Chapter Forty-Eight: "A New Arendelle"
Nathan leaned into the kiss, his heart pounding as he enjoyed the warmth of Mark's lips against his. Lifting his free hand, Nathan stroking his fingers up Mark's chest to the collar of his shirt. Curling his fingers up in the fabric to keep him close. He wanted the kiss to last for as long as possible. Mark's warm hands stroked down Nathan's jaw to rest on his shoulders, the backs of his fingers brushing along Nathan's throat tenderly as their lips finally parted. Giving him a beautiful smile, Mark whispered to him in a deep voice. "I've waited a lifetime to hear you say that." Smirking, Nathan tried to lean in for another kiss while whispering back teasingly. "You're lucky that I like OLDER men." Turning away from Nathan's kiss with a throaty chuckle, Mark told him with a blush. "I'm not much older than you. I was... technically reborn. I just retain memories from my past life." Rolling his eyes, Nathan raised his hand to turn Mark's chin gently back to face him. Bringing his lips over his, he whispered over them lovingly. "Just don't get lost in the past... when I'm right here." Putting a thumb to Nathan's lips to stop their lips from meeting, Mark told him serenely. "I won't. The past feels like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from... With you. I finally feel awake."
Sliding his thumb so lightly over Nathan's soft lips, he gave him one more smile before leaning in to capture him in another passionate kiss. Although, this kiss was shorter than the previous since he hadn't managed to catch his breath enough after the last one. Leaning back to lay down in the cart, Nathan took deep relaxing breaths. Leaning back against the side of the cart, Mark coaxed Nathan to drape his legs over his lap. Stroking them comfortingly as he watched Nathan ease the wooden ring onto his right ring finger. Holding it up to the rising sun, Nathan grinned as he said aloud. "It feels so warm. Like you." Chuckling, Mark patted his leg and told him. "You put it on the wrong finger." Nathan lazily looked at Mark, lowering his hand down onto his chest when he informed him. "No. I didn't. In Arendelle we put our engagement rings on our right hand. We move them to our right hand AFTER we are married." Mark blinked at that, but relaxed as he let that sink in. Seeing him look so fascinated by it, Nathan propped himself up on his elbows and asked just as perplexed. "Wait... You didn't know that? How...? What do the Northuldra do?"
Mark blushed, shifting a little when he informed him sweetly. "We don't normally wear rings. The women of our tribe wear a shawl or scarf with the man's house sigil. The men wear belts with a beaded buckle that is made from the women's beaded necklace that showcased she was single. Sometimes the man will make a bracelet carved from reindeer antler for her to wear with his house sigil on it, but that is usually in cases wear his mother is unable to make the scarf or shawl to welcome her into the family. Then the elders rattle antlers as they depart to... consummate their marriage and return to feast with the tribe to celebrate." Biting his lip timidly, Nathan told him uneasily. "In Arendelle, the bride and groom tie their rings to the hilt of swords. The bride gives the man her father's sword to symbolize her husband taking over the job to protect her. While the man gives her his sword as a symbol that he will honor and protect her. Then they put on the rings and swords and enjoy a large feast with family and friends. They... consummate their marriage after." Mark laughed, continuing to stroke Nathan's legs when he asked him curiously. "Which one will we do?" Nathan shrugged, his eyes drifting down to see the ice ring still on Mark's right hand but on the wrong finger.
Reaching out, Nathan stopped his hand and eased the ice ring off Mark's index finger to slip it onto his ring finger. Mark didn't say anything but eased his hand into Nathan's to hold onto it. The sunlight glinting off their rings. Staring at them, Nathan lifted his eyes to Mark's and told him with sudden excitement. "Why choose? Why not just... combine them. Our traditions with yours. Put an end to the divide. We'll rebuild Arendelle... together. New rules. New traditions. We'll let bad blood between us wash away with the old Arendelle. We'll rebuild and heal together. Arendelle is its people. Arendelle is... a tribe of people." Tears brimmed Mark's eyes as he smiled. Then leaning closer to Nathan, Mark told him so deep and proud. "You'll have your work cut out of you. But I like that. I'll do my part to help you make it happen." Pulling Mark down beside him, Nathan snuggled up against him as the cart bumped along the road. All around them people cheered and rushed around in excitement. They were enjoying the bright sun and the thrill of venturing into a new land. A land full of promise. While Nathan and Mark simple held each other, relaxing after their adventure.
