Chapter II
Once all had ordered and their food was at the table, Sarah began to tell stories of her many adventures. She somehow managed to talk at incredible speeds whilst also eating her food politely.
"Did you know the whole universe almost died one time?" she addressed Melody. Barely waiting for a response, she continued, "Well, it was all because of this one dude Fandaniel."
"Also Zenos; he was really cool." At this point everyone else at the table paused in their eating to look at Sarah like she was legitimately insane. She, in response, gave them an innocent, eyes-rounded expression. "What? He was."
Alphinaud spoke up now. "He tried to kill you. Multiple times."
"Oh really? I hadn't noticed."
At this point Melody broke into the conversation. "Who's Fandaniel? Is he a fan of a guy named Daniel?"
"Actually--" Sarah took a second to blink. "I never asked him why that was his name. I should've. Missed opportunity, man.
"Anyway. Fandaniel and Zenos tried to end the world, even though Zenos was really just going along with it to get a fight with me. Fandaniel was the one who actually wanted the world to end. Also, Fandaniel was going to kill Zenos at one point, and I find that very rude. But he didn't get to, because I showed up. Then I killed Fandaniel-- although he wasn't fazed whatsoever and simply continued with his plans because he was an evil mastermind. Or something. And then the world almost died and I had to save it, because I do everything around here. He was a fun villain though." Sighing melodramatically, she finished off the last bite of her sandwich. "Wish we still had such exciting problems. Now everything is boring."
"Would you like it if Fandaniel were back?" queried Melody, looking at Sarah somewhat confused as to why she liked having problems, but her boredom was understandable.
Sarah thought for maybe two seconds, and then said, "Man, that'd be so cool. But weird."
"Well it would be strange if such things were to take place, wouldn't it?" Melody agreed. "But I do wish that I could be a part of something important one day, something that actually mattered. Such as you are."
"Well, maybe you will be one day. If things would quit being so boring." Sarah said and slid down into her chair and sat with the most terrible posture ever seen.
Melody thought for a moment. "I suppose it's not that nothing happens in my life; I get harassed by a Miqo'te they call Mary the Mad. She tries to murder me." She stated this surprisingly casually.
"That sounds fun," remarked Sarah. Everybody once again looked at her like she was absolutely insane. She didn't even react.
Melody quickly shook her head in disagreement. "No, Sarah. It's not fun to be harassed and have your own mind betray you by repeating the terrible things she's told you so many times to the point where you start to believe them yourself."
Sarah replied with, "Still sounds like fun to me," and shrugged.
Melody fell silent and stared down at her slice of pizza. "I shouldn't have ordered this," she said worriedly.
"Do you not like pizza?" Alphinaud asked her.
Melody picked her head up and sighed. "It's not that I dislike pizza, it's because I have a dairy allergy. Even though I'm enjoying this food now I'm going to regret eating it later."
He replied with, "I see." and started to stare off into nothing. He felt quite bad for Melody, because of her whole Mary the Mad situation.
Sarah's ears suddenly perked up. "I smell him--" she said with wide eyes.
Melody looked quite puzzled at this. "Smell who?" She squinted and tilted her head.
"I smell Fandaniel--" Sarah started quickly looking around, and if I were to be completely honest she looked almost insane.
Suddenly Fandaniel was right behind Melody, and she wasn't even aware. For she was too busy looking at Sarah, extremely confused as to how she could smell him. Did he really reek that terribly? How did she know it was him?
Everyone looked shocked at his being there, except Sarah for some reason, but they didn't do anything.
Sarah stood up on her chair. "Fandaniel!" She stopped for a moment; how was he even here? "Wait, aren't you dead?" she asked him.
"I was, yes. Alas, it seems my eternal rest was not to be for eternity after all." Even through this short response, the Ascian kept up facial expressions and gestures as if he were an actor on a stage. He smiled when Alphinaud, Alisaie, Thancred, and Y'shtola unsheathed their weapons. "Now now, there's no need for that. I assure you this second chance at life I've been afforded will be used wisely." And then, with a wink directed towards Melody, he disappeared into a dark, shadowy portal.
Melody blinked twice in a row with a look of confusion and almost fear, "This day keeps becoming more and more strange. I woke up expecting to sit in the cardboard box fort and watch the people in the markets, and perhaps even pull pranks on them. I did for a time. But then this madness is happens!" She banged her head onto the table and sighed.
Sarah still stood on her chair. Now with her hands on her hips, she stared down at Melody. "You live in a cardboard box fort?! How do you shower? You don't look dirty."
Melody picked up her head and looked somewhat offended, maybe she did stay in a cardboard box fort sometimes but that didn't mean she was nasty. "Just because I'm basically homeless doesn't mean I'm absolutely disgusting. Also, I don't live there, sometimes me and my friend Nanashi stay there. We stay in lots of different places."
Sarah tilted her head in confusion. "Where are your parents?" she queried, still standing on her chair looking like an idiot.
Melody then looked quite troubled, she had literally no idea where her tribe was. "I don't know-- I got lost once when I was younger and I've basically lived in the markets ever since."
Sarah opened her mouth to speak but Thancred quickly cut her off, "Sarah, would you please stop standing in your chair," he said tiredly.
She instantly sat back down in her chair like a normal human being and started to talk once again. "You're coming with me, to my house. You can stay there until we find your parents," she stated decidedly, a smile on her face.
Melody looked at her hesitantly, they all seemed like nice people. Either she could continue to stay wherever she could in Sharlayan or go with this Sarah Sunshine who was supposedly the Warrior of Light. It was risky business, but she was the Warrior of Light! She couldn't be a bad person... could she? "Perhaps I will stay with you for a time, but I wouldn't want to be a bother--"
Sarah then interrupted her, "Oh, you wouldn't be a bother. So many people stay over at my house it almost feels like an inn sometimes. And only people like Alphinaud are bothersome, and you aren't Alphinaud." She didn't care that Alphinaud was right there, listening. Alisaie started snickering to herself; she thought this was quite amusing.
Alphinaud, on the other hand, was not amused; he was flustered and began to stammer, trying to think of an argument.
Sarah sprang up from her chair and began to walk away without saying anything. Once she realized her friends weren't following her she stopped and quickly whirled around. "Are you guys coming or what?" she asked them with a little bit of an attitude.
Everyone got up from their seats and followed Sarah to the Aetheryte Plaza, and they talked while they walked which slowed things down a bit. Once they arrived they teleported to the Lower Decks of Limsa Lominsa.
Sarah began to run to the Ferry Docks, "Come on, it's not that far from here." she called back to Melody.
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