Takoda and the Sky Cry
Here it is Lovelies! It took me a long time to get this one out! So many thoughts to sort through... I'm pretty sure I restarted like five or six times! Either way I finally set it free! CATCH IT GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Takoda and the Sky Cry
"So....." I spoon a nice round bunch of cheerios into my mouth, the crunching of my teeth reverberating in my skull. As soon as I'm done chewing I dip my spoon into the round bowl once again before responding to Theo.
Long pause."So...."
I raise my eyebrow and dare to look up at his face. He's watching me intently not even a glance at the paper folded in front of him. "So." I repeat.
"So...."I flinch and sigh turning back to my cereal in exasperation. He's trying to kill me, I know it. "Who was that kid yesterday?" His voice suggests that he's merely curious but when I look back up into his eyes I can see intense interest. "Friend of yours?"
I cock my head leaving my cheerios to go soggy in the slowly warming milk. "I recall mentioning that he was Satan's henchman. I don't ordinarily befriend familiars of the King of Hell. So no. We are not friends."
Theo nods gently as if he's trying hard to think of another topic. Maybe we could talk about the fact that he's been raking his eyes up and down my body since I woke up. That would probably get a little bit awkward for the both of us though, so maybe not. "How's work?" I question attempting to be cordial while going back to my bloated wheels floating on an ocean of white. Ah cheerios...a dying childhood.
"It's alright. All kinds of celebrations and meetings have been requested to take place at the hotel so it'll be busy for a while." Theo is the CEO of a huge conglomerate. The Tetera Group. He inherited after his father, who inherited after his father, who inherited after his father and so on and so forth. It's a hotel franchise that's spread all across the states and been carried through generations of his family from the very first man who rose up and caught his dream. Theo's father is still president of the franchise but even still Theo makes all the decisions concerning strategy and vision. Sometimes it can be daunting living with such an honored individual. Especially since I don't feel like he's all that honorable in the first place.
"That's good." I state quickly losing interest. I find ventures of business boring and dry no need to humor him any longer.
He seems to notice my growing disinterest and despite my assuming that he would be insulted at my obvious indifference he seems to be considerably more pleased that I don't care. He stands and walks to the counter with a spring in his step snatching his keys into his hand and gesturing for me to follow. "School time."
"Maybe we can sit down and talk about your work some more." I suggest grimacing at the very idea of education.
Theo fights the grin that steadily attempts to break out on his face and instead taps me on the head with his knuckles. "Grab your bag and let's go."
I sigh and pout. "What's the purpose of school anyways? I don't need an education."
"You do if you want a job." He states jingling his keys as he holds the front door open for me like a gentleman as I swing my backpack over my shoulder.
"What if I don't?" I reply marching to the passenger side of the car. Before I can open my door Theo grabs the handle and pulls it open for me gesturing for me to get in. I almost flush before remembering that I'm not a girl.
"How are you going to survive then?" He questions his face five inches from mine as I refrain from sitting as long as possible, the hardness of the door pressed between us.
I cock my head as if it's obvious. "Well, I always just assumed that you would take care of me forever Theo." I grin as he swallows obviously a little light headed at the idea. Quickly I take my seat to give him recovery time as he shuts my door and reaches up loosening his tie before going around to the driver's side and sliding in.
I really shouldn't do that. It's just that...now that I know...I can't help but flirt. I'm not even sure how I feel about this whole scenario, but it's almost an uncontrollable reaction to make him squirm.
It's final.
I am a horrible person.
"Aren't you planning on going to college?"
I shrug as we drive down the street hoping that it takes an unrealistically long amount of time to reach the school. Just the thought of education makes me shiver in disgust. "I don't know what I would study anyways."
Theo cocks his head while glancing in the rear view mirror. "Well...don't you have any ideas of what you want to do with your life?"
"Not really. I'm not a math person, and I definitely don't like business."
"Well what do you do for fun?"
What do I do for fun? Mostly I just think. My thoughts are what keep me entertained a majority of the time. I also enjoy looking up information about the most random things and reveling in the fact that there are people out there who care about even the most un-fascinating of subjects. Besides that I write in my journal in my spare time. I need to be able to record all the thoughts I have at any given moment. Every thought is as unique as a piece of pottery. Even if the same subject comes up more than once or twice you will never think about it at the same time in the same context in the exact situation and mindset as you did the one time. This is why I believe it's important to record my thoughts and even sometimes events that happen during my day, no matter how trivial they may seem. "I guess...I like to write."