As the sun faded from the sun to be replaced with a navy blue sky filled with twinkling stars. The Northuldra began to sing as the Northern Lights weaved across the sky, seeming to lead them back to Arendelle. Goosebumps sprang up along Nathan's arms as their voices wafted through the trees and filled the night air with a serene feeling. It grew even more powerful when Mark stood up in the wagon. Mark's skin took on a golden glow before it shimmered in rainbow hues. Giving Nate a smile, he told him excitedly. "We're back. Wanna make an entrance?" Nathan raised an eyebrow, then gasped as Mark stepped backward off the cart. Mark's body shifted before he touched the ground. His body taking on the form of a large reindeer with an impressive set of large antlers. Nathan couldn't help reaching out to touch his warm fuzzy nose as he followed the cart. Sliding off the cart, Mark stopped and tilted his head to gesture for him to take his antler. Taking the antler, Nathan pulled himself up onto him like Mark had shown him how to ride Donner. Once he was settled on him, Mark started to trot over the ground to gracefully that Nathan couldn't stop himself from smiling.
The mounted Northuldra all bowed their heads to him as Mark trotted out to the front of the caravan. Even the reindeer straightened up at the sight of Mark. Yelena eased back from the front with a smile as Mark took the lead and slowed to set the pace for the others. Nathan couldn't deny how powerful it felt as they moved down the road toward the Troll Mountain trail. The Trolls were the first to see them approaching. Popping out from holes under rocks and from trees to get a look at the Northuldra with wide eyes. Their long ears perking up in bewilderment. The people of Arendelle slowly made their way down the trail to see them, looking a little frightened but at the same time curious about them. As the two people met on the road, the Northuldrans stopped singing. Regarding each other in the silence that fell between them. Grand Pabbie limped down to stand between the two groups of people, his eyes a bit misted as he looked over Mark and Nathan. Then easing into a deep bow, he announced with a bright smile. "Welcome back, your highness." With that, the Arendelle people dipped into deep bows. Sliding off Mark, Nathan waved for them to rise.
When they did, Grand Pabbie straightened up and sniffled out grimly. "Your highness... Arendelle is gone." The people of Arendelle looked heartbroken and lost as they hugged loved ones close. Standing tall, Nathan approached them and announced clearly for all of them. "No. Arendelle lives on in us. We built it. We made Arendelle a home. And we'll do it again. Only this time... We'll make things right." Turning slightly, Nathan told his people with a charming smile. "Meet our neighbors. They've come to help in our great moment of need. You won't have to fear the coming winter... Our friends are going to show us how to get through it. It won't be easy... but I have faith in Arendelle. We are hardy people. We will not be broken. We'll survive. Together." Yelena dismounted from her reindeer, gesturing to one of her people riding on a cart. Taking the basket, she ventured closer cautiously and asked a little timidly. "Are you hungry? We've brought dried meats and warm blankets." Nathan looked at his people, reading their faces. They were all dirty and looked cold. Most had evacuated Arendelle with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. A few looked at each other, before inching forward.
The Northuldrans moved slowly to remove blankets and jackets made from warm reindeer skin. As the people of Arendelle accepted the gifts offered, their moods lightened, and people relaxed. It would be slow progress, but it was a start. Nathan nodded to Yelena, who nodded back with a knowing smile. She had read what his people needed and jumped at the chance. While he had been shaking in his boots and praying that he said the right things to convince them to trust each other. Mark nudged him with his warm reindeer body, his big brown eyes showcasing how proud he was of him. Draping an arm over Mark's neck, Nathan whispered into his fuzzy ear. "We'll leave the magic bit out for now. Let's let them get to know each other first." Mark nodded his head with a light grunt. Nathan eased Mark away from the crowd, allowing more people to minge with the Northuldrans. When Grand Pabbie limped over and gestured them to follow him up the mountain and away from the others. Reaching his private peak, Grand Pabbie turned and sank into a bow as he told Mark very softly. "From the looks of you, I'd say you've gotten your memories back. So, let me just... apologize. For everything."
Mark changed back into his human form gracefully with swirl of golden light, before kneeling to tell him openly. "You'd be right. And while I probably should question everything about you... I... I forgive you." Grand Pabbie looked up a little startled, his long ears twitching meekly. Mark shrugged to him, regaling warmly. "What you did... Let's just leave it in the past. Because the truth is... When no one else wanted me... you did. Whenever I needed someone to listen. You did. Whatever your intentions had been. You've been a father to me. You helped us and continue to help us. I won't forget it and I understand how you and your people felt now." Glancing at Nathan, Mark told Grand Pabbie sweetly. "The curse is broken. Misthaven is free. The Northuldra and Arendelle will hopefully unite and bring about peace between our worlds. I hope to do your people the same curtesy." Putting a hand on Grand Pabbie's shoulder, he added lovingly. "You are always welcome in Arendelle. But if you wish to live apart... I'm sure that I can arrange for you safe travels to Misthaven. Where you can... help protect Ahtohallan as your people always wanted."
