Reasons to Be Sorry
Hello World! Here's the next chapter for all your viewing pleasure! I love you and hope you are all staying safe, and doing great things out there. Hugs, Kisses and the best of wishes!!
When I wake up the next morning after a long night of hosting the three stooges the first thing I notice is the absence of Creed's warmth in our bed. Despite the fact that he hasn't been around as much during the last few weeks I've grown used to having him next to me when I go to bed and when I wake up. If I'm being completely honest that's the one thing that I look forward to every day.
Usually Creed won't touch me when we go to sleep. Not until a certain amount of time has passed. Once he thinks that I'm down for the night his arm will snake around my waist and pull me closer, not too close, just close enough that our legs entangle and we can feel each other's body heat. That's how I know that what Kello said really did affect him. Last night he was so restless waiting for an acceptable period of time to pass. When he finally thought that he was in the clear he pulled me so close that our bodies were meeting at every point and curve. His face pressed into the back of my neck in a way that reminded me of how I used to cling to my mother for comfort when I was a kid.
I wanted to turn around and hug him, tell him it was okay, but I knew that it wasn't the right time. He needed me yes, but he didn't need me to see him so vulnerable. He seems like he's not too used to being vulnerable in that way. So I pretended to sleep as he clutched at me his breathe quiet, constant, and a little unsteady.
Thus, when the older man is not next to me in the morning my heart heaves in an incredibly unsettling fashion before my worry is interrupted by a very loud and familiar exclamation.
"What the fuck?" I mumble turning and sitting up in the large bed only to see Creed standing in front of the t.v with a remote in his hand. He looks....very attractive with his hair turning all different directions and his pajamas all slept in as if he only rolled out of bed minutes ago and went straight to the t.v. The t.v which is now playing a commercial for some obscure insurance company. Only....we don't have a signal for t.v down here yet. Or I thought we didn't.
" that...t.v?" I question rubbing my eyes with my hands and sitting up even further, scooting so I'm closer to the end of the mattress. Creed turns to look at me nodding, his eyes catching on my figure as he gestures for me to leave the bed.
"I woke early in order to finish getting everything connected. It's only cable for now but-"
"That's awesome!" I can't help the excitement that bursts from my throat as I climb over the back of the couch and settle down staring at the screen. It's still only commercials but....I haven't seen a commercial in what seems like such a long time that I'm actually kind of enjoying it. I look up at Creed with a surge of enthusiasm. I'm met with a gaze that can only be described as uneasy. Sinking back into the soft seat of the couch I glance at the t.v before looking back at those amber eyes. Those eyes that I was so used to appearing strong and viscous. "What is it? Why do you....why are you looking at me like that?"
He shifts a bit his lean body bending beautifully next the t.v before moving toward me. "I....I wanted to show you something." He states sitting down next to me and licking his lips as he flips through channels. I've never seen Creed act like this so I settle into my seat quietly and look at the t.v waiting patiently albeit apprehensively.
"They usually...replay your story each morning at nine," My eyebrows scrunch together in the utter confusion that I feel as he stops on what looks to be a news station. "But there is....a press conference this morning. I....considered that you might want to view it."
On the screen there is a wooden podium at what looks to be a law office of some sort. There are one too many camera's going off and collection of people mumbling as a police officer and a detective speak into the microphone.
"On the night of May 10th at approximately 12:30 a.m there was a home invasion that resulted in the abduction of seventeen year old Bobby Lee." Holy shit. My heart jackhammers with the vigor of a machine gun as my school picture from Junior year appears on the left side of the screen. "At the time of the invasion Bobby was alone in the home. During the initial investigation clear signs of a struggle were discovered but no DNA or information that could be used to identify the perpetrator was found." I zone out. I completely zone out as this man talks about the night that Creed came for me. I'm afraid. I'm afraid because they are talking about ice cream trucks, and males in their thirties. The words drugs and possible runaway and ongoing investigation slice into me violently and cause an ache in my whole body that I can't even begin to explain. I turn to Creed and grab onto his arm tugging it violently.
"Turn it off. I don't want to watch it anymore." The force in my request is evident. It leaves no room for Creed to protest, but of course he tries.
"Turn it off Creed! Look! They're talking about you! What if they find us? Turn it off!" I try to steal the remote from Creed's hand but he snatches it away from me and moves further down the couch.