Theo nods for a second before turning into the school parking lot. "So become a writer. I'm sure you'd make a good one. Despite the fact that your grades are permanently going downhill I bet you could do it, you have a huge imagination."
Glancing at him I raise an eyebrow? "How do you know?"
He shrugs and parks glancing at me as if he can see through me. "You spend a lot of time by yourself. Someone so introverted has to have a big imagination, or else how would you stay sane? You can't just be sitting by yourself in your room staring at walls all the time. There are thoughts in that head of yours no matter how hard you try to appear apathetic or unintelligent."
I narrow my eyes. "Just so you know I actually quite enjoy staring at walls in my room."
"Only because you're painting a picture on them." He backfires. Before I can respond the five minute bell rings and I purse my lips throwing the door open. "I'll pick you up again after school."
Swinging my backpack onto my shoulder I peek my head in. "Don't take so long this time." I don't wait for his response and instead run up the main stairway and into the building. I have English this morning and though I don't particularly enjoy reading Pride and Prejudice I do enjoy the teacher so I attempt to get there before the final bell.
I stride into the classroom just as the bell rings and take my seat at the back not even bothering to glance at the other students. I don't care about them and they don't care about me it's a mutual understanding. "Alright class!" Mr. Oakland yells disrupting any side conversations that are in full swing. "You're assignment last night was to read the final chapter of the book."
"We're reading a book?" An overly confident boy on the baseball team questions just to be an ass. A couple girls next to him snicker but hold their hands over their mouths so they don't get into trouble for it. Mr. Oakland cocks his head and glances down at the book in his hand. "Well obviously you haven't been reading it so I guess you'll have to come in every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after school to catch up."
The boys' face pales and his eyes scrunch in disbelief. "No way Mr. Oakland! Those are the days I have practice!"
Mr. Oakland shrugs looking at the wedding ring on his hand as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. "Well seeing as how you have a D- in my class Mr. Perez you won't be going to any practices at all this year." Then he grins and looks up. "Sucks to be you. Should've read the book huh?"
A smirk breaks out on my face but I quickly lean down on my arms behind a girl who sits in front of me so that her head blocks me from view. I don't understand people sometimes. Obviously there will be repercussions to being a little ass but they do it anyways expecting to get away without even a whack on the wrist. It's a good thing Mr. Oakland doesn't take any shit...that's probably the only reason I pay attention in this class and do all the homework. Plus I admire Mr. Oakland's attitude. Even though technically I didn't read last night since I was too jumpy, but I've read the rest of the book. Besides we all know what happens in the end...they all live happily ever after...well except for Lydia she married Wickham so her life probably sucks a whole lot.
Class goes fantastically well...meaning I don't get called on at all during the whole period. Not being called on makes for a good day. At the end of class Mr. Oakland informs us that we don't have any homework which causes everyone to whoop for joy except for Perez who grumbles about not wanting to come in after school today. As soon as the bell rings I'm out of their and going about the rest of my day.
It's at lunch when I run into Twitch again. Or should I call him Tanner? I guess I should call him Takoda since I gave him that nickname. So many names....makes one confused.
"Hey Chip!" He greets plopping down in the grass beside me. I look up from my fruit bowl to wave while chewing the grapes that I previously stuffed down my throat.
"Hey Takoda." Takoda brightens at the name before opening his sandwich and taking a small bite. Something bothers me but I refrain from saying anything for a minute before throwing all caution to the wind. Me and him are....friendly right? That means I can ask questions...right? "Hey can I ask you something?"
Takoda glances at me wide eyed before licking the ketchup that drips down his finger off and nodding vigorously. "Sure go ahead." He mumbles. Surprisingly I don't completely mind that he just spoke with his mouth full. It's actually quite endearing and adorable but I don't say anything. "How do you know Raid?" As expected Takoda chokes on his food so I reach over and hit my fist against his back a couple times. It takes him a moment to recover but when he does he glances up at me.
"Why do you ask?"
"Well, it's just that you two seem to know each other and he's probably one of the most frightening people that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting in my whole entire life. So I was just curious. You don't have to answer if you don't want to."
