Chapter Forty: "Show Yourself"
Taking their time, Nathan cautiously stepped into the dark entrance of the glacier. Mark hesitated, pulling on Nate's hand to slow him down when he saw how dark it was. Nathan was going ask if he had a light, when Gale swopped in over their heads and dropped Fia just ahead of them. Behind them Aputsiaq growled, but Mark patted her nose to calm her. Snorting as she stood at the size of a horse now, she shuffled her wings and looked around the tunnel for unseen threats. Fia ignited herself to give off a dim soft light that wasn't hot enough to melt the glacier. Following her farther in, Nathan listened closely for any sound from the person that sang to him. Yet, he heard nothing. Mark squeezed his hand a bit tightly, whispering to him. "Easy. There could be hostile things here." Leaving the tunnel, they went into a small dark room that Fia circled to find an exit. Mark stayed close to Aputsiaq and the entrance tunnel, whispering to him. "It's so quiet. I don't like it... Shouldn't someone be waiting for us? Where is this 'Mother?' Nate?" Nathan raised his free hand to stop him, letting go of his hand to step out a step or two to call out softly. "Here I am. You don't have to be afraid. Show yourself. I'm ready to listen to what you have to say."
Nathan waited for an answer but heard nothing in response. Mark reached out to take his hand, but Nathan stepped away a bit more to say a bit louder. "I can sense you here... Please come out? You don't have to hide. You brought me here for a reason. I'm here. Let me see you." Behind him, Mark whispered to him. "Maybe the sun hasn't completely taken over the sky. Maybe she's not here yet." Nathan started to turn, when he heard her soft vocals beside him. Perking up, he jerked his head toward the sound and saw the haunting glow of the Northern Lights light up within the glacier to reveal another tunnel that had been hidden in the darkness. Stepping toward it, the lights stretched out like a ribbon to lead the way into the tunnel. Mark stepped up to stand beside him, gawking out as he stared at the lights. "Are you doing that?" Shaking his head, Nathan started walking into the tunnel as he answered him. "No. She wants me to go this way." Mark gave a cautious look to Aputsiaq, who snarled quietly but followed behind them with alert eyes. While walking through the tunnel, Nathan ran his hand along the wall to see if he could touch the ribbon of Northern Lights.
Mark gasped, doing the same thing on the other side and watching beautiful images of every animal run along the ribbon of light. There was so much life and beauty held within the soft warming lights. Fia extinguished herself like her light was an insult in the presence of the Northern Lights, she eyes scanning the animals within the lights with widen fascination woo. Gale slowly flew overhead, mimicking the birds within the ribbon of light as they glided with such grace and peace. Mark smiled telling Nathan warmly. "Makes you want to paint on the walls, doesn't it?" Nathan chuckled, then helped as he slipped and started sliding down the tunnel. Mark called out his name, then slipped and started to slide down after him. Nathan tried to slow himself down, but there was nothing to grab, and his power was only puffing out from his palms like snow. Mark reached out to grab his hand and when he took it, Mark called back to Aputsiaq. "Come here!" Gale let out a loud call from farther ahead and Fia squeaked something back to Aputsiaq before leaping onto Nathan's leg. Aputsiaq jerked her head up with worry, before rushing forward to let Mark grab her horn. Helping Mark climb onto her neck, she let out distressed whines as they started to slide faster down the steep tunnel.
Following her eyes to the end of the tunnel, he saw Gale hovering over darkness and a sudden end to the tunnel. Tensing, he blurted out in a panic. "MARK! AHEAD!" Mark had just gotten onto Aputsiaq and was laying over her neck when he saw it too. Mark's eyes widened and he tried to pull Nathan close as he yelled out. "NATE! GET ON!" Taking in the look of the tight tunnel and dark space ahead, he told Mark in a rush. "I can't! She won't clear it with me!" Twisting his hand free of his grip, he yelled out to Aputsiaq as he moved closer to the wall and tried to use his frost to slow down. "Aputsiaq! GO TO GALE!" Aputsiaq whined but picked up speed and adjusted her wings to get ready to leap into the air. Gale cawed, circling up into the air like a guide to show her where to go. At the broken end of tunnel, Aputsiaq leapt off and shot her wings out to catch herself. Flapping them quickly to circle up after Gale before falling into the pit. Mark called out to Nathan in fright, but Nathan was concentrating. With no one else behind him, he created icicles and jammed them into the floor to slow himself down to buy him a few more seconds of time. Fia clung to him in fear, her body warming his leg.
