Chapter Thirty-Seven: "The Flooded Valley"
Nathan dropped his head on Mark's bare shoulder, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist to hold him close. His dream had rattled him so much that he was desperate to make sure that none of it had been real. Mark's strong arms protectively held him against him, rubbing his back as he asked in a low whisper. "What happened? I only caught a brief look at the end of it." Nathan saw the snow that was still in the Lavvu but closed his eyes and put his forehead against Mark's warm throat. Mark adjusted the fur pelt blanket over Nathan's shoulders, whispering to him lovingly. "You wanna talk about it?" Nathan shook his head, clinging to Mark so much that his fingertips almost clawed into Mark's skin. He didn't want Mark to worry. Was it just a bad dream? Or was it another vision that the Lady of the Northern Lights was trying to tell him? He just didn't know and being tired didn't help him. Mark ran his warm hands through Nathan's loose damp hair, before whispering in a deep beautiful voice next to his ear. "It was probably just a bad dream, Nate. You've been under a lot of stress. You haven't been sleeping... It happens. You're ok. I'm here. I've got you."
Sniffling, Nathan weakly whispered back to him. "Mark... I'm scared. I feel like... like I'm losing control. What if what happened before, happens again? What if I-?" Mark cupped his face, tilting his head back carefully to cut him off with a slow passionate kiss. For a moment, Nathan stopped shaking to enjoy how calm it made him feel. When his lips pulled back, Mark whispered over them so sweetly. "I won't let that happen. You're not doing this alone. I'm here. I'll keep you safe. Even if it's from yourself. Ok?" Tears welled up in Nathan's eyes, when he choked out. "I don't want to hurt you... I don't want you to get hurt because of me." Mark cupped his face so tenderly, his thumbs brushing the tears that leaked from his eyes as he told him in a strong voice. "You can't protect me from everything that could happen to me. And if given a choice... Nate, I'd rather get hurt protecting you. That's MY choice. You send me away and you'll only hurt me because I wasn't there if something happened to YOU." Nathan put his hands on Mark's chest, trying to think of a way to convince him to go back before he hurt him. Mark put his forehead to his, telling him warmly. "Nathan. I know you're scared. But I'm here. You can trust me to look out for you."
Kissing his temple, Mark started rubbing his back again, whispering to him. "You're tired. It's messing with you... I know." Pulling him down on the floor, Mark pulled him into his arms and rocked him a bit as Nathan cried silently against his neck. Nathan tried to compose himself and act like a king... but as he wrapped his arms around Mark, he just couldn't put those walls up. He wanted the pressure off his shoulders for even just a moment. Mark hummed softly to him, then asked him coolly to try and change the subject a little. "What are we going to do now that our secret is out?" Nathan groaned, grumbling out weakly. "Tell them I'll feed them to the wolves if they don't like it." Mark snorted, rubbing Nathan's bare thighs that were draped over his lap, upon replying playfully. "I don't think that will go over well." Nathan's voice sounded a little broken, when he mumbled out. "I don't know what to do, Mark... I feel so lost." Inhaling slowly, Mark calmly told him honestly. "Don't tell them that you love me. Just... tell them you were experimenting. Kings are entitled to their pleasure." Sitting back enough to look Mark in the eyes, Nate almost growled out. "You want me to pretend that I'm using you?"
Mark stroked Nathan's chin, lovingly whispering to him. "I know that's not the truth. But you will need to tell them something when they ask. I don't want them turning on you. You are still my king. I serve you. For now... it's our best option. We have bigger things to deal with and they need to stay focused." Nathan shook his head, grumbling out as he looked away from him. "That's not fair. I won't say that." Mark brushed Nate's bangs away from his face, whispering into his ear so lovingly. "I don't want them to hurt you, Nate. Just trust me on this. One battle at a time." Nathan bowed his head down on Mark's shoulder in silent defeat. Mark patted his hip, telling him reluctantly. "We should get dressed. We'll be leaving soon." Nathan groaned, but slowly got up to find his clothes. After dressing, Nathan took a few deep breaths and rubbed his tired eyes. Walking up behind him, Mark whispered to him seriously. "Order me to get you coffee when you step out." Nathan shot him a defiant glare, but Mark defused it by kissing him and telling him playfully. "I am going to get it anyway. Just think of this as... foreplay. I can play. Can you?"
