Hero names
I spent my two days off in my room—resting, sleeping, and being on my laptop.
I just spent time to deal with my headaches and soreness.
When I got back, everyone was talking about how they were recognized in public from the sports festival, and how they felt famous.
My ass was in bed the whole time so I didn't have that opportunity. Plus I hate being recognized in public, so anytime someone could have recognized me, I used an illusion to look like someone else.
"Good morning!"
"Ribbit. Mr. Aizawa, your bandages are gone. I'm glad."
"The old lady went overboard with her quirk. More importantly, we're having a special hero informatics class today." He says as he picks at his scars.
"Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names."
"We're gonna do something exciting!"
Aizawa glares at everyone to calm down.
"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation."
"So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked, huh?" Hakagure asks.
"That's right. And here are the totals for those with offers."
Todoroki: 4123
L/n: 3872
Bakugou: 3556
Tokoyami: 360
Iida: 301
Kaminari: 272
Yaoyorozu: 108
Kirishima: 68
Uraraka: 20
Sero: 14
"I'm other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these three this year."
"Gah! There's such a big difference!" Kaminari complains.
"Those pros don't know a good thing when they see one!" The sparkly boy huffs.
"Todoroki got more than l/n?" Jirou asks.
"That's the opposite of their placement in the sports festival." Kirishima adds.
"Well I don't really know exactly what l/n's quirk is, maybe it's becuse the pros aren't sure exactly. Plus Todoroki's quirk looked super cool." Sero guesses.
"Oh, um, if you need some clarification: my quirk is illusion." I pipe up.
"Is that what it is. Wait but then if it's just an illusion then how were you able to attack?"
"Um, there's a loop hole there, and if I put my opponent in a labyrinth—or that's what I call them—then anything in there can make contact with the person or people I pu t in there. But the more complex the labyrinth, the more it drains my quirk and energy."
"Ohh. That makes sense, well no wonder you got first place. With a quirk like that you just trap villains and have them deal with whatever monster you can think of. That's really useful."
I blush—still not used to compliments. "T-thanks, but it's not as great as you're making it seem. It's not really a great qui—"
"Shut up! You can't say it's weak if somehow it beat me! You calling me weak, huh?!"
"Uh, erm, I-I'm not t-trying to, um,"
"Calm down Bakugou you're scaring the poor girl." Ashido scolds.
"Tch. Well that quirk isn't fucking weak."
I'm all the way in the back, so we've been yelling across the room, and Aizawa gave us a look that said "shut up." So we did.
Yaoyorozu turns towards Todoroki.
"You're amazing Todoroki."
"They're probably all because of my dad."
Uraraka is shaking Iida's shoulders and on the verge of tears.
"Wow, we got offers!"
"Keeping these offers in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internships with pros."
"Internships?" Midoriya inquires.
"Yeah. At USJ, you already got to experience combat with real villains, but it will still me meaningful training for you to see pros at work firsthand."
"So that explains the hero names!" Yells a big guy with brown hair who's next to Uraraka.
"Things are suddenly getting a lot more fun!" Uraraka exclaims.
"Well, those hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it..."
"...you'll have hell to pay later!"
I hear some gasps as Midnight walks in.
"Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognized by society, and they end up becoming professional hero names!"
"Well, that's how it is. So Midnight will be making sure your hero names are okay. I can't do stuff like that. When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future, and you can get closer to it. This is what it means when they say, 'names and natures do often agree.' Like 'All Might,' for example."
Boards to write our ideas are passed back, and I watch as some struggle while others write it down immediately.
I get my board, and start thinking. I want my image to implore the idea that I could be strong or weak. I want my hero name to really stand for the fact that my quirk is illusion, without giving it away. Like Sero said, they aren't sure what my quirk is even after watching me—that could be my advantage. Ok I think I've got it.
Different people go up and present their name—I want to wait for the end to present it.
"Alright, all that's left is Bakugou who needs to rethink his, and Iida, Midoriya and l/n, right?"
Iida uses his given name while Midoriya uses a nickname given to him when he was younger.
I walk up to present mine.
