The Consequences of Kissing
Hey Lovelies!! I hope your lives are going fantastically! I've finally got this chapter finished and I must say that I enjoy it quite a bit. At first I was unsure of it but as I got to reading over it a couple times I actually became quite fond of it. With a couple of tweaks here and there I finally got it as close to perfection as humanly possible. I hope you guys like it!
And I'm sorry updates are coming in so slow. Even if I want to live in a fictional world the real one keeps tugging me back in. I belong to my own realities though and I always will. Hope you enjoy! Merry reading my dear friends!
The Consequences of Kissing
Bobby's POV
When I finally open my eyes the next time everything is quiet and the room is dark save for a lovely lamp on the bed side table. I wince as I sit up rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I take the chance to look around the dim room. Everything is the same as I remember it from the last time I was awake minus all of the people. There on the chair next to the bed is a pale blue dress shirt as well as slacks joined by a pair of shiny black shoes. I guess that means I'm supposed to wear them. I get up and pull the garments on as slowly as possible in order to avoid hurting my sore muscles, before rubbing a hand through my hair. I must look like a hobo, I've always had ultimate bed head. It was my legacy growing up. Everyone would wait impatiently for me to wake up just to see what crazy thing my hair was doing that morning.
Shrugging I open the door and head down the stairs following the unmistakable sound of chattering people. The hallways are a lot longer than I thought and even though I assume the sound is coming from the kitchen I'm quickly proved wrong. There's nobody in there so instead I head down another hallway searching for the source of the thunderous noise. It doesn't take long to discover that it comes from a large lounge room that has multiple couches as well as a TV and a bar. When I peek inside I see loads of people including Luce and Ange who are snuggled together talking to some man I have never seen before. Theo and Creed are standing over near the bar drinking with a couple of other men and Chip is standing next to Kello at a table piled with food looking extremely uncomfortable. There is another room to the left that's connected by a large open doorway and looking in I see at least 12 tables and a dance floor where men and woman in fancy clothing are gossiping away with glasses of wine.
I clear my throat uncomfortably before briefly debating going for the front door but Chip has already seen me and is waving vigorously. So much for another attempt at escape. Groaning I tug on the hem of my shirt and scurry into the room avoiding any and all attention.
"Hey are you feeling any better?" Chip questions as I walk up grabbing a handful of grapes.
"Are you?" I ask glancing at all the posh party goers. They all look completely full of themselves as if they're completely untouchable.
Chip scoffs an expression of sheer distaste painting his features. "I think I'm dying from all the ego flying through the air, it's repulsive."
I study the table lined with food an assortment of foods before grabbing a small finger sandwich, plopping it into my mouth and chewing. "Just try not to catch it, it's highly contagious."
"Don't I know it." He mumbles glancing over at the bar where Theo has his arm around a woman's waist. Her outfit is the classic 'little red dress' her deep black hair falling in loose curls all the way down her back. I cringe, her black heels look borderline torture device. We watch as she presses her breasts against his arm curling her French nails around his bicep. Creed is inspecting as well with a bored expression on his face as he stands on Theo's other side sipping at his own glass of wine. Theo himself seems to be enjoying the scandalous attention the girl is throwing his way. His eyes sparkle and gives her a lopsided smirk which pretty much oozes sex. She bats her lashes at him her crimson lips pursing as if she's practically begging him to throw her down right there. I glance back up at Chip who worries his bottom lip before looking down at his shoes in dejection. My new friend looks completely disparaged and I think I have a clue as to why that might be, either way I feel an overwhelming need to make him feel better. So as sneakily as I can I grab his hand and tug him closer to the bar ducking behind people as I go.
Now this isn't something I'd normally do. It's not as if I'm a big alcohol drinker in general but seeing as how desperate times call for desperate measures I think this is an acceptable exception.
