The Curious Circumstances of Twitch and Pocahontas
I did it!! Ow Ow! I had so much fun writing this chapter i'm not gonna lie. Anyways here it is guys finally! Tell me what you think!
The sound of my spoon scraping against my cheerio filled bowl stings my ears as I gaze across the table at Theo Tetera. He sits casually, emitting an air of superiority as he gradually turns the pages of his newspaper. I find myself wondering if he's actually reading anything in there, or if he's just staring at the different headings.
"So...."I say slowly, drawing the word out.
Theo doesn't even bother glancing up in my direction as he replies. "So."
Long pause. "So....."
"So." He repeats peeking up at me with a raised eyebrow.
"So......" He sighs in aggravation and looks back down at the paper resting in his lap the black text squished tightly on the off white parchment. "What do you think about what Creed is doing in the backyard?"
"Chip, I don't want to discuss this." Theo groans throwing the newspaper down on the table in exasperation. It hits an empty glass tipping it over in the process. I don't bother catching it before it rolls off the table; it isn't my glass and I certainly don't have to pay for it.
"Why not? You have a complete psycho doing god knows what to that kid in the backyard, and you want to put the discussion off for another day? Don't you understand that we're accessories to kidnapping? Or does that not matter either?"
"I don't have to answer to you. Shut up and eat your breakfast." He states sending me a sharp glare before standing and kicking his chair out from beneath him, all the while still looking incredibly suave. I stay silent as he saunters down the hallway to the right, disappearing into the depths of the mansion. Hmm, that went well. I should've known Theo wouldn't listen to a word I say. He's attached to that crazy guy like a leech I swear. He's got it in his head that Creed is some poorly raised misled soul who is trying to find his will to live; which happens to be Bobby.
Once I finish up my breakfast I wash my bowl placing it into the cupboard gingerly before turning to head off to my bedroom. I glance at the broken glass all over the floor considering cleaning it up....nah. As I pass by the many quarters on the way I casually peek in to see what's inside. Many of the rooms in the mansion are reserved for any guests that may decide to visit Theo. Though who in their right minds would want to visit him is debatable. I only came here four months ago and already I'm prepared to leave.
As soon as I enter my room I hurry to my closet to search for my clothes. Yes, school. The unfortunate institution that I'm forced to attend on a daily basis. I hastily grab my school uniform throwing it onto the bed while I pull of my shirt and drop my pants to the ground. Before I'm able to dress the door opens and Theo walks in stopping suddenly when he sees me scramble for a blanket to hold up over my waist.
"I just wanted to make sure that you know not to say anything to anyone about what's going on. It's no one else's business especially any ridiculous teenagers at school."
I scoff loudly sending the older man an intrepid glare. "I won't say anything! Like I could anyways, I don't have any friends." Theo doesn't say anything and instead glances at my blanket idly tapping his knuckles on my door frame. An awkward silence fills the room and I glance at the clock before looking back at him. "Is...there...anything else?"
He clears his throat and glances at the clock just as I did before he shifts to leave. "Ready to go?"
"Just let me put some clothes on and brush my teeth and we can head out." I reply. He nods, slowly backing his way down the hall. No wonder him and Creed are so attached to each other. They're both weirdos. Within minutes I'm piling into Theo's mustang convertible and we're shooting off to school. The silence in the car is alive I swear, it seethes between us dancing in the cool breeze of the open windows. I don't say anything. I don't feel obligated to do so. He was friends with my father, not with me. The deal that was made was that in the event of my father's untimely death, Theo would take up the responsibility of raising me. It's in the will. Fortunately I'm 18 and all I have is a couple weeks left school before I decide what to do with the rest of my life. Unfortunately the money that my father left for me was given to Theo with the suggestion to give it to me when he felt I was ready for it......thanks dad.
I'm not sure if I should ignore the fact that the man has all of my money and just get a job and make my own income, or if I should start being unreasonably nice to him so he's convinced that I'm worthy of my inheritance. Either way involves work that I'm not too keen on doing.
"Chip we're here."
