Hey guys! This is a little bit of a filler chapter since I'm trying to get back into flow of writing and it's also a little short but I hope you like it since I pretty much rewrote it a hundred and fifty times. I apologize for being such a waste lately but it happens. I STILL LOVE YOU ALL AND YOU ARE STILL MY LOVELIES!
Don't blink.
Don't blink.
Don't you dare look away.
Looking away is a sign of weakness. You are not weak. You are a man Bobby Lee, so you better start acting like one. You stare right into those terrifying eyes and act like they don't make you want to wet your boxer briefs. This is the first step towards rebellion my friend, not that you haven't been rebelling since you got here but still.
You are equals.
He isn't any better or any stronger than you. You've got what it takes.
"Are we participating in a staring contest right now Bobby?" Creed asks sitting still at the counter as he watches me. "Because I can assure you that if that's what this is I will win. I am fully capable of watching you all day without blinking. I've done it many times previously."
Of course you have you bastard. I narrow my eyes in agitation but continue to make eye contact with the beast.
"Aren't you bored Bobby?" Creed questions shifting slightly but still keeping his eyes on mine. "I bought some things for you today." I study him silently as he reaches under the cupboard his eyes still on mine while he hefts two large bags out. One looks to be filled with an assortment of board games, and the other with video games. Don't fall for it. You may have spent forever in this room staring at the ceiling with nothing to do but don't you dare fall for it. "I observed you yesterday and gathered that you are disturbed with the lack of activity in your day so I went and got you these." He shakes the bag of board games lightly and it's only then that I realize that I've broken eye contact while his remains stable.
"You can play these with Chip the next time him and Mr. Tetera come to visit." He shakes the other bag. "These you can play when you're bored throughout the day." I wait for a couple seconds weighing my options. To take or not to take that is the question. "Inform me of what snacks you prefer and I will make sure to stock the kitchen with them so you can eat them throughout the day as well. Is this satisfactory Bobby?"
Grrrrrr.....aww shit. Quickly I throw my hand out and Creed grins coming around the counter and handing me the bags. I sort through them nodding my head as I browse the items inside. Creed watches me with interest as if I'm doing something foreign that he's never seen before. Finally after I've dumped all of the items out onto the bed I look up at him and nod. "Acceptable."
Ten minutes later I'm forced into playing a game of Life with Creed. The board is spread out on the bed and I scoot as far away from him as physically possible without falling off of the bed. "Set it all up. You'll be the banker." I order handing him the container with the money in it. He looks at it with an expression of confusion on his face.
"I've never played."
"You've never played Life?" I question seriously, looking at him in disbelief.
He stares at the bed almost sheepishly before looking back up at me. "I've never played any games."
"How did you get these if you didn't even know what to get in the first place?"
He puts the bank on my side of the bed before folding his arms. "I inquired one of the saleswoman as to which of the games are the most prevalent and then I purchased them."
"Just like that?"
He nods. "Just like that."
"You are such a freak." I shake my head and hand out the needed cards. "How does a kid not play board games growing up?" Creed doesn't say anything and instead meticulously places all of his stuff in a line. After teaching him the basic gist of the game we get started. "Are you going to college?"
Creed watches as I place my car on the college route. "I never attended college."
"Seriously? What's up with the Professor speak then?" Creed just shrugs and places his car on the other route. As we get to playing the game I can't help but notice how literally he takes everything. He lands on a space saying he donated to a fundraiser he instantly denies ever doing so, and then he continues to question me about what the goal of the fundraiser is and demands to read their mission statement. There isn't any questioning that this man is insane.
"I'm getting married." I state reaching down and picking up a little pink figurine from the box. Faster than the speed of light Creed reaches over and rips the little woman right from my fingers.
"Hey what the fuck!"
"You can't get married." He states putting the plastic to the side of him for safe keeping. I sigh and reach for another figure but he takes the box quickly and tosses it across the room all of the pieces flying around with a clatter.
"Oh my god what is your problem? It's just a game!"
"It's not a game it's life!" He snaps. "This isn't realistic at all! Perhaps one doesn't want to get married? Huh? Why must it be a required step? Where is the practicality in this game? These good situations are entirely unlikely and the bad circumstances aren't covering a wider spectrum."
