Chapter 40
"Ryuu?" Alton asked her.
Elexis nodded her head at what he just asked her. "Yes Ryuu Draco, He's known as the 'Trashy Dragon' because he's different from the others." She said to him. "Ryuu is around 18 years old. So two years older than you my lord. As you probably noticed he has so much confidence all because of his magic power. He truly is a scary being. Judging from what you have said I think he likes you." She finished.
"Likes me? He kept calling me a brat." Alton spoke up.
"That means he likes you!" Elexis started.
"If that's what he's like when he likes someone I'd hate to see what he's like when he hates someone." Lloyd said.
Elexis started to laugh and nodded her head, agreeing with what Lloyd had just said. "I agree, that's even more scarier. However has his name and nickname suggest he is a member of the dragon Clan. Even the head of the clan sees how powerful he is and wants him to take over." Elexis stated.
Before any of them could say anything else it was then time for them to go and eat, they all went around the table and sat down. However, Alton was still thinking about theit conversation. Ryuu Draco. . . Aka the 'Trashy Dragon'. . . Why have he got that nickname? I know Elexis said he's different but. . . What makes him different? All the dragon Clan are extremely prideful and confident. . .
"Lord Alton is there something wrong?" Elexis asked.
Alton looked up and made eye contact with the Faye Princess. "Why is he known as the trashy dragon?" Alton asked her. The king, and queen looked at Alton in shock.
"Ah yes I never properly explained that have I. Well in the Dragon Clan they make sure they act proper however Ryuu gets drunk and he likes too party hard. He likes to have fun so the clan shunned him out and they came up with that nickname for him." Elexis spoke up.
"He didn't seem the type too be like that when we met him though!" Cody said to her.
"The man is mysterious. And very confusing as well." Elexis admitted.
"Why are you talking about the next heir of the dragon Clan?" The king asked them.
"Next heir?" Alton asked.
"Yes! The dragon king needed an heir because he has no children, so he has to pick from the dragon Clan members for the next heir. . the next heir has to be strong and independent so they can lead. The only person who could ever be that is Ryuu. . . However. ." Elexis started to explain and then stopped.
"However?" Lloyd asked, wanting to hear more.
"Ryuu has no interest in becoming the heir, he's currently looking for a way to get out of it." Elexis spoke up.
"Really now. . ." Alton said to her.
Right now figuring out who done that to those men is my top priority, if I see Ryuu while investigating I'll ask him, if not it will have to wait until I'm done. . .
"Oh right you also said men exploded." Elexis spoke up.
Alton looked at her confused wondering if she was reading his mind or not, that's when the king and queen started to ask about what they ment, so Alton, Lloyd and Cody started to explain what had happened before they got there.
"Their bodies tore apart from the inside that's what it sounds like. ." The queen spoke up.
"To be honest, it was so unbelievable even though I saw it I still don't believe it." Lloyd said outloud.
"Yes I heard that there is a special seal that once placed on someone the wearer's body will be torn from the inside the impact of the magic inside someone's body will be so catastrophic that the human body will explore open." The queen explained.
"So does that mean someone that knows magic done this?" Lloyd asked.
"Not necessarily, infact this type of magic doesn't need any magic from the person, it's casting from. Once you drew the magic circle and said the words the magic will activate." The king spoke up.
"So it could be anyone who done it! But how does that even work, to make magic happen you need magic energy." Cody said.
"This magic spell collects the magic while it's being set up. It's a dangerous spell as like you already anyone even if they have no magic can activate this spell." The king explained.
"So that means it's a spell that's not easy to stop, the only thing I can think of is destroy the circle before it's set off. . cause even if you knock out or kill the caster it won't stop the spell." Elexis joined back in.
"Actually the only way to stop the spell from activating full if too stop the caster from ever casting the spell to begin with. Once the circle is drawn it's already too late. The circle will burn into the victim and stay there until they die. However they only activate when the victim says something they ain't suppose to." The queen said.
"What do you mean by that?" Alton asked.
"The caster will tell the person, "you cannot say this" or "you cannot say that." And if they do say it or if they think about saying it then the spell will activate." The king took over.
"I see. . . So it's a spell to make sure they keep quiet."
"Yes exactly."
Everyone carried on talking about it and that's when they moved onto the agreement. Both sides agreed to help eachother even when Alton is not in charge they will help him with whatever he needs help with. However,
They will only help him, not the others of his family.
To be continued!
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