"Before I show you my idea, I want to say something first. I've never been that confident—always hiding behind some sort of mask, or appropriately an illusion. I don't understand how I won the sports festival, and I was so nervous I came in late by a month. I hear about the USJ all the time and the only thing I can think is 'I was the only one who wasn't there—I'm not really apart of this class.' I mean, I've never really felt like I was in 1-A, more like I was watching 1-A and I'm just here. But, I think now, I've come to terms with all of that. I want to fully embrace my nature and tackle it head on! So, with that said, this is my hero name."
I hold up my board.
"The myst hero: Puella Qui Praestigia"
"The inspiration of my quirk—well not my quirk but the different 'realms' I sent people to during the sports festival—was from a story told in Latin, German, and English (Japanese), so I wanted to incorporate that into it. 'Puella qui praestigia' means 'girl who tricks.' It's a pun based on how 'praestigia' means 'illusion' but the declension changes to mean 'trick' to 'to trick.' I made my hero name so that it relates to my quirk in a way no one would understand without explanation. The 'myst' part in my name is halfway between 'mystical' or magical, and 'mystery'—all in English of course. But what I do in my labyrinths almost look like magic, and Sero said he wasn't sure what my quirk was even after I displayed it—adding an air of mystery as to what I can really do. And for the 'myst' part—even though it's misspelled in English—it sounds like the word for mist. Which is something that can obscure vision or block clarity. Kind of what my illusions do. And finally, the fact that my hero name is active—as in that there's a subject actively doing something—is related to how I'm working towards become more confident, and how I have to be consciously maintaining my illusions." I smile awkwardly at the end—feeling bad for adding a whole ass speech to my hero name.
"What a speech! But even so, that's a wonderful hero name!"
I go sit down, looking at everyone as I walk all the way back. Most of them have some sort of look of awe or impressment on their faces—they probably think I'm weird.
Yaoyorozu turns back to face me.
"That was so cool. Your hero name not only sounds pretty and gives a vibe of magic to it, but it has tons of meaning with your quirk and personality. It'll be fun fan trivia once you become a pro. I love your name and I think it really suits you."
"Thank you, I'm glad someone else likes it. I couldn't tell from my own perspective if it sounded nice or weird."
She smiles and turns back to the front.
"Now that everyone's decided on hero names, we'll go back to talking about internships. They will last for a week. As for where you'll have them, those who had offers from pros will be given your own lists, so you can choose from those yourself. Those who didn't have offers will choose from among forty agencies around the country that will be accepting our interns. They all work in different places and have different specialties."
"For example, Thirteen would be focused on rescues from accidents and disasters more than fighting villains."
"Think carefully before you choose."
"Yes, sir!"
We are each given our lists, and Todoroki, Bakugou, and I have full stacks of paper to look through.
"Turn in your choices before the weekend."
"We've only got two days?!" Kaminari yells.
"Make your decision efficiently. Dismissed."
Just as he says this, the bell rings.
I skim through my list—looking for some specific names first. One of the first I notice is the Endeavor Hero Agency.
I tap Todoroki on the shoulder and point to it.
"Isn't that your father's agency? Do you know why he'd offer me as an intern?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I have a guess. But don't choose his—it'll be the worst week of your life."
"Oh, uh. Ok...then."
I shove the papers in my bag and head to lunch.
When I get back I can hear Ashido asking if anyone has decided on what agency they want to visit.
"I'm going to Mt. Lady!" The grape head says.
"Mineta, you're thinking about something perverted, aren't you?" The frog girls rhetorically asks.
"Of course not!" He says in a nervous way.
"Deku, have you decided already?" Uraraka inquires, but Midoriya is simply muttering away.
"Oh, sorry! I was lost in thought..."
"You're really thinking carefully about this, huh?" Froppy asks.
"Actually, I've already decided!" Uraraka answers to Ashido's earlier question.
"Really?" Ashido asks.
"Where?" Ojirou adds.
"Battle hero: Gundead's agency!"
"Huh? Gunhead's a huge battle type! You're going there Uraraka?" Midoriya asks in pure confusion and amazement.
