f a c t s
so here, i will list down some facts about my characters. hahaha. please do enjoy
here, i won't tell their birthdays, because i'm lazy. yeah, yeah.
WARNING: contain spoilers.
personally speaking, i don't want you to get spoiled, so if you haven't read the whole story, i politely ask you to leave this chapter.
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Fact 1: Miracle is depressed, searching for someone who can change her life's perspective.
Fact 2: Miracle loves sweet foods, but Nathan does not.
Fact 3: Chance is one year older to Miracle, and so to Nathan.
Fact 4: Miracle really loves reading during her free time. Most of the books she reads are Japanese literature. (well it's obv enough bc she grew up in japan.)
Fact 5: Chance hates drinking tea. He's more into coffee.
Fact 6: Miracle loves planting flowers. Aside from reading, she also kills time by planting. But Nate dislikes it, because for him, it's too troublesome.
Fact 7: Nathan is slightly perverted. (lololol) As well as Chance. (some chapters are the proof.)
Fact 8: The Cold Warriors was united when the members were sophomores. It was managed by Nathan's cousin-which is Ivan-he's mentioned at the prologue and chapter 12.
Fact 9: Mikhail and Ivan have the same age. However, Miss Marrionne aka Ate Bea was eight months younger than them. So, basically, those three were already together since childhood.
Fact 10: Nathan met Akeesha (chapter 17 and 22) in his freshman year in highschool. (let's say that there was a middle school year level in this story. like in the japanese custom.) He was 14 that time, turning 15.
Fact 11: Miracle hates having pets. But she really does want one. But then again, she's afraid raising pet in a thought that she might lose them. Because for her, pets dies easily and it will cause her pain when they are gone.
Fact 12: Chance knows how to play the piano.
Fact 13: Sean is a member of a band. He's the bassist. He's with Yaehl, playing the drums.
Fact 14: Kieffer is good when it comes to navigation. His forte are archery, shooting daggers, gun shooting, but sucks at close combat.
Fact 15: Justine is hacker. (omg! 707! do u kno him?) He works secretly behind the Cold Warriors. Only Natsumi and Skhy knows that secret.
Fact 16: Skhy, Nat, and Nate were friends since they were child, but the twins forget about Skhy when she moved to America.
Fact 17: Skhy sucks at dancing and singing. But she loves to paint and listen to classical musics.
Fact 18: As the author of this work, my original plas was to kill Chance. *evil laugh* not Natsumi. But yeah, I think real hard for this. I had a dilemma. *grumbles*
Fact 19: This is a confession from me, ppl. I based Natsumi's attitude to my attitude. Yeah. Well, tbh, all my characters are related to mine. I have to possess all those different characteristics to write a life inside of a book. That's why I'm not normal. I'm a weirdo with bipolar attitude.
Fact 20: Nathan's name was created because of Natsumi's name. Summary: Hime means Princess, so I put Prince to Nate's name. Nat is short for Natsumi, then I think of something close to Nat, so Nate came.
Fact 21: The Cold Warrior's past time is playing video games in Nathan's house.
Fact 22: The author of this story, which is me, decided not to give importance about the Gangster World, y'know the Underground whtvs, because the focus of this story is into Natsumi.
Fact 22: Hime Miracle Natsumi Twain existed because I want to be an assassin. (lololol) I think it's cool to be one. The Hime name is cute, that's why I put it there. *laughs* While I love the name Miracle, so so. As for the Natsumi, I heard that smwhr out there, and it's cute in my ears, soooooooo. I've got Twain because of Mark Twain. Hahaha. I respect that novelist. This character is the ideal person that I want to become.
Fact 23: Chance supposedly named as Lance. But Lance is too common, that's why I held his name for a moment. After that, I watched a movie, and the lead man's name was 'Chance'. And that made me think. "What if I named him 'Chance'?" And it's a perfect name! I like the name Miracle, and Miracle is matched to Chance. You see my point?
