Chapter Twenty-Six: "Active Dreamer"
Rocking back on his heels with excitement, Nathan dashed from the railing and out his bedroom door. Aputsiaq popped her head up with a sleepy expression from her spot on the bed, but Nathan was already running down the hallway. Other than a few castle guards, the castle was usually empty and silent. Thundering down the steps though drew the attention of a few guards. They straightened up and asked him as he leapt off the last step. "Highness? Something wrong?" Nathan skidded to a stop. Straightening himself up and trying to exhale his excitement, he told the guards in a more dignified tone. "I'm fine. Tell the guards to open the gates for the Troll King." The guards nodded, hurrying off. Nathan stood very still, but after they left, he giddily bounced in place. He wanted to see him so badly. Pacing back and forth in front of the steps, he rubbed his hands anxiously, watching the snowy wisps of his power swirl around his arms. He tried to calm down enough to turn it off, but his power felt as restless as the rest of him. When the doors to the castle were pushed open to let Mark inside, Nathan stopped in his tracks. The flaky flurries of his power falling to the floor as the snow stopped swirling around his arms.
Pushing his bangs away from his eyes, Mark grinned and asked in a deep beautiful voice. "Did you miss me?" Nathan started to run toward Mark, but stumbled into a calm walk as his guards entered behind Mark. Clearing his throat, Nathan bowed his head to keep himself under control when he said composed. "I did. How was your trip? Did everything go well? I have so many questions." Mark glanced at the guards that were returning to their posts, before telling Nathan with warm smile. "Everything is fine. I'm sorry to show up so late... but I wanted to beat the rain." Nate smirked, squeezing his hands in order to restrain himself from embracing Mark. Noticing his fidgeting, Mark bowed to Nathan and asked him nicely. "If I may, your majesty. I am tired from the journey, and I assume you are as well. So, might I be shown to a room for the night?" A guard moved up, but Nathan raised a hand to stop him, telling him nicely. "It's alright. I'll show him to a room." Locking eyes with Mark, Nathan smiled when he told him innocently. "You can answer a few of my questions on the way." Mark bowed, then followed Nathan up the stairs.
While walking down the hallway where more guards were posted every few feet, Nathan casually conversed with him like an old friend. "So? What did Grand Pabbie say about Stig?" Walking beside him, Mark replied openly. "He's been locked up. Grand Pabbie is... beside himself over it. As a leader it is easy to make a decision that is best for everyone... but as a father. He's divided. He wants to save him, but so far. He seems to be under a curse of his own." Nathan nodded, when Mark asked him in return. "Did you contact the Southern Isles and ask about the real Hans?" Nathan nodded, telling him uneasily. "We did better than that. We found him locked away in the haul of his ship. Poor guy couldn't talk and was treated as Stig's manservant... for a long time." Mark winced, stating out reluctantly. "Ya... It couldn't have been easy being switched out at a young age with a changeling version of himself." Nate nodded, openly adding. "Oh, it gets better. Now that he can talk again. He goes on and on about Trolls... So, Arendelle's alliance with the Southern Isles is a bit strained at the moment. They think I did something to him. Despite the fact that they couldn't see a difference in their own son... but after having thirteen children... I guess that is bound to happen."
Mark chuckled, before stopping in his tracks. Nathan slowed to see Mark stare out the large hallway windows as it started to rain. When Mark looked back at him, he told him with a bright smile. "I love fall rain. Brings a nice chill to the air and has me eager to spend nights around a warm fire." Nathan listened to the rain patter the glass, before answering softly. "It does. I love how calm everything feels in the fall as the world prepares for the coming winter. With all the crops harvested and trade winding down... I can finally breathe again." Mark inched closer, asking a little worried. "Been busy?" Nathan bowed his head, leading the way on as he dryly grumbled out a bit exhausted. "Yes. My... incident this year set Arendelle behind on everything. We lost crops and animals... I had to calm Nobles and make unfavorable trades just to make sure that we survive through 'another' winter this year. I forgot just how heavy the crown is... and with my powers out in the open. It has only added to my workload. I have to keep everyone happy and make sure everyone feels safe." Upon reaching his open bedroom door, Nathan stopped as Mark slipped in softly. "But are YOU happy?"
Nathan stared into Mark's eyes with his fragile ones but told him in a drained guarded tone. "I'm a king. As long as my people are happy... I am." The words fell like iron from his mouth. He wasn't happy. He was rather lonely. He had to act so different around people all the time. It was tiring. He was longing for the days of his freedom on the North Mountain. To be able to do and say things that he wanted again. Mark glanced around the hallway, then stepped into the bedroom, asking nervously. "Shouldn't you have guards by your door?" Nathan chuckled, answering swiftly. "I used too but they made Aputsiaq nervous. So, they keep watch now from farther-" Nathan was cut off by Aputsiaq perking up at the sound of Mark's voice with an excited squeak. Leaping off the bed, she dashed for him and climbed up his leg to lick his face. Mark chuckled, telling her how much he missed her too. When she started peeking over his shoulder to look for someone, he told her sweetly. "Donner is in the stable." No sooner had he said that she let out another squeak and went running toward the open balcony. Leaping off, she flew off toward the stable. Rushing to the balcony doors, Nathan quickly closed them to keep the rain from blowing in. There was no doubt in his mind that she'd be staying with Donner for a while.