"Bobby, I understand that it's frightening but there is something I wanted you to see." He asserts pushing my arms down as I reach for the remote again.
"What? What do I need to see? This is stupid! Let's just turn it off and do something else, please!"
I fight him. I fight him with as much strength as I can muster but he wrestles me into his arms and hugs me so tight that I can't get away. "Bobby calm down! Just look!"
"I don't want to look!" I shout struggling in his lap as he buries his face into the back of my neck.
"Please Bobby! Look at the t.v!"
"It's been a month," A shaking voice fills the room and I freeze my eyes snapping to the t.v as if I had zero control over them in the first place. There...right the center of the screen is my family.
My father is at the microphone his chin shaking in way that I've never seen before. My mother is glued to his side looking so torn I can barely even recognize her. Her hands are clutching onto little Kimmy's shoulders who stands in front of her squeezing King Arthur as if he will take her away from this loud place where strangers are staring at her and taking her picture. Immediately I'm slipping from Creed's lap onto the floor. "It's been a month since our son was taken from us and nothing has changed. So we wanted...we wanted to talk to you," Creed shifts behind me his knees gently hitting my back as he changes positions. "Not the press, not the police.... you. The person who took our son." The press room goes quiet and so do I as I lean forward studying my father's face. He looks older than I remembered him. "We don't know why you took him. Were you watching us? Were you watching him? What could you possibly want from our boy? I hate you. I hate you so much...but I'm willing to forgive you...we are willing to forgive you...if you let him go." I have never seen my father cry, until this moment. His tears are angry and sincere and all of a sudden he looks so much younger with salt sadness lining his cheeks "Today is his eighteenth birthday....please.....please.....bring our son home. Let him spend his birthday with his family, where he belongs."
Mom starts to sob, she starts sobbing so horribly that the officers are forced to usher my family off of the stage and consequently off screen. The image of them is imprinted in my eyes and I don't move for the longest time just staring at the screen as the detectives continue with their statement. "That...that was my family." I say slowly. I know that I'm supposed to feel sad or even angry, but I don't. I feel full of warmth, happy and thankful that it was even possible for me to see them. It's like Creed knew that yesterday all I wanted was to see my family and he made it happen, just like that. The press conference itself made me scared and upset but seeing them on the screen was worth it.
"Yes." Creed responds and his voice is thick as if he's hurting somehow. I appreciatively turn to look at him to let him see that I'm not upset anymore. I'm not sad so he shouldn't be either. But his eyes are sad, the saddest I've ever seen them as he turns off the t.v tossing the remote as far away as possible.
"What's wrong?" I question pulling myself onto the couch to sit beside him.
Creed shakes his head. "Nothing is wrong." I sit still as he reaches up tentatively and strokes my face with a gentle touch as if the mere sensation of our skin touching will soothe him. "Happy Birthday Bobby."
My chest pulses with tenderness and I move forward climbing onto his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. The hug is so tight I worry I might choke him but he doesn't seem to be in any danger so I let it go on for a minute or two before I lean back, keeping my hands locked at the nape of his neck. The skin there is soft, not at all as rough as I imagined it would be. "You're telling me happy birthday but you don't look happy at all."
Creed sighs closing his eyes as his palm gently strokes my back. "It's nothing that is significant enough to talk about. I promise."
"Of course It's significant" I snap shifting a bit to get a better look at him. "You're being weird. Talk to me." Creed refuses to look at me so I grab the hairs at the back of his skull and tug them backwards forcing his head up. With our gazes meeting so directly he has to listen. "Talk to me." There's a twinkle in his eye now. It's barely there but it's as if my being an ass has lifted his mood just a bit. "There it is." I say pointing at his face with my other hand. "I'm looking forward to your surrender Creedence Van Nicholson."
A short burst of a laugh shoots from his mouth and I'm so shocked by it that I completely forget what I'm even trying to get him to do. This laugh was different compared to all of the laughs that have come was quick and barely there but it was also possibly the most satisfying sound that I've ever heard in my entire life. He looked like a boy in that second and for the first time I notice he has dimples. Without much thought I lean forward and press a quick kiss to his lips before swiftly leaning back as if I was just burned.
