Chapter Thirty-One: "The Mist"
When their lips finally parted from the kiss, Nathan let out a little sigh with a smile. He missed these moments so much. He didn't have so much pressure to be perfect. Mark wasn't scared of him even at his worst. Unlike the people at Court that were so tense and afraid to speak their minds when it came to opposing ideas. It didn't matter how nice he was. They still feared an outburst from him. Which always made him feel so tense and nervous. Here with Mark... all that just faded away. He felt so free. Mark traced his fingers across Nathan's cheek, whispering to him sweetly. "You should keep your eyes on the road. Donner might miss something." Blushing, Nathan turned his eyes back to the road. Only to bite his lower lip lightly as he felt Mark lean in to kiss his neck tenderly. Shivering from how his warm breath puffed over his exposed skin, he mumbled out to him. "Maybe one day, you'll show me how you play in the woods." Mark chuckled lightly, his voice deep and playful when he asked. "You're gonna have to clear that up for me. How EXACTLY do you want me to play with you in the woods? You have a fantasy of making love against a tree or something?"
Nathan snorted, blushing out shyly. "No... That's not what I meant. I meant... I've hunted in the woods before. But I'd love to see the woods from your eyes. Like how you saw the Northern Lights and snow on the North Mountain, remember? I wanna know why you love the woods?" Mark smiled against his neck, before sitting back to answer casually. "I see. Well... The simplest answer is because it's my home. I know how to read everything in it. From how to find water. To reading weather. To learning the body signals of the animals. But it is also more than that... The woods are like a whole other world. It's peaceful. Everything listens and breathes. It is in harmony with everything. For ever life that falls, more is born. So, you get this feeling that nothing ends. It just transforms into something else." Nathan glanced at him, asking curiously. "I don't think I understand..." Mark smirked, leaning forward to gesture to the trees along the mountainside, while explaining more clearly. "Ok. For example. Everything in nature is food for something else. You eat them to grow strong and to survive. Everything you eat becomes apart of you in some way. So, the essence of what came before you continues to live on within you. Then through you, new life is born. Even when we die, the same thing happens. It continues a cycle. Every plant and animal's soul just seems to transition into something else. Allowing you to live many lives and see things from different ways of life."
Nathan smiled warmly, watching Mark's eyes take on a dreamy look as he gazed at every large tree they passed with respect. Mark even reached out to touch the base of one, adding contently. "People in the city. They just... They don't see the natural life around them. They see only what they've created or what they can create. They forget the soothing sounds of rain falling through the thick trees as they shelter you. Or the beauty of a starry night sky that goes on forever. The city is all noise and hustling here or there. In the woods... everything moves much slower." Leaning back, Mark quickly told Nate through a light blush. "I'm not saying the city is all bad. I see the appeal of it too. With its easy access to things and its strong sense of security and control over resources. But for a guy like me... The hierarchy of humans is... ever reaching for more. In the city nothing is ever enough, because you always have to have more of something. More money. More power. More respect. More possessions. It's all a power struggle... and that's just not me. I want something simple. I want a place to slow down in." Nathan leaned on the dash, asking nicely. "Have you found that dream place yet?" Mark shook his head a bit grimly, telling him brutally honest. "Not yet. But I'm not giving up. One day, I'm going to find it. I'm going to have a little farm with a cozy little home. Stay out late by the lake most nights to watch the snowfall. Ice fish in winter. I just want to stay still and watch the seasons change with no sense of time."