I snap back to reality and glance out the passenger side window. Yup, there it is. The rancid gene pool known as Greenwood Private School. I'm vaguely aware of Theo closely analyzing my expression as I stare at the unfortunate structure. I don't attempt to hide my disdain. I lose brain cells breathing the same air as these boobs. "Well," I say pulling my bag over by shoulder. "See you later."
"I'll pick you up once school is over." Theo calls out; I half hear it as I slam the door in his face.
The entrance to the school is shrouded in rows and rows of eight foot tall trees, and as I sift my way through the throng of goofy teenagers I attempt to blend in with the surrounding foliage. I don't know why but, I've always felt more comfortable when near trees. If only a tree would reach over and knock those giggling girls right onto their asses. The trek to homeroom is a long and tedious one, but luckily I arrive unharmed. Anything can happen in the halls of Greenwood Private School.
As soon as I get to class the five minute bell rings and I take my place by the window where I have a spectacular view of the cherry blossoms blooming on the trees in the cemetery across the street. It's at this exact moment that I zone out imagining a life anywhere but here. Did you know that in Japan they have this festival called the Onbashira where they collect these trunks of fir trees that had been used as pillars at local shrines and ride them down the sides of mountains. People often times die doing this but, it's still weirdly and grossly popular. I wish I could do that.
They also make drugs from trees. Yew clippings are used to make some chemotherapy drugs, and in Cambodia they have a tree called 'mreah prew phnom' (yes...I know) that is endangered because of illegal drug trades. Also there's a Guinness World Record for the world's most dangerous tree. It's called the manchineel tree and it grows in the Caribbean as well as the Gulf of Mexico. Its bark is covered in sap that causes skin to blister and can blind you if you get it in your eyes. Even if you stand under the tree when it's raining you can get blisters. The tree's fruit is called the 'death apple' because it's sweet but incredibly painful to eat. Your mouth and esophagus can get ulcers from the smallest bite and you could very possibly die.
I like trees.
"Mr. Masaya I will not repeat myself again."
I quickly look over to Mr. Boyle who lives up triumphantly to his name, the deeply reddened sores all over his face painfully discolored and beautifully developed. "Sorry?"
"Did you finish your paper on molecular mutations? I don't see your assignment in this stack."
I shake my head glancing only briefly at all the other students who are staring back at me as if they've only just noticed my existence. It's probably because I sit in the back and don't bother doing anything. Mr. Boyle sighs dramatically and shakes his head the spots on the face acting as moving targets and I find myself wishing I had my slingshot so I could propel one of my tiny stones right into his face; no doubt that would get me a visit to the Principle, Dr. Jones. Perhaps this would win me an abrupt opportunity to travel through undiscovered temples of doom; all I need now is my handy Asian friend. Oh...wait he's chained to a bed in my backyard. I drift off once again, contemplating the unknown ministrations of the psychopath living underground behind the house. Luckily I'm not disturbed at all during the rest of the class period, as I fake reading the chapter in our text book while Mr. Boyle is no doubt researching the cure for his unfortunate predicament. You would think that a man who knows all the ins and outs of molecular mutation would know a little something about facial mutation, but maybe that's just me. I'm being mean; he's a cool guy really. He would probably be even cooler if I did my homework, but that's subjective. As soon as the bell rings I'm out of my seat and through the doorway making my way to Photography. Ms. Eastman is certainly an individual if I had to say something about her. Her hair is a frizzy red, which she religiously attempts to maintain by pulling it back with outrageously designed scarves. Today her scarf is a cluttered depiction of an array of butterflies all the different shades of green, pink, and orange. I have to squint just looking at it mingled with her vivid hair. I can't wait for the day she gets married; no doubt her husband will be equally as eccentric as she is.
"Art reaches its greatest peak when devoid of self-consciousness! Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make!" She screams her eyes bulging as we all pull out the prints of our photography assignment from the weekend. I recognize her antics to be a Bruce Lee quote. Every day she sprouts random quotes about art to us while we do work. Even if you don't want to listen you simply can't help it because she screeches it with such passion. She only speaks In quotes it's incredibly fascinating while at the same time horrifying. All my photos are of the forest behind the house, I don't feel like they're very original and at the time I was significantly more anxious than usual considering there was that whole incident with the Asian kid in Creeds underground apartment. I just felt nervous out in the forest by myself. It was a first for me. The forest is my comfort spot. I resent that it was forced to become a symbol of malevolence that day.
