On our third day, we got caught in a villain attack.
The days prior, we worked on patrolling. That's about it.
The villains were small-time, but that didn't mean they weren't strong.
"Okay children, I'm gonna give you some experience here. Why don't you do your best to deal with these villains, and if I see that it's too dangerous for you two, I'll step in. Got it? Good."
We were shoved out there—my anxious, timid ass—and I just about died. I did my best to analyze the situation before attacking, so I didn't charge in and get hurt when it could have been avoided.
There's three of them. Their goal seemed to be causing destruction, or possibly serving as a distraction for a more subtle crime—one we wouldn't notice in the confusion of everything.
I think about the area, and realize that I know nothing about the area.
"Hawks! Are there places here where a crime might occur?! Like a bank or museum?!"
"There's a bank about half a block from here! Why?!"
"I think this might be a distraction since they don't seem to have any goal other than causing destruction!"
"Toko—Tsukoyomi! Can you handle these villains? Or do you want a bit of assistance first?!"
"I don't know, but maybe—I don't know their quirks—but if it proves too difficult, Hawks can always step in! Why?!"
"Not much time to explain, but there might be another crime nearby, and I need to go check it out!"
"Good luck!"
"You too!"
I grab my phone—damn Hawks didn't give any directions—and look for nearby banks.
My phone lights up: a Japan Post Bank is nearby.
I summon wings like I've done before, and fly over there so I can get there as quickly as possible.
It turns out I was right about this, and landed so I could open an immediate labyrinth. I tapped my foot twice and put the two of them in with Oktavia. Their quirks—if they had any—weren't obvious, so I stuck them in with the best one to deal with unknown quirks.
I monitored the labyrinth since they attempted to fight. One of them had telekenisis and the other had the power to float. However, neither of them stood a chance against Oktavia. The one with telekinesis couldn't control that many wheels, and floating wasn't going to help with wheels that are moving as fast as a car.
I ran back and assisted civilians. The two weren't power types so there wasn't much of an issue.
I made it clear that if they willed it, the giant animals I summoned could carry them out.
I worked with ground civilians while Hawks dealt with the ones that were caught in the buildings that were attacked.
I noticed that Tokoyami was having trouble, so I put all the civilians in a safe labyrinth and went to assist him.
Once he landed, he explained what he learned.
"Ok, the one with white hair can manipulate glass, the one with black eyes can become a shadow, or fall into a shadow, and the last one can scream really loud to cause damage around him."
Ok, then. Which one are you having the most trouble with?"
"The one with the scream quirk."
"Alright, then I'll deal with him with a labyrinth, and assist you further after."
My plan is to trap this guy in a plain labyrinth and then transfer him to Oktavia after I release the other Oktavia one. I can't have two of the same labyrinth open at the same time.
I open an immediate labyrinth that traps him in a labyrinth of desert plains, where he's free to use his quirk and not damage anything—unless he breaks the labyrinth himself.
I release the current Oktavia labyrinth and start it again anew. The other two back st the bank have already been beaten, so I don't need to worry about them.
I summon wings to fly up by Hawks and tell him about the two left at the bank. I summon illusions of more animals—all with signs that make sure to assure that if they will it, they can touch it. He sees that I can handle this part, so he leaves to deal with the two at the bank.
I summon ribbons to grab as many people as I can to bring them down in a group. After that I land on the ground so I can deal with the glass guy next and summon a labyrinth. I put him in Patricia's labyrinth.
Tokoyami thanks me and I move on to rescue the rest of the civilians.
By the time I've finished, Tokoyami also finished dealing with the shadow guy.
Hawks returnes with the two from the bank and I release the civilian labyrinth, Oktavia's, and Patricia's. Because the one with the glass quirk had nothing to defend himself, the familiars were easily able to beat him and knock him out.
The police take the five villains into custody and we're thanked for our hard work.
After everything is said and done, Hawks turns to us. We are both tired—Tokoyami more so due to the nature of his quirk—and ready for some food.
"You two did amazing. I'm proud of how quickly you were able to analyze the situation and deal with it accordingly. There were only minor injuries due to your handle of the situation. Now, I wasn't really supposed to be allowing you to do that. It was more dangerous than it may have seemed. But, you were able to deal with these villains about as well as a pro. So, good job!"