Grand Pabbie sniffled, straightening up to his full height with pride as he said in an emotional tone of voice. "It would honor us greatly. I'd have to discuss it with my people... but I will give you an answer. This means... Thank you." Mark nodded, then pulled Grand Pabbie's tiny body into a hug. When they parted, Nathan slipped in very softly. "There is something else I want to do for you as well. With your permission." Grand Pabbie led the way into a small cave where a cage was set up. A cage holding Stig. Stig stiffened when he saw them, grumbling out. "Why are you here? Leave!" Grand Pabbie hugged his stick close, nervously asking Nate. "Are you sure about this?" Nathan nodded. Kneeling before the cage, Nathan told Stig calmly. "You're going to be alright." Raising a hand toward the cage, Stig shrieked in fear. Huddling himself up in the corner and screaming for his father. Grand Pabbie inched closer until Mark put a hand on him to stop him. Closing his eyes, Nathan exhaled and as he inhaled slowly, he drew out the power of the river from Stig. The droplets of sparkling water flowing out from Stig's eyes like tears that turned into tiny snowflakes that drifted over to Nate's hand.
The tiny snowflakes swirled before Nathan's hand, gathering into one big snowflake. As the last tiny snowflake merged with the larger on, Nathan enclosed his fingers around it and felt the power melt into his own. Opening his eyes, he watched Stig rub his teary eyes. He was shaking and looked more like a frightened child now than he ever had before. As Nathan lowered his hand, Stig relaxed and mumbled out in relief. "It's gone... I don't see your... I'm free..." Getting to his feet, Nathan moved away as Grand Pabbie rushed to the cage to release his son. Pulling him into a hug to comfort him. Mark took Nathan's hand, leading him from the cave as he whispered to him sweetly. "You didn't have to do that for him." Nate nodded but regaled blissfully. "I know. But it was the right thing to do. I can handle this power. He doesn't need to suffer as I did." Rubbing his head, Mark pulled him close, and they left to join the others. They had a lot to talk about and plans to make for the future.
In the months that followed, Arendelle was rebuilt. The castle was no longer made from cold stone and adorned with unwelcoming features. Instead, the castle was made from warm colored wood and was half the size that it had been. Adorned with bare white trees with spiraling branches that made the castle look cozy and inviting. The town had been expanded. One was built in as area that wasn't far from the North Mountain. It had rolling plains that allowed the vast herd of reindeer enough space to run, while allowing farmers to grow their crops in richer soil. The other side of town was built closer to the Fjord, allowing the fishermen to keep their trade and leaving things open for additional trade with other kingdoms in time. Even the homes had changed in style. Taking on a mix of the Northuldrans cozy feel with the sturdy structures that Arendelle was known for. Using less stone and more wood in their designs. The one thing people loved the most was the bonfire that took place weekend in front of the castle. People would dance and tell stories. Share experiences and crafts. It was a place for everyone. New rules had been put in place to benefit both cultures and while it took some getting used to... the people took to them quite well.
Even magic was eventually shared. Allow those to see and experience it for themselves. It was their own little kingdom paradise. There was just one thing left to do. Nathan paced length of the castle's large wooden doors. He was hyperventilating and shaking, while a female troll jogged after him trying to fix his outfit and settle him down. Eventually, stopping to pant heavily, the little troll huffed out. "Will you just stand still. What are you so worried about?" Nathan stopped short, taking a deep breath before mumbling out meekly. "I just... What if we're not ready? What if... What if he doesn't like this...?" The troll brushed her wild bushy brown hair back from her face, giggling out. "Oh, honey... If he didn't like you and what you do. He would not have stuck around for the last three years. You haven't changed him, and he hasn't tried to change you. You just... work well together." Nathan shrugged, allowing her to scramble up onto a table to be more at eyes level with him. Flicking her long tail behind her, she crossed her arms and added sweetly. "Highness, you have nothing to worry about. He loves you. And I guarantee, when those doors open... He'll be there waiting for you."