Nathan rolled his eyes but smirked out to him. "Fine. But you're going to hate this game." Mark smirked, leaning close to chuckle playfully into his ear. "There is nothing I love more than watching you, your highness." Mark started to step back, but Nathan grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him into a deep kiss. He needed that last bit of unabashed affection before stepping back into his roll as king. Enjoying the kiss, he felt the walls build back up as his hand lowered from Mark's chest. Straightening up, he stepped back from him, and Mark bowed to him and lovingly told him. "Go get them, your highness. I'm right behind you." Nathan inhaled deeply, stating out firmly. "You better be." Turning on his heel, he flipped the leather flap open and stepped out with his head held high. The guards that stood by all had their eyes on him with silent judgement. Glancing over his shoulder, Nathan forced himself to state aloud without much thought or feeling. "Mark? Fetch me some coffee. We've got a long ride ahead of us." Mark bowed deeply, replying respectfully. "As you command, Highness." Nathan watched him go, then huffed in surprise as Aputsiaq leapt into his arms.
Getting a better hold on her, he turned to Lieutenant Mattias and asked him in a strong voice. "Everything good? Anything to report?" Lieutenant Mattias watched Mark walk out of earshot, before gesturing Nathan to walk with him away from the others a bit. Staying within sight of the other guards, Mattias exhaled out. "It's not my place... but we're all a bit concerned with your relations to your advisor. He's in a position of power and might influence you in the wrong direction. The very fact you came here without your personal guards and just him, concerns me deeply." Nathan lifted his chin, listening to his concerns, before reluctantly telling him in a regal tone. "I understand your concern, but his position at my side doesn't affect my own judgement. He knows his place. I should make his position more clear to you. He's my advisor in the ways of the woods only. He's first and foremost my discreet personal guard and my misteress." Mattias blinked, shuffling his feet a bit when he asked cautiously. "A misteress? I'm sorry, highness. I'm not familiar with this term." Nathan smirked a little, answering nicely. "It means that he's a man that I keep around for personal companionship, and in return I give him and his family financial support. It's safer than a mistress, because he can't get pregnant. So, it prevents children out of royal wedlock."
Mattias blinked a bit startled by the news but said calmly under his breath. "I see. That's... That's very responsible of you. My apologies. This is the first that I've heard of such a thing." Nathan patted his shoulder, telling him nicely. "I understand. Let's just put this behind us for now. We have other matters that are more pressing for the future of Arendelle." Mattias straightened up to his full height, nodding out with pride. "Right. Arendelle comes first. I'll help pack your things and get my men ready. Anything else you require, your majesty?" Nathan thought about it, then shook his head as he politely told him. "No. That is all. Carry on, Lieutenant." Aputsiaq crawled up to snuggle over his shoulders, until she saw Fia scurrying along behind Mark. Mark handed off the hot cup of coffee to him, asking curiously as he glanced around at the bustling soldiers. "So? How did it go?" Nathan exhaled slowly, holding the cup close, when he whispered back. "I think it went well. If anyone asks. You're my misteress." Mark smirked to himself, uttering out through a light chuckle. "A male mistress? I'm really moving up this social ladder. Next, you'll be calling me the King of something." Nathan lightly kicked Mark's ass, causing them both to laugh.
Fia climbed up Mark's leg and clung to his arm with a soft innocent squeak. Mark reached out to pet her, prompting Aputsiaq to rise on all fours on Nathan's shoulders to growl at Fia with blazing white eyes. Nathan reached up to pet her, telling her seriously. "Aputsiaq. Be nice." Fia ignored Aputsiaq, rubbing her face against Mark's sleeve. Aputsiaq responded by arching herself up and inhaling deep. She was getting ready to flow ice at Fia, until Mark reached out to rub her little chin. From her little nose, all Aputsiaq's breath puffed out in cold harmless mist. Watching him pet her, Nathan told him coolly. "I've never seen her act like this... Should I be worried?" Mark smirked, telling him calmly. "She's just jealous. Just like someone else... she doesn't want to share me." Nathan blushed, turning away to sip his coffee. He refused to admit anything. Scooping her off his shoulder, Mark told Nate sweetly. "I'm going to find Donner. Don't wander off, Nate." Nate nodded, taking his time to sip his coffee and stare out at the sunrise. By the time everyone had finished eating and the Lavvus had all been taken down, Yelena saddled the reindeer or attached them to carts.
The majority of the Northuldran rode on reindeer, but a few drove carts with the camp supplies. The Arendelle soldiers rode horses that carried their light supplies easily. Mattias offered his horse to Nathan, but Nathan decided to ride with Mark on the cart. The trip was slow allowing young reindeer to keep up with their parents and the carts to carefully move through the leafy terrain. Reaching a cliffside that overlooked the misty river, Yelena rode up beside them and pointed to the waterfall at the far side. Slowing to a stop, she informed them gently. "There. That is the rock giant, Sten. He's slumbered there for years. Using the water as a blanket that has formed the waterfall and the lake behind him." Mark nodded, telling her uneasily. "Ya. We saw him before. Has he ever been hostile?" Yelena bowed her head a bit, answering honestly. "He's usually pensive in nature. However, lately he's been... rather melancholy. We've been keeping an eye on his behavior to see if it changes. He seems troubled by nightmares. He thrashes in his deep sleep... That earthquake we felt... that's the first time that he's moved so much in a long time."