"What are you talking about?"
"This game is foolishly predictable when life is anything but. Where is the haphazard chaos? Where is the your-spouse-has-been-ferociously-murdered space? Where is the you-get-disgustingly-inebriated-still-stubbornly–choosing-to-drive-your–companions-home-but-instead-send-them-to-their-deaths space? How is this life when there is no living at all?"
I clutch at my head in frustration holding my breath before letting it out to look up at my captor. "How can you call that living?" Quickly I throw my hands out gesturing to the room around us. "How can you call this living? Do you even have a job? Are we just going to stay down here forever? I want to see the goddamn sun! We should be fucking grateful that there's not a you-just-got-kidnapped-by-a-crazy-fucking-psycho GAME OVER space or else this would be the saddest game of life ever!" A look of hurt crosses Creed's face but before anything more can be said his cell phone rings. I sigh as he gets up watching with agitation as he speaks into the speaker his face showing no expression now whatsoever.
Angrily I grab all the pieces as well as the board and stomp over to the door where the box lies on the floor. All of this because I was going to get married in a stupid game. Creed hangs up and saunters over to the closet snatching his leather jacket from a hanger and shrugging it on.
"I'm going out with Theo. Stay here and be good." He orders. I scoff.
"I'm not your dog."
Creed rolls his eyes as he steps over me opening the door which I take the chance to stand and bolt towards before he grabs me around the waist pressing me against the frame as he takes my jaw in his palm. "No you aren't, dogs are obedient." I narrow my eyes at him but say nothing in return. He sighs and closes his eyes before leaning over and kissing me gently on the cheek. I flush but avert my eyes as if that will make it unnoticeable. "I'm sorry, that was despicable. You're stunning, please go back inside I'll be back later." He grabs me by the waist and softly pushes me back into the room shutting the door behind him.
I feel a frown settle on my face at his departure but make sure to discipline myself with a self-inflicted slap to the cheek. You aren't sad that he's gone you pathetic fool, just pick up this shit and go to bed.
I do just that fixing the pieces back into the box before putting it away in a closet designated strictly for me only. I stride to the bed gathering up the other things Creed bought me and placing them inside as well before shutting the door. Cautiously I tip toe to the front door twisting the knob with my fingers crossed behind my back but it's a no go. He still remembered to lock it.
I just want to see Robin and Tyler again. I want to see Kimmy and my mom and dad. Is that so much to ask for? Morose I shove myself under the covers and turn off the lamp next to the bed listening to the quiet still of the night. It's all I have for company as my eyelids flutter and my breath begins to deepen.
It's at around two in the morning when a loud crash wakes me up. Confusion packs my mind as I still myself catching sight of a dark shadow on the ground next to the couch. Immediately the urge to shoot up and run for it fills my muscles but instead I clamp my hand over my mouth to silence my breathing. Is that Creed? Could it be someone else? I don't even know how many people have access to this room. Maybe he gave a key to Theo and he came to get rid of me in a valiant effort to clear Creed's name? It's completely plausible. There's a quiet grunt and then a pained moan joined by the plinking of shifting shards of glass. I wait for a minute or two to see if the dark figure stands before ever so slowly slipping out of the bed and onto the floor. As soon as I deem myself hidden enough I crawl forward to peek past the couch. There on the other side is Creed laying in a crumpled mess on the ground with glass all over him and a lamp shade at his side.
What is wrong with that idiot? Quickly I stand rolling my eyes before flicking on the lamp next to my side of the bed. Creed looks up at me curiously before sending me a tiny smile. He shifts again attempting to sit up but hisses in pain. I fold my arms over my chest and study him cautiously with a critical eye. "Are you okay?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
A sweet grin paints his face and he laughs. "I'm drunk. I think. Or am I? Are you?"
Oh my Gosh.
Seriously? Is this really happening right now?
Creed winces and reaches up rubbing his hand into a large cut on his forehead that is bleeding with a smooth trickle. He takes his hand away and glances at it frowning adorably. "Blood." He states. I narrow my eyes turning away to get the vision of red out of my head. What I see nearly stops my heart.
The door.
The door is open.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
What do I do?
Do I run?
Will he chase me?