Aputsiaq snorted frost, opening her mouth to hand the troll something from her mouth. Taking the cloth crown with colorful jewels around the rim and long colorful ribbons down the back, the troll set it on his head, whispering to him as she touched his cheek. "You've put this off for Arendelle... Now let Arendelle give something back to you." She gestured to the other side of the table where a cloth was draped over something. Peeling the cloth back, he looked over the blade and winced out. "I can't use my grandfather's sword... It wouldn't be-" The troll cut him off to tell him with a smile. "It's not his. This was your father's sword. We buried him and your mother the way you wanted... but we kept his sword. We thought he'd want you to have it for this." Tossing off the cloth, Nathan ran his fingers over the freshly polished blade. It looked just as he remembered it. Only now it had a leather tie with Mark's ice ring on it. Picking it up, Nathan buckled it around his waist with a heavy heart. The troll then picked up the beaded snowflake necklace that he had made for this, and helped Nathan put it on as she told him warmly. "They'd be so proud of you and all that you have down for Arendelle.
Straightening up to stand before the doors, he swallowed down his fear and closed his eyes. Upon opening them, he felt calmer and more like the king he was supposed to be. Behind him, Aputsiaq puffed herself up to ready herself for the crowd. Staring ahead, Nathan called out. "Guards! Open the doors." There was a short wait and then the guards slowly eased the doors open. Outside was covered in deep snow and all of Arendelle was gathered around the castle to watch. His advisors, the oldest people in Arendelle, and the oldest Trolls all lined the walkway that led out to a mushroom archway made from woven branches. In their hands, they held a set of reindeer antlers. As Nathan walked down the steps, they would raise the antlers high. The guards that spaced out the elders, started blowing the low horns as he made his way to the archway. All Nathan's fears melt at his feet the closer he got to Mark. Mark stood tall before the archway; his body dressed in dark blue clothes with a reindeer skin cloak. The hood of the cloak was up to reveal a set of antlers. Behind Nathan, Aputsiaq stayed within the doors of the castle, but spread her wings high to reflect glittering light over the walkway.
Reaching Mark, Nathan bowed to him and unbuckled his sword belt. Holding the sword across his hands, Nate kneeled and lifted the blade for Mark to take from him. Mark's hand curled around the sheath and Nathan let himself breathe. Taking the sword from him, Mark carefully set his sword in Nathan's raised hands. While Mark fastened his new sword on, Nathan rose to do the same. Once the swords were in place, Mark offered him his hand to take. Nathan slid his hand into his and let Mark guide him up under the archway. Standing beneath it, they retrieved the rings from the swords and slipped it onto the others ring finger. Next, Mark turned to accept a shawl from Yelena. Nathan stood still as Mark pushed his hood back off his head and draped the shawl over Nathan's shoulders. The shawl had the symbols of the elements and a large snowflake in the center. Mark had created his own house sigil that included him. Smiling, Nathan stepped closer and let Mark take his beaded necklace from around his neck. Mark attached the necklace to his belt by the strap on the back, then held out both hands for him. Putting his hands in his, Nathan moved closer and let Mark lean in to claim his lips. While they kissed, the trolls tossed flower pedals over them.
The elders burst into cheers and the people soon joined them. While they did, the elders began to clatter the antlers together in a way that sounded like clapping. Parting reluctantly from the kiss, Mark flipped his hood back up and took Nathan's hand to run him back down the aisle toward the castle. Aputsiaq took to the air with a gleeful roar, allowing them to flee into the castle. The guards closed the doors behind them, and Nathan backed up toward the stairs. He couldn't take his eyes off Mark. Sliding the cloak off, Mark moved toward him with a devilish smile. Nathan shook his head, shyly mumbling out. "No. I've got performance anxiety now. Let's just pretend." Mark shook his head and dashed for him, prompting Nathan to squeal before running up the stairs laughing. Nathan ran into the bedroom, going for a pillow to hit Mark with, but Mark wrapped his arms around his waist to stop him. Picking him up, Mark pushed him up against the wall by the balcony doors and claimed his lips. Nathan enjoyed every second of it, his fingers wondering to unfasten their clothing. Pulling him back to the bed, Mark sat down and asked him lovingly. "Are you happy?"
Nathan finished stripping, climbing up over Mark's lap and pushing him down on the bed. Laying over him, Nathan whispered over his lips with the brightest smile he had. "Of course. I'm not alone anymore. I have you. And this time... you won't get rid of me so easily." Cupping his face, Mark purred out with a bright grin of his own. "You promise?" Claiming his lips for a brief time, Nathan purred back blissfully. "I promise. I'll protect you." Bringing his lips to Mark's neck, Nathan let out a deep playful growl that was more dragon than human. Mark shivered beneath him, then laughed as he flipped Nathan over. Nathan had never felt so happy and free to be himself. For the first time... He was excited for whatever the future would bring. He felt like he could face anything as long as Mark stood beside him. To remind him that his heart wasn't frozen and unfeeling... but glittered like moonlight over freshly fallen snow. With Mark, he'd never lose his way again. For he was his true north. The End.
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