s p e c i a l c h a p t e r 1.0
“The world is full of beauty and abundance.”
Mom used to quote that to me. My mother firmly believed that. And I believed in her, too. I believed, because I knew that there were greater things in life.
The way I lived was much away from the lives of the normal. It was dark and merciless, yet I had to be strong, because I knew that there was an end to this darkness.
Our beloved Miracle, was the greatest thing that happened to us.
It was raining then. I was there, watching the rain dripping on the ground. I was silently crying along the rain. It could not be helped, my mother was in grave danger. Mom and my baby brother Nathan were both in grave danger.
Dad was with them inside the operating room, at least to give them a support morally.
"Oy!" I knew that voice. It was my best friend, Bea. "Mike! Stop crying!" she scolded upon seeing the sight of me.
I wiped my tears away and gave her a casual look. "Why are you here, Bea?"
"My parents heard of what is happening to Aunt Quinn, they were both worried that's why we came." then she crossed her arms and pouted her lips,"But the authorized personnel didn't let me come inside."
"You either?" I questioned her and she nodded her head as a response.
It was restricted for us to go inside the hospital, the reason was we were too young. So we stayed outside instead.
My mother was in the hospital, because she was very sensitive in giving birth. At first, she had a miscarriage on the fifth month of carrying my supposedly next little brother or sister in her womb. And on that time, she had a serious hard time bearing a child again.
Many years had passed and Nathan came. It was not too easy that time. Mom was in coma for almost a month when carrying Nathan. Miraculously, they both survived.
It was the time for Mom to give birth, yet life was too unfair, because my Dad would choose between the life of Mom or Nathan to live. He chose them both to live. It was hard and everyone were on the verge line—in a life and death situation.
Many more hours came, still waiting patiently for the good or bad news. Soon, Bea and her family went home. I still stayed. I had a strong confidence in my chest that they would both live.
I had faith.
I checked the time on my wrist watch, 1:45 on the midnight. I should sleep, but how could I sleep in that state?
I got little surprised when somebody called me. I looked behind and saw an exhausted aura of Dad.
Quickly, I ran towards him and threw him a hug. "Dad, Dad! How's Mom? How about Nathan?" I couldn't help but to speak in a broken and worried tone.
My Dad didn't answer right away. I was starting to get nervous. It felt like a bad news had happened.
I looked up and met Dad's face full of tears. Dad was crying as well. What did that mean? Why was he crying?
"Dad . . . answer me." I uttered in low tone, "Where's Mom and Nathan?"
Then Dad removed the tears on his face, then knelt in front of me to reach my height impartially. "Son," he said and gave me a peck on my forehead.
"Dad?" I was confused.
He grinned and I could not explain his expression this time. He was smiling! "Mike, your mom and baby brother Nathan are safe."
With his announcement, no one could describe how extremely joyful I was!
"Now, now," Dad calmed me down from my delight. "Mike, you should rest also."
"But I want to see Mom!" I protested. "As well as Nathan! I wanna see them!"
"You'll see them both tomorrow, young man." my Dad replied. "Mom is currently resting right now."
I sighed. Right, I didn't want Mom to be bothered by me while she was sleeping.
Afterwards, Dad told me that I should go home and rest. He even called our driver to fetch me here in the hospital.
Before I went home, I headed to the men's washroom to clean the tears on my face. Gladly, Mom and Nathan were both fine. A smile was painted on my face, and I couldn't erase it. I finally had my little brother! His name they gave him was Prince Nathan Twain.
I was about to exit the washroom when I suddenly heard a high-pitched cries nearby. I could sensed where was it. I could hear the sound coming from the storage room.
I opened it. There was no mistaking it. There was an infant inside.
As I stepped closer, I already sighted an angel covered in her baby pink blanket. She was placed inside a box. She was crying, full of tears and innocence. I squatted down and started drying her tears with her blanket. "Shh, little angel, it's fine . . ." I hushed, holding her tiny and stubby fingers.
Magically, she stopped crying. I smiled. She was beautiful.
"Mike?" Not from afar, I heard Dad calling me.
I hurriedly composed myself and carried the box full of care. I let out some small laughs. What was inside was a very fragile, beautiful angel.
"Dad," I responded shortly and went out of the storage room.
As Dad saw me, a puzzled expression was on his face. "What's that, son?" then he walked closer to take a look on what I was bringing. "Dear, Lord." he gasped at the sight of her.