But he's bleeding....
Holy shit why is this so hard?
Maybe if I'm quick enough I could get him fixed up and then escape? The door will still be open anyways...
Faster than I have ever moved in my life I dive onto the floor next to Creed and loop his arm around my shoulder pulling as hard as I can. He reaches up and strokes my face with his other hand. "You're so pretty."
"Sure big guy." I say leading him to the bed as I trip over my own feet. "How about you lay down and I'll get you fixed up?" Creed nods and collapses onto the bed stretching his muscles with a manly grunt. I practically skip my way down the hall to the bathroom digging through the drawers while I hum a little tune. Where is that first aide kid? Ah! There it is! I skid down the hallway in my socks landing on my knees to the side of Creed. He is staring up at the ceiling blankly as if there is something of upmost importance on his mind. I grab something to clean the blood off of him revealing the cut, which is of average size. Creed begins to hum and then belts into a song about someone named Verona that sounds familiar.
"Verona!!!!! Ooooo oooo ooo VERONA! ooo ooo FROM THE FIRST TIME THAT I SAW YOU!! VERONA, I KNEW!!! THAT TOMORROW WOULD BE DIFFERENT!!! WITH A LADY LIKE YOU!!!!" I have sneaking suspicion that I'm Verona but I choose to ignore it allowing him to continue to belt out that one verse repeatedly while I disinfect the cut as gently as I can. Finally I get a bandage on it with quite a bit of difficulty seeing as how he's gotten really into his little performance flinging himself all over the place.
"Alright go to sleep." I command.
"I'm not tired."
"Okay well then..." I glance at the counter and grab a magazine tossing it at him. "Read that." He obeys opening it up while simultaneously blocking me from his view. I take that chance and run not bothering to dress myself. Who cares if I'm wearing clothes as long as I end up at home? The hallway is just as dark as the room was before and I stumble around stubbing my toe multiple times. Groaning in aggravation I finally find a staircase with my hands and stagger up it meeting a flat surface above my head. Confused I reach up and push it with my hands. It gives a little so I bite my lip and give it a bigger shove. I practically shriek with ecstasy at the feel of a light breeze and fresh air. "Yes...yes!" I pull myself out and feel the earth beneath my feet shivering a little. "YES!" I don't stick around any longer than I have to. It only takes seconds before I'm running as fast as my feet can take me, the darkness of the forest an afterthought as I run as far as I can possibly take myself.
This is it! I can make it! I don't know how long I've been down there but I've finally made it out! I'm hoping at the most it might take me a week or so to get home but once I do I'm going to give the cops a composite sketch of Creed and then they're going to catch the bastard! I snicker at the thought as I stumble through the darkness the cool of the night air brushing against my flesh. Gosh it's cold. A lot colder than I thought it would be.
I wonder how my parents are doing. Has my missing case taken to TV? What happened to Robin? The last thing I remember from home is her in her window...did she tell the police what she saw? They would probably think she was crazy if she told them that the ice cream man came to my house in the middle of the night and kidnapped me. I sigh and watch a plume of mist spread out in front of me, is it me or is it getting colder out here? Come to think of it....I don't even know which direction to go. Am I going towards civilization or am I just stumbling deeper into the forest?
I guess technically either way it will be pretty hard for Creed to find me. Shaking my head free of negative thoughts I keep walking tripping over fallen branches and the like. I hope Kimmy is okay...I wonder what mom and dad told her...they probably said I just went away for a while. Poor kid, and she was so sick too. I hope she's better now. At least she has King Arthur to keep her company. She'll probably show him off to all of her friends at school. I hear a twig snap and freeze...he couldn't possibly have found me already. I stay silent for a couple more uneventful minutes before shrugging and continuing with my walk. I briefly entertain the idea that I might get murdered as I crash through the forest stupidly but then I consider the fact that the worst has already happened. What could be worse than living in an underground bunker with a crazy psycho? Nothing.
Here's to a safe trip.
It seems like a year later that I start to lose feeling in my legs, my fingertips have gone numb, my nose is frozen and the tips of my ears are icicles.