"Yup! I got an offer from them!" Uraraka responds and punches out her fist.
"Really? I thought you were trying to be a hero like Thirteen." Asks Midoriya.
"Ultimately, yes. But fighting Bakugou at the sports festival made me think—the stronger I get, the more possibilities I'll have! If I only do what I want, I'll have a narrower perspective!"
"I see." Midoriya's eyes widen.
"More importantly, this has been bothering me for a while, but... you're trembling, aren't you?"
"Oh, this? It's the air chair exercise."
"Air chair?! Don't tell me you do that all through class?" Uraraka asks in amazement.
"There's no way!" Ashido yells in disbelief.
"That's such an old-fashioned exercise." Grape Head adds.
"What are you saying?! The isometric muscle contraction of the air chair means it's an easy way to train without moving!" Ojirou counters.
This all seems to be making Bakugou angry for some reason—maybe all this talking around him is annoying.
"Hey, l/n." Ashido comes over to me.
"Hm?" I look up from my papers.
"Have you chosen what agency you want to go to yet?"
"Hm, not really. There's actually a couple I'm looking for specifically, but I haven't found them yet—probably because there's almost four-thousand of them, but I digress."
"Ooooo, which ones."
(These are all fake based on other anime)
"Huh? Oh, well there's the Gambling hero: Kakegurui. I've found her love for luck and probability to be interesting and thought it would be fun to learn about dealing with unlikely or odd situations. And there's also there's the Animated hero: Jester. Her lively and extroverted nature inspires me—especially since we both have/had issues with... well we both had something that we went through that led to us being more reserved. And then there's also The Polar Assasins: Karma and Nagisa. Their assassination techniques for hand to hand combat are useful in the case someone could overcome my labyrinth and figure out that anything else I summon is an illusion and get through it."
"Those are some cool choices. And not to mention that Karma's super hot." Ashido nudges me.
"U-uh." My face flares up.
"I mean, they're young heroes—just about three years older than us~"
"Ashidoooo." I whine.
Ashido just laughs in response.
"We'll make sure to look through most if not all—with that many you're sure to find at least one of the agencies you want to intern at." Uraraka assures.
"Yeah, probably."
The day finishes up, and of all people, Bakugou asks me to walk with him.
"Um, sure."
We stay silent until about halfway, and he starts asking me about my song that I sang.
"You said that you were abandoned, by who?"
"Someone I trusted."
"That as far as you're gonna go?" He asks, irritated.
"Yes." I say coldly.
"Tch. What's the highest rank of those pros who offered you an internship? Mines the number four hero." He says cockily.
"The number two hero, Endeavor."
"The hell, you got a higher rank?!" He asks—clearly pissed off.
"I don't know how. Honestly I don't think I—"
"I told you this earlier, stop saying you're weak! If you say that, it's the same as saying I'm weak!"
"Oh, sorry."
"Tch. Are you gonna take the Endeavor internship?"
"No, Todoroki told me not to."
"That icyhot bastard shouldn't be allowed to push you around like that. If you wanted to, then fucking do it."
"Sorry, he warned me not to. He said it'd be the worst week of my life. I mean, Endeavor's his father, so if he tell me it's not a good idea, then it's probably not. Plus it wouldn't be beneficial other than understanding what goes on in the field. My weakness is strong elemental emitters. That's his quirk type, but he would only be teaching me a defense mechanism against that—something I can learn in class too. If I take an internship that helps with my current abilities—with someone who's either in my situation or similar, or is strong in something I want to develop or learn about."
Bakugou stays silent—not knowing much how to respond.
We walk in silence the rest of the way; my stop is first so we bid our goodbyes—quietly—and I walk into my home.
I get home and begin going through my list of agencies.
I got an offer from Kakegurui as I had hoped, and one other notable hero that I had not mentioned. Hawks.
"Helllll yeahhhhhhh! This is the bitch! I fucking got Hawks! Bitch yesssssss!"
I take Hawks. What a surprise.
I got to bed, and for the rest of the weekend I work on homework, fangirl over Hawks, and go online and dick around.
I'm fucking ready bitch.
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