"I heard her crying," I told him. "They abandoned her, Dad."
Dad never wasted time and took the baby in his arms. "Son, I will take care of her, you should go home and rest."
"But, Dad . . ."
He gave me an assuring smile and messed my hair. "Trust me, Mike, I'll take care of her."
I let out a sigh, "Okay," and returned the smile. "Good night, Daddy."
Any way, I would come back tomorrow.
Tomorrow came, and I was all excited to go back to the hospital. It was the day I could see Mom, Nathan, and even the beautiful angel I found yesterday night.
The smile on my face never left my face as I ran, heading to my Mom's private room.
I opened the door, came inside, and shouted, "Mom!" in my loudest voice and ran to her, giving my mother a hug with utmost care. I didn't want to hurt her.
Since my mother was awake, she quickly returned the hug and reached me to kiss my cheeks, forehead, and hair. "How's my son Mike?" she questioned.
"I am fine, Mommy, and I am glad that you're fine too."
"Of course, darling, I had to fight for you and our family's sake."
I only smiled gratefully. I couldn't ask for more than this complete family.
Then I faced Dad, he was grinning full of warmth. "Daddy, can I see Nathan? Even the beautiful angel?"
"Beautiful angel?" my mother repeated.
"Okay, I'll request to bring them here." my father said.
Few minutes after, the nurses brought them inside our private ward. Nathan was awake and his eyes had the same color as mine—jade was the color. Dad took the baby Nathan and gave it to my Mom.
I saw the dear expression of Mom as her eyes started to water. Who wouldn't be this emotional? She had been through enough. I understood her feelings.
Then I paid my attention to beautiful little angel beside. She was sleeping soundly and full of peace. She was really beautiful.
My mother requested to see the beautiful baby as I stated. Dad complied, taking the baby Nathan out of her arms and put it back to his little crib. He then carried the beautiful angel and let Mom held her.
Dad explained to her what happened. He even asked someone to investigate why they abandoned the baby. Based on the investigation, a lady left her inside the storage room. They looked for that lady, and they just found out that the lady died just this morning.
"Gracious goodness." my Mom muttered. "Why would they leave this little miracle alone? What if, she was placed in the wrong hands? Poor little thing."
She was a mother. She knew what being a mother meant. I saw a crushed expression of her and felt sorrow for the beautiful.
"Let's adopt her." I suggested. "I want her to be my sister. And I also want Nathan to be my brother. I want them both to be my little brother and sister. Can we, Mom? Dad?"
My Dad grinned, "That's what I'm planning. How about you, my Quinn?"
"I would really love to." she answered whole-heartedly. "The doctor said that I could no longer conceive a child . . . It was truly a miracle that this baby came. I am thankful." a tear slid out of her eye and wiped it. That was the bad news.
"I am planning to name her 'Hime'," Dad prompted.
"She's a miracle, Niel," mom was trying to object. "Therefore, we should name her 'Miracle'."
"I like the name 'Natsumi' for her." I interfered.
"Natsumi?" they both said.
I nodded. "She's beautiful, and it's summer. In Kanji, it is called 'Natsumi'."
They smiled and my Dad answered, "'Hime Miracle Natsumi Twain', is that fine?"
That was more than fine.
. . . .
Miracle grew up with every things were on her hands. She was a spoiled brat, gaining all the attention that she wanted. She was smart, wise, and pretty. In spite of being a spoiled brat, she was too soft, cry baby, and had a terrible fright in disgusting things.
I watched her grew up, with his twin brother Nathan. She was always with Nate. For Nathan, he cherished her a lot. Like really a lot. He was guarding her, protecting her in any harms. He didn't mind if securing her would pain himself, as long as his twin sister was safe, he would be fine as well.
I laughed to my mind. I had thought of Nathan, being more capable of being the older brother than I am.
Lately, I had been busy with my studies. Not only studies in school, but also learning how to be an assassin.
It was exhausting me, draining my energy and time to zero. I no longer had the time to keep my little siblings company.
Yet I had to do this . . . all for the sake of the Mafia and as the heir of it. Everything was all for their sake, I had no regrets doing this.
. . . .
Few more years had passed, Miracle and Nathan reached the age of seven. It was the age and time to know what was behind the success of the Twain Empire all over the world.
Mafia existed in the world, and our family was one of them. The White Nation.
. . . .