Takoda shakes his head and looks at the grass. "No that's okay. I've just known him for as long as we've been in high school. I met him after meeting Giovanni. I'm kind of a fool as I'm sure you've noticed so I naively tried to make friends with the group. Let's just say it didn't quite work out the way I wanted it too."
I nod and chew for a second thinking that over. I have noticed recently that nobody really associates with them unless they approach first. Almost like they're the kings of the school. Only speak when spoken too kind of deal, and poor Takoda being the friendly guy he is probably walked right up and tried to befriend Giovanni and the guys. I turn back to the smaller boy and tilt my head. "Do they hurt you?"
Takoda looks away awkwardly and continues to eat. "Really it's nothing. Don't worry about it."
"It's not nothing if they hurt you" I state giving him a concerned expression. "You can tell me anything Takoda. I'll help you as much as I can but you need to tell me things in order for me to know what to do."
Takoda twitches and looks like he's about to say something when the lunchroom door bursts open and Giovanni saunters out with Raid and the others right on his heels. "HEY! TWITCH! POCAHONTAS!"
A tick starts in my jaw signaling my annoyance. "I really hate when he calls me that." I grumble glancing at my friend. Takoda says nothing just keeps his head down and continues chewing. It doesn't take long for the group to reach us. Giovanni leers at me like I'm a meal made especially for him while Raid sends me an icy glare that warns me of something but I'm not sure what.
"Hey, cutie." Giovanni purrs, settling himself down on the grass right in front of me so that I have no choice but to look at him. Raid sits immediately scooting marginally closer to Takoda who looks incredibly uncomfortable at the proximity. All the others settle down just as quick and spread themselves across the lawn as if they own it.
I don't mean to be selfish or anything...but....this is my zone and I understand that I'm the new guy or whatever but....they can't just take over my think spot like this. I stare at Giovanni blandly before eating a kiwi. "Do you mind like...fucking off?" I say as if it's a totally valid reply to his words. All of his friends immediately go silent as if they've never heard someone speak to him like that. I glance at Takoda who tenses, and move my eyes up to stare at Raid who's jaw looks locked in anticipation as he stares off into the distance somewhere between us. Giovanni just laughs and scoots closer to me picking a grape out of my bowl and plopping it in his mouth.
"Your passion arouses me Pocahontas." I crinkle my nose in disgust and move away from him. That's disgusting. Could he be anymore disgusting?
"Shove off." I mumble looking away to continue my lunch.
"HEY!" One of the boys behind Giovanni shouts sending me a cold stare. "Don't talk to Giovanni like that you little shit!"
"Who are you?" I reply staring into his eyes intently. He shifts before sitting up straight.
"I'm Marc why do you need to know?" He shoots back icily.
"Nice to meet you Marc do you mind shutting the fuck up?" His face turns red and all the other boys sit up too preparing for a fight. Too bad their leader has a major boner for me...this means that there is no way that he would ever let them lay hands on me. I can see it in his eyes as he watches them all tense.
"Calm down boys. Pocahontas just doesn't know how to play nice."
I scoff. "I play nice just fine, and my name is Chip. Not Pocahontas."
Giovanni just raises his eyebrow in response not even looking away from me as he speaks. "Hey Twitch...how's it going?"
The boy stiffens beside me but I can feel his nervous convulsions steadily starting up. I reach out and grab his hand in mine. He calms down marginally but still keeps his eyes in his lap. "Don't talk to him." I snap glaring at the blonde in front of me. At this he sits up his eyes turning sharp.
"Why not? He was my friend first."
"You are not friends."
"That's not the truth is it Twitch?" Takoda doesn't respond and instead glances unsteadily at Raid sitting in front of him as still as a statue. "I said that's not the truth is it Twitch?" Giovanni spits louder. Twitch still doesn't respond braving his harsh glare. Giovanni tsks and taps Raid's shoulder with little interest. Immediately Raid snaps forward his dark hair in his eyes as he jerks on a chunk of Takoda's hair. I cringe at how painful it looks even as Takoda cries out and reaches up to grab onto Raid's wrist in excruciating desperation. A heat builds up in my chest and I grab onto the big guys arm digging my nails in and trying to rip him away.