Nathan imagined it and sighed out blissfully. "Sounds lovely." Mark placed a hand on Nathan's leg, telling him so beautifully. "I hope you'll come visit me there." Chuckling lightly, Nathan blurted out. "Visit? I wanna live there. I'm so tired of being King... They said the crown would be heavy... but no one said it would fall around my neck and choke me to death over time. I'd give it all up in a heartbeat... if I wasn't so worried about letting everyone down. Letting my parents down. I was born to be a king. People would kill to be a king. Yet... I... I'm not happy, Mark. I'm stressed. I'm tired. I worry about every little thing I say or do. One mistake. One wrong move... It could cost Arendelle EVERYTHING." Mark put his hand on Nathan's back to rub it, listening to him sniffle on. "With the trade routes to Weselton no longer an opinion and tension between Arendelle and the Southern Isles... I just... I'm worried that I made a huge mistake. That I've cut off too many resources and now with winter coming. Arendelle might just fall apart because of me... because of everything I did. My relationships with the people and those at Court are so fragile, that if we starve through the winter now. It will be my fault. And this situation is only going to make everything so much worse! If I fail to fix this-"
Mark cut him nicely, taking the reins from his hands before he cut the circulation off in his wrists from twisting his hands up subconsciously in them. "Whoa. Easy. Let me take this." Nathan untangled his wrists, letting Mark take the slightly frosted reins back. Mark pulled Donner into a stop, then shifted to face him better. Nathan peered at him from the corner of his eyes like he was in trouble, but Mark so gently reached out to pull him into a hug. Holding him tightly in his arms, Nathan shuddered a bit as he tried to calm himself down. Stroking his hair, Mark spoke close to his ear when he said comfortingly. "Nate... deep breaths. Let all that fall away for a minute. Just listen to what's around you here in this moment." Nathan took a shaky breath, curling his fingers into light fists to keep from frosting Mark's jacket. From the dark trees, an owl hooted softly into the calm night. They were far enough along the mountain trail that the wind was lighter and merely rustled the leaves of the tall trees. It was strange how the rustling leaves sounded like a soft rainfall. When he finally calmed down, he opened his eyes and winced at the light snowfall that was starting. His distress had made it start snowing.
Mark ran a hand through Nathan's loose hair, keeping him close and sheltered when he told him calmly. "Being a leader is tough. You've had a rough start to your reign... but you haven't given up. You've done everything you could for Arendelle, right?" Nathan nodded, but his throat was too tight to speak. Allowing Mark to kiss his temple and add sweetly. "Then that is all you can do. Things will happen that you can't control. In those moments... all you can do is try your best. When your best isn't good enough... just keep trying different things until something works. The only way you fail in life is by giving up without even trying. People will not agree or like what's happening... but it's easy for them to say that when they aren't the ones making those tough decisions. Just be honest and open with them. Progress takes time after a disaster. You love Arendelle... the people may fall on hard times for a bit. But eventually they'll see that you are doing all that you can, and they'll come around." Mark rubbed Nathan's shoulders to loosen them up, sweetly telling him. "You don't have all the answers to their problems. You don't have to pretend that you do." Nathan rested his head on Mark's shoulder, whispering to him softly. "You make it sound so easy... Can you just kidnap me and save me from all this?"
Mark chuckled, stroking his cheek when he told him coolly. "As much as I would love to do just that... I can't. You're a big boy, Nate. You know life in the castle better than I do. You don't need me to save you. You are more than capable of saving yourself." Nathan shifted to rest his back against Mark, pulling his hand down over his shoulder to let Mark rub his chest. Propping his feet up on the side of the wagon, Nathan mumbled out a bit grimly. "Ya... but what if I want to be saved for a change? What if I'm tired of always being smacked around..." Mark playfully nipped his ear, before whispering back much more playfully. "If you can't slay your dragons... then I'll ride in and help distract them until we can flank them. Together." Nathan grinned, snuggling against Mark, while Mark took the reins better to drive. The longer he relaxed against Mark, the lighter the snowfall got until it just stopped altogether. Allowing the clear night sky to shine with all its little lights. As he stared up at them, he noticed the Northern Lights spanning across the sky in the same direction they were going. Grabbing Mark's arm to hold it still against his chest, he asked him softly. "Mark? Do you believe what Grand Pabbie said about the Northern Lights? I mean... it kind of adds up with the story you told me. The one about the Ice Harvesters being sent to find the River of Memory?"
Upon thinking about it, Nathan sat up a little in shock. While Mark replied casually. "Now that you mention it... Ya." Dropping his feet from the side, Nathan shifted on the seat to look at him as he said uneasily. "Do you think King Runeard sent the Ice Harvesters to find Ahtohallan? But why would he do that if he hated magic?" Mark's reply came back short and simple. "Most likely to destroy it." Nathan winced, uttering under his breath. "What if he did?" Mark huffed, telling him more confidently. "I doubt that. If what Grand Pabbie says is true. Then it is still standing because this 'Mother.' The Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights... whatever you want to call it; is trying to call you there." Nathan nodded to himself, mumbling out. "That's true. And in my dream, King Runeard did get killed by something in the woods. So, maybe the Elements got to him and his men first? To protect Ahtohallan?" Mark nodded but he seemed lost in thought, before softly telling him. "Although... If he wanted to destroy the river. Why send Ice Harvesters? They don't destroy the river. They do what their name implies." Nathan straightened up, stating out thoughtfully. "That would imply that he wanted the River of Memory. Or at least some of it... but for what reason?"