Closing the curtains before the glass doors, he turned around to see Mark closing and locking his bedroom door. Then leaning back against the door, Mark smirked out to him. "I'll take that kiss now." Grinning, Nathan shrugged off his robe and ran into Mark's embrace. Hefting him up off the ground, Mark held him close and kissed him. Their kiss was eager and so full of passion. Mark had clearly missed him and had been holding back too. Carrying him to the bed, Mark dropped him down and laid over him to continue their kiss. Stripping each other down, Nathan pulled Mark more comfortably onto the bed, his hands sliding over his warm body. They giggled and struggled to get under the covers, before Mark prepped him just enough to ease in. Neither of them could wait. Nathan gasped, clawing at Mark's back before muffling his moans into Mark's kisses. Mark kissed his neck, muffling his grunts and moans against his skin. His warm breath and loose bangs giving Nathan goosebumps as they moved over his body. It upset Nathan that his orgasm was building fast, causing him to slam his hands back onto the headboard to grip it as tightly as he could. His back arched as strained moans escaped him. While Mark picked up his pace and gripped the headboard with his own hand to keep himself steady.
Nathan was thankful the bed was so large and heavy that it didn't rock but could do nothing for the sharp long moan that left him as his pleasure peaked. Shortly after his orgasm hit, Mark tensed up over him. Burying his head against Nathan's shoulder, he let out a deep long moan of blissful relief. A smile formed on Nathan's content face, before he rolled Mark onto his back to kiss him more passionately. Breaking their kiss, Nathan bit his lip, before whispering lovingly. "I missed you so much." Mark stroked Nathan's cheeks, purring up to him. "I missed you too." Noticing the little flurries that drifted down over the bed, Nathan looked up as Mark chuckled out. "You've gotten good at controlling your power. Or did you not intend to burst out a little snow during your orgasm?" Nathan playfully swatted Mark's arm, before laying down beside him. Resting his head against Mark's side, he blushed out. "My power has been... weird lately." Wrapping his arm around him, Mark rubbed Nathan's back, asking curiously as they listened to the soft thunder and rain. "Really? How so?" Nathan snuggled closer, nervously telling him. "Well... It's hard to explain. I... I haven't been able to sleep. My power feels restless and I'm starting to hear this... song... that no one else can hear."
Mark was quiet a moment, then asked him lightly. "How long have you been feeling like this?" Nathan sighed, honestly telling him. "It started a few days after my outburst in the summer. I thought it was because I'd never used so much of my power. So, it was like a side effect... but the feeling has been getting stronger and the song has been getting louder." Mark stroked his knuckles soothingly down Nate's bare arm, asking coolly. "You think a siren is trying to lure you away?" Nathan lifted his head, chuckling out. "Jealous?" Mark licked his lips, uttering out under his breath nicely. "Maybe a little. I don't wanna share." Nathan blushed, before shrugging out a bit more seriously. "I don't know what it is or what it wants... I think I'm just too stressed. I've been under so much pressure and things are only now starting to slow down..." Giving him a warm smile, Nathan added. "With you here. I know I will be ok." Mark traced his pinky down Nathan's nose, trying to coax him to close his eyes as he whispered to him lovingly in return. "Try and get some rest. We'll talk more in the morning." Nathan only hummed in response as his eyes closed.
He hoped that Mark's presence would allow him to finally rest. Before long, the two of them were fast asleep. Until Mark was awakened from his slumber by something cold touching his cheek. Jerking his head up off the pillow, he saw that a few snowflakes were drifting through the air. Glancing over his shoulder to look at Nathan, he sat up a little. Nathan was nestled up in the blanket, still fast asleep. While hovering over him was a small wispy cloud of snow. The cloud swirled calmly, causing just a few snowflakes to break away and drift around the bed. Mark pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms casually around them to watch. Nathan was dreaming again. Staying still and quiet, he watched the little cloud as it swirled. Last time, Nathan had dreamed about him. He was curious what Nathan would dream about now. Was the voice he was hearing something he only thought he heard? Was he troubled by a restless dream? The cloud swirled a bit more, before it puffed and revealed four tall stones. Mark leaned a bit closer, watching one of the stones grow bigger and bigger like a mountain, before cracking and crumbling to the ground.