"Get your hands off of him!" I spit. Takoda whimper's but doesn't dare move away from the larger boy in fear that he will inflict even greater agony. From beside me Giovanni grabs hold of my arm and tears me back against his chest. I struggle jabbing my elbows into his sides and growling. "I SAID GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM YOU BASTARD!" Giovanni's hand wraps around my neck and grips my chin harshly holding me steady next to him as his friends' chuckle. Much to my surprise Raid just freezes with Takoda whining in discomfort as if he's waiting for further instructions.
"Take him inside." Giovanni orders. Raid nods and let's go of Takoda's hair and instead grabs hold of his arm jerking him down the hill and toward the doors. I attempt to go after them but Giovanni swings me back and slams me against the tree a few feet away.
"Don't worry about him Pocahontas, he's perfectly safe in Raid's hands; how about you just pay attention to me for now." I lean my head away from him as he shoves his nose against my scalp inhaling deeply. "God you smell good you know that?" Without a thought I slam my foot down on his digging it in as viciously as possible.
"Get away from me you freak!"
Giovanni yelps and doubles over hoping up and down with his hands gripping his shoe tightly. I don't wait for him to recover; I'm down that hill and back in the lunchroom within seconds. Where is Takoda? I let my eyes roam over the booming cafeteria quickly assessing every single face that I see, but the boy isn't present. Biting my lip I push past the doors and emerge into one of the main hallways. There are a couple of kids loitering around and making friendly conversation but I speedily discount them and instead slip down a branching hallway that escapes into the science department. There's a school legend that one of the abandoned hallways in the butt of the department is haunted and no one goes to that part of the school anymore because of it. It's an oddly placed section of the building almost totally unconnected if not for a short hallway. Mainly the classrooms back here are used for storage, the only people you will see trudging down this way are the Janitors and maybe the Principle on an off day. Even then it's rare.
I don't believe that it's haunted. I think that students found a convenient place to either a. drink b. get high or c. have sex. I, being undaunted by the chance of entering any of these situations swing down the hallway and walk past the many empty classrooms searching for my anxious friend. The silence of the department settles lightly on my skin and I walk on my tiptoes the sudden need to be silent settling in my bones.
"Get off!"
I cock my head curiously turning to look through the window of a nearby closed doorway. Inside is a virtually empty room except for a couple of desks and two boys. Raid has Takoda pushed right up against the wall squished into a space that almost looks suffocating. Takoda struggles to get away but Raid shoves him against the wall again harshly. A whimper erupts from the smaller boy's mouth and the bigger one tsks giving him a critical glare. "Stop whining Tanner."
"Why? Because it's your name? I'm the only one who actually calls you by your name doesn't that mean anything to you? You should worship me." God...I'm so conflicted...I should go in and help...but I really just want to eavesdrop. What if he needs me though? Maybe just for a couple minutes? Then I can crash in like a hero and kick Raid in the balls.
"Why?"Takoda squeaks. "Why should I worship you because of that? I hate it when you say my name. I HATE IT! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DISAPPEAR!?" I cringe. I don't think I've ever seen him scream at someone like that. He's so afraid...but so angry all at the same time. It's like he's trying to fight the anxiety that wracks his body with a feeble attempt at bravery. It's incredibly inspiring. I just hope that it doesn't get his ass kicked. There's a sudden yelp when he's slammed against the wall again and Raid growls.
"YES I DO! YES I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO!" Tears tremble in the small boys eyes and threaten to overflow as he stomps his foot childishly and pushes at the bigger boys biceps. "I WANNA LEAVE! LET ME GO!"
"STOP LYING! You love it when I say your name! Everybody else calls you someone you're not. You're Tanner. Not Twitch, or whatever else that fucking little tree hugger calls you!"
"Don't talk about him like that!"
"I hate him! I can talk about him anyway I like! Stop hanging out with him! He acts like you're his best friend or something. You were mine first!"
"Yours? Yours?!" A shaky laugh spills from Takodas mouth and whether he shakes with humor or nerves I couldn't say. "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?! I HAVE NEVER BEEN YOUR FRIEND! NEVER!"
"You don't mean that." Raid bites back quietly his back muscles tightening as if that genuinely hurts him.
