious and unconscionable with that Quirk.
"After being admitted to the hospital for a planned cesarean birth, a woman may be given an oral dose of an antacid to reduce the acidity of the stomach contents. Another medication may be given to reduce the secretions in the mouth and nose. An intravenous (IV) line will be placed into the hand or arm, and an electrolyte solution will be infused.
An antibiotic will be given through the IV to help prevent a postoperative infection. Monitors will be placed to keep track of blood pressure, fetal heart rate and maternal blood oxygen levels. Anesthesia — The woman is usually accompanied to an operating room before anesthesia is administered. A partner can usually stay with her in the operating room.
There are two types of anesthesia used during cesarean birth: regional and less commonly, general. For a planned cesarean birth, regional anesthesia is usually performed. Meeting with the anesthesiologist allows the woman to ask specific questions about anesthesia and allows the anesthesiologist to identify any medical problems that might affect the type of anesthesia that is recommended.
With epidural and spinal regional anesthesia, the anesthetic is injected near the spine, which numbs the abdomen and legs to allow the surgery to be pain-free while allowing the mother to be awake. General anesthesia, now infrequently used for cesarean, induces unconsciousness. This means that the mother will not be awake or aware during the procedure.
After the anesthesia is given, the woman will fall asleep within ten to twenty seconds and a tube will be placed in the throat to assist with breathing. General anesthesia carries a greater risk of complications than epidural or regional anesthesia because of the need for an endotracheal (breathing) tube and because drugs given to the mother affect the baby.
Women who have general anesthesia will not be awake during the cesarean birth. Regional anesthesia is generally preferred because it allows the mother to remain awake during the procedure, enjoy support from staff and her partner, experience the birth, and have immediate contact with the baby. It is usually safer than general anesthesia.
After the anesthesia is given, a catheter is placed in the bladder to allow urine to drain out during the surgery and reduce the chance of injury to the bladder. The catheter is usually removed within twenty-four hours after the procedure. Skin incision — There are two basic types of incision: horizontal (transverse or "bikini line") and vertical (midline).
Most women have a transverse skin incision, which is made one to two inches above the pubic hair line. The advantages of this type of incision include less postoperative pain, more rapid healing, and a lower chance that the wound will separate during healing. Less commonly, the woman will have a vertical ("up and down") skin incision in the midline of the abdomen.
The advantages of this type of incision include a slightly more rapid access to the uterus (eg, if the baby is in distress or if the woman is bleeding excessively). Uterine incision — The uterine incision can also be either transverse or vertical. The type of incision depends upon several factors, including the position and size of the baby, the location of the placenta, and the presence and location of any fibroids.
The main consideration is that the incision must be large enough to allow birth of the baby without causing trauma. The most common uterine incision is transverse. However, a vertical incision may be required if the baby is breech or sideways, if the placenta is in the lower front of the uterus, or if there are other abnormalities of the uterus.
After opening the uterus, the baby is usually removed within seconds. After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut and the placenta is removed. The uterus is then closed. The abdominal skin is usually closed with absorbable sutures (ie, absorbed by the body so they do not need to be removed). After the mother and baby are stable, she and her partner may hold the baby.
After surgery is completed, the woman will be monitored in a recovery area. Pain medication is given, initially through the IV line and later with oral medications. When the effects of the anesthesia have worn off, generally within one to three hours after surgery, the woman is transferred to a postpartum room and encouraged to move around and begin to drink fluids and eat food.
Breastfeeding can usually begin any time after the birth. A pediatrician will examine the baby within the first twenty-four hours of the delivery. Most women are able to go home within a few days after giving birth. The abdominal incision will heal over the next few weeks. During this time, there may be mild cramping, light bleeding or vaginal discharge, incisional pain and numbness in the skin around the incision site.
Most women will feel well by six weeks postpartum, but numbness around the incision and occasional aches and pains can last for several months. After going home, the woman should notify the health care provider if she develops a fever (temperature greater than 100.4°F [38°C]), if pain or bleeding worsens, or if there are other concerns (eg, severe headache, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing).
Previously, obstetricians recommended that all women who had a cesarean birth have the same for all future birth. However, this is no longer the case. Many women in the United States who have had one low transverse cesarean birth choose to have a repeat cesarean birth, although these women could try to have a vaginal birth with the next pregnancy.
Between sixty and eighty percent of women who try to give birth vaginally after a C-section are successful in giving birth vaginally. However, women who have a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) have a less than one percent chance that the uterus will rupture during labor or birth, which could affect the baby's health." Terresa told Shoto and Nightmare Marionette.
"So I made the right chose?" Shoto asked as Terresa nods her head.
"Woman would also go for this if they have more than one baby inside of them, soo you'll be fine.' Terresa said as Shoto nods as this is going to be a tough battle cause he's going through with this, but it's a battle he's willing to go through making Terresa to nod as she plans to be there may she not go into the operation room like his lover can.
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