I'm embarrassed. The type of embarrassed that starts as a plague of locusts in my stomach and has me hurrying to climb off of the older man's lap. He expects this and quickly locks his arms at my back effectively keeping me from fleeing.
"You're father," He starts, not even mentioning the kiss to my great relief and mild disappointment. "He... said that he hated me." My urge to run instantly disappears when I see the vulnerable look on Creed's face and I sit still giving him all of my attention. "I suppose I never gathered that your family's opinions of me were of such great consequence." He looks slightly puzzled as he stares down at his lap his grip on me tightening just a bit. "It...wounded hear him say those words." He lets go of me and runs a distressed hand through his unkempt hair leaning back to stare at the ceiling as if maybe it has some comforting words to offer that I don't. His adams apple bobs as he swallows and he closes his eyes. I've never seen Creed so filled with conflicting emotions. Sure, he's said multiple times that he wouldn't change a thing he did if he ever got a do over but that doesn't mean that he doesn't feel like I piece of shit. He said himself that day; he isn't immune to remorse or shame. I guess this is just a first for me...seeing it in real time. Seeing him experience these emotions makes the idea that he's an actual human being that much more tangible.
"Don't....don't let that bother you." I finally say slumping in his lap because I know I don't really have much else to offer. He did something bad and no dolled up words will ever change that. "What's done is done Creed. It's not like you'll ever have to look my dad in the eyes." I feel like an asshole because it sounds like I don't care about what my parents are going through. Sounds like I'm justifying him. It's just hard to stay neutral in a situation where one man is so emotionally demanding. It's hard to tell him he's a monster now that I can see human pain in his eyes. "Creed?"
He doesn't look at me, he doesn't even move. I can see him falling into that hysteria that is so new to me. It's a panic that presents itself as calm and collected but in reality there's complete annihilation happening somewhere inside of him.
A month ago I would've laughed at his pain.
I can't even fathom getting amusement from this now.
Cautiously and with the nerves of an anxious Chihuahua I shift closer so that my whole front is pressed to his. My heart drums irregularly at the touch but Creed is sucked so far into his suffering that he doesn't even notice. I swallow my fear deeply before grabbing his face between both of my hands. His jaw is rough with considerable stubble but I find that I don't mind the feeling of it all that much. I stroke my thumbs against his skin a couple of times to help collect all of my courage before I lean over and lay a chaste kiss on his chin. His body stiffens beneath mine signaling that he is now more than aware of his surroundings and I fight the urge to try and flee again as I continue to rub his jawline laying another kiss right next to the previous one. He likes kisses. That's why I'm doing this...I'm trying to make him feel better is all. This has nothing to do with the fact that I've obsessed over every plain of his body, every catch of his eyes. He looks at me now with those eyes that tell me I've just blown every one of his fears to hell. I burn up all over as if his gaze is transmitting the heat of the sun. I don't know what to say now so I just give him another quick kiss on his cheek. "Maybe you should go take a shower, make yourself look like a person." I whisper scratching my nails through his wild hair in a last ditch effort to comfort him.
He shoots me an amused grin as his palms come to life on my back touching me softly but with power. "Are you implying that I don't look like a person right now?"
"You do vaguely resemble one of those funky haired alpacas. It's definitely a look." I shoot back before shrugging my shoulders. "Although I could probably get used to it," My finger catches one of his curls and twists it. "Maybe it's time for haircut."
"You offering to cut my hair?" He muses giving me a toothy smirk.
I dig both my hands into his locks and pull a little, shaking his head. "Do you think it's a good idea to let me near you with scissors?"
There's still a smirk on Creed's face but after I say this it carries a different atmosphere behind it. His lashes droop, hooding his eyes and all of a sudden I'm very aware of his palms sliding down my whole back, across my pajama clad butt to grip my upper thighs. My breathe catches in my throat and my whole body vibrates in anticipation. "I'm going to kiss you now Bobby." The statement is simple and to the point and I know what he's trying to get across by saying it. It's a warning. A warning that If I want to get away from him I better do it now.