"Of course I mean it! All you do is kiss Giovanni's ass! It's only okay to talk to me if Giovanni says it's okay to talk to me! Giovanni tells you to kick my ass and what do you do?? YOU FUCKING KICK MY FUCKING ASS" Raid recoils slightly his jaw tightening. Takoda doesn't stop though because he's on a roll. "And then after that you come find me and...try...try...to apologize...and...touch me...and I HATE IT WHEN YOU SAY MY NAME!"
"What's wrong with apologizing? I feel sorry why can't I apologize?"
"Because you say you won't do it again! You say that it hurts you to hurt me but as soon as Giovanni tells you to rip me a new one YOU GO AHEAD AND DO IT ANYWAYS YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT!"
Raid looks at a loss for words, as Takoda breaks down and starts to sob burying his face in his hands. He wants to apologize again I can see it on his face but we both know that it will just make Takoda angry. "Tanner...please don't cry."
"Don't call me that!" The wail that greets my ears is so pained and tortured that I almost run right in and grab him but Raid reaches over and wipes away the salty streaks running down Takodas face with such affection that I know instantly that he loves him. Despite the fact that he beats Takoda he loves him. I'm not saying that makes it better because of course it doesn't. Raid has some sort of sick need to be top of the hierarchy in this school, and associating with Takoda would be the end for him. So he uses his orders to beat the boy as an excuse to be near him, because after all...afterwards he can always apologize and have a few intimate moments. I'm almost ninety percent sure that Giovanni knows about this...about his feelings. That's why he makes him hurt him...to mess with them. To test boundaries and loyalty. He wants to see how far he can go before he makes him crack.
How's that for a friend?
And with each and every stroke of Raid's thumb against Takoda's skin I wish that he could be his own person. I wish that Takoda wouldn't have to look so hurt right now, because that hurt isn't just the hurt of a boy who's in physical pain. No...he's in pain because he wants Raid to love him more than that. He wants Raid to spit in Giovanni's face the next time he's told to hurt him...and each time when Raid doesn't it breaks him down just a little bit more. It's not as if his expectations are so high...he just wants change little by little, but Raid's betrayal is starting to be too much. Takoda looks more conflicted and scared than ever before.
"Stop...please," He whispers, the tears falling to the ground silently even as the taller boy wipes them up. I bite my lip wondering if this has gone on too long or if all I will be doing by interrupting is ruining a potentially healing moment. "You're confusing me."
"It's not confusing baby." Raid mumbles leaning in and nuzzling his cheek. "I care about you. See? It's not confusing at all." He looks into his eyes for only a second before latching his mouth onto Takodas, kissing him with so much passion that I almost feel perverted for watching. Is this....going to start getting...weird? Cause if it is...I think I'll have to leave. Takoda grunts in shock but doesn't push away; granted he doesn't wrap his arms around Raid either. He just continues to stand as he was with his arms down at his sides, his breathing ragged as his lips are nipped and toyed with. When Raid finally pulls away with curiosity in his gaze Takoda looks up at him with complete seriousness.
"So...next time...he tells you to...you won't hurt me right?" Every fiber of my being wants Raid to say of course but every atom in my brain laughs at my optimism and spits in the face of my hopes alerting me to the fact that...he just simply won't.
Raid's eyes fall and his head bows slightly with guilt and shame. That's all Takoda needs to know before I push open the door and walk in not so gently shoving Raid out of my way. He looks livid at my arrival but I ignore the obvious threat in his eyes as I grab Takoda's wrist and tug him out of the room. It's only when I've finally dragged him outside next to one of the few portable classrooms that had recently been added to the campus that I stop. I turn to Takoda who is staring at the ground as if he doesn't quite understand what just happened.
It must be tough knowing that the person you care so much about doesn't have the will or courage to prove the same. My friend collapses against the wall in exhaustion while I stand in front of him a horrible pain in my chest. "Takoda," I mumble reaching out and rubbing my hand into his hair as he looks up at me. His eyes are big and I can feel him searching for something. Confirmation. Did he do the right thing by pushing Raid like that? Should he have accepted the apology? Was there something wrong with him? Was it his fault? Was he not good enough? "He should've said yes."
Once again his eyes fill with salty water and he begins to sob quietly at first until finally he falls onto the ground and laments to the sky.
And if there is anything that I know it is that the sky can hear him and it is grieving.
