f o r t y - t h r e e
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∽ m i r a c l e ' s p e r s p e c t i v e ∽
It's a sunny day and as usual, it's a boring day. Our Math class is over, and my mind got fried with our lesson for this day. It's all about the delta shits in Differential Calculus. The teacher discussed it so easily, and we thought that it's just that simple, so he gave us a quiz. But hell, when he gave the problems, it was actually out of the lesson! It was so advance and we had nothing to do with it. Damn it, I wanna break his neck for giving us that quiz.
And I'm here, stressed with the score I got. Only the half score, though. But man, it's still pissing me off. Well, I'm not interested in Mathematics, that's why I'm not advancing lessons. Calculus has nothing to do with my life. I don't need it, unless if I take an engineering course.
It's now our lunch break, and Sir Ian is summoning me. Hell, I'm sure that he's going to annoy me. It has been a couple of weeks since he started teaching here, and he did nothing but to be a nuisance in my daily life.
Every single day, he's pestering me. Like, treating me as a little child whenever our P.E. class is starting. He's giving me a towel, bottled water, and his concern is like a pushy uncle. Well, he's godfather, but it's annoying that I'm treated like a fragile lady. And it's embarrassing to be treated like that, especially the other students are watching.
And surprisingly, he's good when it comes to music and art. If it's all about health, I can count on him. He'll discuss thoroughly and it's not boring. But there's one thing I hate, even in his class, he's bugging me.
I sigh. He's my Tito Yan, after all.
Once I enter his room, he welcomes me so brightly. "Yay~ I'm so glad that you came, Natsu-chan!" He stands up and goes to my direction. "Come on, come on. Have a seat~!" and he guides me to seat on the chair.
"So, Tito Yan, what do I need to do?" I ask so calmly. "I haven't eaten lunch, for you to know."
"Oh, about that, there's one thing I want to ask from you." says my uncle.
"What's it?"
"Here!" He declares and drops a stack of papers in front of me. "Please check all your classmates's papers."
"Eh?" I whine as my lips curve downwards. "I don't want to."
"Please, Natsu-chan." he begs with his puppy look. "Consider this as our bonding."
Holy sheesh. Bonding. Checking papers?
I sigh helplessly. "You sure are persistent, sir."
"Aye-aye~" He chuckles triumphantly. "Thank you, my lovely goddaughter."
"Where are the answers?"
"Here." he responds and shows me the paper. "This is your test paper, Natsu-chan. And I'm surprised with your score, honestly."
I take the paper, and look for my score. There are seventeen mistakes, out of fifty questions.
"What's wrong with my score, Tito Yan?" I question, giving him a baffled look.
"Ah, well, I'm kinda expecting that you'll ace the test, since I am your teacher. And I'm a good teacher—really good teacher—so you'll definitely score higher than that."
I muffle my face. "I didn't review for the quiz, Tito, and they were just my stocked knowledge." and answer him.
"Aww. Why, why?"
"Because I have no interest in Music and Arts." I tell him, pushing my eyeglasses up. I get my red pen inside my bag, and ready myself for the checking.
"I see. You're so boring, Natsu-chan."
"How can you tell?" I query, "Besides, why should I go and waste my time reviewing all the composers and artists? They're already dead."
"Yes, they are dead, but their works aren't." He replies with a serious, yet calm tone. "You should give more importance on small things, Natsumi. You may say that music and art is boring, but sometimes, all the answers you're trying to find are only in the music and art."
"Is that it?" I say quietly. Well, in some point, he's right. "Okay, then. I'll put that in mind, Tito Yan."
"That's my cutie little niece." He beams and lightly pats my hair. "Excuse me for a while, Natsu-chan. I'll buy food for our lunch. And you'll eat with me, won't you?"
I smile at him. "Yes, I'll eat with you."
"Yosh!" Sir Ian says energetically and leaves his office. Unexpectedly, he has his own office.
I start checking the papers. And then I think of Chance. I leave Chance with his friends and step out for a bit, because my uncle is calling me.
I haven't told him that Sir Heijima is my godfather. It's bothering me, because Chance has been getting cranky lately.
Probably, this is the reason. Maybe, I need to tell him.
Few minutes later when Tito Yan came back, bringing food. And I'm now done checking Shan's paper. It's amazing to know that she got a perfect score.