Gale swooped down to land on the edge of the cart, folding his leafy wings as he gazed out at Sten's sleeping form. Nathan met Mark's eyes for a moment. He could tell Mark was thinking something over. He didn't get to ask, before Mark asked her. "Is it possible to get closer to him?" Nathan grabbed Mark's arms, blurting out in shock. "Closer? Why on earth would you want to do that? Have you seen the size of him? He won't see you. He'll crush you!" Mark raised a hand to nicely stop him, then told him a little curiously. "What if I can settle him like I did with Fia and Gale?" Yelena slipped in them as she calmed her reindeer. "I have to agree with Nate. Sten will not see you and with how much he's thrashing lately... you'll never get your footing around him to escape. I don't think it's wise. He's not a danger to anyone if we just leave him there. We need the Shaman to handle him." Her eyes drifted up to Lieutenant Mattias, who in turn blurted out. "Yelena. Don't start that again. We don't have him." Cutting in before they began to fight, Nathan asked aloud. "Let's all stay focused. If we can't do anything and we can't find the Shaman. Then our only option is to keep perusing the voice of the Northern Lights."
Briefly looking at everyone, Nathan calmly added aloud. "The goal is to find Ahtohallan. She's calling me there. Let's just go there. Please?" Mark patted Nathan's leg, nodding to him. Yelena nodded and looked timidly at Lieutenant Mattias. Turning her reindeer toward a path down the cliffside, she told them a bit tensely. "To reach the Black Shore, we will have to travel along the coast. Follow me." The caravan moved down the jagged cliffside and over the shallow riverbed to the seaside. Keeping clear of the ocean water, Yelena steered them farther inland by kept the coast in sight. Nathan dozed off on Mark's shoulder for minutes at a time on the trip, enjoying his warmth and the smell of the clear ocean air. The soft crashing of the waves, helping to stay asleep longer and longer. He'd gotten a good power nap, when Gale left out a sharp caw that made Mark jerk. Sitting upright, Nathan mumbled out through a yawn. "What's wrong?" Mark pulled Donner to a stop, telling him honestly. "I don't know. Gale's acting weird." Nathan rubbed his eyes, noticing the others were slowing to a stop too. Gale swirled around them, then flew off to a hill a few feet away.
Yelena cleared her throat nervously, turning around to tell them. "Guys, we shouldn't linger here for too long. This whole area tends to flood during storms and Aalto might see us being here as a threat. Guys?" Mark wasn't listening to her, instead he got up on the cart and narrowed his eyes on something in the distance. Patting Nathan's shoulder, he told him a little curiously. "Gale is trying to show us something. Come on." Climbing from the cart, Nathan told Aputsiaq to stay with Donner and rushed after Mark toward the hillside. Mark only climbed a few ways up, before suddenly stopping with a pale face. Nathan chuckled, asking him as he panted up to him. "Run out of stamina already? If you're going to throw up, please don't send it my way." Mark turned to put a hand on Nathan's chest, timidly telling him in a pained voice. "Nate, maybe you should wait with the cart." Nathan huffed, chuckling out nervously. "What? Why?" Nathan turned his eyes to the crest of the hill. From just beyond the crest, Nathan could see a ship mast with shredded white sails. As Gale flew around the flag post, the ripped flag unfurled to sway in the breeze. Nathan's heart plummeted into his stomach.
The flag was a royal diplomatic flag from Arendelle. Used only for the royal family and he'd seen this one before. Flashes of the white flag with golden edgings and a golden crocus with green and purple leaves blinded him. Unable to breathe, Nathan uttered out in a growing panic. "No. That's not... They went to the Southern Sea... They didn't..." Dashing past Mark, Nathan ran up the hill hoping to see the rest of the ship in good condition. Praying to see his parents just camping by it. Mark called out to him, running up after him to try and stop him. As Nathan reached the stop, he staggered back a step or two. The ship was in complete disrepair. The other masts were broken and the whole ship looked like it had been bashed into splinters. There was even a massive hole in the side of the ship. No signs of life or evidence that anyone had made it out. Tears filled Nathan's eyes, but he hugged himself as he tried to stand tall and hide his shaking. Mark wrapped his arms around Nathan, spurring him to turn and cry against his chest. While he cried, Mark sheltered his face and hugged him close. To Be Continued...
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