Hours later I'm resting on my signature bench awaiting the presence of Mr. Theo Tetera as always when Raid plops down next to me a loud sigh escaping his mouth. I purse my lips in awkward silence making sure not to give him even an ounce of my attention.
"I'm going to make this quick." He states reaching into his pocket for a cigarette. I watch as He lights up and takes a drag looking incredibly classy for a questionable teenage boy.
"Thank god." I reply staring at the line of cars resting near the front of the school.
"Stay the fuck away from Tanner."
I cock my head mockingly. "I'm sorry...who's Tanner?"
A low growl erupts from my guests lips and he gives me a heated glare. "You know who I'm talking about you little shit. Stay away from him."
I laugh and shift so I can look at the far larger boy. "Excuse me for being presumptuous but...I'm damn sure that he wants to spend time with me not you. The last person who needs to be concerning themselves with him is the person who abuses him every day."
"You don't know anything." He spits his eyes growing sharper by the minute.
"Maybe not but there's one thing I do know. When you care about someone, you do everything in your power to make sure they stay safe, you don't go around pushing them face first in the dirt. You don't deserve him so stop acting entitled. Until you grow a pair of balls and stand up to Ms. Nasty I'm afraid you haven't got the slightest chance of me staying away from Takoda so back off." There's a quick honk and I look up to see Theo staring suspiciously at Raid from his seat in the car. Quickly I move from my perch sliding my back pack over one arm. "Don't worry yourself you big lug, I'm taking care of him now." With that I reach over and snatch the cancer stick away from his hand throwing it onto the ground and stomping it out. "Maybe you should start taking care of yourself."
The look he gives me could kill fetuses in their mother's wombs. I chuckle and stride away a light hop to my step. Damn today is the best Friday ever.
"Who is that?" Theo snaps as soon as I slide into the passenger seat closing the door behind me. I glance out the window at the dark haired boy staring intently after me and Theo as Giovanni-the psychotic blonde prince- saunters up to him with a violin slung over his shoulder. "God I don't know but he sure is sexy isn't he?" I tease. Theo's eyes dim and he clears his throat starting the car. We drive in silence for a couple of minutes before the older man finally decides to break it.
"He looks like a trouble maker; I don't want you hanging out with him."
I scoff and turn to Theo throwing my hands out. "I was joking! Jeez Calm down Mr. Oppressive."
Theo shakes his head his eyes still sharp as he stares down the road. "I mean it I don't want to see you near him ever again. He's a bad influence, make other friends."
Rolling my eyes I sit back in my seat while disrespectfully propping my feet up on the dash. "I thought we both were familiarized with the fact that I don't have friends. Besides what makes you think you can tell me who to hang out with? I'm my own person; I can associate with whoever I want. Just like you enjoy associating with sicko perverts who prey on teenaged boys."
"We agreed not to talk about that!"
"You started it!"
"Yeah and I'm ending it! You will not hang around that kid! Period! Understand?" Theo slams his fist down on the steering wheel with finality as we pull onto another road.
"Fuck you!"
We stop.
No joke.
We stop in the middle of the road.
"What're you doing?" I groan pushing my head against the window as a car rolls up behind us honking. Theo doesn't say anything just stays still staring ahead as the impatient driver goes around shouting profanities on his way past. "Would you drive please?" Theo just folds his arms closing his eyes as if he's trying to calm himself down in order to prevent a murder from occurring. It has been reported that a young boy was found brutally slaughtered Friday afternoon in the vehicle of his guardian who claimed that he just couldn't take his sass anymore. I roll my eyes and take my legs off of the dash. "Fine I'm walking home. You can be a drama queen all you want but do it by yourself." I reach over to open the door but it locks the small buttons slipping out of sight. Child proof? You've got to be kidding me. "What the hell Theo!" I snap glancing at another driver as he swerves by flipping us the bird.
"Didn't I tell you that I don't want you using profanity?" He states calmly as if this is sound reason for stopping right in the middle of the flipping road.
"You're kidding right?"
"Do I look like I'm kidding?"
"This is ridiculous! I can't talk about Creed, I can't hang out with people you don't like, and I can't swear? What next you want to monitor my phone calls too? How about complete access to my internet history? Wanna chose my wardrobe? Do I get to bathe myself or is that not allowed either?" Theo raises an eyebrow ignoring an angry red head woman who speeds by screeching out her window.