He passes me a confused expression but follows without a word bending low to avoid being seen. With a little more stealth work on our part we finally make it behind the bar where the bartender is too busy flirting with a pretty blonde girl to notice us. As quickly as possible I snatch two random bottles that are in a glass casing that was left open near the bottom of the bar. I turn back to Chip grinning, and his eyes sparkle with a familiar mischievous grin. "GO GO GO!" I whisper shout and we book it out of the room and into the hallway. I pause not knowing where to go from here but Chip grabs my elbow and leads me deeper down the hallway and down a set of stairs. We scurry past a set of glass doors into a room that has at least four Jacuzzi's. My jaw drops at the fancy black tiled room and I nearly let go of the bottles I grabbed but chip quickly grabs one while bending down to turn one of the hot tubs on. "HOLYSHIT BOBBY!! This vodka is at least 3,000 bucks each!"
I shrug. "I don't know I just grabbed the nearest ones. You looked like you needed a drink."
Chip nods and takes off his clothes until he's just in his red briefs before he slips into the tub opening his bottle and taking a whiff. "I don't know if I can drink all of this"
I roll my eyes and take off my clothes as well settling into the Jacuzzi next to him. "You don't have to drink it all. I definitely won't be." Chip nods and takes a drink before sighing and laying his head back on the built in neck support. I shiver at the warmth of the water spreading my hands out to stare at them as the bubbles emerge from the jets at the bottom. "What's wrong?" Chip doesn't answer and instead lets out a loud frustrated groan. I nod in understanding before taking another drink from my bottle. Wincing I nudge his leg with my foot. "How about in English this time?"
Chips mouth twists into a lopsided smirk and he rolls his eyes sitting up to glare at the far wall. His expression is humorous mix of pained and annoyed. I bite back a laugh just in case he gets super mad at me for not taking him seriously. "I don't know."
"You don't know?" He shakes his head and takes a rather large gulp of his vodka before swallowing. "Do you have the gist of it? There has to be something that's making you upset. Is it the party?"
Chip shrugs and stares down at the bubbles. "I guess I've always despised the parties we throw here with a burning passion but I'm also kind of used to them after living here for a while so I don't think it's that."
"Was it Kello? He's pretty freaking annoying, just his presence makes me want to shoot myself in the face a hundred times in a row. I wouldn't blame you if you felt the same way." Chip laughs and pokes my arm playfully before shaking his head.
"As annoying as that ass is he wasn't pissing me off since all he was doing was just standing there. Granted that can still be pretty annoying but he was off in his own mind probably thinking about something weird and creepy." Well of course it is Kello isn't it? When is he not thinking of something weird and creepy?
I nod silently after thinking this, Chip seems to be pretty calm about most things. He just has a generally understanding personality. Except when it comes to Theo, I suspect this has something to do with the dark haired vixen clinging to him upstairs. I briefly debate before taking a shot in the dark. "Was it that girl....the one with Theo?"
"Can you believe that?" Chip immediately shouts sitting up in the hot tub very suddenly. Bingo. "He's supposed to be my guardian and he's over there rubbing all over some slut. What happened to bros before hos? Like she's even remotely attractive anyways. She looked like a dying whale in that dress." He huffs before chugging some more of his vodka. I refrain from mentioning that she looked like Jessica rabbit with dark hair, supermodel type for sure. The farthest thing from a dying whale on this planet. "Her ass was huge! How can she even think about wearing that dress and in that color! She stood out like a sore thumb. Now everybody knows that she's a behemoth animal." I bite my lip and nod taking another swig from my vodka. The more I drink the better it tastes.
Before I can stop myself I open my mouth and say what I'm thinking. "You sound jealous."
He scoffs. "Of Theo?? Ew no, I have no attraction to that thing what so ever."
"No not jealous of Theo stupid jealous of her." He quiets down and looks at the water. "It sounds to me like you wish you were on his arm instead of her" I state simply before laying my head back.
"That's ridiculous." He finally states shifting in his spot.
"Is it?"
"Fucking....fine! Okay maybe I'm a little bit jealous of her." He snaps before shoving his head in the water and growling. When he comes back up for air I sigh and pat his back. Poor guy is really struggling.
