f o r t y
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∽ m i r a c l e ' s p e r s p e c t i v e ∽
Three days has passed since the event at the Cain's Hotel is done, and then everything goes normal. We came back with our old student life. We listen with the boring discussion of our teachers.
And I eventually realize that how dull is our lives. But then again, whenever I'm with Den, Clint, Justine, Elli, and Ash, I have thought that living with these people is not a bad idea. The day we laugh and fool together, those are the memories that I want to cherish.
As well as Ancy. I simply glance to him. He's currently with his gang, silently grinning. As usual, Sean, Yaehl, and Kieffer are the noisy people in the group. Seems like Chance notices my stare, but before he can look at me, I have already removed my eyes on him.
And yes, Justine is not on their table. He is in our group, beside Shan. Huh, all I know, Justine is sneakily hitting Shan.
"Ah~ I'm stuffed!" Dennis proclaims with a big smile on his face while patting his tummy.
"As expected. Dennis is a binge eater." Clints says, insulting him.
"What?" Den protests, "The food is really good and I can't stop eating!"
"Heh." I lock my eyes to Ash, "I won't be surprised that Den don't have muscles, only fats." With Ash's practical joke, everyone laughs. Even me, though.
"You, Ash-Ash-chan! Why are you joining our conversation, huh?" Den demands and then pinches her cheeks.
"Ah-Aww! Den! Mashakeett!" Ashley cries, trying to take off his hands.
"Ashley mataba." Den cooes, making an insulting face. "Look at these chubby cheeks, oh. So fluffy~ Fluffy-fluffy~"
"Ah! Let go of me!" Ashley squeals, and with a powerful move, she slaps Dennis on the face.
"Ahh! Itte!" Dennis cries, feeling the sting of Ashley's slap.
Well, I kinda feel sorry for him. I glance at Ash. It worries me because her head is bow down while covering her face with her palms. It also hurts to be pinched on the cheeks.
"Ashley?" Den suddenly calls to her. "Hey, you okay?" With a worried expression, Den reaches for her head. "Ash-Ash? Are you hurt? Does my pinch hurt? Well, your slap hurts, too. But hey, I'm sorry. Gomenne, Ash-Ash-chan?"
Den consoles her by patting her head. "Yosh, yosh. Forgive me, okay, Ash-Ash-chan?"
"Jeez!" Ash hisses in annoyed manner. "So annoying, Dennis!" And then she stands up and starts leaving the place.
"H-Hey! Ashley! I said sorry to you! Why not forgive me already?" For Dennis, guilt is haunting him and chases Ashley.
I chuckle, "They're cute."
"You think, Nat?" Clint questions me.
I purse my lips, "Why? Are they not?"
"Well, of course they are. They're cute being friends, aren't they?"
I only nod. I don't know why did Clint emphasize the word 'friends'.
As we continue eating, the whole canteen break loose when a little girl shouts, saying: "Ate Natsumi!"
Napatingin ako kung nasaan siya. Airelle is dashing to me and then pounded me a hug.
"Airelle." I smile as I return the hug with surprise.
"Ate Nat, Ate Nat!" Airelle chants as she gazes upon me.
"Yes? What do you want?" I chuckle, brushing her head.
She looks cute wearing her white baby doll dress with red laces, matching with her black ballet flats and pigtails.
"Ate Natsumi!" She calls me again.
"What brings you here?"
The whole place is filled with silence with their baffled looks to us.
"Is it true? Is it true?" She squirms happily while hopping with excitement.
"It's true that?"
"That Kuya Ancy is your boyfriend?"
My eyes goes out of its place as I remain starstruck. She have just shouted my secret! How did she know? Who told her? Who? Who?
Ah. Only one suspect. With a facepalm, I peer to Chance. Chance is secretly laughing, hiding his mouth with his hand.
Napansin ko ang mga reaksyon ng iba, nakabukas ang kanilang bibig kasabay nang paghulog ng mga kutsara at tinidor nila.