"What do I do?" I whisper into the darkness before looking up past the trees at the moon. I had hoped that the dull light would be enough to help lead my way but obviously I was wrong. Everything looks the same and the longer I walk the colder I get. Rubbing my nose I turn around and look back into the direction I came from. There's no way I'm going back, I've got to keep going. My optimism only lasts a little while longer before my teeth are chattering and I finally lay down next to a large tree. The bristles stick out quiet far providing me with a little shelter as I drag myself closer to the trunk of the tree. I think...I'll just wait to keep going until morning. At least it will be a little warmer by then. I bite my chapped lips and wrap my arms around my legs peering under my cover into the dark night. What a perfect scenario to be murdered or attacked by a large animal. I groan at the thought and burrow myself farther into my little den. That's just fantastic! I finally escape my captor's man-cave only to be eaten by hungry wolves. That's a real tragedy. I get kidnapped only for my body to be found torn apart by wild dogs. My mother will throw a fit. What time is it anyways? It was nearly three-thirty when I left Creed's place so it's probably about four-thirty now. I'll just wait until the sun comes up, at least then I'll be able to see where I'm walking. Just a few hours is all it takes, until then I just gotta keep an eye out for anything suspicious, like wild animals or Creed. Just....stay....awake.
What are you doing here mom? Am I home already?
"Are you okay? You're freezing! Bobby wake up!"
Can't I sleep just a little bit longer?
"Creed!! Is he okay?!"
Creed? What is Creed doing here? I though I left him wasted on his bed with a National Geographic?
"He's not waking up, and his body temperature is extremely low. We must get him home immediately."
"No offense Creed but you're place isn't the best location for someone in his condition to make a full recovery. We should hurry and take him on back to mine. I'll call Chip and tell him to get his room ready for Bobby."
Chip? Theo?
"No Creed! Listen to Theo he's right! I'll join you and make him some soup. Do you have a space heater at your place Theo?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Sweetie could you swing by the house and grab the heater?"
"Sure thing."
"Thank you very much Luce"
"Not a problem big guy. What are friends for?"
Luce? Ange? What are they doing here?
"Come on let's get him back."
Back? Back where? NO! NO! I don't want to go back! I tried so hard to get away! What's the point if I just get taken back! Why are you letting this happen mom? Mom? Mom where are you? MOM!!!!!!
"Ugh!!" I groan as my eyes flicker open and light floods my vision.'s so blinding. Slowly I turn my head and look at my surroundings. I'm in a bedroom of sorts the walls are a light green that reminds me of spring and the bed that I am laying in is placed in a corner of the room, the bedspread tucked tightly around my body. This isn't my room...where am I? Next to me is a small brown wicker nightstand that holds a lamp and an empty glass. A large chair is nestled right next to it facing me as if someone had been sitting there watching and next to it is a rather large space heater aimed directly at me. Gradually and with much difficulty I push myself up into a sitting position my body aching awfully. I'm almost tempted to lay back down as my blood rushes to my head and a harsh ache starts to pound away at my skull but I grit my teeth and ignore it. Groaning in pain I push myself to me feet and shuffle to the open doorway peeking out into the hallway. To the left there is another bedroom with clothes all strewn about as if they had been haphazardly shoved in at the last minute. To my right is a staircase that leads down to the rest of the house. Cautiously I make my way down the steps careful where I place my feet since I'm incredibly unbalanced at the moment and considerably shakier than usual. I rub my palms against the rather large pair of fuzzy black pajama pants that I'm wearing and shuffle down a small hallway before peeking into the kitchen.
Of course my mother is not there. Instead I see a very familiar and extremely unwelcome group of people. Ange is at the stove worrying over a pot of something with Luce leaning against the counter next to her most likely in case she is in need of any help. Sitting on a bar stool at the counter is Chip who looks like he isn't in the best of moods as he crunches into a slice of bacon from a platter in front of him. Behind sitting noticeably near is Theo Tetera digging into a plate of eggs, bacon and waffles like there's no tomorrow as he talks to Creed who is sitting next him doing almost the exact same thing. At the sound of my entrance they all look up. I barely notice Kello leaning against the back door across from Theo before Creed is springing to his feet and rushing over.
"Bobby! What do think you are doing out of bed! You're incredibly ill get back upstairs right now." I stare at him and then give the room another quick once over. "W...where's my mom?" Creed cocks his head in confusion before glancing over at Ange who sends me a quick smile.