"Listen you can tell me anything. I know I haven't known you long but you're the only person here besides Ange that I remotely even care about so you can trust me with anything you have to say."
Chip looks at me and then brings his fancy bottle to his mouth. I note that he looks like the vodka is finally getting to him. We're a bunch of light weights. "I may or may not like Theo. Maybe. There's a small possibility." I laugh.
"So why's it such a big deal?"
He opens his mouth wide and points up the stairs in the direction of the Lounge room. "Did you see that woman? She's practically a greek goddess! Look at me! I'm an awkward eighteen year old boy with absolutely no sex appeal and zero experience. I haven't even kissed one person in my whole entire life! My whole entire life! I'm the least sexy thing on this planet. A shih tzu in a bikini might even be sexier than me." The mental image of a shih tzu in a pink floral bikini forms in my head and I cackle loudly throwing my hand over my mouth so I don't spit alcohol across the room. "Don't laugh Bobby! This is serious!"
Nodding I hold my hand up before swallowing. I can already feel the alcohol working through my system making me a little more hazy. "I'm sorry. So if you're so concerned about lack of experience why don't you just practice with someone? Surely you have close friends to do that with." As I say this I think back to all my practice kissing with Robin. She explicitly said that it was only because she needed to know how not because she liked me or anyone else. I secretly knew that she was practicing so that she would know how if she ever got the chance to make out with Tyler though. It wasn't awkward or weird because we've always been close, really we just ended up laughing about it later.
Chip bites his bottom lip and shakes his head his already drunken pink cheeks becoming even more so as if he's embarrassed. "I only have two friends. Takoda who is dealing with his own shit right now and you. I'm pretty sure you do not want to kiss me, especially since you're like scared of kissing dudes because of what you're dealing with right now. We've all got our own issues to face."
"First of all," I correct my words slurring slightly. "I am not afraid of kissing dudes. I'm afraid of kissing Creed specifically. Or perverts. Though they're basically the same thing right?" I point at Chip. "Second you're cool, and you aren't a pervert. You're my peer and my good friend, it's just one friend helping another you know? Unless you don't want to." I shrug chugging a mouthful of liquor. Chip looks like he's debating it as he stares at me his eyes squinting in the darkness of the room, the only light coming from the hot tub and from the light of the staircase. Finally he nods with determination and sets down his bottle. I nod and scooch over positioning myself so we aren't all over each other just sitting side by side.
Chip looks like he's about to puke so I pause and send him an unconvinced stare. "Are you sure?" He nods vigorously.
"It's time to get kissing out of the way." He states with resolve. I nod more comfortable now that I have clearly stated approval before I just grab his face and go for it. Rip it off like a Band-Aid. At the beginning the kiss is a little awkward mostly because I'm giving him time to get used to the fact that his mouth is touching mine but as soon as he warms up to the idea I take it a little bit further taking his bottom lip between my teeth and licking. He jumps in surprise but doesn't pull away and instead pushes further into the kiss flicking his tongue against my lips. I take this as a sign that he's getting more comfortable with me and let my tongue push further into his mouth. It only takes seconds before we're making out like pros and even though this is generally a thing associated with romance or at least lust I feel none of it. I just feel a closer friendship with Chip as I'm sure he does with me. His teeth scrape against mine and I laugh into his mouth and avoid his teasing poke to my ribs as he continues his ministrations. I feel my cheeks heat up as I fight for breath my intoxicated mind giving me dizzy spells as he wraps an arm around my shoulders to steady me.
At the sudden sound of Creed's shocked voice we both jump away from each other wiping at our mouths urgently. Of course this would happen, just another event in my drama of a life. Creed is standing there with Theo right next to him both looking completely appalled at what they've walked into. The silence is palpable and Chip looks at Theo before licking his swollen lips awkwardly obviously unsure of what to say in this situation. Creed takes notice of this and it's like that triggers something in him because his face turns red and I can tell instantly that he is coming at Chip with an intent to murder. Quickly I jump out of the Jacuzzi and throw myself in his path.
