3 - In Order To Please Them
Both Rue and Suzu felt sick when they came home to their father from school that day.
"Hey, girls. Have a good day at school?" Their father questioned, a cheerful face on.
The sisters lied to their father about the day they had. "Yes." The girls replied.
As soon as she could, Rue escaped to the bathroom to vomit out all the food she ate that day. "Disgusting..." She muttered as she stared into the toilet where her half-digested food was. After that, she went to her room she shared with Suzu.
Suzu was already sitting there, and was very hungry, but she ignored that. "Oh... hi, Rue." She greeted her older sister with a smile. The two sat in silence for a time, until Suzu asked a question. "Do you ever feel trapped here? Like... a Rapunzel of sorts?"
Their whole world was school and then their home. Of course they might feel like an animal locked in a cage!
"Well-- a little. But, Father means well. He just wants to protect us." Rue made an attempt to reassure her sister. "It's alright... the children aren't meant to be happy."
Suzu made a face like she was saying: "Bruh, really?" with her eyes. "But not being able to go anywhere... for us, it's like being shown candy, but then someone says we can't have it but we must stare at the candy. Everyone else at school gets to do fun things, why can't we?"
"I don't know. Yesterday, Father said I should figure out what I want to be. I think I'd like to be the script writer for the plays you wanna put on, Su." Rue smiled at her sister warmly, looking forward to the idea of working with her.
Suzu looked a bit sad. "But Father said being an actress could be dangerous. Basically, he told me I should give up."
"Well, don't listen to him! I think you'd be a great actress. You can keep yourself safe, you're pretty outspoken." Rue knew that she was kind of submissive... a bit of a people pleaser. It wasn't much of a good thing.
"I'm not as outspoken as you think I am..." Suzu answered, thinking about how she's been letting those girls at school get under her skin.
Rue was silent for a time. "Wanna draw some of our characters? Together... like we did when we were little." She suggested, feeling nostalgic at the memory of them creating drawings together.
So, they made their little drawings together. The Suzuki sisters were very gifted in the areas of storytelling and drawing. When they were small children, they often made long and elaborate plotlines with their dolls. Suzu was almost born to be a star, with her confident attitude and always striving to be her best self.
When dinnertime rolled around, their father called them downstairs. "Little children, come down! The food is ready."
Those words made their stomachs do backflips. Were the plans they had to make their silhouettes "perfect" about to crumble to pieces? As they slowly walked down the stairs, both of the girls silently cursed themselves.
"What took so long? I could have eaten everything myself with the amount of time it took you two to get down here." Their father laughed. Despite his upbeat demeanor, the man seemed a bit sad... due to his wife not being present.
Suzu was the one to reply first. "Putting our art supplies away. We had been drawing together."
Rue nodded in agreement, taking a seat at the table.
The atmosphere felt cold and empty. Anxiety filled the girls' bodies. Their poor father could tell they were uncomfortable, and was curious as to why they felt that way.
Rue quickly ate all of the food on her plate, feeling more and more nauseous with each bite she took.
"As long as you live, you'll never catch up. You'll never be good enough." Mary whispered into her mind. Rue believed this was one of her own thoughts, but it most certainly was not. "Please... I want you to die. I want to die."
Rue began to get a horrible headache, and put her hand onto her forehead.
Her father thought this to be a bit concerning. "Are you okay, buddy?" He leaned closer to his firstborn daughter, inspecting her sickly face.
"It's alright, Father. Just a stomachache... may I be excused?"
"Yes. Go ahead..." He answered, a slightly worried expression on his face.
Suzu watched as Rue went upstairs. She hadn't eaten one bite of her food, and was starving.
Her father looked to be thinking before he spoke up. "Su, you and your sister seem uncomfortable. What's going on? You haven't touched your food, either." He queried, needing a clear explanation.
Suzu scrambled to make up a fake excuse in her mind. "We just miss Mother a lot, and know you do too. I wish I could have gotten to know her."
The man did not reply, and simply looked at his daughter as if he was agreeing.
Meanwhile, Rue was staring at herself in the mirror. The lights were low, and she stayed staring at herself that way for about twenty minutes. As she did this, many negative thoughts about herself began to float in her mind.
Suddenly, all of the melodies were present in the reflection. They looked right back at her, straight into her eyes.
Rue was starting to feel dizzy, and backed away from the mirror, bumping into the wall of the bathroom. "Who are you?!"
"Who am I?" Mary replied as she walked towards Rue in the mirror, and eventually crawled out.
Somehow, Rue knew all the names of the different melodies.
Setsuko was covering her face and shaking in fear, what was currently taking place had triggered her phobia of mirrors. "N-n-no..." Her words were muffled, and her voice trembled.
Erity stood out to Rue, because she had a black bar over her eyes. She was barely part of her at all, it was almost like she was a shell of a human. "..." She wished to speak, but could not.
The bell collar Mary had on jingled as she stepped to Rue, pushing her against the wall. "I will make sure you join us... I swear it. I hate your stupid ***!!" She pulled Rue's shoulder-length black hair to bring her closer to her face. "LEAVE. LEAVE THIS WORLD NOW. LEAVE."
Rue burst into tears, falling to the ground. She tried to throw up, but nothing would come out of her mouth.
Antionette stared at Rue with her constantly lustful eyes. "There will be no-one in the world who'll ever accept you for who you are. For the rest of your life, you'll long for human companionship. Never will this desire for affection you have be satisfied." She didn't really know if any of this would happen to Rue, but she knew it's what happened to her.
Then, all of the different versions of herself disappeared. The mirror was completely black, until Rue turned the lights on and off and it went back to normal. She tried her hardest to just brush of what happened and go back downstairs.
"Sometimes I see your mother in Rue... I'm starting to believe she is bipolar as well. You might know better, you're always with her." Rue overheard her father saying this as she crept down the stairs.
Suzu slowly nodded. "Maybe she is-- oh hello, Rue."
Rue acknowledged her sister's greeting, and seated herself at the table once more.
The rest of dinner was a blur for Rue. Meanwhile, Suzu was having her own little mental breakdown as her sister slept peacefully.
"I don't see how Rue can easily accept being trapped in this boring place." She thought, sitting up in the bed. "Why is Father always saying he's thinking ahead, for our future... but at the same time he turns around and blocks us from doing what we truly want to, and makes it so we aren't prepared for the real world at all. Does he really care at all?!" The ticking of the clock and soft breathing of Rue sleeping were the only noises that filled Suzu's ears, but they were far too loud... either way, she continued to ask herself questions about her current situation.
"Huh... mine?" Rue said in her sleep. Her face was contorted into an expression of concern, and she sounded scared. The girl was in a dream where she saw a half-dead man, covered in wounds. He wished to the sky that his life would end, over and over, but it all sounded like a joke.
"Yes, yours." A female voice replied to her in the dream. "His injuries are impossible to heal, will you attempt to save him?"
The strange man's face was not visible. He smiled and laughed as these words came from his mouth: "Please, let this end. I don't even know what I am anymore... haha." Tears streamed down his face and his voice cracked, but he insisted on continuing to laugh at himself.
"...I want to-- why? What is the reason for these feelings, and what are they?" Rue questioned the strange presence.
The voice did not reply for a time. "An incurable disease, I'm afraid. It's all a bit complicated--"
Then, everything went black. The dream didn't get to end correctly.
And so, that's the tale of the day Rue and Suzu began their unhealthy eating habits. I'll give you more information on the rest of their past experiences at a later time.
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