At the age of nine, my little brother and sister learned how to kill.
I knew, they were both suffering in this heavy burden. We were all suffering in this.
We had no other choice but to do this, we would be killed if we didn't. It was our father's order. Even if we were his children, he didn't spare us.
When we were in our training, if one of us was on the losing side and his men were about to kill us, he wouldn't order any help. In the end, it was on our own shoulders.
We were all afraid of death. If you wanted to be alive, you must kill.
It was all cruel. Very cruel.
One time, I saw Miracle. And she was not the Miracle I knew before. Her eyes were now dead and blank. There was no life in it.
She was no longer the Miracle that was a spoiled brat and vulnerable little lady. She became a complete puppet.
I knew what they did to her. They manipulated her mind and let her feel all the excruciating pain. In order to be strong, they need to hurt her.
It was her training time. They caged her in a white room and her task was to kill all those who tried to kill her.
And in just a nick of the time, her foes went down, bloody and lifeless. The floor that once as pure as the white color was now drenched by the red sorrowful blood.
It pained me. She became a manipulated killer-machine.
I wanted my little sister back. The one who was a sweet and innocent as angel. The one who would smile at me, hug me, and kiss me. The one who had a heart that was full of love. The one who had her own free will. The one whom once was I called a very beautiful angel.
I saw her sitting in the middle of room with the person she killed. She was holding a knife. The knife she thought that it could save her.
I entered inside. I wanted to give her peace. She was my beautiful little sister.
"Natsumi," I called her.
Seemed like she didn't recognize me, and only attacked me with her knife. I became really sharp and dodged her intents. Every moves, they were all precise and accurate as though everything were downloaded on her mind. And if I let my guard down, she would kill me instantly.
"Natsumi, this is me, Kuya Mike." I introduced myself, hoping that she would stop assaulting me.
But she didn't stop. Her eyes were like two dead stars. She was moving as if her life was not hers.
This was killing me. I could not bear looking her this miserable.
I was out of myself for a while and she successfully hit me with her knife. Not only one, but two deep grazes to my skin. One on my arm and leg.
Then, she was preparing herself for a final blow. I didn't want to hurt and fight her to cause her pain.
I collected some air and shouted her name. "Natsumi!!"
Gladly, she listened. She was deeply stuck on her position, trying to understand what was happening. When she fully comprehended everything, she dropped the knife out of her grasp and fell on her knees.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" she cried and hid her face with her palms. "K-Kuya Mike . . ." she got chocked by her own saliva, "Kuya Mike . . . sorry."
I melted when I saw her crying her whole heart out. "No, Miracle." I tried to calm my little sister and gave her an embrace. "Kuya is fine, baby, it's not a big thing."
"No!" she persisted. "I attacked you! I even hurt you! It is not fine!"
"Shh, it's just a scrape, Miracle, it can't kill me."
"Kuya . . ." she sniffed and returned the embrace tightly while burying her face to my chest. "I'm tired . . . of hurting and killing people."
After she breathed those words, she fainted in my arms. I felt really sorry for her. I was starting to have regrets.
If I didn't see her that time, would she be having a different and normal life? If I didn't agree on adopting her, would she learn how to kill?
"I should be the one to apologize, Nat," I said and took her hand. I filled gaps between our fingers and started kissing them. I didn't notice, but I was crying. "You should have a normal life, if it was not for me."
My dearest little sister, I made a huge mistake. "I knew that begging your forgiveness was not enough." I held her hand tight, "But I will atone my sins for you . . . no one could ever harm you, I will protect you, that's my sole oath for you, for taking your freedom out of my selfishness."
Then I stood up and started leaving the place. She needed rest. I would bring her to her room.
I headed to her room and placed her on her bed. I took care of her, even cleansing the blood stuck on her skin.
While cleaning her, the door opened and someone called me. "Kuya Mike," I heard my little brother.
I looked behind, "Yes, Nate?" I smiled little awkward.
"You're bleeding." he told me and went near me.
"Ah, yeah." I replied, scratching the back of my neck. "Your twin sister went berserk a while ago, but it's not that biggie, Nate, don't worry."
"How's she?" Nate sat on the corner of the bed and watcher her twin sleeping. "I'm worried about her, Kuya."
"Why?" I asked him, placing a hand on his head.
"You are leaving, right?" he replied.