"It's not what it looks like I swear!" I shout putting my arms out as if that's going to stop him.
"Get out of my way immediately." He growls pushing past me. "I am going to slaughter him." Chip jumps out of the water and backs up stumbling on the tile because of his wet feet. Theo grabs him by the shoulder and none too gently throws him behind him effectively blocking him from Creed.
"If you want him you have to get past me buddy." He states folding his arms, even though he's challenging Creed he still manages to look like he cares about him and his voice has the friendliest tone as if this is just a game. Creed goes to shove Theo but I grab onto his arm and tug with all of the strength in my body.
"No stop!! Leave them alone! Why do you have to be so crazy all the time?!" Creed jerks around and glares at me before grabbing my wrist tightly in his palm.
"That's it. You've lost visitation privileges. You're done. We're going home."
"No!" Creed then turns and points an accusing hand at Chip who stands behind Theo looking incredibly guilty.
"And you! I don't ever want to see you within five yards of Bobby you got that?" Chip doesn't respond just winces and looks at the ground as if somehow it would just suck him up and take him away from here, from this moment. As soon as Creed is finished glaring he starts to drag me away but I scream and fight.
"YOU CAN'T DO THIS! HE'S MY FRIEND!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!" Before I can get anything else out he cups his hand over my mouth and drags me away kicking and screaming. I dig my nails into his skin jerking my body every which way so I can knock myself out of his grip. Even so he successfully drags me out the back door of the mansion without anybody noticing and into the dark of the night. My heels scrape against the grass and I groan angrily the fresh air cool on my wet body. Finally I get my teeth past my lips and dig them into his finger as hard as I can. Creed gasps in pain and let's go of me and I take that as my chance to run.
You would think that I would know better after my first attempt at escape but no. I say let's give it another shot. But this time I'm closer to the house than before and I know which direction to go. So I do the only thing I can think of as I run through the forest stumbling over branches as I make a circle around the other side of the house. I scream. Somebody is bound to hear me right?
Even at my desperate speed I am still unable to outrun the ice cream man. He catches me right in the nick of time before I'm about to burst through a hedge, shoving his hand over my mouth. I go to bite him again but his grip tightens until it presses painfully against my jaw. I whimper but the sound is interrupted.
"Did you hear that sweetie?" A peek through the bushes reveals a red headed woman in a beautiful purple dress with a black shawl thrown over her shoulders next to a blonde man in a fancy suit. They look like they are about to leave the party. She reaches up and pats her bun glancing at her husband.
"Hear what?"
He shrugs and glances in our direction. I struggle harder to get my mouth free but Creed holds me tighter against him before putting his lips to my ear. "Do not make me hurt them Bobby." I freeze. "That's correct. If they witness us I'll be forced to get rid of them. Don't make me do that. I do not desire to do that but I will if it means keeping you here with me. Think about what that would mean for them Bobby. She's pregnant. Do you see? The swelling in her abdomen? If you do something you will not only be forcing me to make two innocent people suffer but three. What is your choice?" At the realization that the woman is in fact carrying a baby tears come to my eyes and I stop resisting letting my muscles relax against Creed. He nods when he feels me calm. "Good boy Bobby." Then he lets go of my mouth and takes my hand leading me back to our hole in the ground. I follow him quietly with tears running down my face the salt staining my lips. He lifts the doors and gesture for me to go down the steps before unlocking the outer door that leads into the hallway. As soon as we're back in the apartment doors all locked I'm pushed firmly but gently up against the wall. "I'm sorry that I have made you cry, but you must understand how much it pained me to see you...osculating with him. How is it that you prefer to kiss him rather than me? I just don't understand."
I wipe left over liquid from my eyes and look at the ground. "He doesn't trap me like you do. He's nice and he cares about me."
"I'm nice! I care about you!"
I look up at him with a sharp gaze. "You just threatened to kill people!"
"I don't want to lose you." He replies as if he feels no guilt. As if that justifies everything. "You mean everything to me."
