Chapter Thirty-Three: "Fifth Spirit"
Nathan shared a brief look with Mark, before asking the Elder curiously. "What do you mean you've been waiting for him?" The Elder still narrowed her eyes on Nathan with mistrust but answered more for Mark's benefit. "It's hard to explain to those who don't understand our ways. For now, I'll just say you share a striking resemblance to someone of great importance to us. And if you are here... Then my husband did not die in vain. For the first time in many years... you may bring us hope. A future." Mark blinked, mumbling out to himself nervously. "That's a... a lot of pressure. Are you sure it wasn't talking about Nathan? He's part-" The Elder cut off Mark to sneer out firmly. "Speaking of your friend. Why are you traveling with an Arendellen? And what has happened to Gale?" Nathan raised an eyebrow, blurting out perplexed. "Gale? We didn't see anyone named-" The Elder cut him off, taking a step closer to him as she said defensively. "Gale. The Wind Spirit. He doesn't like your kind, Arendellen. We came to calm him before anymore of you incur his wraith upon us all." Nathan winced, taking a step back from her as he mumbled out. "Oh... The eagle. Well... I... But it attacked..."
Feeling like nothing he said would change her opinion of him, he just let his words drift off. Her glare only sharpened on him, until Mark moved to wedge himself between them and said coolly. "Nathan is my... He is my friend. We came here to help and hopefully get some answers." The Elder finally took a step back from them. Giving him a light shrug, she told him a bit dryly. "Ya. I've heard that one before. The people of Arendelle can't be trusted. The only answers that they seek are in the forms of ways to destroy us. They are not people of nature. They are selfish and greedy. The Spirits are angry because of THEM." Nathan took her words like a knife through his heart. Mark raised his hands in a gesture to try and calm her, upon telling her. "Please. Let me explain. Nathan was called here by the Northern Lights. She's been singing to him and showing him visions of the Elemental Spirits. So, we are trying to go to her." The Elder tensed and a few Northuldrans gasped in soft distress. Puffing herself up, she firmly stated aloud. "I don't believe it. They've pulled this trick before. He will never reach Ahtohallan. The Spirits will make sure of that."
Mark shrugged, telling them honestly. "But it's true! You don't understand. Nathan is..." Mark drifted off, turning slightly to tell him very gently. "Nate? Show them?" Nathan rubbed his arm anxiously but nodded subtly to him. Lifting his hand slowly with his palm up, he wiggled his fingers a bit to form and shape the wisp of snow that sparkled up from his palm. He formed it into a nice little snowball, prompting gasps for the Northuldran. Just as he stopped, Gale let out a sharp caw from the treetops and swooped down toward him. Jumping in fright, Nathan dropped the snowball to the ground, where it hit and sent out a thick layer of ice across the grassy surface in all directions. The Northuldran let out surprised cries as they slipped and fell on the ice. While Gale stopped short of Nathan to perch himself on Mark's shoulder. Staring him down with his keen eagle eyes, Gale cocked its head and ruffled its wings restlessly. Mark cautiously reached up to pet Gale's side in the hopes of calming him, but Gale just stared at Nathan like he was a threat. Carefully climbing to her feet, the Elder tried not to slip again as she uttered out. "Why would nature reward a person of Arendelle with magic? Nature is out of balance BECAUSE of your people."
Nathan inched back from Mark and Gale, replying a bit grimly to her. "Trust me. It's been mostly a curse." Feeling guilty, he concentrated with great effort to melt the ice on the ground. Rubbing his wrist, he quickly added truthfully. "It's a long story. But the short of it is that a troll took water from Ahtohallan, and it affected me like this. I've been trying to control it but... lately my power feels... restless. She won't let me rest until I find her. People I care about are in danger. I need to know whatever she's trying to tell me. I'm told that I need to fix a wrong. Please, trust me. I don't mean any harm. I just want to know what's going on." The Elder's expression softened, and she glanced at the others in her tribe. For a moment, they whispered amongst themselves, before the Elder turned and said in a much nicer voice. "We only trust nature. When nature speaks, we listen." The Elder looked to Mark, her eyes watching Gale closely. Petting Gale with longer strokes, Gale slowly folded his leafy wings and closed his eyes between deep breaths, like he was trying to calm down but was just as restless as Nathan felt internally. Exhaling lightly, The Elder informed them politely. "Well... Whatever tension there is between you and Gale. It isn't enough for him to chase you from our presence. So... Come with us back to our camp. Let's talk."