"Shan's so amazing." I mutter, and place her test paper beside. "She aced it."
"Really? As I expected to my daughter." Sir Ian just blurts out.
"Hah?" I say dumbly. "Daughter? Shan? Your?"
"Ahaha! Now, now. Of course you still don't know, Natsu-chan." he states while scratching his hair. "Well, you know what happened to her parents, right?"
I nod in redundancy. I know all of it.
"After that occurance, I decided to adopt her." he continues, "We moved to U.S and taught her about many things—like the music and arts. It may be out of her character, but she likes listening to classical music and she knows how to paint."
"That's great for Shan." I answer back. "Then, if you adopted her, but why her surname never changed?"
"I adopted her only in papers, but not in bloodline or surname." Tito Yan explains, preparing our lunch on a plate. "There's still something that she wants to accomplish. She wants to fight, carrying the name of the Wallace."
"She seems dedicated." I mutter under my breath. "But if I were on her shoes, I will also do the same."
"I guess so," Tito Yan chuckles wearily.
Later that day I finish checking. In my section, we're only thirty-two students. Expect that in an exclusive school. Estimating the population of the school, I think we're only 2, 500 to 3, 200 students. Well, there are a lot of rich people here; add those scholars.
"By the way, Tito Yan." I speak while eating our food.
"What's it? What's it, Natsumi?"
"Ah, you look stupid." I emphasize the word while looking dim-wittedly at him.
"So harsh." He pouts with a sad face.
I only grin. He never changes. Childish as ever.
"So what do you need, Natsu?" A faint grin creeps on his lips; his eyes are mirrored with enigmatic gaze. "What story do you want to hear?"
I do not know why, but I feel my skin crawls. As I thought, he's really a grievous man.
I let out a breath, leaning back. Tito Yan won't do something bad. I know, because that kind of attitude, changing aura in an abrupt way, is only natural to him.
"I want to hear a story about how a little princess ended in a twisted world of slaughter."
And in just a spun of a moment, he laughs aloud. His laugh is full of treachery and mock.
Unable to contain his annoying laughs, I pick my eraser and throw it exactly on his forehead. "I'm serious here." I sigh with my uninterested face.
"Aha. Okay, okay." he chuckles, "Be glad, little princess, because I have a perfect story for you."
I only stare at him as he inhales and says, "Once upon a time, there was a king who was terribly ill. At that time, the king needed to bestow the throne. And so, he summoned his two sons. The legitimate son was really blessed, as though he was favored by the heavens. But he was not serious with his life and lived as a carefree man. Then, the other son, however, thought that he was not that favored. First reason, he was just adopted. And second, he's insecure with the first son. But opposite to the first son, he followed his father's wishes and became a very good son.
"Despite all this, the king loved his two sons and treated them fairly. The two sons lived luxuriously, with their friend, the jester." Sir Ian states. And I'm still baffled with the story.
The king.
The two princes.
And the jester.
Who are they?
"And so! The bestowing of the throne was held. And the king chose the legitimate son to be the next king. Of course, that thing was clearly expected. He was the real prince, came from the blood of the sick king. Yet, the adopted son was opposed with that idea. He argued that he obeyed everything so that he could be the next king! He even protested that the legitimate prince was irresponsible!"
I listen to Tito Ian's story. I now understand some part. But it remains unclear for me the second prince.
"But the king didn't agree with that and insisted to pass the throne with the first son. The adopted son could not believe the happening. 'That throne should be mine!' he thought. Slowly, hatred was filling his heart; his eyes was fired with jealousy and revenge.
"And on the day of the coronation, while the celebration was happening, the adopted prince took his heritance and left the kingdom. With his leaving, he swore to himself that he would come back and take his revenge." Tito Yan the stops talking.
I tilt my head. "Was that the ending?"
"No." he answers, "The ending was not even near. The story is still cycling up to this present."
"Present? You mean today? What?"
He chuckles with a hint of amusement. "You still don't get it, little princess?" and scoffs, "The ill king was the late don of White Nation. And the one who inherited the White Nation was—"
"My father." I mutter. I gulp silently and nervously. I can't even digest the truth.
"Precisely, little princess." he replies with a smug grin. But I can see a 'sorry' on his expression. "The one who swore his revenge was Will Nakajima—which was your father's brother and the don of the . . . you know what is it, little princess?"