"I already monitor your phone calls since you're on my plan. I already have complete access to your internet history since you use my computers. I do buy you clothes so I guess I do choose your wardrobe. Whether or not you still get to bathe yourself remains completely undecided. One thing is for sure though; if you don't stop swearing I will push you over the sink and wash your mouth out with soap."
"Oh. My. God. You're crazy. You've flipped. You're completely nuts." I sputter scooting further away from him. "What is wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with you? How come you feel the need to do the exact opposite of what I tell you all the time? Why do you have to argue with everything I say? Why can't you just say 'yes Theo' and be done with it? Every time you open your mouth I get incredibly frustrated. Even your presence makes me want to lash out and smash something."
"If you're so angry and violent then why don't you just hit me?" I offer peaking in the rearview mirror at another set of cars.
"Excuse me?"
"Well you can't stand me, you're incredibly frustrated and you feel like smashing things all the time. So instead of controlling my life how about you just hit me? I'll let you hit me as long as I can do whatever the heck I want without you peeking over my shoulder every two minutes." Theo's jaw tightens and glances out the window with an irritated scowl.
"I'm not going to hit you Chip."
"Why not? You're just as crazy as Creed so I'm sure you'll get some kind of sick satisfaction out of it." I regret saying it right after it leaves my mouth. My words hurt him I can see the pain flash through his eyes in a second before he's starting the car and driving in silence once again.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I can't apologize now it'll just make me look like a stupid kid and there is no doubt in my mind that the apology will not be accepted.
The drive home is awkward and when we finally trudge into the house I don't even look at him. "Go to your room, do your homework and go to sleep. I don't want to see your face tonight so don't even think about coming down those steps you understand?" I cringe and nod shamefully stomping up the steps and shutting myself in my room. I shouldn't have said that. It was uncalled for. I was just upset that he was digging his way into my non-existent personal life. Forlornly I flop onto my bed and listen to his feet stomp around the kitchen as he cleans.
That's his way of dealing with anger. Cleaning. I always know when he's livid because he'll start washing dishes. The only reason he's not washing dishes right now is because there are none.
I'm a douche.
It's a quarter past twelve when my phone rings startling me from my restless sleep. It's a sound I rarely hear so of course my heart picks up in terror at the shrill noise. I quickly snatch it from my nightstand before it wakes Theo and sends him into a fit. "Hello?"
"Chip?" A shaky voice rasps from the other end.
"Wow I didn't think you would actually ever call me." I admit leaning back against my pillows. I had given him my number on a friendly whim when we departed earlier to go to our classes. He accepted it graciously but I assumed I would never actually be called.
That's just the way it is.
"I...I need your help." The nerves in his voice have me sitting up immediately in the silence of the night.
"What is it?"
"Could you...possibly come pick me up? I'm at Giovanni's house. My cousin dragged me to a party about an hour ago but I had no idea that it was Giovanni's. I've been spending the last half hour dodging him and Raid. Would you mind?"
"No not at all. I'll come get you right now." As soon as he gives me the address I'm up pulling on a plain white v neck t-shirt and some semi-tight jeans. As soon as I've got my shoes on I tip toe out the door and down the stairs making my way into the hallway where Theo always set his keys. He's a routine sort of guy, It didn't take me long to realize that he always set the small piece of metal in the little bowl on the oak table. It's right as I'm opening the front door when he decides to make his presence known.
"Where do you think you're going?"
I close my eyes and bite my lip before spinning around with a smile. "I thought you were asleep."
"I could say the same thing. What are you doing with my keys?"
I glance down at the small metal hooked to a long black cord in my hands. "I just needed to borrow them for a second. I'll bring them right back I promise. One of my friends has run into a bit of trouble and he needs me to pick him up."
"Absolutely not I told you I didn't want you hanging out with him."
"No not him! He's not my friend at all."
Theo raises a skeptical eyebrow before nodding. "Fine then you won't have a problem if I tag along." I scowl at the idea but nod handing him the keys. It only takes us a few moments to enter the vehicle where I promptly proceed to give him the address of the party that Takoda is attending. The streets are dead at this time of night, silent calm washing out the activity of the day to prepare once again for the bustling of humanity. I take the chance to soak in the peace while Theo drives silently. I can tell that he's still upset about earlier. He should be that was a low blow and I should've known better. I want to apologize but I figure I should wait for a more fitting moment. Getting emotional on a rescue mission isn't really professional....