I smile brightly—I can't believe Hawks thinks we did this well. This is so cool.
He pats our heads and offers to take us somewhere nice as a celebration of sorts.
I take some painkillers that I packed to deal with the raging headache. I can barely feel it because there's still remenants of adrenaline, but it's bad enough to where I can feel an uncomfortable amount of pain that I know is gonna kill me later.
It's over the counter, so I offer Tokoyami some.
"Thank you, I'm a bit sore from that and the pain is starting to set in."
"No problem." I smile.
"You know, I really can see the gap between us in strength. I only took out one while you took out four."
"No no no no no, don't say that. It's only because my quirk is designed to deal with multiple people at once. Yours is a power type that's used in one on however many, fights. My quirk is different in that I never really have to fight on my own, so I don't get tired from fighting that many people. It's not overall strength, it's style of quirk. You're incredibly strong—one of the top of the class. You only fought me early on in the sports festival, and since yours is at a disadvantage when compared to mine, you couldn't be recognized by as many pros. And I still regret that. Someone like Bakugou or Todoroki deserved to win more than me, so I don't want anyone feeling down just because my quirk has weird loopholes that give me advantages over different types of quirks. So, don't lose hope."
I stop and stand in front of him.
"Become the hero you want to be, and don't stop because of my weird quirk, okay?" I ask on the brink of tears.
Tokoyami seems stunned by this, and it takes him a bit before he sputters out an "okay."
I sigh and keep walking.
"Sorry. I just hate it when I make others feel bad. Like sad or depressed, or angry or annoyed. I just want people to feel good. So I don't want you to be in despair over this because of me. That sounds selfish, but I guess it's whatever."
I didn't know and neither did Tokoyami, but Hawks had heard all of this.
He wonders about me. I guess I am a strange case. I believe I'm everything I'm not, and I don't believe in what I am.
We come back to the agency, and Tokoyami go to the hotel to shower and change into something more formal. I'm glad I packed a nice dress just Incase—I get worried when packing and prepare for pretty much any scenario. I pack underwear like I'm gonna shit my pants twice a day.
We meet back at the agency.
Holy fuck he's hot.
Hawks in a suit was nothing I could've been prepared for. And I just now realized that I'm the only girl out of the three of us. So my dirty ass mind just goes to shit.
I keep my head down the entire time and walk slightly behind.
We go out to a fancy place to eat—he must be really sorry for putting first years in a very dangerous villain scene, and holy shit he must be rich.
It's a circle table, and there's three of us. We end up sitting in three different corners in a triangle shape—each of us being somewhat separated from each other so it looks like a three-way western standoff or some shit.
I've already forgotten what I ordered, I'm too busy freaking out about the situation I'm in.
Hawks feels awkward though because of his wings, and (surprisingly) Tokoyami is doing everything not to laugh. After I notice it, I excuse myself to go laugh in the bathroom.
I neglected to mention it, but Tokoyami and I exchanged numbers so if something happened at some point during the internship, we'd be able to contact each other.
So I end up texting him about what's going on, and he sneaks a video of Hawks trying to deal with his wings. I end up on the floor wheezing.
I make sure to come back within a timely manner as to not seem suspicious. By the time I got back, he figured out a solution to dealing with his wings. He released every feather so that the wings could reassemble through the small gaps in the back of the chair.
I'm so happy he figured it out, because if he hadn't, I don't think I'd be able to hide the laughter for too long.
Our food comes and holy lord it was the best damn food I've ever had. I think Tokoyami thought the same. Hawks seemed indifferent—probably since he's rich enough to have had this a good number of times before.
By the end of the internship, Tokoyami learned a new move and I learned to carry up to the weight of one adult and one child with my wings. It was grueling, but it was worth it.
Something else, was that Tokoyami and I became pretty good friends. We came up with the name "the chair" in reference to Hawks' situation at the restaurant so we could reference it later and not have him figure it out, and as an inside joke when we went back.
I really enjoyed my internship and I think Tokoyami did too.
Ugh. It's over. I don't want to go back. This was so fun and now I have to go back to a homeless teacher, explosive brat who presses too much into me, a few dumbasses, and just people in general.
But Tokoyami and I got to enjoy the train ride back. The silence wasn't as awkward, and we chatted a bit during it too.
But I can't live my life just having fun without a care. I can't live in an illusion.
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