"The Black Society, correct?" I only say, looking down. Why this happened? Why, all of the people, it is my father's brother?
"Correct." he sighs. "Your father married Quinn, your mother, and then had three kids. And you are one of them, little princess."
"I understand. But who are you on the story?" I ask him.
"The jester," and he smiles cheekily.
I smile with a soft laugh. "It is so you."
~ ♕ ~
"Where were you at lunch time, lady?" Chance formally asks with a pinch of annoyance on his voice.
I collect some air on my system. Interrogation time. We are actually inside of Chance's car—which is usual because he's the one who drives me home. And now, we have reached my house.
"Sir Ian's room." I tell him.
He's been quiet since this afternoon, and too shy to talk to me. Is it being shy or just pride?
"Allow me to ask this, but why are you always with him?"
A sweat drops on my forehead as I secretly swallow a lump on my throat. I can now sense Chance's irritated behavior.
"A-Ano, kasi . . ."
"What?" he cuts off, "You like his company more than mine? Is he blackmailing you to go to his office? Does he harassing you? Miracle, tell me."
"Chance, no." I answer with a facepalm.
"Then what? You like him? Do you?"
"Shut it, Chance! That idea is disgusting!"
"Then, he likes you?"
"Guh." I grumble. This conversation is pointless.
"Just answer the question. Damn it." He mutters.
"Don't swear on me, mister." I threatened, glaring at him.
"I'm not." Chance shrugs, replying in sarcastic tone.
"He's my godfather."
"And you finally admit it!" and he raises his voice in argument. "See? He is your . . . what?" In just no time, his tone changes into confusion.
"He's my godfather, you deaf bastard." I sigh with my deadpanned look.
I hear Chance gulps embarrassingly. I don't know, but my lips acted on their own, giving Chance a triumphant smile.
"At least you've said it earlier!" Chance protests, seeing his cheeks clearly blushed in light pink.
"Uh, well, I thought that I would tease you more." And I chuckle, removing the seatbelt straps on my torso. "And the Great Chance is being jealous with a married man. That new, and cute."
Chance gruffly sighs. "I apologize with that."
I smile. "I apologize as well. Y'know, from not telling you beforehand."
Ancy purses his lips, "Let's forget about this already."
"Sure." And I lean near him. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ancy."
"Yes." he answers quietly. "And tomorrow, let's eat lunch together."
"Of course. I promise." Then he grins. "Bye." I tell him as I kiss him on cheek.
After that, I get out of the car and he starts leaving. When I'm about to enter the house, someone called me.
"Natnat," he says.
I immediately turn around and see Dennis is here. "Den," I reply, "you're here." and smile.
"Yup. There's something that I want to tell you." My brows are knitted with curiosity and confusion as I listen to him. "Can we talk at the garden?"
"That would be great," I answer, beaming cheekily.
Den and I starts walking to our garden and then seated on the bench in front of the fountain. And with no reason, we stay silent whilst looking around the garden without location.
It takes a while when Dennis laughs. "How awkward, Natnat."
"Yeah," I chuckle, "It's not so you, Den. Staying silent." I state as I gaze at him. He has a thrift smile on his lips. I've been noticing this, but Den is not on his usual self. He may be laughing and smiling, yet his eyes are sad.
"Ah, you might be right." he says while hiding his glum.
"What's wrong?"
"Eh?" he confusingly utters, blinking many times. "Uh, well, Natnat . . ."
"I'm listening. Tell me."
"I'm sorry for the sudden visitation, Natnat. But I've been wanting to see you and talk to you like we always do." and then he plasters a smile while rubbing his nape. "I'm sorry again, Natnat. I only miss you."
I blink twice. "You miss me?" I question, tilting my head.
"Yes. It's because you have no time for us."
My eyes lowers on the ground with guilt written all over my face. "I-I'm sorry." With a heavy heart, I mutter. Sorry. That's all I can say.
"No need to say sorry. I understand because you're happy right now."
Just Dennis saying that, I feel my heart sinks in a huge guilt. As though squeezing it tightly.
"I d-didn't mean to, Den," I tremble, biting my lower lip and clenching my both fists.
"Hush, Lady." Den faces me with a smile as he places his hand on top of my hair. "I didn't come here to make you feel sorry, Nat. I actually want you to know that I like you. Uh, well, it's more like I've fallen for you. I think, I love you already."