I log onto my computer as Ms. Eastman makes her way through the classroom, taking her time studying each and every one of her pupil's attempts at art. Mary Achen complains about how her picture of the broken down and rusted tractor on her dads farm is hideous compared to Emma Bagby's picture of a pretty pink tulip outside her bedroom window. "Art doesn't have to be pretty. It has to be meaningful!" I wince at Ms. Eastman's shrill reply.
I can honestly say that I am extremely anxious to have her approach me and let off a poetic spiel about how horribly mediocre my photographic efforts are. I would rather be nitpicked by Mr. Boyle. At least he has the decency to throw me a sarcastic remark.
Too soon my bizarre teacher is fluttering above me glancing down at my artfully spread photographs. She studies them silently which immediately triggers a disgusting sweat along my palms. After a few minutes she breaks away from my photos and looks at me. "Fear has many eyes and can see things underground." I swear to god my heart stops even though I know she's quoting once again. "The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart. If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees." Then she's gone off to the next kid who she can audaciously shock with the power of others words.
Does she know? How can she see that through my pictures? Am I the only one who thinks this is insane?
I turn slowly in my seat angling my head to listen to what she's saying to a boy in the back. I try to get a look at his face but his computer is blocking my view. "Love has its place, as does hate. Peace has its place, as does war. Mercy has its place, as do cruelty and revenge." She leans in to the kid to whisper quietly. "You must do the things you think you cannot do. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." As soon as she's finished with her glorious wisdom procured from a myriad of people including Eleanor Roosevelt she saunters away into her own state of oblivion.
How does she memorize all those quotes?
Doesn't she have a life?
When does the bell ring?
I don't have to tell you that Algebra 2 is horrible. Everyone already knows the extent to which solving mathematical equations sucks. Mr. McCarthy didn't even bat an eyelash when I neglected to turn in my assignment. That guy...he knows how this goes.
The joy that ripples through me at the sound of the Lunch bell almost has me passing out. It's not like I do anything at lunch. I just go outside and sit on the grass underneath this ginormous statue of some unknown guy. He's probably the founder or the cofounder of this...lovely institution. It doesn't matter. Nobody bothers me when I'm out here, it's almost like hanging out outside is the loser thing to do. If it is, I'm the only loser at this school which is statistically impossible.
The sun heats the fronts of my closed eyelids, as I listen carefully to the sound of the leaves on the trees moving in the cool breeze; whispers of life emanating from the green foliage. I try to understand what they're saying but, nothing of consequence comes to mind. I almost don't notice when a shadow is cast over me, it takes the ceasing of the gentle murmur of the trees to alert me to my company.
"Hi." He says, his eyes glancing at the trees as if perhaps someone is there. "I noticed you in Science and Photography," My eyes widen as a sudden twitch breaks him out of his still composure his right shoulder jerking up to bump suddenly with his face. He seems to ignore it while holding out his hand. "I'm Tanner, but everybody just calls me Twitch. What's your name?"
Taking a second to study his hand I wonder if I should get involved with such a strange individual. Then I just say screw it and take his hand in mine. "I'm Chip."
"Chip huh?" He asks, moving to join me on my perch in the grass. "Is that your real name?"
"No, but it's what I go by."
I try not to cringe as he jerks again, only it's less violent this time. "Really? What's your real name?"
"Chenoa, Chenoa Masaya."
"Chenoa isn't that Indian?"
"Native American."
"Wow, that's way cool." He clucks. I raise my eyebrow in disbelief. "I wish I had a cool name like that."
I scoff. "It's a girl's name. It definitely isn't cool I promise you aren't missing out."
"You were given a girl name?" I nod. "Why?"
"Heck if I know. My mom named me. She died a couple months after she gave birth." My dad told me she developed a high fever, and it just wouldn't break. 'Dove' that's what my name means. Why couldn't it be...bear or something?