Right, by the weekends, I would be leaving. I had to continue my training in the other country. I had to leave them to get even stronger in able to protect them.
"I am not strong enough, Kuya." he told me. "What if, I could no longer protect Hime when a time came? What if, something would happen, and you were not there?"
I gaped at Nate. He got most of the features of Dad—strong-willed and fearless eyes. "Nate, there's nothing to be worried about, you are strong, believe me."
"Kuya, why don't we escape? I don't want her to see like this."
I sighed. "I have already attempted that, but Dad hunted us down. It didn't work." He let out a sigh. "But you're here, Nate, I know you won't leave her alone."
He was about to complain, but I never gave him a chance to talk. "Stay with her, Nate. Between us siblings, Hime is the only one who suffers the most. I'm going to leave because I want to be stronger, so when the time came that I need to return, I'm going to protect you both."
"Do you think I can do that?"
I grinned, "Sure you do, little bro."
Now, in the present reality . . .
"I failed." Nathan wailed out while he was on his knees. "I failed to protect her, Kuya Mike. I let her died . . ."
I was only watching him. We shared the same pain. "I failed also, Nate. And no one has to blame."
"I will find her." he said full of determination. Creasing my brows, I listened to the other part of his words. "I can feel it, she's still not dead. And when I found her, I will swear and bet my whole life to protect her."
"How can you be sure of that, brother?"
"I only know." he replied. "I am her twin, that's why I am sure."
I grinned. That was what I feel as well. As long as I had not seen her corpse, I would believe that she was still alive.
Later this day, Nathan decided to rest. It had been a while since we started the search for her. Of course, the whole crew of the White Nation was here.
We sailed out to the sea, using the Twain Cruise. It was almost dawn break. I was watching the sunrise from the horizon.
I sighed. A new day was about to come.
"Mike." I looked behind. It was Dad. I didn't answer and he just went beside me. "Something is incomplete, isn't it?"
"Yeah," I shrugged. Natsumi was not here.
"I had a talk to her, before the incident happened." he started and I was just eyeing him. He was pertaining to his daughter. "I said to her that I'm going to disband the White Nation."
I only chuckled inwardly. After a long time, he finally thought of this. The great casualty had already been done. Why only now, though?
"What did she say?" I asked him.
"She didn't say a thing." he said. "But I saw the relief on her face. She was saying that . . . finally, the yoke on her neck is now off."
"Right, that would be her initial reaction." I smiled, but the inside of me was upset. "She was tired of all this, yet she tried to carry on her back of all the people she treasured. Your daughter is an idiot, Dad . . . just how heavy is the sack she was carrying, when she only had two little hands?"
My father only shook his head while having a small smile playing on his lips. "Do you think she's better off dead?"
That cut me, "No, I don't want her dead." but I answered shortly. "I can give her peace, she doesn't need death just to claim her freedom. I had something on my mind, but she didn't wait for me."
I felt Dad staring at me, trying to read what was on my mind. "What do you mean?"
"I am the next Don of the White Nation, am I not, Dad?" he nodded. "If your plan to disband it, I will oppose to that idea."
"Why is that, young man?"
I exhaled, "The talent of our men will be wasted if we disbanded the Mafia. That's why . . . why won't we use their talents to save and protect other people? Just was like Miracle trying to achieve in all of her life."
Dad became quiet. My plan was not that bad, after all. In the end, he heaved a silent sigh. "You have your own free will, Mike. I won't be against it."
"Thanks, Dad. A top-secret and highly-skilled detective agency is a good idea, yeah?" I told him. "I will work my life on this. So that when she returned again, it will be just easy for her."
He smirked. "It's up to you, you're the boss, Mike. The White Nation is now in your hands."
Then he just left and I still stayed here, watching the nature's great wonders.
Mom was really right. "The world is full of beauty and abundance." I smiled to that thought. "You will come back, won't you, Miracle?" then I whispered to the air.
↭ ♡ ↭
alrighty~ i finally finished this! it exhausted me, btw. flashbacks are a pain in the brain.
well, i gotta fulfill the promise i made that i will create two special chapters. lol. when did i say that again? last two years ago? hahahaha. forgive me for being a lazy-bum.
i made a new book season of this story. "re: The Identity of the Sinful Miracle" is the title. ☺
spoiler: she's alive yay
ps. almost 4k words! you're welcome. i hope you didn't get nosebleeds like i did while writing this.
♕ handtheirend
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