"Ate Natsumi, answer me~!" Airelle demands impatiently.
"Uh . . ." I utter with a long sound. Am I ready to announce it? If I'm going to announce it, then what will people may think? If I won't going to say the truth, Chance may hurt.
The contrary. I only have one answer in two choices: lie or admit.
I collect an amout of nerves. I should give them an answer. But this time, I won't lie.
With a grin on my face, I gape on Airelle. "Yes. I am his girlfriend." I know, the answer I give is not somehow connected to Airelle's question, but I want to be proud that I am Chance's girlfriend.
"Yhieeeh~~~~" Airelle squirms and runs to her Kuya Ancy. "Kuya Ancy! Go kiss each other!"
What? This Airelle surely knows a lot of things.
"Airelle, be a good girl and behave for now." Chance says and kisses her hair.
"Aye, sir!" Airelle replies and gives her brother an embrace. Chance is becoming an opposite person when he's with Airelle. He's more like a caring and loving brother.
"Hey, Airelle. Please go to your Ate's office." Even it is just a whisper, I still hear it. Also, I read how his lips move while speaking.
"Why? I want to play with Ate Nat, Kuya Ancy."
Chance grins and plays with her hair. "Not for now."
"Why? Why? I want it now." Airelle nags, hiding her face to Chance while stomping her tiny little feet. "Kuya Ancy, Kuya!" Airelle throws a tantrum, pleading Chance to accept her request.
Chance has his troubled expression. I know that look. An expression that he can't say no Airelle. And then Chance eyes Sean, signing that he wants help.
Sean immediately understands it and goes to Airelle. "Yo, Airelle!"
Airelle looks at Sean with bleary eyes. "Kuya Sean."
"Hehe, let's play?" Sean asks her with a bright smile. "Can we?"
"But I want to be with Ate Nat."
"Ah. But you can't." Sean says childishly while pouting. He's riding Airelle's mood. "You want to know the reason?"
"Yeah. What's it?"
"Come here, I will whisper it to you." Airelle lends him an ear and goes closer to Sean. Sean starts whispering to her, and I can't hear a thing.
"Eh? That's the reason?" Suddenly, Airelle exclaims.
"Shh! Airelle!" Sean hushes with his forefinger pointed up that places on his lips while winking.
"Opps!" Airelle then closes her mouth and she's giggling. Sean cheers her up. He's good in setting up the mood.
"Then, shall we play?"
"Okie~" answers Airelle and joins Sean. I wonder, what does Sean tell her?
"Yah, Chance, I did my part. Now do yours." Sean says to Chance.
"Ah, yeah. Thanks, Sean. I owe you one."
"Make sure you'll pay me back."
"Sure." Chance responds with a small smile.
"Alrighty!" Then Sean proclaims, "Come on, Airelle, we'll play until we get tired!"
And soon, they leave.
I notice Chance's standing up. I only stare at him, without removing ny eyes. He's walking towards my direction.
So, what does he want?
Now that he's in front of me, Chance grabs my hand. "Come, let's go."
"Somewhere else."
I didn't ask for more and I just willingly come to him.
As we reach the outside, we head to his car. "Siguradong maraming magagalit sa akin." I say to Ancy when we enter his car.
"Let them." Chance replies. "Remember, I will always protect you, if they are planning something on you."
"You're creepy." I smile and hold his hand that is maneuvering the clutch.
"You actually said it."
"Said what?" I say perplexedly and Chance eyes me, telling me the thing he wants to say. "You mean the 'a-while-ago' stuff?"
"Hmm. I just thought that there's no point of denying it. I want the whole school to know that I'm . . . your only girlfriend." I see him smile and reach for my cheek.
"Of course. You are my only one Miracle." And then he pinches my cheek slightly.
As time is moving, the road we are taking is unfamiliar with me. I ask him that where are we going, but he refuses to answer. It's a secret for him.
Not until we arrive in a location where many trees are planted. There is a narrow street we are taking and it is leading on a small hill.
