Chapter Fourteen: "Everyone Wants Answers"
Nathan led Mark up the steps, petting Aputsiaq absently. He was distracted by Mark and the things he'd said. He wasn't used to having someone that didn't see him as a monster. It confused him that whenever he looked into Mark's eyes, he didn't see anything that pushed him away. Mark had hurt people, but all in self-defense. He didn't see anything that upset him. It did the opposite. It drew him in. Why did he see him reaching out to him? Why did his skin shimmer like the Northern Lights? He had so many questions and couldn't answer any of them. Stepping over the patches of snow on the steps where the spikes had turned to snow, Nathan marveled at them. How had he done that? He didn't recall turning the spikes to snow. Stepping into his room, he inched aside shyly to let Mark pass him. Mark casually walked across his room toward the balcony. Leaning back against the wall, Nathan smirked as he saw Mark stare up at the Northern Lights that streaked across the clear night sky. From his room, the Northern Lights looked so close and the colors rippled over the glossy sheen of the ice balcony. Yet, all he could do was watch Mark.
Mark grabbed the railing, smiling as he stared up at the sky. It was beautiful to see how the Northern Lights shined down over him. The longer he stared at him, the more he wondered if the glow on Mark's skin was like the one in his vision. In his arms, Aputsiaq licked his chin with a little twinkling purr. Curling his lips over his teeth, he set Aputsiaq on his bed and slowly moved up to the open balcony doors. He didn't want to disturb Mark but was curious why the Northern Lights made him smile like that. Following Mark's eyes up to the dark sky, Nathan's breath caught in his throat. The sky was so dark, but the stars were so bright tonight that they looked like white diamonds. The Northern Lights even seemed brighter as they weaved across the sky like a ribbon of soft colors that had been painted overhead. Mark must have sensed him there, because he asked him. "Beautiful night, isn't it? The Northern Mountain has the best view of the night sky. Nothing in Arendelle compares to it." Nathan looked at Mark, asking in a wispy voice. "You've been up here before?" Mark nodded; his eyes enraptured on the sky as he said openly. "Ya. There is a beautiful frozen lake on the other side. I was getting ready to start my ice business there."
Mark's gloved hands slid along the railing a bit, when he told him happily. "The North Mountain is always covered in snow all year round. It gets so cold up here, that the sky just seems to be eternally clear and as beautiful as freshly fallen snow. Up here, you never need firelight... because the stars just makes everything glow." Nathan smirked, telling him a little numbly. "The sky is beautiful, but I wouldn't say it makes things glow." Mark finally looked away from the sky with a small smirk over his shoulder. Extending a hand out for him, Mark told him hopefully. "Come here." Nathan cautiously inched forward. He feared being thrown from the balcony, but Mark's smile was too warm and welcoming. Taking his hand, Mark pulled him up to the balcony with him and whispered over his shoulder sweetly. "Look." Nathan placed his hands on the railing and looked where Mark was pointing. When he did, his heart skipped. From here, the snow on the mountain sparkled softly in the light, like a gentle breeze through a wheat field. It was like staring at an endless field of millions of tiny diamonds. Leaning on the rail more, Nathan gawked out. "Whoa... That is... I didn't know that snow did that."
Beside him, a deep throaty chuckle left Mark before he whispered close to his ear. "Well, you don't get out much." Despite himself, Nathan snorted and couldn't stop a powerful grin from showing. Looking out across the mountain, Nathan said mostly to himself. "Still... How did I miss this?" Mark leaned over to rest his arms on the railing, when he asked him nicely. "Maybe you didn't know what to look for?" Nathan looked at Mark, listening to him as he added in a passionate voice. "People in Arendelle are so scared of magic... but it's all around them. Magic is more than just power. It's a life force. It's natural beauty. You don't have to look hard to see it." Nathan smirked, asking him softly. "Did the Trolls teach you that?" Mark shook his head, answering warmly. "No. It's something I realized sitting up here one night. Nothing clears your head like a night sky full of stars." Nathan couldn't look away from Mark. Something about the way he spoke and looked at the world just made him want to see things that way. Mark smiled so brightly, when he said softly. "Being up here and seeing all those stars... You just feel like a small part of something so much bigger. Things you feel are overwhelming... They just vanish when you see a view like this. You realize that the world is so much bigger than the places we've built and things we hold onto."
