Chapter Nine: "Animals Are Better Than People"
Rubbing the sleek icy translucent scales on the little ice dragon's neck, Nate smiled. He'd never had a pet and while he had hoped for something much bigger, the little dragon was better than nothing. It was cute. The little dragon's big solid sparkly white eyes peered up at him, its tiny icicle teeth playfully nibbling on his pant leg. Scooping the little dragon up under his arm, he apologized and turned it over to see if it was male or female. Seeing nothing, he chuckled out. "I guess... I can call you whatever I want?" The little dragon licked his cheek with a long forked white tongue as its long tail wagged happily. Looking over the little dragon's body, he asked it curiously. "How about... Aputsiaq? It means Snow Crystal. Or Beautiful Snow." The little dragon purred in a way that sounded like shimmering crystals. Its head snuggling against his neck as it clung to his chest with tiny sharp talons of ice. He took that as a yes. If Aputsiaq was cold, he couldn't feel it. Wrapping his arms around it to hold it better, he carried it into his ice castle. He started to picture Aputsiaq as a girl since the pronoun seemed to come more naturally to him. He tended to call everything a girl. Even his mandolin.
Taking her to his bed, he started to make a little bed beside his, until she hopped off him to curl up on the ice bed. Her little eyes looking up at him expectantly. Shrugging, he stopped trying to make the little bed and laid down beside her. She crept under his arm, purring more as she snuggled against his chest and licked his chin. Her tongue felt as soft as snow and where she licked him, she left a trail of water. Petting between her tiny blunt horns, he calmed her down to help her drift off. He'd been ok with the idea of being alone... but having her was nice. He kissed her head, then jerked when he thought of how he had almost frozen Hans to death. His kiss frosted her over for a second, before she shook it off and purred louder. Relaxing, he exhaled in his relief. Closing his eyes, he fell asleep to the sound of her purring. He slept until noon, feeling refreshed. His happiness only growing when he saw Aputsiaq staring at him. She had clearly been trying to pretend to be asleep. However, upon seeing his eyes open, her eyes opened wide, and her tail began to wag with excitement. Chuckling, he blew a puff of air at her face. She jerked her head up, shaking the frost from her face. Then springing into a playfully bow, she snorted a puff of frost at him in return.
Jerking from how the frost hit his face, Nathan rubbed his face across his arms with a groan. If he wasn't awake before, he was now. Aputsiaq wiggled her butt like a cat, then jumped onto his back and dashed off the bed to the floor with a soft squeak. Her tiny feet tapping softly over the icy floor as she dashed around in excitement. Stretching, he got up and asked her curiously. "So? What do you want to do today?" Letting out a squeak, she hopped around before stopping and shooting a tiny ball of snow at him. The tiny snowball hit him in the chest, causing him to yelp and fall back off the bed in surprise. As he laid on his back with his feet resting on the bed, he picked up the cluster of snow and said in awe. "Snow? Not fire...?" Chuckling to himself, he said aloud in relief. "Oh, thank goodness... For a second there I thought I'd made a huge mistake." Aputsiaq jumped onto the bed, peeking over the side between his legs as she waited to see if he'd play with her. Grinning, he raised his hand to make a snowball. He'd never made one before but had seen kids make them to play with. As the snowball formed, Aputsiaq dropped into a bow with her little butt wiggling like an excited dog.
Throwing the snowball at her, she scrambled away with a squeak. Rolling up onto his feet, he peeked around the bed and got a face full of snow. He could hear her purring before her tiny feet pitter pattered away. Getting to his feet, he chased after her, throwing his own snowballs. His laughter echoed throughout the castle, along with Aputsiaq's excited squeaks. After chasing her around, he final nailed her with a snowball just outside the castle. The hit made her puff into the deep snow with a startled squeak. For a minute, he thought he'd hurt her, until she popped up from the snow with a smile on her face. Shaking his head, he made his way down the steps, telling her. "You are going to give me a heart attack. You tiny heartbreaker." As he made his way toward her, his stomach growled. Aputsiaq tilted her head, while Nathan winced and grumbled out. "Ya... I didn't think about this part. We might have to go down the mountain and raid a- HEY!" Aputsiaq started hopping away from him through the snow. Following her, he asked a bit sternly. "Where are you going?! Get back here before you fall off the mountain!" Sniffing the air, she glanced back at him to check to see if he was following, before hopping around the corner of the mountainside.
As he carefully walked around, he gawked at the cluster of bushes that hugged the cliffside. He hadn't had a chance to explore the mountainside, but where the sun hit the mountainside were bushes of Winterberry and Juniper berry bushes. The ones back in his castle garden were always picked clean by birds or an early rising servant. He'd never gotten to see them in their fruitful glory. Aputsiaq hopped over to pick up a fallen Juniper berry that stood out in the bright white snow. The berry was just the right size for her tiny mouth, but she didn't eat it. She just hopped back to him and whined until he kneeled. Putting his hand down, she dropped it into his hand and dashed off to collect some more. Looking over the little blue berry, he said to himself. "The birds must not come up this far. Too windy for them? Too cold, maybe?" She rushed back to give him another one and he chuckled out. "Don't you eat?" Aputsiaq snorted in a way that shook her head, then nudged another berry across the snow to him with her nose. Sitting down with her, he put one in his mouth and pet her. She ruffled her tiny wings, the sleek sheen of ice that made up the webbing gleaming with the colors of the rainbow.