"Oh, I'm sorry." I glance at him from the corner of my eye taking in the light brown color of his hair, almost a caramel shade. He's about the same size as me, maybe a bit smaller but he has these really friendly eyes; a green that reminds me of the forest behind the house. This kid...he has a light soul.
"That's alright. Hey if you want I can give you a name. Since you don't seem to like Tanner or Twitch all too much." The kid practically implodes with excitement.
"Really? Sweet!"
"How about...Takoda?"
"It means friend to everyone."
His cheeks flush and he glances down at his shoes studying them closely almost as if he's entered a different place. "I wish."
A loud bang reverberates along the courtyard and I whip my head up to see a group of boys sauntering out of the cafeteria. I can tell just from first glance that they're bad business. The leader is relatively tall with Honey blonde locks, and perfect skin. His uniform is flawlessly in place, not a stain or a tear in sight. On his face he wears an unbelievably smug grin.
I hate him.
Behind him trail a couple of generic lackeys, but the one that stands out is a guy who is even taller than Goldilocks. He has dark, wavy untamed hair that curls down below his ears. Unlike his friends his uniform is fashionably untidy. His tie is undone and hangs loosely around his neck, while his shirt's buttons are open all the way down past his collarbone. I study the way his shirt is unceremoniously untucked from his pants, as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a packet of cigarettes.
I can already tell that the herd is making its way towards us. "Hey Twitch!" calls out the leader as he motions for the others to follow.
"Who is that?" I ask turning to look at Twitch. His face has gone completely white, and he's whipping his head around as if searching for a place to hide.
"Giovanni Gibson. Student Council VP." He mutters, grabbing at my arm with shaking hands. "We should go."
"Why? We were here first."
"Come on Chip please?"
"Giovanni Gibson looks like a tool." I mumble standing but not moving any further. Twitch ceases in his attempts to move me and instead opts for scooting behind me and taking cover. It takes seconds for the group of boys to reach us, and all I can say is that they look even more troublesome from up close.
"Where have you been Twitch? Raid and I have been looking everywhere for you. Haven't we Raid?" The dark haired guy takes a drag from his cigarette before sending Twitch the most intense stare I have ever seen in my entire existence. Twitch's spasms instantly get more severe and I realize that it isn't Giovanni Gibson that causes this kid to tremble, it's Raid. The sight of Giovanni means the presence of Raid which produces fierce convulsions from the kid. "Who's your friend?" Gibson sneers glancing briefly at Raid who has turned his penetrating gaze on me only now it's more of a glare.
"Uh," Twitch begins his fingers digging into the back of my uniform. "Giovanni this is Chip. Chip this is Giovanni." It takes me a second to realize that the Student Council VP is...checking me out. I...don't know how to handle a situation like this. I have never in my life been looked at like I'm a piece of meat. The blonde takes a moment to appreciate before holding his hand out to me.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Chip."
I glance at his hand and consider shaking it, but quickly cringe at the idea. "I'd like to say the same but then I would be lying." I retort.
"HEY YOU'RE POCAHONTAS!" A beefy short stub behind Raid screeches.
"Excuse me?"
"YEAH YEAH! I heard about it from Megan. She said there's this weirdo kid who sits in the back of the classroom in her science class and like...talks to the trees outside. Their teacher calls him Pocahontas when he's not paying attention."
Mr.'s on.
"Pocahontas huh?" Giovanni smirks giving me yet another once over. "It's fitting." Before I can reply the bell for lunch to end rings and the group quickly disperses. Giovanni gives me a quick salute before retreating with the rest of them. The only one that lingers is Raid.
"Come on." He orders walking away the deepness of his voice bouncing around my ears. For a minute I think he's talking to me and all I can think to say is hell to the no. This possibility is quickly shut down when Twitch slowly moves out from behind me and anxiously stumbles over to him. As soon as Raid is sure that the small boy is following he heads back down the hill toward the others, Twitch uncertainly in tow.
What just happened?
I study the retreating group closely, watching as Raid tosses his cigarette onto the ground and pauses waiting for Twitch to get in front of him.
Whatever. It has nothing to do with me.