I shake my head. "If I meant everything to you, you wouldn't be forcing me into this hole you wouldn't be forcing me to stay away from Chip."
Creed's jaw tightens. "You don't understand. He was-
"Kissing me yes. I am fully aware of that, but if you would've waited for an explanation everything would've been fine. You always over react. I wasn't kissing Chip because I'm attracted to him. I was kissing him because I'm admittedly a little bit drunk and because he's never kissed anyone and he feels like he can't get the person he likes because he lacks experience. That's why I was kissing him. There were no sexual feelings involved at all, but you just hulked out. You're an adult aren't you? Don't you think before you do anything?"
Surprisingly enough Creed looks ashamed his eyes lowered to the ground like a guilty puppy. He clears his throat as the silence slowly becomes awkward. "I apologize Bobby, for not giving you an opportunity to explain yourself. I was wrong." He looks into my eyes his amber ones glowing with sincerity.
"Apology accepted." I reply. I expect him to move away but instead he shifts closer his head bending down next to mine.
"May I make a request Bobby?" He asks softly his fingers massaging my elbows gently.
I study his fingers before looking up. "Depends."
"Can you not kiss Chip anymore? Please?"
His eyes look so sad when I look up at him that I can't help but nod. "Okay. I won't kiss Chip anymore."
"Or anyone?"
I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "Who am I going to kiss here anyways? Sure I won't kiss Chip or anyone anymore. Okay?"
He nods "And also.....since he kissed you....can I kiss you?"
"Since when have you ever asked to kiss me?" I counter glaring at him.
"Would you prefer if I did not?"
I let out an exasperated breath shaking my head. "I don't know. Just do what you want." Creed nods and lets his fingers stroke against my cheeks as he lifts my jaw up. His lips catch mine gently and he bites my bottom lip between his teeth before coming in closer and letting his tongue delve inside my mouth. I allow it kissing back slowly as his hands fall from my face and grab me by the waist pulling me against him. I hardly notice as the kiss gets more heated his mouth attacking mine with great fervor our teeth biting and scraping, and I know that something is happening to me when my manhood hardens for him from just this one kiss. When I kissed Chip there was nothing, when I kissed Robin there was nothing, the couple of times I've kissed Tyler there has been nothing.
Creed has something.
Something that makes him different. Something that makes me hot all over just from a mere kiss even if it's unwilling. Even if I'm trying my hardest to hate him.
I reach up and twine my arms around his neck kissing him deeper as I get sucked into his madness. He grabs my legs and hoists me up against the wall so that we're flush against each other. I blush as my erection rubs against his abdomen making my arousal painfully obvious. He pulls his lips away from mine and makes an extremely daring move reaching up and running his thumb over the bulge in my damp underwear. I shiver confused, wondering if I should be protesting or not. When do I decide that he can't touch anymore? How do I decide? Why is it so hard?
I mewl as his thumb strokes me again my muscles jerking in pleasure. He leans down and digs his mouth against my neck his whole palm cupping me and giving me a rub. I groan rolling my hips unconsciously.
"Why aren't you stopping me?" He mumbles into my neck his lips stroking the sensitive skin. "You should be stopping me." I shudder at the sound of confliction in his voice and dig my palms into the muscles of his back. I can't tell if he's seriously telling me to stop him or not so I just leave it up to him. Without a direct response from me it seems he has the go ahead so he strokes me with a bit more pressure sending ripples of pleasure throughout my body. The sensation of someone else touching my genitals is so unfamiliar and strange but I find as Creed further explores my crotch that I'm actually liking it. I bite my bottom lip as he sucks at my neck watching with bizarre intrigue as his hand strokes my member over my underwear. All of a sudden I find myself willing the obstruction to disappear or wishing that he would go beneath the cloth but I quickly scold myself. Stop thinking things like that Bobby. This is a weird enough situation as it is, we have all the libido we need here.
