Chapter 6
"Y-Your here too help?" They asked him, with confused tones of voice.
Alton looked at them and gave them a nod while the others done the same signalling that they are also there to help with the virus. The guards looked at them all shocked and handed each of them some gloves and masks. "We can't guarantee that you'll be safe wearing these my lord but their better than nothing. . ." The guards spoke up and gave a small smile.
Alton nodded his head and put them on as did everyone else. "Okay let's get too work then." Alton said to the others.
They nodded their heads and they entered the village, once they did they saw a pile a bodies over by the side, all of them covered in bruises shaped like a rose. That's when Alton looked over and noticed that there was a a door too a home wide open.
He gestured for the others too look and walked over there, knocked on the door and walked in. Inside there was what he could only assume was a mother laying in bed with a high fever. He looked at her and then looked around and noticed a man laying on the floor while children was by the body.
We're too late for that man. . .
"Cosmo, check the mother and take bloods from the father and mother just incase they help you later." Alton spoke.
"I got it!" Cosmo spoke and rushed over to check the mother over first.
"Lloyd take the children out of here." Alton said to him.
"Yes, my lord." Lloyd said while going over.
However, when he did the children started to scream and shout, about how they didn't want to leave their mom or their dad's side. Alton looked at them and walked over, kneeling down. "You must want to help them right?" Alton asked them.
The children looked up at him and nodded their heads tears in their eyes. "Yes! We want to help mommy and daddy!" They said to Alton confirming what he already thought.
He continued to look at the children and then looked at the body of their father, turning his head back to the children. "Listen the way you can help your mother, is by leaving so you have a better chance too survive. If you guys die she'll be heartbroken." Alton said to them.
They both looked at eachother and then back at Alton nodding their head. "P-Please take care of our mommy my lord!" They said and left with Lloyd.
Elexis looked at Alton and smiled towards him as he managed to convince the children to go with Lloyd. "Who knew my lord was good with Children?" She asked him.
"Who knew you have a crush on Alton?" Ryuu asked her.
"Wha-?! I do not!" She said back to him.
Alton ignored the comments they was making back and forth and walked over to Cosmo. "How's it going? Finding anything out?" Alton asked him.
"There is no mark indicating she was bitten so it must be from something else, maybe a strain of a virus, and a deadly strain at that. However, I can probably cure it. I just need a bit more time." Cosmo said to him.
"Do you know if there is a way to stop the virus?" Alton asked him.
"That's hard to tell right now. . . All I can suggest is for someone to rest and not do much. Other than that I don't know, right now but I will as fast as I can to find out." Cosmo explained.
Alton nodded and walked over to the other side of the women laying down, looking at her. "Don't worry ma'am you'll be okay. I'll do everything in my power to help you and the others that need it too." Alton said to her.
"T-Thank you M-My lord. . ." The woman said to him.
He walked away after she said that and walked out of the house into the street, he noticed once again that the bodies was piled up and then stopped the guard from walking past him. "Why is there bodies piled up like that?" Alton asked them.
"Sir. . . No one have had time to bury them yet. Everyone have been so busy to take care of the sick and try and help them the best they could." The guard explained.
Alton looked at the pile and let go of the guard he was talking too. This just keeps getting more and more of a headache. Luckily me doing this won't come back to that bastard and his family, because their titles have been stripped.
You should have done more than that too them.
Alton stopped walking as he heard that voice, a voice full of malice and evil. He started to walk once again and looked around the place as he did. He noticed more and more people getting sick when around others too. He looked over to the guard and called him over. "Get everyone isolated it seems to be spreading quicker when you are around others, which means it's air born. Those with an infected person are not allowed out of their houses, and those who ain't affected ain't allowed by anyone. Understand?" Alton asked them.
"Yes sir!" The guard spoke.
Alton watched as they ran off and he looked around the place once more. "A pandemic of all things. . . What's next?" Alton asked quietly.
"Alton! Come quick! Cosmo think he found a cure already!" Lloyd shouted out.
Alton looked over and raised an eyebrow, while he heard those words come from Lloyd. "That was quick. ." Alton said as he rushed over and walked in. "Cosmo you found a cure?" Alton asked him.
"No Lloyd wasn't listening properly. . . However, I did find something that can slow it down while I continue to make the cure." Cosmo said to Alton.
"Oh yeah?" Alton asked him.
That's when Cosmo helped up a tube with red liquid in it. "It's a mix between different herbs, however the main ingredient may surprise you." Cosmo said to him.
"What is it?" Alton asked him.
To be continued!
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