The next stone appeared to catch fire. Burning so bright and hot that the stone melted. The next stone had leaves that swirled around and around the stone, until it turned into a twister. Growing big and so violent that yanked the rock off the ground like it weighed nothing and smashed it across the ground. The last stone stood strong, until waves slammed into it from all sides to turn its jagged edgings to a smooth surface. Then just when it looked like it might remain. The rock cracked and began to leak water, before crumbling away as the water wore it down to sand. Mark stared fascinated now. The four elements? Why was he dreaming about them? With the stones broken down, the image changed to reveal a forest that spanned the bedroom. Slowly getting out of the bed, Mark pulled on his pants and moved through the snowy images of the trees. They were beautiful but these trees were different from the ones around the North Mountain. He'd never seen these. Within the trees, a smaller form stepped out and wondered through them. It looked like a little girl with an Arendelle flag wrapped around her body as she aimlessly wondered through the woods.
Mark tried to study the way the little girl looked but the snow imagery had no distinguishing features other than that she was just a little girl. The girl staggered and whipped around like she heard something that scared her. Mark scanned the trees to see if he could see anything, but his eyes went back to the little girl as she ran to hide under a ledge. Stomping through the woods were people carrying weapons at the ready and holding banners high that had no detailing. The man in the front carried a crossbow and stalked around the woods like he was looking for someone. Was he looking for the little girl? Why? Mark reached out to touch the image of the girl but stop when she jumped at something behind him. Turning around, Mark saw large reindeer standing proud and staring at the little girl with soft eyes. The little girl reached out to touch the reindeer's nose, but an arrow whizzed between them to impale the tree. Jumping back, the reindeer stared off toward the man with a crossbow. The man raised his crossbow again, but the reindeer dashed off, prompting the man to run after it. Soldiers rushed in to grab the little girl and a few other children, before the trees on one side started to sway violently as a twister began to grow.
The twister flared with fire to set the trees ablaze, before the twister sniffed out to reveal a massive sink hole that tried to draw everyone into it. People ran in all directions in the chaos and the rain poured down. Mark tried to understand what had happened, when Nathan started to breathe harder and jerked in his sleep. The snowy image became harder to read as more snow started to blow around the room. He got flashes of a little girl falling and a boy breaking from the soldiers to pick her up. As a tree fell and caught fire, the little girl then pulled the boy down a different path and through a little tunnel to escape. After that, Mark was knocked back into the wall as the snowstorm surged in the room, prompting Mark to yell out. "NATHAN! WAKE UP!" The strong snowy wind whipped around the room so hard that it knocked items around, before shattering the glass balcony doors. At the noise, Nathan threw out his hands in a panic as he awoke with a start. Ice shooting from his hands and out toward the open balcony. Mark watched the icy hit the rain outside, freezing every drop in mid fall. The thundering clouds even fell silent as they froze and then puffed away to reveal a clear night sky.
Mark inched out toward the balcony, while from the bed, Nathan asked in a broken voice. "Mark...? What did I do...?" Stepping out onto the balcony, Mark reached up to take one of the hovering raindrops that had formed into a crystalized stone shape similar to the one in his dream. Only this crystal looking one had a strange symbol frosted onto it. Setting it down, he found four different raindrops that bore four different symbols. Setting them on the railing, he stared at them with a blank look. Why did these look familiar? Behind him, Nathan hugged himself up in a robe, noticing what he'd done to the rain. Gasping, he asked Mark hopefully. "Tell me that you heard the singing? That I'm not going crazy... Mark...? What's happening to me?" Mark gestured Nathan closer and when he stepped into his arms, Mark hugged him close. After a good hug, Mark pointed to the frozen raindrops on the railing, before whispering to him. "I think your dreams are trying to tell you something. Trying to warn you." Nathan shrugged, looking over the symbols as he asked curiously. "Tell me what? I don't know what these mean... and my dream was about a..." Nathan didn't have the heart to finish. He didn't want Mark to think he was dreaming about girls.
Mark rubbed his back, slipping in calmly. "I'm not sure yet. Do you have a quill and paper? Something we can make a note of this on?" Nathan nodded, rushing off to fetch them. Handing them to Mark, Mark got to work sketching the symbols quickly. While at the door, the guards yelled out. "Your highness?! Are you alright?!" Nathan rushed to door, yanking it open a bit to tell them a bit rattled. "I'm ok. Just a bad dream... Can I get some tea? I need to settle myself down." The guards nodded, relaxing as Nate closed the door. Turning to look back at Mark, Mark mumbled out to himself as he jotted down what sounded like bits from his dream. Had he seen his dream? He opened his mouth to ask Mark how he knew that, until Mark lifted the paper and asked him hopefully. "Nate, the castle has a private library, right?" Nathan nodded, allowing Mark to continue excitedly. "Good. Can you take me? I think we might need to look into Arendelle's history." Nathan handed Mark a spare robe, asking him a little confused. "Why?" Mark slipped on the robe, answering with a shrug. "Just a guess. I know that I've seen these symbols before. I just don't know where."
Nathan guided him out toward the library, asking even more confused. "Ok... but what does that have to do with me, or why my powers are acting up?" Mark shrugged, honestly telling him. "I don't know. But... we have to start somewhere." To Be Continued...
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