Chapter 22 - I'll Make You Smile!
The next day, I went to Wonderland Sekai to see Len.
The short yellow haired boy was waiting right there for me. "Setsuko! I knew you'd come..." For some reason the way he said that didn't sit well with me.
"Oh... alright then." I said, trying to brush off this nervous feeling. I noticed there was nobody else in Sekai. It was quiet, much too quiet. "Where is everybody?"
Len made a face like he was ashamed of himself, and knew he did something wrong. "I don't know." He told me.
"Well, I think im going now--" I then started to pull my phone out of my pocket.
He quickly snatched it away from me. "No!! You're not leaving! I-I'm going to make you smile! You'll be happy again." He grabbed me by the arms and dragged me away to the stage.
I squirmed and kicked around to try and free myself. "Len, what's gotten into you?! Stop it!!!" I barely had any sleep that night, and I was very weak already, so he overpowered me.
Len tied me to a chair so I'd have to watch his one man show. "Now, the curtains rise for a wonderhoy time!!" He exclaimed cheerfully. "I was up all night figuring everything out for this show!" It seemed almost like he was crazy. No, he was definetly crazy.
I sat and watched his show, but it did not make me smile. We stayed there for hours, he kept doing the same show of a prince trying to get a princess to love him as much as he loved her over and over again. I could recite the whole script to you.
Around the twelfth time he finished the show, he dropped to his knees and sobbed. "Smile! Please smile already!!"
I stared at him blankly with my now dark eyes. "I want to die, Len."
Len jumped off of the stage with his sword in hand, and slowly walked over to me. "Setsuko, do you remember all of those times I comforted and did shows for you to be happy? You always smiled again. I know you can smile... you have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I-- I love you, Setsuko!" He said to me, blushing.
I was silent, and I started to zone out.
Len and I were up in the cotton candy clouds of Wonderland Sekai, he hugged me while I cried.
"I feel like I'm nothing." I sniffled.
Len patted me on the head. "That's not true! You're very special, Setsuko." He reassured me, a big grin on his face.
I hugged him back and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you, Len. I'm glad I can talk to you... but I don't want to hurt you with my feelings." I said worriedly.
He looked at me. Len knew I had to talk to somebody or I'd end up killing myself. "No, you should always talk to someone when you're feeling down so that they can help you! Don't worry, you aren't hurting me."
Suddenly I was back in the moment, my little flashback had ended.
"I'll only be happy once I'm dead." I told Len in a quiet voice.
He started to untie me from the chair. "You aren't leaving. You love me, don't you? We should be together forever!" His eyes looked crazy, and so did his smile.
"Where's Rui?" I questioned him, my voice full of worry for my boyfriend.
"Rui is not here, and if he does come I'll kill him. Don't worry, Princess, he won't bother you anymore." Len hugged me and tried to give me a kiss.
I pushed him away from me, and he fell to the ground. "I will never love you!! I hate you, Len!" Tears streamed down my face at the thought of Rui being killed.
"You took everything from me! Why don't you love me? I gave you everything I had!! I just want-- to see you smile..." He burst into loud sobs.
"If you love me, then kill me! I dare you!!" I shouted at him in anger. I didn't care if I did die, because it was what I thought I wanted.
Len held his sword up to thrust it into my chest. "If that's... what you really want, Princess." He gulped.
I closed my eyes and smiled. Finally, my life would be over. But it wasn't--
Rui was right there, a look of intense anger on his face as he had his hand gripped on Len's arm so that I wouldn't get stabbed.
Len tried to stab him instead, Rui barely doged his attack. They were then running all around Wonderland Sekai, Rui doing an exellect job at eluding Len and his attempts to murder him.
I was so overcome with fear, that I fell to the ground shaking. I cried there, hoping my one and only love wouldn't be killed by some stupid little boy that apparently wanted me to smile. "R-Rui--! I love you!!" I screeched over to him.
It was like everything was in slow motion, yet too fast for me to comprehend. "I love you too!" Rui called. He smiled at me, it was almost like he was trying to tell me everything would be okay.
My heart was beating so fast. This was the most horrible way to make me feel alive again.
Rui ran over to me and hugged me so that it were almost as if I was in a little protective blanket. This also stopped Len from stabbing him, because if he did that it would hurt me as well.
I squeezed Rui tight and cried into his chest. I didn't want to ever lose him.
"I'm here now, you can cry all you want. Cry until you feel better, Setsuko. Shh... It's okay." Rui's heart was beating fast from running all over the place.
The way he shushed me made the memory of Mommy singing to Honoka and I when we were little and crying creep into my mind. She would pat our backs and go "Shh, shh, shh, shh." I remember it very clearly. I wished to be little like that again, so I cried more.
Len stood there in silence. He thought about the horrible things he had done, and regretted them. He ran to free all of the other Virtual Singers from the little trapdoor in the floor of the stage that was used to store props.
I had a question for Rui, it was random but I still wanted to ask it. "Rui?" I addressed him, my voice trembling.
"Yes, Setsuko?" He answered in that gentle voice of his that I loved very much.
I hid myself in his colorful jacket. "Do you-- do you think we're meant for eachother in every world? Every universe?" I asked him.
He thought for a moment. "Hm... I wouldn't know for sure, but I do hope we are. I want to be with you always." He kissed me on the head.
"I don't want to die anymore. I want to stay with you, I want to live." I could barely speak in between my sobs. "I had been planning to kill myself-- I was... I was going to make myself miserable and push myself to the limit until I couldn't handle living anymore. I didn't want to tell you, but I did. Mary kept saying I shouldn't say anything."
"Oh... Setsuko." Rui said as he hugged me tighter. "Well, everything is okay now."
Then, everybody was there. Our troupe, the Virtual Singers, all of the plushies. Even sleepy Luka was there!
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