As he got closer to the end, Aputsiaq's body glowed in the ribbon light that faintly spanned the space over the pit, allowing light to shine brighter over the pit to light up the space better. Noticing what looked like a broken ice bridge, Nathan took a deep breath and let go of the icicles to try reforming the bridge. The power surged from his palms in his panic, creating a frosted icy bridge with solid high walls to try and keep himself from sliding off the sides. Fia squealed as Nathan's feet hit the frost on the bridge, causing light snow to spray up over his legs and onto her. His icy bridge slammed into what remained of the previous bridge, causing frost to puff out in a thick fog, but the blast was enough to slow him to a stop on the other side. Fia's tiny nails dug into his leg as she shivered off the bits of snow and looked around completely shaken that she was still alive. Gale swooped down to land on the wide icy bridge wall, prompting Aputsiaq to slowly land on it. Mark sat up on Aputsiaq, calling out in worry. "Nate? Are you ok?" Sitting up to put his back to the wall of the next tunnel, he chuckled out breathlessly. "Ya... I'm good."
Sliding off Aputsiaq, Mark grumbled out as he stomped toward him. "Good. I'm going to slap you so fucking hard! How could you do that to me?! I thought-!" As Mark reached him, his anger faded and dropped to his knees to hug him. Closing his eyes, he hugged Mark back with a small tired smile. Aputsiaq cautiously stepped toward them, her feet puffing the frost on the bridge to reveal the thick ice beneath it that easily held her weight. Although, it had taken a lot from Nathan to make. Kissing his temple, Mark warmly told him. "At least we have a way to get back out of here now." Nate nodded, taking a deep breath before letting him help him up. Aputsiaq nuzzled his side, letting out a crystallized purr that was happy he was ok. He rubbed her head, then watched the ribbon of Northern Lights run through the walls to continue to lead them on to the collapsed end. Gale swooped over to slip between what looked like fallen icy pillars with fancy designs on them. Rubbing his arm, Mark told him cautiously. "Easy, Nate... You shouldn't use so much of your power." Seeing the Northern Lights ripple over the pillars in turn, Nathan told him confidently. "I know... but she wants me to do it. I think it's why I'm here... She's trapped?"
Mark raised an eyebrow, asking nervously. "How? She's the Northern Lights. She can be anywhere she wants. How is she trapped?" Nathan shrugged, moving up to the pillars to slowly ease them all up. They quickly slipped through the entrance and Nathan turned to freeze the pillars in a pyramid shape over the entrance they came from. Each of the pillars had Northuldran people etched into them, making the entrance reveal the Northuldran people bowing as a man with reindeer horns approached a woman made of stars before a large mountain glacier. Backing up, Nathan whispered to himself. "The Shaman was chosen from among the Northuldra to speak to her for them... Or did she choose him?" Mark patted his back, telling him nervously. "Nate. Look where you are going." Nathan turned around, realizing that he almost backed up into much large clear icy pillars that blocked the way. Lifting a hand, he winced as he strained to lift them in turn and set them back along the walls of the long hallway. As each one was put back into place, it glowed with on of the colors of the elements in a repeating pattern until they were all set back up.
Once they were all up, each pillar swirled with the color of the Northern Lights and the glacier seemed to inhale as power surged through it and began to glow with bright ethereal light that rippled within the walls, ceiling, and floor. The ceiling showed glowing animals made of light in flight. The walls showed land animals and humans made of lights walking. While the floor showed animals made of light swimming in the sea. Some of the animals they had seen and others they had not. It was breathtaking and left them speechless. Fia and Gale slowly started walking to the other end of the hall, prompting Mark and Nathan to look ahead where a gorgeous entrance was. The entrance was triangular in shape with the large diamond shapes on the elements around the door, leaving the entrance itself as the fifth spirits representation. Nathan slowly made his way up to the entrance, but hesitated. He didn't know what would be inside. Fia and Gale stepped through the shroud of shimmering color without fear, but Nathan was trembling. Taking his hand, Mark stood tall beside him, telling him bravely. "I'm right behind you." Taking Mark's hand, he nodded and stepped in with him.
Stepping through, they both stopped short. The room was pitch black but had millions of twinkling stars. Staying very still, they watched Gale circle around, before letting out a haunting call and fading out of a solid leafy form into a form of twinkling white stars. Gale the flew around them as a beautiful set of stars before going to a spot before them and solidifying into a floating glowing white diamond shape with the symbol for air. Then Fia had the same thing happen to her. Only she glowed with red stars and her floating diamond had the symbol for fire etched into it. Next, they watched a dorsal fin made of blue stars rise from the floor to reveal Aalto. Aalto swam around them as a cluster of stars before solidifying to a glowing blue diamond with the symbol for water. Mark glanced at Nathan, asking in a whisper. "What's happening to them?" Nathan shrugged, watching the diamonds circle something slowly before tilting back and laying down into something set into the floor. As they laid in place to mesh perfectly with the floor, a little star of purple faded into existence in the center of them. Aputsiaq winced, but neither Mark nor Nathan moved. That's when a warm ethereal feminine voice spoke to them. "Welcome back."