"Sweetie your mom isn't here."
I shake my head. I know she was here. She swore....she never swears. "What?"
"Bobby your mother isn't present, nor has she ever been. It's has only been us in the house the entire time." Creed explains cautiously holding out his hand to grab my shoulder.
"Come on. We must direct you back to bed. You aren't well enough to be wandering around." I pull away once again to start to protest as I step farther into the room, but as if God is laughing in my face my leg gives out and I fall. Creed catches me quickly before I hit the floor. "Come on."
"What about mom?" I question looking back into the kitchen at the others as Creed carries me up the stairs. Ange peek her head around the corner and smiles.
"I'll bring up some soup for you in a little while Bobby." I don't respond and continue to stare at her. I don't know why but I feel so confused, and it's as if my mind is moving a hundred times slower than usual. Before I know it I'm back in bed and Creed is tucking me in exactly the same way as when I woke up before plopping down into the chair next to me. As soon as my head hits the pillow I yawn and stare drowsily across the room.
"Do you have any idea how apprehensive I was yesterday when I woke and you were missing? I almost lost my mind Bobby."
I guess it didn't work then.
Should've known.
"You can't lose what you don't have in the first place." I mumble as I study a framed drawing of a tree hung up across from the bed. It looks eerily peaceful but at the same time a little lonely.
"Bobby this isn't time for your antics! Can you even fathom the fact that you could've died? We were inconceivably fortunate to have found you when we did. Any longer and that would've been it. You were turning blue Bobby! BLUE! You were practically frozen in sleep. Hell you weren't even wearing any clothing! Who in their right minds wanders into the middle of the forest at night in just their underwear?" I roll my eyes. Who indeed. "Don't give me that look! What would your mother have said?"
"What the fuck do you care anyways?" I snap. "Like you have any right to say that! You think you were worried when I was gone? What about my parents? What about when they got home from the hospital and they found their house trashed and their son missing? Don't be such a selfish prick! Where do you get off complaining about this shit! Who in their right minds wanders off into the forest in the middle of the night? People who want to see their fucking parents okay? Is that alright with you? You're such a hypocrite! If you want to bitch fine...bitch but don't you dare say anything about my parents ever!"
Creeds eyes sharpen and he glares before rubbing his palms over his face. "The more you do this Bobby the more furious I get, and though I attempt to be as hospitable and benevolent as possible I as well have a boiling point and I've just about reached mine."
"Oh yeah? What are you going to do kill me? Please go ahead it beats living the rest of my life with you!"
It only takes half a second before Creed is on me my body tensing for a strong blow, but instead his lips crash down on mine with a passionate violence. I gasp moving to sit up but he grabs my arms and pushes me back down his tongue dipping into my mouth and the first coherent thought that runs through my head is...he shouldn't be kissing me I haven't brushed my teeth since the morning of the day I left and that's...pretty nasty. Even so a heat spreads though out my body, my flesh burning up as sweat starts to slicken my skin. I wasn't even this hot when I woke up to the space heater aimed at me. Oh my gosh what if he gets sick? As fast as I can I jerk my head to butt with his but instead of connecting it just moves my face closer. He's doing it again....that thing where he makes me super horny. I don't know how he does it but it's absolutely terrifying. It's almost like being caught in fortune teller's crystal ball, you know the kind with all the eerie looking mist inside. Everything is clear and then suddenly he's on me and I can't even think straight. I don't even remember what we were talking about. I flush as I feel my penis harden underneath the blankets, and I'm instantly relieved. Thank god! I thought it fell off in the forest somewhere it was so freezing out there. I'm knocked out of my thoughts as Creed's hand brushes against the outside of the blanket right against my erection. I shudder and he chuckles against my lips the deep baritone only adding to the pool of heat at the bottom of my stomach.
"Eh em" the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts us and suddenly I shriek like a little girl pulling the covers even closer to my body as if I have something to hide, its already pretty obvious what was happening in here. I bow my head below the covers in shame only peeking up to catch a glance of who it is. Ange is standing in the doorway with a very conflicted expression. Almost as if she wants to shriek and fangirl about what she just witnessed but also wants to castrate Creed for even daring to lay a hand on me. That's a pretty torn up woman right there. I understand Ange, I talk a big talk but for some reason as soon as he rubs against me I'm all for it.