And as if on cue, my heart blasted in such a sudden impulsive . . . confession?
Not holding too much guilt, I tear up. "Den," I stifle a quiet cry. "Don't make it hard for me."
"Why are you crying?" Dennis says, chuckling. "I'm sorry, Natnat. Looks like I'm just blurting things without considering your feelings."
I bow down, hiding my face. I can't look Dennis. Shame buries me.
"Lady," Dennis calls me as he pats my head. "I'm here just to tell you my feelings, not asking you to return it for me. I'm just telling you this so that you could reject me. I will openheartedly accept your rejection for me to able to move forward."
"You want me to break you, even though I have done it already?"
Den's eyes widen in surprise, but it exchanges with a gentle smile. "Maybe."
"You're sick, Dennis!"
"Right. I'm sick."
"I hate you," I mumble.
"But I hate myself more."
"Because you don't deserve to hurt."
"I deserve it."
And there's a great silence in our midst.
"Natnat," he calls.
"Yeah." I answer back.
"Let's pretend that this conversation never happened."
"Do you expect me that I could do that?"
"Of course," he replies as he stand up. "I know you can."
"Sorry." I say again.
"Don't say sorry. You're hurting me more."
I never talk anew.
"I'm going to leave now." Dennis declares, looking back at me. "Smile, Natnat. It's the reason why I fall for you, because of your rarest smiles . . . it can dissolve the cloudiness in my heart. Even though, I'm not the reason who makes you smile." His voice is dejected and broken.
I only stare at him. I'm ashamed of myself. And ashamed of him. He deserves better than I am. I hate myself, for not noticing his feelings towards me.
"Goodbye, my lady." And he grins a hallow grin.
Then like a wind, he leaves.
What have I done? Is it really my fault? Dennis is my closest friend, although we've only met for few months. And it's a huge burden to hurt him. I can't bear to see him hurting behind his smiles of lies. He deserves better.
So what do I need to do? How can I ease his pains? What help I can do?
"Little girl." In the middle of my stress, Kuya Mike appears while sitting beside me.
"Kuya . . ."
"You seem caught in trouble called 'love'?"
I immediately peer to him. "You knew?"
"Right. I heard everything."
I sigh helplessly. "What to do now?"
Kuya Mike puts a hand on my shoulder. "Why you didn't you fall in love with Den? He's been with you all the time, hasn't he?"
"Then why still Chance?"
"Because . . ." I stammer first, do not know what to answer. "Because of Chance's imperfections and brokenness on life. I want to fill those brokenness and make Chance wholly complete, even though life is seemed unfair."
Kuya Mike grins, "Now that Den is broken, what're you going to do?"
"I don't know. I can't do things now. Thinking of Den being hurted by me, is like I'm obliged to cheer him up."
"I see your problem." Kuya Mike says, leaning back. "But I think, it's better for Den to let him be. He told you, didn't he? He wants you to reject him so that he could move forward."
"But it's still bothersome. The weight on my chest are killing me."
"You'll be fine, Hime. And I know Den, too."
"You think Den can?"
"Of course!" and he laughs. "Dennis is strong and brave enough. He wouldn't be here just to face the bitter rejection. He simply wants to be free from this shit and move forward."
"I see. I'll keep my trust to Den."
"That's my baby girl." Kuya Mike cheers me up while giving him a shy grin. "Now that I answer your problem, you're going to kiss me now."
"Shut up!" I snap, blushing embarrassedly.
"Haha! I'm just—"
I cut him off as I throw him a tight hug. "Thank you, Kuya." I say while burying my face on his shoulder.
"Just for my little girl." Kuya Mike whispers, kissing my hair.
I smile. I've been blessed with a nice brother. Kuya Mike, and my twin Nate, they are very precious to me. I'm glad I'm in this family. I hope everything is just normal. No enemies. No assassinations. No bloods and deaths.
"And by the way, Miracle."
"Hmm?" I hum.
"Mom and Dad will be home this night."
"Really?" I say with a surprise face.
"Yes. Now help me to go to the airport. We still have a fetching to do."
"All right then." And I smile.
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n o t e :
Don is an Italian word. It is titled for respect to the one who ruled a Mafia.
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