A groan quickly rips past my lips as he strokes me faster my manhood already hard and leaking. I can feel a familiar pressure building in my balls and I try to hold it in as long as possible in an attempt to save myself the embarrassment but alas it isn't meant to be as I release, my come coating the inside of my underwear. I shudder my breaths coming out in shallow gasps as I hold onto Creed for dear life. I can't believe that just happened....I CAME TO SOON! That was too fast! He's probably going to make fun of me! I'm so embarrassed. I can't help that I've never done this with other people! Oh my god please don't laugh at me, please don't laugh at me!
Creed backs away and lets my legs drop to the floor slowly but continues to lay chaste kisses all across my naked collarbone. I glance down at his crotch and flush at the obvious bulge in his pants. I did that. I turned him on.
The concept of this is completely foreign to me so I just bite my lip and look the opposite direction. Finally Creed ceases with his kisses and gesture towards the bathroom. "You must be tired Bobby and you've still got that alcohol in your system. Go take a shower and then you can go to bed."
I nod and walk away but all I can help thinking is....what about Creed?
He made me feel good but I just left him hanging there.
I'm a horrible person.
What am I saying? He's a crazy kidnapping psycho! How could I have even let him touch me like that in the first place? It's absurd! Even so, I can't help admitting after spending more and more time around him that he is an attractive man. Robin and Tyler were right.
Creed is fucking sex on legs. I don't even think that he means to be either. He's just being his natural self but he exudes testosterone on an inhuman level. I find myself wondering about him as I step into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Where did he come from? Why is he doing this? What makes him believe that we are some kind of perfect match? I sigh and drop my underwear flushing at the sight of my orgasm smeared across the front. The feeling of his hand touching me in such an intimate way rushes through my mind and I let out a melancholy whimper at the loss.
There is one thing wracking my mind as I step into the shower, turning the warm water on and letting it pour over my body. One thing that could completely change everything as we know it. This could be the beginning of the end that I never expected to happen, not in a million years. Back when I was at home shivering with fear behind closed doors at the very thought of the ice cream man I would've never believed that things could change. Not like this. Not with this sudden realization wracking my mind over and over again.
The realization that...
I really want to do that again.
As soon as I get done washing myself I pull on a new pair of underwear and pad out into the living room where the lamp is on but the rest of the lights are off. Creed is laying on the couch shirtless with a thin blanket thrown over his lower half. His arm is lazily thrown over his eyes so I can't see if he's awake or not but I'm assuming he is since he's always the one to turn out all of the lights. I bite my bottom lip and look at him as I climb onto the bed fluffing my pillow. I purse my lips....I kind of want come and sleep in the bed...just a little bit. I'm willing to offer a truce in the form of bed space.
I don't move for a while waiting to see if he gets up. For a couple minutes I think he actually fell asleep before me until he sits up rubbing a hand through his hair. He's gets up and is about to go turn off the lamp before I clear my throat the simple sound reverberating throughout the quiet room. He turns glancing back at me with a questioning expression. I bury my hands in the blankets awkwardly staring down at my arms. " can sleep there if you want." I point at the vacant side of the bed shifting uncomfortably.
Creed cocks his head as if he's I've said something completely out of this world. "Are you sure?"
I nod quickly scooting over a bit more to show that I don't mind. "That doesn't mean you have full rights to do whatever you want though." Even though I say this with force I find my cheeks heating up in gross pleasure at the thought of it. Creed studies me for a second before nodding.
"If that is what you've decided." He answers and then turns out the light. I lay back on the soft mattress making sure that there's room for the bigger man. The bed sinks as he gets on pulling the blankets over us. As soon as we both get comfortable the room falls into a still calm silence. I begin to doze off my mind slipping away into sleep but jerk awake when Creed's arm twines around my waist and pulls me to him. Immediately I assume that he's trying to continue where we left off earlier and my heart beats a hundred times faster than before, but as soon as I'm nestled against him and our legs are twined he stills. He must've thought I was asleep, there's no way he would do that if he knew I was still awake.
Even so I let it be snuggling deeper into the comfort of the beds warmth before I doze off once again.
I don't realize until the next morning that it's the first time I've slept on the bed without being shackled.
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