Only getting away from him is the last thing I want to do as the gentle caress of his thumb on my thigh causes goosebumps to sprout all over me. He waits a second longer, for a negative response, before leaning in but right before his lips meet mine I slap my palm over his mouth. He jolts blinking more than once in surprise, his pretty ambers searching my face. I can see the confusion and displeasure clearly in the tilt of his brows as he realizes that I've stopped him. "Neither of us have brushed our teeth. So I'm doing us both a favor by nipping that in the bud." I snort, giving him a snooty little grin before moving to get off of his lap. A couple more hours of sleep sounds delightful, but before I can even put one foot on the ground Creed is hoisting me up in his arms as he rises from his spot on the couch. Shocked by this unexpected turn of events I gasp and grab onto his shoulders wrapping my legs around his waist instinctively as the ground gets further away. I'm about to demand to know what he's doing but I quickly realize that he's carrying me down the hallway and to the bathroom.
The large man kicks the door open with his foot before placing me on the edge of the sink. I watch astonished as he reaches into the cupboard to the left of the mirror pulling out both of our toothbrushes and a tube of paste. He seems incredibly worked up as he maneuvers around me to dampen them before he squeezes the minty goo onto his blue one and sticks it into his mouth. Is he really doing this right now?
Apparently so, as he then does the same to my brush before looking at me and holding it up to my mouth. Despite the rather strange scenario the look in his eyes is tugging at a place deep in my gut sexily as if he's trying to lure something that's buried deep inside. I say nothing and open my mouth letting him place the brush inside before I reach up and begin scrubbing vigorously. As I clean my mouth all I can think about is the way that his hips are pressing between mine. The way my legs wrap around him as if they were meant to be there. I let my eyes wander up his torso appreciating the fit of the ribbed v neck that he slept in. When my eyes reach his mouth I can't help the smile that starts to smear my face at how adorable he looks with toothpaste gathering at the corners of his lips. Finally, I look into those tiger-like eyes, I'm shocked to see that his pupils are blown to the next galaxy, and to think it was all from that light-hearted banter. I should've known I was playing with fire.
Creed's eyes shift and he searches the bathroom urgently realizing that he doesn't have any glass to use for rinsing our mouths. His shoulders tense and he lets out an aggravated grunt before he's giving me a pointed look and gesturing at the sink for me to stay put. I don't respond and he rushes out of the bathroom and down the hallway to the kitchen.
As he leaves I release a very unattractive snort. The things he will do just to kiss me. I play with the idea of shutting the bathroom door on him just to see what would happen, but before I can he's popping back into the room with two glasses full of water, his toothbrush hanging haphazardly from his lovely lips. He hands me one and I take it holding it in my free hand as I brush my tongue. I peek up at Creed only to see that he is already rinsing his mouth, his striking amber eyes watching me from above the lip of the glass.
Good god stop looking at me like that.
My chest heaves with the weight of his attention and I lift my glass taking a mouthful of water and swishing while rinsing my toothbrush in the glass. When I'm done Creed rips my toothbrush from my hand and quickly puts it back where it goes. While he does that I dump the contents of the glasses into the sink trying to distract myself from the obvious fact that this whole thing was just so that we can make out. I'm not even entirely comfortable with the fact that I like the idea of his lips on mine, yet here I am. The cupboard door slams knocking me out of my momentary stupor and I turn only to have Creed grab my face roughly in his hands. "Now?" he questions his gaze drifting from my eyes to my lips impatiently.
"Well aren't we in a hurry?" I muse leaning back a little bit.
A groan that's borderline growl rips from his throat as he leans closer his hands dropping to the counter and knuckles turning white from his grip on the edge. "Bobby."
"Yes?" My voice comes out in a teasing manner but I can feel myself melting under his gaze.
"Am I kissing you or not?" He grinds out shifting so his weight is all in his center, pushing against my groin.
I consider his question for a second as his volcanic eyes stroke my body with liquid fire.
When I first woke up in this place I thought I didn't have a choice; that everything that happened to me from there on would be out of my control. Now that I know Creed better I realize that I'm the only one who gets to choose. I can say no if I want and he'll just accept it because he's a better man than those of his past.
I clear my throat cautiously. "What if I say no?"
Creed's eyes are deeply considering as I ask my question and I can see the muscles in his arms move beneath his shirt. "If you say no Bobby then you can go back to bed and I will remain here to take a cold shower." He's leaning away as if this isn't a hypothetical question, as if he already anticipated that I would say no to him. He holds out his hand and gestures at me to get off of the counter. I take his hand but instead of moving to get off of the counter I bring the limb to my lips laying a simple kiss on the top.