As soon as school is over I'm outside sitting on one of the many stone benches searching the rows of cars for Theo's familiar mustang convertible. Thoughts of Twitch and the daunting Raid enter my mind and I find myself wondering what the story there is.
"Hey Pocahontas."
"Oh, no" I groan putting my head between my legs as Giovanni saunters up hands in pockets. There's a violin case slung over his shoulder which makes me hate him all the more.
"What? You aren't happy to see me?"
"Go away."
"What're you doing out here anyways?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" I seethe. Where are you Theo? You said you would be here when school ended. I'm your responsibility don't you remember?
"Waiting for me?"
"In your dreams."
"You're too much really Pocahontas. It looks to me like you're ride is a little late. How about I give you a lift home?" Giovanni offers hiking his bag up his arm.
"How about no?"
"Aww come on it can't hurt."
"Oh yes it can. Just being in your presence sends a stinging cramp through the axons of my brain."
"Cute. Do you have a boyfriend Pocahontas?"
"It's none of your business whether I do or I don't." Of course I don't have a boyfriend? Who does he think I am? This isn't High School Musical.
He scoffs setting his stuff down on the ground so he can sit next to me on the bench. Personal Bubble dude. Personal Bubble. "Is that a no?"
"No." I blurt loudly. I don't need him thinking I'm available, because I most certainly am not. Ever. Especially when my availability concerns him. Good god, you would think spotting a mustang convertible would be easy but all these minivans are overwhelming to the eyes.
"Who is it? Do I know him? Is he who you're waiting for?'
"Do you mind getting out of my face?" My outburst catches the attention of a good portion of the students who are outside but it doesn't affect my pursuer in the least.
"Aww come on you can tell me anything we're friends aren't w-"
"No." I state getting up as I catch the eye of Theo who has finally pulled up thank god. I swear with the mood I'm in right now Theo practically has a halo glowing around his skull. Thank goodness for the little angel "We are not friends" and with that I quickly march over to the mustang throwing open the passenger door and slumping in with a loud and exasperated sigh.
"Who is that?" Theo asks studying the tall blonde with wary eyes. I glance out the window only to see Giovanni staring intensely back at my savior.
"Satan's henchman. Drive would you?"
Theo waits for one painful second before doing as he's told. "How was school?"
The sigh that exits my mouth can only be described as melodramatic and stagey. "It was the worst day of my life. Oh wait no I take that back it comes in third after my dad's death and finding out that we're harboring a criminal." Theo turns to me and sends me an incredibly strong glare that while making my mouth shut sends a couple of confused tickles down my spine. I clear my throat and tear my eyes from his setting my attention on the trees rushing by the window.
"I don't want to hear another word about that out of your mouth understand?" The heated demand triggers a brazen snort form me that only earns me another piercing look from the older man. I never noticed before but his eyes are this ominous silver grey that makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a typhoon. I never considered it before but...I actually don't know this man at all. He could be an extremely dangerous person and I'm living with him. I sleep in a room without a lock on the door right down the hall from him. We park outside the house and I open the door as fast as I can exiting the tiny box. "Hey!" he calls out as I hastily make my way inside. "Chip!" I move to slam the door but he catches it in his palm giving me a frustrated glare. "You didn't answer me. No more discussion about Creed or Bobby or anything. I don't want to hear it do you understand?"
"No I don't." I snap dragging my backpack behind me as I ascend the staircase to my bedroom.
"Chip this conversation isn't over." He growls following close behind.
"No you're right it isn't! Did my Dad know what kind of person you are? Did he know he was leaving me with a man who aids kidnappers and pedophiles?" I snap turning around and getting in his face. "Because I'm pretty god damn sure that he would never leave me with a person like you if he knew what you were doing. My dad had morals and ideals unlike you! I can't even believe that he was friends with you!"
Theo's eyes blaze and I can see the muscles of his jaw twitching in aggravation. I don't wait to hear him reply and instead keep stomping down the hall toward my room. "CHENOA DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME!"
"DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!" The livid growl rips from my mouth faster than I expect it too as I turn to the man once again. Before I can even blink he pushes me against the wall next to my door, not violently but with brute force.