Mark gave Nathan a warm smile, while the Elder gave them a bow and said openly. "Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Yelena. I'm the Tribe Leader to the People of the Sun. Or the Northuldran as you call us. Come." Mark moved to retrieve Donner, causing Gale to fly off and glide around. Helping to get the wagon unstuck, they carefully followed the Northuldran deeper into the woods. Aputsiaq stayed low, peeking out from the blankets at Gale with little heated growls. While traveling, the tribe suddenly stopped as distant screaming echoed up from the woods farther beyond. Mark tensed, asking the Northuldran curiously. "Who is that? They sound like they're in trouble." One of the Northuldran men scoffed and retorted a bit bitterly. "They do that a lot. Probably saw a snake or something. Just ignore them. We try to." Mark gestured off, saying casually. "Ya. But who are they exactly?" When no one answered, Mark looked to Nate, who could only shrug back. Reaching the campsite, Nathan smiled at the Lavvu tents that were set up in a large circle around a nice big bonfire. There were people cooking and tending to chores around the camp. Though the big shock was that all around the camp was a large herd of reindeer.
The large Lavvu tents were made from reindeer skin and had a little opening at the top where smoke was billowing out. Some of the Lavvu's were open to reveal soft looking reindeer furs across the ground, where some people were sitting around a smaller campfire inside and drinking something from kettles. The smell of cooked vegetables and meat hung in the air, making Nathan's stomach rumble. The group split off, leaving Yelena to escort them to a small Lavvu. Gesturing to it, she told them nicely. "You both can use this one. It isn't being used now that the bride-to-be was married earlier. She'll be joining his families Lavvu." Mark thanked her and she smiled, before telling them. "I'll leave you to get settled. I have to check on my people. Then I'll be back, and we can talk. Alright?" They both nodded to her, then quickly began to settle in. Mark freed Donner from the harness. Allowing him to trot around and greet all the other reindeer. While Aputsiaq joined them inside the Lavvu. Mark started the little fire and Nathan got some hot water going to make some tea that sat in little tins by the fire. While waiting for the water to boil, Nathan discreetly asked Mark. "So? What do you think of them?"
Mark bit his lip, turning his gaze to watch a few kids chase the little reindeer calves around, before telling him a little excited. "Honestly? I like them. They seem like good people." Nathan thought about mentioning their rocky welcome but didn't want to upset Mark. Mark read his guarded expression though and told him sweetly. "I'm sure they would have opened up to you a bit more if you had told them that you are part Northuldran." Nathan bowed his head, mumbling out grimly. "I'm only part Northuldran by blood. I was raised in Arendelle. That makes me a man of Arendelle in their eyes. I can't even take a side in the fight because... I'm both." Mark scooted closer to him, leaning against his shoulder to whisper lovingly into his ear. "You protected me in Arendelle. I'll protect you here. I promise, Nate." Nathan pressed his head to Mark's, whispering back. "It is nice here. Although... Gale seems to have a thing for you." Mark chuckled, leaning back a bit as he stated aloud. "Ya. I wonder if it has to do with what she said about the Spirits chasing off those from Arendelle. Do you think he knew from my clothes? Otherwise, why did he not sense the Northuldran in you?" Nathan shrugged, flatly saying. "Your guess is as good as mine."
Nathan risked looking outside to see a mother pulling her son into her lap. The boy squirmed and giggled but settled when she started humming. The sight of it brought tears to Nathan's eyes that he fought off to keep them from falling. Pulling his legs up, he hugged them and tried not to think of his mom. Though he couldn't help wondering what she would say right now. Would she be happy that he was here and learning a little about himself? Would she be upset because she didn't want him to know this part of himself? He had so many questions and none that he could ask her. Beside him, Mark dug through a bag before carefully removing the shawl that belonged to Nathan's mother. Draping it over Nathan's shoulders, Mark hugged him close and told him comfortingly. "Here. I'm sure wherever our parents are... They'd be happy to see us here. Try to cheer up. You always have me." Nathan rested his head on Mark's shoulder, spurring Aputsiaq to crawl between them with her soft purrs. Nate pet her head, whispering to Mark. "I know. I just... I feel like I didn't know my mother at all. And... now I have this whole other side to me that I know nothing about. Am I a disappointment to both sides? Am I a bad person because I know more about one side than the other?"