We can tell immediately when we've arrived at our destination. The whole house is thumping with a strong bass line and the lights inside are flashing brightly. The lawn is smeared with teenagers jumping around and making out.
"God," I mumble stretching my head to get a better view of a girl dancing with her top off. "What is happening to our society? Were you like this when you were my age?" Theo says nothing which I take as a definite yes. I can picture him as that dude leaning against the wall in his Dolce & Gabbana stressed leather jacket, a red cup of bourbon in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I know that Theo quit smoking years ago but I can easily picture him with a cancer stick between his fingers. "Hmph, maybe I'm just eclectic then huh?" He looks at me like I just spoke Latin before parking and getting out of the vehicle. Sighing I let myself out and stride across the lawn trying to see past all of the nudity. Everything just looks like a boob. One. Giant. Boob. I duck below the arms of a bunch of football players hopping up the steps to the open door way where I'm hit with the mingling scent of booze, perfume, vomit, sex and weed. Ugh...here we go.
"Wait!" I turn startled when Theo grabs my hand glaring at a group of girls who are drunkenly giving me the eye. I lift an eyebrow glancing down at his hand covering mine before staring back into his eyes. "I just want to make sure you don't get lost in here."
"I'm not five Theo." I point out but I don't pull away and instead drag him into the crowded hallway.
"OH MY GAWD! IT'S POCAHONTAS!" Marc screams pushing away from a girl who previously had her tongue down his throat. She doesn't seem too shy as she sticks her hand down the front of his jeans clawing at his package seeking the attention that she lost.
"Who was that?" Theo asks glancing back as Marc is distracted by the girl's mouth wrapped around his you know what. Doesn't she have any respect for herself? If she's going to give the dude a blow job she could at least go for a little privacy.
"Marc." I answer not interested in going into detail. "It doesn't look like he's in here. Let's check the back yard." It doesn't take long to squeeze past the writhing sweaty bodies grinding on the dance floor, the only down fall is now that I feel extremely damp and very exhausted. Am I unhealthy or what? How do these people have so much stamina? When the cool breeze hits me I almost whimper in relief. "God it's hot? Isn't it hot?" I ask Theo plucking the front of my shirt a couple times, a sad attempt at cooling myself down. Theo smirks looking completely comfortable with his situation. "Oh, yeah you're so cool with all your partying experience and whatever. Wipe that smirk off your face." It's only as I turn away from His Mighty Smugness that the jeering reverberations of a crowd of people reach my ears.
What is this? Quickly I pull us into the crowd pushing my way to the front where I catch sight of Giovanni his arms arrogantly folded in front of him a sick smirk tugging at his lips. In the middle of the circle Raid has got his arms squeezed around someone's neck while they gasp for breathe and claw at his arm. Is...is that...
"Takoda!" I screech. My sudden shout cracks the jaded chanting and everyone looks at me as if I'm some sort of alien interrupting a sacred ritual. I drop Theo's hand and dash into the middle of the ring bringing my foot right up into the back of Raid's knee. He doesn't make a sound as he goes down, barely a gasp of surprise leaves his lips. Takoda goes down at the same time hacking and clawing at his throat as he tries to suck in as much air as possible. I quickly move to Takodas side but an arm grips me sharply and pulls me away.
"What do you think you're doing Pocahontas?" Giovanni chuckles kicking at Takoda's ribs. He wheezes and rolls over right into Raid who's already recovered and grabs him by the arm roughly tugging him to his feet. "You just ruined all the fun!"
"Leave him alone." I growl giving my arm a tug. He doesn't let go and instead leans in laying a chaste kiss on my wrist. I'm damn sure he can see the expression of disgust on my face.
"You willing to take his place?" He teases. Immediately his raillery is interrupted by Theo who grabs his arm in a painfully tight hold. The two men's eyes meet and I can practically see a violent crackling of hostile electricity sparking between the two. "Who is this Pocahontas? Your boyfriend?"
"Y...Yes." I stutter surprising both myself and Theo who sends me a sharp look of astonishment.
"You're fucking kidding me." Giovanni spits his grip tightening on my arm.
A shiver runs up my body at the obvious tension. "No....I'm really not."
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