His body trembles noticeably and his head drops so he's looking at the floor. "Damn it Bobby. Be clear with me."
"What? I'm kissing you." I respond. "Isn't that what you wanted?"
The older man's eyebrow quirks up in dry amusement as he steps closer to me closing the space that he made only seconds ago. My body is a live wire thrumming with the closeness. The closeness that's taboo but more tempting than anything I've ever encountered in my life. "Why are you acting like this?"
I swallow and lean forward a little putting my hands on the counter. "I've gone insane because of you," I assert. It's the ugly truth and I want him to know. I've surrendered to the fact that I'm a goner. I think about him every day, all day. I think about the warmth that he leaves behind in the bed when he gets up for work. I think of the broadness of his back as he stands at the stove cooking me food even though I'm more than capable of cooking for myself. When he showers I listen to the running water and imagine him underneath it. "I've completely lost my mind. I want to make you lose yours."
Creed's palms cover mine as he leans even further so close to my mouth that my eyes are hooding just to look at him. "You made me lose my mind a long time ago Bobby Lee." He whispers. The bathroom air is thick, heavy as if someone had just taken an hour long hot shower. "I'm going to fucking kiss you, if that's not what you want slap me in the face now."
My hands meet his face, but not to slap it.
His mouth is dry but soft against mine and I let myself get used to the feeling of us pressed together before I shyly bite into his lower lip. This isn't the first time that we've kissed, but it feels like it is as his tongue cautiously licks at me, a silent request for entrance. I allow the wet muscle to slide against mine a geyser inside of me activating with the satisfied groan that rumbles from Creeds throat. My fingers stroke across his jaw and up into his hair gripping the locks there harshly as I try to pull him further into me. It's as if this prompts something dangerous inside of him, something rough and raw. Something that I'm senseless enough to love. His mouth crushes mine in a fit of lips and teeth that leave me panting.
His hands are hard as they grip my thighs and tug them just a little further apart giving him room to roll his hips against mine. I let go of a startled moan entranced by the rhythm that he's set. I like it. No I love it. The way that I tingle all over, the swell of my dick in my pajamas. I've never felt like this and it's a damn shame. Creed's lips leave mine as he presses a trail of open mouthed kisses down the side of my jaw. My head lulls back on its own giving him all the access he needs as he begins to leave a pattern of dark marks across my throat. I feel his urgency in the way that he bites and sucks, stroking his tongue against the skin to soothe away the pain before he's sucking again. A flush blooms all over my being, my panting breaths loud in the small tile room, causing echos of myself to assault my ears. It's almost worse than silence.
God, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I'm not sorry at all.
I cry out abruptly as Creed's hips slam harder, the feeling of his erection pleasurable and stiff against mine as he rocks. The sound grabs his attention and he slows grabbing my chin in one hand with a concerned shadow in his already hooded ambers. "Do you want me to stop?" The words are open and honest, a little bit breathy and I think of how terrible that would be to just stop in this moment. How unfair. "Bobby, do you need me to stop?" He forces out again. I shake my head, shake it harder than ever, before I hastily throw an arm over his shoulder.
"I..."Swallow,"...I don't want you to stop."
This response seems to be good enough for Creed as he lays a gentle kiss on my throat and begins rotating his hips slowly albeit intensely against me once again. I lean back against the mirror my body stretching uncomfortably above the sink but I don't care as long as I have enough leverage to push my groin to meet his. As long as I can feel us against each other. Creed notices though, wraps his large arms around me heaving me against him for the second time and pushes me onto the bathroom door instead of the sink, effectively closing us in. He licks his lips wolfishly his gaze raking over my face, distracted by the violent bite of my teeth on my lips as I concentrate on the feeling of his length. Frustration builds because I can barely feel his erection against mine with the fluffy fabric of our matching pajama pants in the way. I let my eyes connect with his, self-conscious with the words that I can already feel tearing from my mouth.
"More....more skin..."His eyes snap down as he thrusts against me his palms sliding from my thighs as he allows me to slip down the door, my feet touching the ground. My limbs are trembling and I'm glad that I have the door to lean against otherwise I would've taken a very quick trip to the floor.