I gaze at him and he smiles weakly.
I understand. This place is silent, calm, and peaceful. A place where someone can rest: a graveyard. We are going to visit his Mom's death bed.
We climb out of the car and Chance quickly goes near me. I take his hand and hold it tight. It's a sign that I'm comforting him and he's not alone.
I see Chance smile at me, but his eyes are neither sad nor happy.
"Chance . . . you look glum." I tell him with a worried tone.
"Am I?" He questions assuringly and I nod. "Guess I can't hide it."
"I won't say a thing." I say to Chance, "I want you speak to me."
"Sure. Let's talk over the hill where my Mom's grave."
I give him a simple grin and then we start walking. I hold Chance's hand and follow him. Once we reached the hilltop, we seated on the ground filled with grass. There's a tree planted beside the grave and lean our backs on the trunk.
I take a look over the name that's written on the grave.
"Your Mom's name is Myrna Lial-Cain." I state, putting my head on his shoulder.
"Yeah," he answers in low voice.
"Say, I thought you'll talk to me?"
"Mm. I'll talk to you." There's a sweet tune when he says that as I sense him kissing the top of my head.
"Then let's start talking."
Then after, everything goes silent. But this silence is calm. I close my eyes and feel the warm atmosphere in the surrounding.
"I was nine, when my Mom died." Out of the blue, Chance talks. It suprises me that's why I gaze at him.
He's by my side, eyes closed while remembering the pasts he doesn't want to remember.
"I heard from Nate that she died when you were eight." I say in a quiet tone that he can hear.
"Slightly true, but Mom actually died exactly midnight of my 9th birthday."
I stay silent for no reason. If I tell him that 'it's all right', I think, he'll be mad. Nothing's fine with that. Nothing. And if I'm not careful with my words, along with the tone of my voice, he might got offended and think that I feel sympathy to him.
Staying silent is best after all. But I need to stay close, let him feel that I'm here by his side.
"She died because of me . . ." Chance continues, "because I couldn't protect my own skin. Fear overcame me that time and caused my Mom to die.
"I blamed myself, until now, honestly." He chuckles with a faint voice. "They're telling me that it's not my fault, but it is really my fault. Regret is consuming me whole. Every day, I think that I don't deserve to live, that it's better for me to die and disappear."
"N-No . . . C-Chance." I stammer, looking some comforting words to response with his cry. "I-I . . ."
"Shh, Miracle." Unexpectedly, Chance faces me and puts his forehead to mine. Then I feel his good hand gently flattering my hair. "You don't have to say a thing."
"But, Ancy." I say charily.
"You said it yourself, don't you? That you won't say anything?"
I only hum as my response.
"Don't mind this matter, okay?" With his gentle utterance, he kisses the tip of my nose. "That was the past, and I found my reason to get over from my regrets. I am now done with the shadows covering my light. And the reason is you, Miracle." He suddenly embraces me, sensing his affection with his hug. "You've become my miracle in this twisted world. You've given me the will to live again."
Beautiful words. They give life and inspiration. But it can't change the reality, my reality. Yes, my name brings light, but I honestly hate my name.
"How funny." I scoff as I smile. "I am named as 'Miracle' but I am not really a miracle."
"Why do you say so?" Chance asks in worried tone.
"As you know, I kill people; I take their lives with my blade—innocent or not." I bite my lower lip, because in any moment, my emotions will flow. "I am treated as a miracle with the people who are dear to me, but to those people who are living in hell, I am called as the Sinful Miracle."
"If that's the case, then you need chance."
"Huh?" I question confusingly. I look at him, he's simply laughing. "A chance?"
"Yeah, chance." He chuckles, "Well, you see, chance needs miracle. Then, the same with chance, miracle should need chance."
"Idiot." I snorted and bury my face to his shoulders. That makes me laugh, actually. What a stupid pun.
"Really, Miracle." He chuckles again, "You need Chance."
"Why?" I can't hide my amusement and just laugh instead.