"You're right I'm not your father, but when I say no more talking about Creed I fucking mean no more talking about Creed. Do you understand?" I bite my lip and don't say a word instead opting for glaring right into his stormy eyes. He recognizes my defiance and hisses tightening his grip on my arms. The heat of his flesh on mine feels like the sun drifting too close to the earth, licks of flame brushing against my skin and burning it to the point that I can't even recognize myself. "I said do you understand?" He repeats. I close my eyes to get away from him for only a brief moment before nodding in submission. The sigh that leaves his mouth sounds like he just fought a losing battle and made it out in the end unscathed. He reaches up with one hand and brushes some of the hair that fell from his perfectly gelled business look back into place before glancing at me again. "And I don't want to hear another curse word come from your mouth. You're too pretty to be using that language." An uncontrollable heat flushes into my cheeks and I glance down the hall trying to quell the redness of my face. Theo looks at me his eyes unreadable as he studies the pink discoloration of my cheeks. His hand is still on my arm but instead of gripping it with a harsh will, it gently holds me in place his thumb stroking the skin on the inside of my elbow. We're both breathing raggedly as an effect of the brief argument our breaths mingling as we take a moment and attempt to calm ourselves down. For the first time I find myself closing my eyes without the intent of hiding or trying to decode the gentle whispers of the trees. Instead I lean my head back on the wall and just concentrate all of my thoughts on Theo's thumb rubbing soft circles into my skin.
It was stupid of me to argue like that. I'm just trying to be difficult. I misdirected my attitude at him after having a bad day, when I should've just listened. He's doing what he can; he never wanted to have a kid. He's in his thirties and isn't even dating and he has to deal with misguided teenage angst. I'm a horrible person. I open my eyes to offer my sincerest apologies but the way he's looking at me quickly catches me off guard. How to describe it? It's's like.........
It's like the way Creed was looking at Bobby the day we went down to visit. Like his whole world had exploded. Like there was nothing else that could possibly matter more than the boy in front of him. Like he wanted to force the boy to love him, but at the same time he wanted to win the boys affection without underhanded means. At the time I thought he looked crazy. Seeing it on Theo's face I I taste static electricity. It all hits me in one giant haul. How much his attitude has changed towards me in the last few months without me even noticing. How angry careless stares, slowly became looks of interest. How little by little he would ask me more questions, and consider my opinion on stupid things. How every once and a while when we were watching TV I would catch him looking at me from behind the pages of whatever book he was reading at the moment. I always thought it was because he resented having to raise a teenage boy when he obviously never had any intention of doing so previously but now I'm thinking it's for a different reason.
The tension in the air is palpable. I don't know what to say, and he has no reason to say anything as he's sucked into his own little world his eyes staring fixatedly at my face. It only takes seconds for his eyes to meet mine but when they do I know for sure what he's thinking.
He's the first to break away the intensity of the air too much for him, I can see in the way he walks back down the hallway that he's trying to keep his cool.
I stand against the wall for a second more staring into the space where my father's friend was just standing. I already feel his absence as the air around me suddenly runs cold.
This shit is crazy.
I shakily pick my backpack up from the floor and open the door to my room closing it quietly behind me. I don't even bother looking to see what homework I have for tomorrow as I collapse onto the bed and stare up at my ceiling. There right above me are the stars and constellations all placed exactly where they would be if I was to look up to the sky at night. My father used to tell me that if you can find love in the stars, in the water, and in the trees. Then you can find it in man as well. I always believed him to this day. I'm sure that's how he found my mother. I wonder if Theo has found love in the water. Does he even have time to look? I was taught from when I was young, but others don't always have that opportunity. Most people think that when I listen to the trees I'm trying to be eccentric. Why does that have to be the case? Even the trees have something to say.
Quietly I close my eyes and tune in on all the sounds coming from the house. A creak here, a groan there, maybe the squeak of a mouse. Wait! There it is. Pages turning. They continue without a pause which suggests that he isn't reading, he's staring blankly at the pages, anxiousness in the patterns of his breath. He doesn't know that I know but the thrill from the moment is still embedded in the beating of his heart. My eyes snap open and I stare at the taste of his book pages turning.
I found love in Theo Tetera.
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