Nathan hugged himself, mumbling out as he forced himself to look up at the sky. "I never thought about it like that." Mark shifted a little to tell him a bit distantly with a smile. "You know... The Ice Harvesters once told their kids this old story about this River of Memory. A place where all the answers to the world are found. They say that they were originally tasked to find this river. Sent out to collect the frozen samples to bring to King Runeard. Supposedly, to find the magic that the Northuldran people were hoarding for themselves." Nathan raised an eyebrow at that, letting Mark carry on casually. "They say that to this day, no one has ever found it. But I've been thinking that is might not be the type of river they were thinking of... Not something physical, anyway." Nathan shrugged a little, asking genuinely curious. "What do you think it might be?" Mark pointed up at the Northern Lights, answering with a small smile. "Them. Think about it. It winds through the night sky like a winding river. It's mysterious and magical. And when you stare up at it long enough... You think back on your life and memories. You look up for answers when you feel lost and alone. There are even days when I feel like I should follow those lights and see where it leads me. But that would be silly."
Nathan kind of liked the idea himself but asked gently. "Why is that? Sounds like it would be a fun adventure." Mark chuckled, moving away from the railing as he replied simply. "It's silly because the lights don't appear to go beyond this mountain peak. And I can't figure out why. But it led me to the lake. So, that is a sign of something good, right?" Nathan turned his gaze back up to the Northern Lights and sure enough, Mark was right. The lights just seemed to vanish into the peak of the North Mountain. Tilting his head a little in confusion, he wondered if that was why Mark wanted to get a look from up here. Did he think he'd get a better view of them from up here? Behind him, Mark thanked him and said coolly. "I'm going to go back down and check on Donner. He's probably getting worried. Sleep well, Highness." Whirling around, Nate felt a slight pain at the thought of Mark leaving him. Trying to keep himself together though, he promptly answered Mark in a friendly tone. "Goodnight, Mark." Mark reached out to run his hand down along Aputsiaq from head to tail as he walked by, telling her sweetly. "Night, Twinkle-Toes."
Aputsiaq purred loudly, arching up into his hand like a cat, then whined a little when she watched him leave. Nathan moved back up to the balcony doors, leaning against the frame as he watched him go too. He couldn't explain it... but he liked Mark. In the short time that he'd known him, he felt a strong connection with him. He'd never had a friend that he felt so strongly in sync with. Crawling into bed, he snuggled up with Aputsiaq and whispered to her very softly. "I like him too. He's... nice." Aputsiaq licked his chin, purring loudly as she laid down with her face looking toward the door. It was like she was hoping that Mark would come back. Closing his eyes, he drifted off into pleasant dreams about the night sky and sparkling snow. He watched large snowflakes fall in his dream, when something landed on his chest and woke him. Standing on his chest, Aputsiaq snapped her tiny jaws on a snowflake before the swirling snow above him vanished as quickly as he'd awakened. Aputsiaq licked her glossy lips, then wiggled her tail like she was waiting for more to come down from the ceiling. Sitting up, he asked her curiously. "What's going on?" She didn't answer. She just tilted her head at him, then perked up and leapt off his chest to the floor with excitement.
Swinging his legs to the floor, he watched her scamper out the door and called out. "Aputsiaq? Where are you going?" Glancing toward the balcony, he saw the sun was just starting to arrive. Bathing the sky in soft pinks and shades of baby blues. Getting to his feet, he suddenly heard it too. It sounded like a mandolin. Something he hadn't thought or had heard since he'd left the castle. Taking the steps two at a time, he saw Aputsiaq waiting for him at the bottom. She bounced, squeaking at him before dashing off toward a room in the ice castle. Grabbing the rail, he spun around it, skidding across the ice as he rushed to follow her. Heading into the kitchen, he slid up to the doorway and grabbed the frame to stop himself. Inside, Mark was sitting on the floor with his back against Donner's side. He was playing a worn and old looking mandolin and humming to himself. Donner was napping as he played, and the smell of hot chocolate hung in the air. The tune was slow and beautiful. It was nothing fancy, but calming and cheery sounding. Mark's deep humming even added another layer to it that made Nathan smile. Resting his head to the frame, Nathan listened to it, feeling warm and fuzzy to the sweet sound of it. Music calmed him like nothing else and he hadn't realized he'd been missing it.