"It's because . . . you've been thinking that your sins will not be forgiven. But that's not true. You always have the chance to change; however, you never noticed it, because you are blinded by your sins. I know you are strong, Miracle. You can change how you do things. Have faith to yourself, like the same as I did."
"You're right." I say silently and embrace him, leaving no space between. "Thank you, Ancy."
"Any time," Chance gives me a peck on my head and I close my eyes.
Sleepiness is wrapping me. And later that day, I fall asleep around Chance's arms.
~ ♕ ~
As soon as I wake, I told Chance that I want to go home. He concedes with my request and we compose ourselves.
We both climb in his car, and Chance is obliged to drive the vehicle. While Chance is driving straightly on the road, I'm only looking outside.
I let out a small sigh as I rest my head on the window.
"Bored?" I hear Chance says.
"Yeah, slightly."
"You may sleep." He prompts, "I'll wake up when we reached your home."
"Mm'kay." I answer lazily.
Titingin muna ako sa labas. Unfamiliar ang lugar na dinadaanan namin, kaya naninibago ako. Maya-maya na lang ako matutulog kapag hindi na kaya ng aking antok.
Ngunit sa pagtingin ko sa labas, may nahagip ako.
It's a child. I recognize the kid. The lost boy at hotel last time.
"Chance!" I call out loud. "Please stop the car! Right now!"
Sinundan ng aking ulo kung saan ang bata, at papalayo na siya. Agaran namang pinahinto ni Chance ang kotse, at saka na ako mabilisang bumababa.
I don't know. Why am I chasing that kid? My instinct are telling me to go for him. There's definitely something on him. Maybe that's the reason why I'm running right now.
Once I reach the young boy, he immediately gazes at me. "Why are you here? You shall not straying around this area." He already gives me a cold shoulder, even though I haven't said a thing.
"W-What do you mean?" Nalilitong tanong ko, "How about you? A kid like you should be staying inside their houses. Don't tell me, you are—"
"Yes." He shuts me off, looking at me with those glaring eyes. "I'm looking for my Mom."
I'm right. But his aura is seems different at hotel, though. I wonder, what happened to this young man.
"I can take you home and help you to find your Mom." I propose, smiling a bit.
"I don't need it. Go home now."
"Hey! What's with that attitude, you damned brat?" Not holding my temper, I raise my voice. "Is that how you treat those people who are helping you?"
He doesn't answer but to give me a slight glare. "Like what I'm telling you, stranger, leave this place now."
"Huh? I can't leave you in this—"
"Big sister," The kid called me in a cold whisper that causes me to stop speaking. "you should take care, dangerous things are only lurking on the corner."
I frown. He's only a kid, but he thinks quite maturely. Who is he?
"Miracle!" Hearing Chance's agitated call, I look at the place where is he. But before I could gaze at him, I felt myself being pushed away by someone. A strong force shoves me away.
As I land on the ground, I gain my composture.
And then there's a loud crash. An insidious sound of a crashed car.
I gulp as I sense fear on my system. Something's odd in here.
" . . . dangerous things are only lurking on the corner."
I don't know, but I hear the voice of the mysterious fellow in my head.
Holding my tears, I tell myself that my intuitions are wrong.
I decide to look back.
And I almost lose my strength. "N-No . . ." I breathe out. Not Chance.
"You will lose what you value most."
Those words, came from Casey. But why?
Without thinking, I stand up frantically. I run where Chance is lying bloodily.
Why? Why did you save me, Chance? That incident should be on me. I should have received that hit! Not you!
"Stupid!" I cry as I hold him in my arms. "Why, you? Why!"
I need help.
Fear is enveloping me. I can't think clearly. I should be calm. But why can't I calm the hell out of me?
"You must survive, idiot." I only say out of frustration. "Stupid Chance!"
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author's self thought: i cant do this. i cant help but to feel disgusted just reading this. i hate it. falling in love is disgusting. i hate the main characters being in love.
oh, im sorry. the ugly author is bitter lol.
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