While he ate, she crawled up his arm and over his shoulders to curl around his neck. Nuzzling his cheek against hers, he told her happily. "Well, they aren't the best tasting... but better than nothing. Might be able to make some juniper tea... minus the heat." Creating a thin basket of ice, he told her excitedly. "Help me collect the berries. We'll take them inside for... safe keeping." Jumping off his shoulder, she bounded through the snow to help fill the basket as he picked the ripe berries. There were so many bushes that he had no doubt that he'd have the basket filled and maybe a little more to spare. As he ventured a bit farther around the mountainside, he looked at a large cave opening and gasped softly. Aputsiaq rushed over to sniff the entrance, then slowly walked inside. Cautiously following her, he took in the insane beauty of it. It looked like an underwater world. There was frozen water over the ceiling and walls of the cave like water had burst up from the core of the mountain and it had just frozen in place. Everything was bathed in a shiny blue hue that was calming. Aputsiaq rushed up to a frozen geyser in the center and upon seeing her distorted features in the reflection, let out a little hiss. Hopping back from it, her wings sprang up as she braced herself for an attack. Her snarls followed with puffs of frost from her mouth.
Scooping her up, he chuckled out to her. "It's just you. Look at this place... It's so pretty. What do you think? Do you think our ice castle can link up with this? In case of an emergency?" When Aputsiaq looked up at him with big timid eyes, he interjected quickly. "Or in case you get... larger and more intimidating. This could be a nice cave." Aputsiaq perked up more, snuggling against him as she purred loudly. Touring the whole cave, Nathan started to build up plans on how he would connect it to the ice castle and make it into a second home if the first fell apart to a storm or something. Aputsiaq seemed just as excited by the idea. While back in Arendelle, Mark tracked through the forest as heavy snow fell in thick sheets. The wind was howling around him, but pulling up his bandana, he protected himself from the bitter cold. Crouching, he brushed fresh snow off of a footprint left in the frozen dirt. He'd been following the tracks the best he could, but the snow was starting to cover them faster than he could read them. Then to add to his misery, he wasn't alone. Groups of men from Arendelle were stomping through the woods trying to track the King as well.
Although, they had no idea what they were doing. Which made finding the right tracks even harder. Hefting a sigh, he told Donner grimly. "Any chance of finding him is slipping away. I don't think we're going to find him, Bud." Donner let out a low whine, then shook off the snow that was collecting on his back. As Mark stood back up, an Arendelle man that was behind him, shoved Mark back to the ground. Rolling back up to his feet quickly, Mark raised his fists for a fight, snapping out. "Touch me again and I'll kick your ass!" The man pointed a stern finger at him, yelling out for others to hear. "Get out of here, Heathen!" Mark straightened up, yelling back. "You can't tell me what to do!" The man glanced around, before yelling out over the wind. "There is no place in Arendelle for YOUR kind! Get lost!" Mark huffed, snapping back defiantly. "Well, if there is a place for a narrowminded twit like you, then there should be plenty of room for me." Donner snorted, shaking his antlers aggressively as he stomped his hooves. The man backed up a little, then yelled out to the others. "HEY! He's erasing tracks! He's one of them sorcerers! A NORTHULDRAN HEATHEN!"
Losing his temper, Mark lunged for the man, yelling out. "You son of bitch!" The man wasn't prepared for Mark to attack him, resulting in him getting decked to the ground. As the man went down, other men from Arendelle rushed in to grab him. Dragging him back from the man he'd hit. Donner let out a distressed call as a few men grabbed his reins, causing Mark to shout over the wind aggressively. "LEAVE HIM ALONE, YOU BASTARDS!" Mark tried to tug himself free, until men started punching him. As Mark fell to his knees, spitting blood across the snow, Donner let out sharp distressed yelps. The men tugged on Donner's reins to keep him from attacking anyone or running away, while they teased him with slaps and hard jabs. Shoved down to all fours, the men began kicking in him in the ribs until he fell weakly to the ground. Mark's ribs burned and he tasted blood in his mouth. The men laughed and shouted down at him. "Leave Arendelle! Heathen! Serves you right, Freak! Some Troll King, HA!" The men kicked snow at him, then moved up to Donner. One of the men asked another curiously. "What do we do with the reindeer?"