Aputsiaq bounced in place, then started to run toward Mark, but Nathan quickly dropped into a crouch to snatch her tail. Aputsiaq's claws dug into the floor, trying to force herself free. Mark was playing with his eyes closed and Nathan didn't want to be caught spying. Trying to pull her back though, made a soft squealing sound as her nails rubbed against the smooth floor. Mark opened his eyes and stopped playing. Looking up, he only saw Aputsiaq reluctantly get tugged around the corner of the kitchen door. Just outside, he could hear Aputsiaq whining and hissing, before Nathan yelped out. "OW! Hey! Get your ass back here!" Aputsiaq skidded around the corner, her legs moving faster than the rest of her as she tried to get traction. With gleeful squeaks, she raced straight toward Mark. Mark lifted his mandolin to protect it, when she leapt onto his lap and curled herself up. Chuckling, Mark scooped her up under his arm and got up. She didn't protest, happily dangling from his hand when he started to walk to the door. Peeking around it, he saw Nathan sitting on the floor, sucking on his finger. Nathan avoided his eyes, until Mark crouched down and asked with concern. "Are you ok?"
Nathan nodded, grumbling out around his finger. "Ya... She bit me with those sharp little teeth." Setting her and his mandolin down, he reached out for his hand and asked nicely. "Let me see?" Nathan was reluctant but pulled his hand away from his mouth to let him look. In the center of Nathan's index finger was a small hole from a single clean puncture. It was bleeding pretty good though. Taking a cloth from his pocket, he held it to Nathan's finger to apply some pressure and told him lightly. "Icicles can be quite lethal. I've seen them impale grown men. She got you good, but you'll be ok." Nathan huffed, grumbling out. "I never would have thought that she'd do that..." Mark smirked, telling him sweetly. "She just nipped you. She could have done a lot worse. You have to be careful. You may have created her... but she is her own creature with wants and desires." Lifting the cloth to see the wound, he listened to Nathan say under his breath. "I guess that just goes to show that I have very little control over what I create..." Mark smirked, blurting out. "Who really does? Just be careful." Blushing a little, Mark guilty asked him. "Did I wake you?"
Nathan shook his head, answering lightly as he carefully pulled his hand back. "No. I... I've been up for hours." Mark could tell he was lying from how messed up his hair was. Catching the way, Nathan's eyes drifted to his mandolin, he asked him. "Do you play?" Nathan chuckled, smiling when he answered. "Ya. I love music." Mark smiled in return, saying almost to himself. "I'd love to hear you play sometime." Nathan perked up a little, saying with an innocent shrug. "I could play now if you want?" Mark handed him the mandolin, telling him comfortingly. "Here. You can practice and play me something when I get back." Nathan accepted the mandolin, then blurted out in shock to Mark's surprise. "You're leaving? To go where?" Mark gestured to the doors, telling him with a chuckle. "Not far. I'm going to check on my supplies down by the lake that I told you about last night." Nathan hugged the mandolin to his chest, looking a bit gloomy when he pleaded in a low hopeful voice. "Can I go with you...?" Mark was taken aback by the way he had said it. It suddenly occurred to him that Nathan had never been allowed to go anywhere. Letting a smile form on his face, he told Nathan sweetly. "Sure. If you want to. I'll put some hot chocolate in my thermos for ya. You can drink it as we go."
Rising, Mark went back into the kitchen to fill his thermos with the last of the hot chocolate. While behind him, Nathan announced a little stunned. "You really don't mind if I go?" Chuckling, Mark turned to hand him the thermos, answering promptly. "I don't mind. The more the merrier. I'm afraid there won't be much to see there... but maybe we can ice fish? We'll figure it out when we get there." Nathan clutched the thermos to his chest, saying very softly in a tender voice. "Thank you..." Mark whistled for Donner to get up, then playfully ran a hand over Nathan's hair to flatten it down as he replied. "Not a problem. Let's go." Nathan followed Mark to the front door of his castle and hesitated a little bit. He still wasn't used to being able to venture out beyond his walls. Let alone to go with someone to someplace new. Aputsiaq grabbed his pantleg in her little mouth, tugging to try and get him out the door to keep up with Mark and Donner. Bending down, he scooped her up and she licked his cheek before curling around his shoulders. Taking a big breath, he stepped out and followed Mark. To Be Continued...
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