22 - Love Is Pain-- but Why?
The couple sit down next to one another, the darkness of the room filling their lonely hearts.
Dazai kissed Rue on the cheek, smiling gently at her. "Goodnight, Rue-chan." He laid down, his back facing her.
"Goodnight..." Rue whispered back. She opened the ice cream, stuffing her face with it.
Dazai's face immediately switched to a melancholy one once he turned away from the woman. He contemplated his feelings... the authenticity of them. His mind was always a complex puzzle, so many small pieces to find and put together-- but now, it was even more confusing. He loved Rue, but his habits made it hard for him to do it correctly.
Rue felt a massive emptiness wash over her, and she had tears enough to fill the ocean to cry.
They could not reach out to eachother, they dare not. Why was everything so unforgiving? Why did their hearts still feel empty even though they were in close proximity? Why did they love eachother, anyway? Why did they stay together? All of these questions, and more, were on these two's minds.
Dazai continued to lay there motionless. He wanted so badly to tell her that he loved her, but it felt impossible.
The silence was deafening. So many unspoken words between them. Why? So many "Why"s... never an answer. It all just felt doomed, doomed to fall on it's face... this "love" they shared.
Dazai spoke out of nowhere, shattering the loud silence. "I want to die."
Rue sighed, disappointed and worried for him. "Do not start this again..." She scooted closer to him, trying to stay calm. "Do not say those things; it makes your mindset worse."
Dazai didn't move, staying still where he was.
"Please come closer..." Rue requested of him timidly, tears in her eyes.
Dazai sighed, rolling over to her and putting his head on her lap.
Rue blushed way more than she probably should have, stuttering. "O-Okay..."
Dazai then laughed, but his face went right back to being dead. "You're so fun to tease." He admitted, closing his eyes.
Rue really couldn't understand why he always acted this way. Why? She attempted to act normal, proceeding to eat her ice cream.
Dazai went silent, reflecting on the way Rue put up with him. Why? He was horrible, and knew he was horrible. The worst person to ever walk the earth, possibly. Disqualified as a human being. He decided to actually ask her. "Rue-chan... why do you stay with me?" He had a smile on his face, one that mocked happiness.
Rue was unsettled by that expression; a shiver went down her spine. "I... want to help you. You are hurt, I need to heal you." She put more ice cream in her mouth, trying to drown out her shame.
Dazai really didn't know what to think of that, at all. He was mostly just taken aback by the fact she really seemed to care for him. "Hm."
Rue put her hand on his head without realizing, wanting to hold him close. "I... love you."
Everything was so weird. I swear to God, I hate narrating these stories why are they always so strange?! Why can't Rue and Dazai be normal???
Dazai got off of the bed, walking over to the balcony in Rue's bedroom.
Rue instantly panicked, dropping her spoon on the ground as she scurried over to him. "Nonononono!! No! Bad!" She scolded, as if he were a child that couldn't take care of himself. (Which he was, to some extent.)
Dazai stared at her blankly, his eyes tired. "I just want to see the sky."
Rue didn't believe that, but let him go anyway. She opened the door, stepping out before him. "I will stand beside you."
"Why don't you trust me?" He pouted, trying to be all cute.
Rue rolled her eyes, somewhat exasperated. Lot's of reasons came to mind. "If you'd like to see the sky with me, and get some fresh air, come over here." She invited once more, giving him a little smile.
Dazai sauntered over to her, smirking. He put his hands on the railing, leaning out.
Rue grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him back and closer to her body. "Stop that!"
Dazai grumbled.
Rue was making a slightly angry face at him, before realizing just how dark it was. She held onto his arm, her fear of the dark kicking in.
Dazai noticed this, remembering she was afraid of the dark. "You scared?" He appeared to be slightly amused by it.
"Yes." Rue was honest about it, but a bit embarrassed. She looked down, gripping on his arm tighter.
They both stood there in the cold night air, Dazai staring off into space as Rue looked at the floor.
Eventually, he had an idea. "AAHHHHH!!!!" He yelled, pretending to be afraid in order to jumpscare Rue.
She shrieked, holding onto him tightly and jerking back. "What?! What?!! What happened?!!" The poor woman already had so many stressful thoughts going through her mind, such as Dazai jumping off the balcony, what could be lurking in the darkness, as well as the possibility that the balcony may be unstable and they'd fall to the ground.
Dazai laughed at her panic. "Nothing, I was just seeing how on edge you were."
Rue gave him a glare, unamused by his behavior. "Don't do that again." She put her hands behind her back, sidestepping closer to him and leaning on his body. The imagery of their lifeless bodies and broken bones after falling off the balcony lingered in her mind.
Dazai was a bit surprised by the gesture, since he had just been a bit mean to her. Despite that confusion he felt, he put his arm around her shoulder, smirking in a smug way to hide his guilt.
As time passed, Rue did begin to notice how distant Dazai's gaze was. It was almost as if he were looking off into the past, something very far away and now impossible. "...Are you alright, Osamu?" She questioned, taking his hand and holding it gently.
"Mm." He gave her a small fake smile.
That looked like the smile she always saw from him. She could tell it was never real... "Okay." She didn't want to press further, knowing how stubborn and secretive he was.
Dazai had been reminiscing about his friendship Odasaku and Ango, as he did at times. Those had been the only times he felt at ease, yeah? Now he did have the Agency, but it was still hard.
Rue gazed at him lovingly now, thinking over all of the bad things he's done. She was so sure he would do more, but she didn't care. She didn't care, and could never bring herself to throw him out. Rue turned her head away from him as she tried her hardest not to cry. Why was he so... pitiful? It was almost angering.
Dazai paid her no mind now, lost in his thoughts.
"I'd like to thank you, Osamu... thank you." Why was she thanking him? "I'm sorry." These words should have been said by him.
He stared at her with a dazed expression on his face, almost like he was buffering. "E-ehh?" was all that could come out of his mouth. What she had told him made him feel strange... very strange. It was an unknown emotion, but he knew it was good.
"I'm so happy you're alive. You're so strong... do you know that? I really cannot comprehend how you aren't dying from all of the suicide attempts, but thank you for not trying today. You've done well. Thank you." Rue's voice was breaking, and tears were in her eyes.
Dazai could not reply.
The two of them both felt as though they were being ripped into two. They were being ripped apart by love.
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