Chapter 27 - How Far This Love Goes
Mary the Mad jumped at Rui, making him fall to the ground. When his body hit the floor, it made an ugly sound. He was so skinny... I prayed to God that he wasn't hurt.
"You don't love her, I do!! I AM THE REASON SHE'S ALIVE TODAY." Mary had Rui pinned to the ground.
Rui yelled with an outburst of anger. He never lost his cool like that. "Satan! You're hurting her, you are why she wanted to die! You want everybody to die, and I'd like for you to know, the feeling is mutual between you and I-- I want you dead." He rolled over, and instead of him being the one choked on the floor, it was Mary.
I didn't want to sit and do nothing, so I spoke up. "You are not a part of me! Never will I believe any of your disgusting lies again! **** YOU!!!" I screamed that at her with everything I had in me, all of the hate she built up inside of my soul.
"N-no!! How did you-- ****!! I thought you were a gullible fool! How in the Seven Hells did you break my spell?! Now I'm going to die!! Please-- spare me! Please repeat one of my lies!" Mary begged me as she began to disintegrate into a pile of dust.
I glared at her unforgivingly. "We therefore commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Your time came long ago, Mary. You were once that of mortals, but you became a demon. Your dirty soul is going to hell now." I stared down at her from my hospital bed and smiled with triumph. I had finally defeated her and I was free!!
Rui got up from the floor once she had fully disappeared. He sat next to me on the bed and cried. "I'm sorry your legs are broken... I know you told me to stop apologizing--"
I interrupted him. "It's okay, Rui." I sat there thinking about everything that had been happening recently. "You... really do love me. The fact you keep coming to visit me here is proof. I would never leave you, Rui-- not for anything in the whole world." I smiled at him, tears filling my eyes.
Rui caressed my cheek with his hand. "I used to be very afraid of losing you, but I'm not anymore. I love you." He sniffled and then smiled at me.
We stared at eachother in silence for a while. Rui had his forehead resting on mine.
"You know I can read your mind when we're like this, right? Because our heads are touching, we can see one another's thoughts." Rui joked, a smirk on his face.
I giggled. He was very funny. "That's not true."
Then we kissed, and the nurse walked in on us because she had heard us fighting with Mary earlier.
"What's been going on in here? I heard yelling--" She said before seeing us sitting on the bed kissing.
We both turned to the nurse and looked at her with vacant eyes.
The nurse lady cleared her throat. "Um, I guess it was coming from another room. Everything seems to be fine here... sorry." She quickly walked out and closed the door.
Rui and I burst into laughter after that hilarious interaction.
"Your mother doesn't very much like me, Setsuko. Perhaps we won't be able to get married after we finish school." Rui was trying to not be upset about it, and he was doing a good job.
My eyes opened wide in shock. He really meant that proposal and it wasn't for the show?! "It all makes sense now! That's why Mommy was crying so much... I'm sorry I didn't realize you really were serious about marrying me. I thought it was just a part of the show-- I still have the ring though, I kept it safe."
"So, you do want to marry me?" He asked just to make sure.
I nearly jumped out of bed, but didn't becasue that would hurt a lot. "Of course I do, silly! Yes, I want to marry you!!" I exclaimed, hugging his neck almost like I was Emu or something.
Rui giggled cheerfully. "Alright, alright. But if your mother doesn't want me to marry you, I won't."
"It's okay, she'll realize you're good for me. Mommy really doesn't want to see Honoka and I leave... but it's not like we want to get married next month or something! Like you said, it would happen after we had school finished and such." I knew eventually Mother would like Rui again. It probably wouldn't be long before she changed her mind about him.
"Well, until the day comes every night I'll think of it and a smile will come to my face. Then every day after we're married, I'll always think of how I'm very grateful to have you." Rui's face blushed a bright pink. He very much loved the idea of being by my side for the rest of his life.
Meanwhile, Honoka was aruging with Emu while Nene watched.
"No!! I do not love Tsukasa! I am not in love with him." Honoka proclaimed, a look of embarassment on her face.
Nene seemed disappointed in the situation. "You're even worse than Setsuko. It's very clear that you love that loudmouth." She rolled her eyes.
"LOUDMOUTH?!!?! How dare you insult him!! He is a world future star, one day you'll be wishing you never said all of these horrible things about him. How could you let such slanderous things about Tsukasa Tenma come out of your mouth!?!" Honoka yelled, very Tsukasa-like.
"Oh... you're the same person as him!!" Nene exclaimed in annoyance.
Emu was doing a very sad face. "Come on!! Just tell Tsukasa how much you love and adore him! Tsukasa is amazing and he'll definetly love you back." She started staring off into space daydreaming about Tsukasa.
Nene was starting to get a little angry. "If you don't go and confess to him right now I'll go and push you over to him. He's over there, by the fountain." Nene pointed to the Phenny fountain Tsukasa was staring into.
"Ha! My reflection is so handsome. I already look like I'm a star! HA HA HA HA!!" Tsukasa laughed pridefully.
Honoka blushed while she watched him. "Pretty boy..."
Nene and Emu both dragged Honoka over to Tsukasa while she kicked and screamed in a panic.
"No!! I'm not r-ready--! Stop it!" She screeched in fear.
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