"Are you sure?" Creed questions but it rolls out like gravel as he glances at me with darkening eyes, his long fingers toying with the hem of my pants. I nod desperately my hip flexors pulsing from the strain of our activity, but I don't care about the pain right now. To show my commitment to my words I reach up and pull off my shirt tossing it into the sink carelessly. He watches quietly before mimicking me his shirt landing on top of mine in the porcelain bowl. He reaches out to me, his thumbs stroking my hip bones comfortingly before he's pushing my pants and briefs down and over my erection, the clothing landing in a pile on the floor with a soft sound. He bites his bottom lip as his hands grab my naked hips again pulling me toward him slightly his gaze glazing over as if he's simply taking a moment to worship me. I get even harder with his attention and I feel more than see the bead of pre-cum that forms at my tip. Creed licks his bottom lip and grabs his own pants dropping them to the floor far more quickly than he did mine.
"Holy-" I shudder watching the thing as if it'll come to life any second.
Creed grabs each of my temples in his hands and kisses my forehead whispering heatedly in a way that I can tell is meant to pacify me. "Don't be afraid."
"But-"I start to protest but stop myself because I don't know what I'm so afraid of. I asked to feel him, that was all me.
"Here." Creed's fingers stroke down my neck with intent, massaging my shoulders before his hands find mine holding them gently as he gradually leads them to his cock. I shiver as if an icy breeze just blew through the room, but at the same time it feels as if the earth's core is exploding inside of me.
I'm going to hell. I think this as my fingers stretch tentatively touching Creed's bulging head. I swallow nervously the sound of it loud in the tiny space. His flesh is searing hot and the veins are pulsing in a way that makes it look painful. He lets out a shuddering exhale and places an arm on the door behind me letting it take some of his weight. "I'm sorry." He whispers, his forehead falling onto my shoulder, and I don't think it's directed at me but I tell him that there's nothing to be sorry about anyways as I tighten my grip on him and pump his erection.
The sound of his pleasure turns me on and I watch the pre-cum slip from his head as I milk him. I gently wipe over it with my thumb and Creed groans, losing himself as his shoulders tighten.
"Fuck." This prompts a groan from me, the language-because Creed doesn't swear often. I can feel the raw need as the air from his gasp hits the sweaty flesh of my neck. "I'm fucking sorry." He whispers again as he pushes his head off of me coming closer wrapping his hand around my shaft. Pulsing. Needy.
"Mmmm...shit." I bite the inside of my cheek, Creed's palm hot and tight as he presses so close to me that we are breathing each other's air. Creed tries to get me to let go of him but I can't. I won't, so instead he grabs my dick and presses me against his member. Our fingers brush and then he's rolling his hips, whispering incoherently in my ears about fate, love and the universe and all of a sudden I see it. I see the universe in the scars on his shoulder, scars that I haven't ever noticed, in the rhythm of his body pulsating with mine. I meet his thrusts moving into our palms like an eager puppy. He tongues my bottom lip before licking all the way into my mouth as I open up for him.
Piercing pleasure shoots up my bottom half with every rub and stroke of our groins. I jerk as I feel a gorgeous tug, a tug like I'm about to spill all over the floor. Creed's other hand grabs my hips roughly and he gyrates into me his thumb stroking the space right underneath my hip bone.
Suddenly I'm the one saying sorry as I orgasm my come spilling over our hands, over our cocks. I'm sorry to my father for loving when he hates. I'm sorry to my mother for shuddering with pleasure when she's shuddering in pain. I'm sorry to Kimmy for making promises that I can't keep. I'm fucking sorry that I love the way Creed's teeth rip into my neck as he bursts, love the way that his fingers-stained with our mingled orgasm-grasp my hips as he whispers against my temple.
"There's nothing to be sorry about."
Just kidding, you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. You live your life the way you want to. Don't let me tell you what to do. In all honestly though I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was actually my goal to post this once I finished writing the next chapter but I got so busy that I didn't finish the next chapter in the time that I hoped to...and then this got delayed two months. It's fine....right? Tell me it's fine........please. I've started an actual adult job/career thingy and it's scary as all hell but I'm hopeful. Wish me luck world.
And once again with all the sincerity i have in my body: Thank you guys so much for being there for me. This is a community that I feel I truly belong to. I know in my heart that I can always come here and be blessed with the presence of some good folks with similar interests and not be judged. My heart goes to you guys. Thanks for being top-notch cool-cats.
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