Another man huffed out. "Nothing. They aren't good for anything! Except maybe dinner." Another man began to pull the line of his crossbow back, telling the others. "Hold him steady. I'll take care of him. Might as well not go back empty-handed." Mark forced himself to get up while their focus was on Donner and picked up a good sized rock as he did. As the man lifted his crossbow, Mark grabbed his arm to aim it at another man. The man pulled the trigger in shock, shooting the other man in the shoulder. Then hitting the crossbow wielder across the face with the rock to knock him out, Mark let him fall and threw the rock at one of the men that held Donner's reins. The man yelped as the rock hit him in the head, but Mark turned his attention on the other men. Punching one hard in the throat, he kicked another in the balls. One of the men managed to shove him up against the sleigh and Mark quickly reached in to grab his ice climbing pickaxe. As the man tried to punch Mark, Mark dodged and grabbed his arm. Putting the pickaxe over his arm, he cut his bicep with it and brought the sharp end to the underside of the man's jaw.
Glaring at the man, Mark growled out in a deep merciless tone. "Run! Or I'll finish you here and now!" The men all gasped, backing away from him. Collecting their people and things, they bolted. Mark watched them go, staying braced for another attack. When they vanished from view, he fell weakly to his knees and coughed loudly. Spitting more blood across the fresh snow, Mark groaned out as he hugged his ribs. "Fuck... Everything hurts..." Donner whined, trying to extend his nose back to nuzzle him. Lifting a hand, Mark rubbed Donner's face, telling him gruffly. "I'm ok, Buddy. Just... I'm going to feeling it tomorrow... More than I am now. We just can't catch a break, can we?" Grabbing the side of the sleigh, Mark forced himself to get up. Upon trying to put the pickaxe back, the end broke off and fell to the ground. Letting out a frustrated groan, he snapped out. "Ugh, when I asked for a break, this isn't what I meant!" Tossing the remains of the pickaxe into the sleigh, Mark told Donner gruffly. "Damn it. Looks like we're going to have to make a stop at the trading post before going home... Just my luck."
Struggling to climb into the sleigh, Mark took hold of the reins and flicked them gently to get Donner moving. Donner easily made his way over the snow as they followed the road out. While going back into Arendelle was faster to get supplies from where he was, he didn't feel like dealing with them right now. So, he rode a few miles out of his way to go toward the local trading post that the Ice Harvesters went to most often for supplies. The storm turned into a blizzard by the time they reached Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna. Covered in snow and practically stiff from both pain and frostbite, Mark told Donner to wait and slipped into the cozy little cabin. It was so warm in the cabin that the snow started to melt off him. The burly and friendly local man behind the counter waved to him and stated out in a heavy Norwegian accent. "Yoo-hoo! A real howler in July, yes? Strange to be coming from the North Mountain this time of year." Mark trudged toward the wall to remove the last climbing pickaxe and then snagged a bundle of carrots off a shelf. Setting the stuff on the counter, Mark muffled out behind his snow covered bandana. "Did you say the North Mountain?"
Oaken nodded, cheerfully chiming in. "Yes, I did. Where many have gone and have frozen to death. The very same. That will be forty kroner." Mark shook his head, blurting out in shock. "What? Yesterday, you were offering ten!" Oaken winced, patting the pickaxe with the tips of his fingers as he informed him nicely. "Oh dear. This is no good. See this is from our winter stock. And right now, our supply and demand have a big problem. Yesterday, no winter. Today is winter. Price changes as the demand for it rises." Oaken gestured to all the summer supplies on the shelf, informing him curtly. "Right now, big summer blowout. Half off swimming suits, clogs, and a sun balm of my own invention, yeah?" Mark shrugged, stating out firmly. "I don't have forty. Ten is all I've got." Oaken moved the pickaxe away from the carrots, then tapped the bundle of carrots with his fingers as he told him as nicely as he could. "Ok. That will get you this and no more. Okay?" Mark shook his head in defeat, pleading out a bit desperately. "Come on, Oaken. Help me out here. I need them. Give me some credit... you know I'm good for it." Oaken fumbled with his fingers a bit, before telling him with a shrug. "Still forty, but I will throw in a visit to Oaken Sauna."
Oaken turned to wave to the Sauna door, cooing out. "Yoo-hoo! Hi, family!" From within the Sauna, a slightly less burly man waved back with his four kids. Mark tried not to be rude but told Oaken a bit more desperate and pressing. "Oaken, I rely on my ice business. If I can't replace my pickaxe... I... I won't make it." Oaken exhaled with a sympathetic look as he leaned back in his chair. Pulling down his bandana with his gloved hand, Mark pleaded hopefully. "Come on, Oaken. I've had a tough day. I need some hygge..." Oaken tapped his fingers on the counter, looking over his bruised and bloodied face, before a smile spread across his own face, and he told him warmly. "I can loan this out to you for forty kroner. I will even add in a flask of Glogg just so we have good feelings, yeah?" Mark exhaled in relief, nodding as he told him. "Ya. Thanks, Oaken." Oaken wrote down the items, then tore off a piece of paper for him that told him what he owed and when his deadline was to pay it back. Stuffing the paper in his pocket, he gathered the items and made his way back out. Glancing up toward the North Mountain in the distance, Mark told Donner coolly. "The storm's coming from the North Mountain... It's a good place to get lost. Think we should check it out?" To Be Continued...
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