Fact 24: I'm writing a series, guys. There's a book for every characters written here. For example: Skhy's story is already published, as well as Ashley's story. Aside from them, I have created a separate book about Nathan and Sean. As for the remaining Cold Warriors member, I will still write stories of them. And it's troublesome!! I wanna quit already. But I still can't. I have to finish all those. *sigh*
Fact 25: One of the regretful things that I did in this book is to let DENNIS DIED! *omg. im crying* I love him so much and why did I kill him??!! There's a reason. While writing this, (i was still a newbie tho) my original plan was to kill Dennis, and without any AFFECTION, I killed him without emotions! I just killed him, and then I'm done. So naïve of me. Then soon after, I realized Dennis is a kind and great guy! 😭😭 but good people are the one who perished first. And good people doesn't exist, that's why my decision is not wrong. Huehue.
Fact 26: Yes, Miracle hates bugs and disgusting creatures, but when it is needed, she can overcome her fear.
Fact 27: The reason why Nathan and Natsumi are one year younger than their friends but they are in the same level in high school, is because they took an acceleration test. They passed it, ofc.
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hai, hai! yes, yes. let's move on to the characters' informations!
Character Name: Hime Miracle Natsumi Twain
Role: An assassin came from a rich family, trying to survive the world of Mafia. She lives, hoping that she could find her reasons to live.
Height: 175.2 cm.
Weight: 58 kg.
Age: 16
Blood Type: (bad blood hahaha) AB
Likes: flowers, sunsets, moon, stars, darkness, reading literatures
Dislikes: bugs, herself, weak men, inequality
Strength: physical combat, assassination, intellectually smart
Weakness: unknown feelings, secretly emotional, being a rashed person
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Character Name: Chance Gabrielle Cain
Role: The one who ruins everything. (half true, but yeah.)
Age: 17
Height: 191.5 cm.
Weight: 78 kg.
Blood Type: O
Likes: sleeping, family, silence
Dislikes: liars, annoying people, betrayal
Strength: hand-to-hand combat fighting, close combats, loyal (really?)
Weakness: his understanding is surprisingly narrow, obnoxious, emotionally attached to his mother
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Character Name: Prince Nathan Twain
Role: The protector.
Age: 16
Height: 191.8 cm.
Weight: 79 kg.
Blood Type: AB
Likes: His sister ❤
Dislikes: rashed and useless people.
Strength: skills in assassination, he can think calmly and formulate a plan in a life-and-death situation
Weakness: he's a perfectionist, he can be an obsessed man
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Character Name: Mikhail Zeke Twain
Role: The pillar of guidance
Age: 25
Blood Type: AB
Height: 195.6 cm.
Weight: 80.2 kg.
Likes: simplicity, peacefulness, family, and Bea ❤
Dislikes: unorganized things, messy place
Strength: he will be there always, helpful, his understanding is deep, he can joke
Weakness: scary when angry
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Character Name: Beatrix Ashtria Kaguya
Role: She was disguised to be Natsumi's teacher to protect her if ever there was an occurring incident.
Age: 25
Blood Type: B
Height: 184.1 cm.
Weight: 59 kg.
Likes: cute stuff, animals, a person who has a sense of humor
Dislikes: conceitedness, people who don't listen, not obeying her commands
Strength: she can kill without emitting a single sound, sweet, rarely gets mad
Weakness: really scary when mad, she could not control her temper
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Character Name: Shanaiah Khylin Wallace
Role: the childhood friend
Age: 16
Blood Type: O
Height: 181 cm.
Weight: 56 kg.
Likes: classical musics, painting gory arts
Dislikes: her childhood
Strength: emotionless
Weakness: emotionless
Note: Her story is now published here. Check my profile, "Catching the Ignorant's Heart" is the title of the book.
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yosh! i guess that's all for now.
there will be two special chapters ~ please look forward to that.
also, don't mind the comments in this chapter. hahahaha. they're nothing.
🌙 handtheirend
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