Mark shook his head, kissing his cheek before telling him. "Nathan. Knowing your culture doesn't change who you are as a person. It's just another means to relate to people. You are a good person, and you will continue to be. You are living proof that both sides can get along. You are not a disappointment. You are loved." Nathan couldn't help smiling and leaned in to put his head to Mark's. He wanted to feel his warmth. They both jumped when Yelena asked in an aghast voice. "Where did you get that shawl?" Sitting upright off Mark, Nathan answered honestly. "It was my mothers." Yelena covered her mouth with a shaking hand, then eased into the Lavvu with them. Mark and Nathan backed up to let her sit by Nathan. She started to reach out to touch it but stopped herself to ask hopefully with teary eyes. "May I?" Nathan timidly nodded with some reluctance. Reaching out to touch the pattern on the shawl, she told him with distant watery eyes. "This is a Northuldran shawl. It's a gift passed down for generations... This one. It came from our tribe. I'd recognize the stitching anywhere." Nathan looked between the shawl and her, asking curiously. "How can you tell?"
Yelena eased her hand off, informing him gently. "Because this is from one of our oldest families. It was once my mothers. And her mothers before her. I... I gave it to my only daughter the night the soldiers came. I told her it would protect her... When they attacked us... I lost her in the chaos. I thought... I didn't think..." Tears ran down Yelena's face as she stared at the shawl with overwhelming relief and joy. Sniffling, she asked him as she rubbed her hands together. "Your mother... What was her name?" Staring into her fragile eyes, he answered softly. "Iduna." Yelena let out a little excited exhale, before asking hopefully. "Is she...? Your mother is she...?" Nathan lowered his eyes, the color draining from his face when he shook his head. Gathering himself together emotionally, he informed her gently. "No. My parents' ship went down in the Southern Sea a few years ago. A diplomatic mission. They... they were never found." Yelena bowed her head as pain gripped her, but she quickly controlled her emotions enough to ask him completely startled. "Wait...? A diplomatic mission? Then she... Who did she marry?"
Mark chuckled to himself, then bravely eased out to her. "You might want to brace yourself." Yelena looked confused, until Nathan winced out timidly. "My mother married Prince Agnarr. She was Queen of Arendelle." Yelena sat back on her butt, gawking at him with wide eyes. Finally blinking a few times, she exhaled out. "Well... I was not expecting that. They didn't... They accepted her?" Nathan lowered his eyes, truthfully admitting. "Arendelle didn't know. She kept a lot of her past to herself. But... they know about me. It took time for people to accept it. Some still are working on it." Yelena adjusted to sit more comfortably. Straightening herself up and wiping her cheeks with one hand, she patted his leg with the other and told him with growing compassion. "Forgive my rudeness before. The last couple of years have been hard. But the Spirits bought you both here for a reason. So, I'll help anyway that I can." Mark smirked, taking the tension off Nathan's shoulders by asking nicely. "We are just as surprised as you are. In fact... we were just talking about how much we don't know about the Northuldran. I'd love to know if my parents are still alive and who they were. And I'm sure that Nathan would love to hear about his mom?"
Nathan could only nod in response. He was too shocked to finally meet his grandmother but at the same time terrified of her. He knew nothing about her and just didn't know where to even begin. Having Mark express it made it so much easier. Yelena gave them a smile, taking a moment to compose herself. When she was ready, she beckoned for the shawl and told them warmly. "I think I know where to start. Let me show you both something. May I, Nathan? I'll give it back." Nathan reluctantly pulled off the shawl and she bundled it up nicely to reveal a single pattern. Pointing to what looked like a snowflake with four branching off points that bore the strange symbols found on the Element Stones, she regaled to them in a clear voice. "We are told that nature is made up of four basic elements. Earth. Air. Fire. Water. But what you may not know... is that they are wrong. There is a Fifth Element." Mark moved closer and Nathan leaned in as she pointed to a little diamond in the center of the snowflake and added. "The Fifth Element is said to be a bridge between us and the magic of nature. While the Elements form the physical. The Fifth Spirit is just that. The Element of Life. Without it. Nothing would have a soul."
Nathan shared another look with Mark, stating out. "I've never heard of it." Mark nodded in agreement. Yelena smirked to herself, before lifting her eyes to look at them in turn as she said. "That's why I'm telling you. Because that is why you are here." Nathan straightened up, nervously asking. "Wait. You think I'm the...?" Yelena politely shook her head, before pointing and correcting sweetly. "No. He is." To Be Continued...
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