Nathan blinked, asking in a shaken voice. "Back? I think you're mistaken. I've never been here before." The woman chuckled as softly as a spring breeze, before explaining herself casually in a sweet motherly voice. "You haven't, King Nathan of Arendelle. But Mark has. My fifth spirit and bringer of empathy and life. Come. Step into your place and I will show you." Mark hesitated, asking suspiciously. "What did you do to the other spirits? Will you do the same to me?" The woman still kept her calm and sweet motherly voice when she answered. "No. Do not be afraid. They are at peace now that they are to be whole. Let me show you." Nathan tried to hold Mark back, but Mark gave him a kiss on the cheek before pulling away. Cautiously, Mark walked across the dark starry room to stand on the little purple star in the center of the room. As he did, the stars floating in the room moved to the walls and the place brightened into a what looked like a massive crystal ball dome. Every little surface on the diamond like walls showed different images of Mark's life. There were so many that it was hard to know where to look first. Some parts of the wall were still dark though. Which had Nathan realizing that there was one element missing. Earth.
The voice of the woman then told them in a voice full of memory. "After all these years... you are found." The walls shimmered to reveal a single scene. It was the image from his dream. The dream of his young mother running through the snow with the Arendelle flag wrapped around herself. The image played out to show the large reindeer standing before the scared little girl while she hid under a ledge. The girl reached out to touch the reindeer's nose when an arrow whizzed between them. Jumping back from the little girl, the reindeer stared off to a man that Nathan now recognized. King Runeard. King Runeard's eyes narrowed on the reindeer, and he raised his crossbow again. The reindeer dashed off, distracting King Runeard to chase him while soldiers rushed in to grab his mother. Nathan watched them run out of sight and expected the image to say with his mother to see the twister of fire. Instead... it followed the reindeer. The reindeer leapt of into a clearing with nowhere else to run. He was cornered at the cliffside. Lifting its chin, the reindeer proudly turned around to face King Runeard without fear. King Runeard kept his crossbow aimed at the reindeer, telling it darkly. "Face me like a man, Coward."
The reindeer's body slowly changed into a man with a hood that held large reindeer antlers. Taking the hood, the Shaman slowly pushed it back to reveal his face. Mark's face with the element tattoos across his cheekbones... just like his other dream had showed him. The Shaman stared King Runeard down, telling him coolly. "King Frederick lied to you, Runeard. I didn't kill your father. His greed and fear got his brother killed." King Runeard shook his head, snapping out angrily. "Liar! You promised him peace and KILLED HIM as a cowardly show of your peoples' power over us!" The Shaman stared at him confused, blurting out coolly. "I'd never hurt him. I loved him. It was King Frederick that believed I bewitched him. He killed your father trying to remove the magic that the Northern Lights gave him." King Runeard tossed his crossbow aside and removed his sword as he snapped out bitterly. "You cursed him! The eternal winter around the North Mountain is proof! He sent the winter to kill us because of YOU!" The Shaman stepped closer to King Runeard, stating out firmly. "No! I was trying to help him! I loved him."
King Runeard rushed him, impaling his sword through the Shaman's gut as he sneered close to his ear. "You bewitched him away from my mother. My parents' deaths are on YOUR HANDS! And I won't rest until your people are wiped from this earth. Magic will die with YOU." The Shaman groaned, blood leaking from his mouth but he put a hand on King Runeard's shoulder as he whispered weakly back. "Magic is in everything... I'm sorry... and I forgive you." King Runeard yanked his sword out and shoved the Shaman back from him, yelling out. "MAGIC WILL DIE! I'LL MAKE SURE OF IT!" The Shaman winced and the blood leaking from his gut started to swirl around him into a powerful twister that screeched like Gale. The more the Shaman bled, the more images appeared in the twister. Aalto slowly took form and swim within the twister with teeth bared. Then Fia came forth and the twister surged with fire, completely shrouding the Shaman and sending out a surge that blasted King Runeard into a rock that killed him. The spirits shot out in all directions. Fia set trees ablaze as she attacked Arendelle soldiers. Gale rustled trees and snatched soldiers up in gusts of wind to threw them around.
Aalto leapt from the twister and fell from the cliff toward the water below. Leaving a sinkhole in the ground where the twister had been. From the sink hole, a hand made of rock slowly crawled its way out, causing the mountainside to crumble and break apart as the giant tore up from the ground and stumbled. Falling into the gorge and blocking the water as he tried to adjust himself. Only to get himself more stuck as his body continued to grow in size, until he became too lethargic to move and fell asleep. The most shocking thing that Nathan saw was that as the giant opened its closed fist in the river... a little cluster of moss with a small infant was suddenly sent down the river toward Arendelle. The baby's rosy cheeks with elemental tattoos fading away as its skin rippled with a golden rainbow hue. Mark's jaw hit the floor as he watched a fisherman in Arendelle pull him out and rush him to the orphanage with the wagons of Northuldran children that were arriving. Nathan couldn't believe it as he gasped out. "Oh my god... The Shaman wasn't killed, and he wasn't taken by the soldiers. Mark... You are the Shaman they've been looking for." To Be Continued...
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