Mark shrugged, honestly replying. "I don't know. We'll just have to tread lightly until we know." Nathan exhaled, glancing into the back where the make shaft bed that Mark left looked so inviting. Catching him looking at it, Mark told him with a warm smile. "You can go sleep if you want. I'm good to drive for a while." Nathan tried to resist the urge, but Mark patted his thigh and encouraged him nicely. "Go. I can't have you tired when it's your turn to drive." Giving in, Nathan kissed Mark's cheek. Mark lifted a hand to hold him in the kiss a bit longer. When their lips finally parted, Nathan spotted the ring of ice on Mark's finger. He was still wearing it. Grinning, he slipped into the back and laid down. Waking from her nap, Aputsiaq gave him a few kisses, before hopping into the front seat to sit beside Mark. Nathan bundled himself up in the blankets, falling asleep to the soft rocking and creaking of the wagon. Drifting into a peaceful sleep, Nathan enjoyed every second as the hours passed. Then he was spurred awake by the soft vocalizing song. Slowly sitting up, he took in where they were now. The wagon was just cresting around the last mountain and out of the familiar thick woods overlooking a large grassy plain. Bits of the dawn starting to show as shades of pinks tore through a dark blue sky.
Mark slowed Donner down on the road, stating out in soft awe at the horizon just across the open grassy plain. "Whoa... It's... bigger than I remember." Crawling up to the backrest, Nathan laid his arms across it to get a better look. Up ahead, it looked like a massive thick fluffy cloud had crashed down to earth. It formed a wall so tall that nothing overlooked it. The wall was so thick that not even the breeze could thin it out. It was like gazing at the end of the earth. Aputsiaq braced her tiny feet on the dash, her long tail wagging as she looked upon it with wide eyes. Donner snorted, shaking his antlers and pawing at the dirt with unrest. Glancing at him, Mark told Nate with a small smile. "Morning. Welcome to the Enchanted Forest." Turning his eyes back to the wall, Nathan told Mark in a low voice. "I heard her voice again." Mark patted his arms, telling him comfortingly. "We'll be there in a few minutes. Get something to eat from the bag." Easing back, Nathan ate breakfast, while Mark guided Donner down the steep trail of the mountain and out across the grassy plain. Once they were close enough, Mark pulled Donner to a stop and uneasily asked aloud. "Alright. Now what?"
Nathan climbed out of the back, starting toward the mist as he said coolly. "We try going through it, I guess." Mark scrambled out of the wagon to grab his arm, telling him firmly. "Now hold up! Wait a minute. Let's try something else first." Nathan shrugged, asking curiously. "Like what?" Mark bent down to pick up a rock, tossing it in his hand to catch it. Rolling his eyes, Nathan moved to stand by Donner as Mark moved out to a safe distance. Chucking the rock into the mist, they watched the spot the rock entered into turn a soft pink before the rock came flying back out. Mark jumped out of the way before it hit him, shrugging out. "I don't think it's going to let us in." Nathan took ahold of Donner's bridle, guiding him forward as he said cooling. "Let's just try." Mark rushed over like he was going to stop him. Only to take his hand in his and say firmly. "We'll go together. Don't let go." Nathan firmly took his hand and held onto Donner tightly. While Aputsiaq hopped onto Donner's back to huddle down on his harness. Taking a deep breath, Nathan slowly moved forward toward the mist.
Just as they got within range, Mark stuck his hand out to touch the mist cautiously. Nathan held his breath, watching as his hand entered the thick mist seamlessly. The small section of the mist lit up a soft pink, then it surprised them by suddenly rolling away from them. As the thick mist rolled back, Nathan gasped at the sight of the four tall Element stones from his dream. They were so menacing in person. Nathan started to take a few steps forward to walk between them but stopped when Mark didn't move with him. He looked so pale like he'd seen a ghost. Mark jerked his hand back as the mist retreated from them, his vision blurring as he heard screaming and the clash of weapons. For a moment, he felt overwhelmed by the sudden pain and fear that seemed to be weaved into the thick and heavy mist itself. Slowly he heard a voice call to him, growing steadily louder, until Nathan's voice rang out with clear concern. "Mark? Mark?!" Mark jerked back from him, stating out completely startled. "What?!" Nathan stared at him with fragile eyes, asking cautiously. "Are you ok? You... you weren't responding." Shaking it off, Mark mumbled out weakly. "I'm fine. Just... Let's go." To Be Continued...
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