We should make a support group.
Support for the Sex Deprived and Morally Conflicted
Catchy isn't it? Really I'm just a hormonal teenaged boy, I can't help it if I want to hump anything that brushes against my goods. I haven't had the chance to experiment with this part of myself yet. I was hoping to find someone to mess around with during senior year.
That's how that worked out....
Creed moves back to his chair not bothering to hide the painfully obvious tent in his pants as he licks his lips.
"Sorry to interrupt you guys."
Ange nods and lets herself in with a tray, on the tray is a bowl of warms soup, a glass of water and a cup of tea along with a couple of sugar cookies. "Here we are. I hope this is good enough I didn't want you over eating and then puking your guts out so I mainly wanted to keep with some liquids." I nod reluctantly accepting the tray as I sit up. Creed sits quietly watching me like a hawk as Ange sits down on the bed near my feet and smiles. "How are you feeling anyways? You weren't doing so well yesterday morning when we found you."
I swallow a spoonful of soup and shake my head. "Everything hurts. I feel like I got strangled by a sumo wrestler."Ange gives me a rueful expression before turning around at the sound of someone coming in. I nearly leap with joy at the sight of Chip's head poking into the room. "HEY!"
Chip beams and lets himself in. The deep green v neck sweater he's wearing brings out the green in his eyes as he leans against the wall keeping noticeably as far away from Creed as possible. "Hey, how are you?"
"I'm alright I guess. What about you?"
"Same old same old. Sorry you have to stay in my room. All these folks are taking up the guest rooms and some more guests will be arriving because Theo is throwing some big shot party or some shit."
"LANGUAGE CHIP!" I hear Theo yell from downstairs and I watch as Chip rolls his eyes in exasperation.
"Do I look like his little cookie cutter doll? I'm not a fucking prince."
"CHIP!" Theo yells again and it nearly sounds like he's about to come upstairs.
"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT KING SNOOPY I GOT IT!" Chip rolls his eyes and sticks his tongue out. "Jesus it's not like he's my father." He whispers kicking his foot against the carpet in annoyance. These two, dinner and a show.
"WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Chip moans childishly. I hear the sound of someone coming up the stairs and then Theo pops in next to Chip.
"Because you look nice all dressed up. Now would you please?"
Chip scoffs and rolls his eyes but even I can see the flush on his cheeks as he storms past Theo down the hallway and into the other room. Theo stares after him shaking his head silently before he turns to look at me. "You don't treat your parents like this do you?"
I shake my head. "No but you're also not his father so...." I trail off.
"Well do you treat your siblings like this?"
"Kimmy is little so she gets easily hurt and cries if I'm mean so no, but it's not like you're going to break down in tears if he's mean to you...are you?"
Theo scoffs and runs a hand through his perfect hair while glancing at the floor. "No."
Creed grins and Theo glares at him before turning and stomping down the stairs in the opposite direction.
I stare at the space where the both of them were standing before glancing at Ange who has a small smile on her face as if the fact that they were bickering was endearing. I'm not gonna lie, it kind of was.
"What's up with those two?" I ask sipping the last of the soup from my bowl. It goes down easily creating a nice pool of warmth in the bottom of my stomach.
She runs a hand through her hair brushing it all to one side before grinning brightly at me and Creed. "Who really knows?"
Before I can answer Creed leans over and takes my now empty tray from my lap and places it on the nightstand. I stay silent as he then grabs my covers and pulls them up to my neck and tucks me in. "You should probably get some more rest. It's going to be rather noisy tonight with Theo's party taking place so I want you to get as much sleep as possible before hand. If you feel better you can go down to the party and distract Chip so he doesn't make things hard on Theo. He rather enjoys doing that."
I'm about to protest before I realize that my eyes are already drooping. So instead of complaining I let my body melt into the bed and close my eyes ignoring the clinking of the tray as Ange takes it from the room. The last thing I notice before falling into a deep sleep is Creed laying a chaste kiss on my forehead before turning out the lights.
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