Chapter 49
As the sun arose from its slumber, Alton was already sweating from training so hard, he can now fight against someone and hold his own very well. he was so happy with the outcome of his training sessions. "I'm proud my lord! Your so strong!" Arther said to Alton.
Alton looked at him and smiled bowed to Arther while still smiling. "Thank you so much for putting up with me every morning! I look forward to continuing to grow stronger with you all!" Alton said with a huge smile.
Arther became shocked as he saw Alton do that for him. He watched as Alton walked off and turned too Clayton with a small smile on his face. "That boy. . . Each day he continues to surprise me either with his words or his actions." Arther said to him.
Clayton smiled at Arther's words and nodding his head agreeing to them. "Yes, I agree. He likes to have a laugh with us all, he doesn't mind if someone makes a mistake, and most importantly he wants everyone to feel safe and happy while here." Clayton stated.
Arther watched as Clayton walked away after saying that to him. He smiled and went to back to training with the other knights. While Clayton was walking he noticed Hellian cleaning the place and stopped walking. "You know you haven't stopped smiling the moment you started to speak with the young lord." Clayton said to her.
She stopped and turned around to face Clayton. "Our young lord is truly something else is he not? Whenever he talks you can't help but feel safe and secure." Hellian spoke up with a smile on her as is her new usual.
Clayton looked at her and smiled while nodded his head and walked over into the building and walked down the halls while still smiling. The more he was walking past people the more everyone was happily talking to him about their new young lord.
Each time he was stopped the more he was happier after everyone was telling how much they loved the young lord and how they can't wait for him to become the new heir. However when Clayton heard something he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Father! I'm telling you now he's up to something!" Isabella said to her father annoyed.
"Really now? And do you know what he's up too?" Cornelius asked his daughter, voice laced with annoyance as well.
"He's talking to so many powerful people and making friends that he doesn't even deserve it's suspicious!" Isabella began to shout.
"And maybe he's just gaining more power for our family. You don't know m, and with out proof there is nothing I can do as I don't know what he's up too." Cornelius spoke up.
There was a small silence between them and then the viscountess started to speak up too. "How do we know if he's a good match to take over the family? What if he's weak? It will ruin this family's name." The viscountess said.
Cornelius looked at her and and then stopped working. That's when he got a piece of paper and started to write down something. He called for Clayton and that's when he walked in after waiting for a few minutes not for it look like he was ease-dropping. He walked in and looked at Cornelius. "Yes sir?" Clayton asked.
Cornelius finished writing down something and put it somewhere safe. "Where is Alton right now?" Cornelius asked him.
"He's getting ready for the day sir. Then he'll be doing some paper work." Clayton answered him honestly.
"I see. And do you know why he's making so many friends?" He asked his butler.
Clayton looked at him and slightly shook his head. "I don't know sir, I overhead him say he gaining more power for the Von-Lowther family." Clayton answered him.
Cornelius looked at him and then dismissed him. While he was outside the door once again he over heard Cornelius speak once again.
"Gaining more power for our family huh?" He spoke.
"You can't be serious! You believe that?!" Isabella asked.
"Father. . . Do you really think that Illegitimate child is worth getting the the title of viscount? Cause to be honest I do not." Adina said.
"Then he'll have to prove himself won't he. . if he comes back alive he will take over." Cornelius spoke up.
The rest of the conversation was in whispers. Clayton sighed and started too walk off. Happiness, and peace is great when you have it.
However. . . They don't last. .
To be continued!
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