HI! It's me back at it again with some fluff! I really miss you guys! As always let me know your thoughts in the comments! Happy Reading.
- Rayne
Bobby is different.
Satiated....comfortable. Two things that I never considered he could be in my presence. I study him for a moment before I allow myself to release our members taking a step back. Our breathing is harmonized and His face is painted with gratification as he watches me move to the sink to cleanse my hands of our lust. "I'll go fix something to eat Bobby. You take a shower." I offer as I grab the doorknob gently pressing the young boy forward as to not knock him with the door. Before I can go too far he reaches out to me coiling himself around my arm and holding me in place.
"Let's....stay together." The flush from our erotic exchange is fresh on his face and it appears as if he is still attempting to recuperate as he addresses me.
"Bobby..."I begin to protest but it seems he has made his decision and he won't be contended with as he wrenches me further into the bathroom and slams the door closed. It nearly seems like a daydream standing in the same room as the young Asian boy, naked as the day we were brought to this Earth. He blunders his way to the shower bending over to turn the water on. Instead of the showerhead erupting with liquid, the faucet roars and the tub begins to fill with water.
"Let's take a bath instead." This declaration is made with a sultry glance over his shoulder and my insides twist at the implication.
"I think that a shower would be-"
"We'll take a bath instead." His words emerge with astonishing force and I fasten my mouth, too infatuated to disagree.
Something about him has changed, as if he's made a decision that I'm not entirely a part of. A decision that has given him confidence and pride so suddenly that I feel as if he could tell me to do anything and I would obey.
Not that I wouldn't have done so before....within reason.
"Creed." I snap to attention as Bobby beckons his lithe frame leaning in my direction so subtly that I almost fail to notice. "Get in."
Nodding I squeeze past the boy and step into the hot water, a tingle running up my legs as I shuffle forward and sit down. The tension in my muscles seeps away slowly and Bobby watches me as if I'm an animal on display. For a while it would appear that he's decided not to come in but the thought is quickly pushed aside as his lean legs dip into the water. He slides the shower door shut behind him and sinks down to his knees between mine causing a nest of bats to flurry in my gut. The tub is deep, deep enough that the water encompasses us in a warm blanket, filling the air with steam.
I am all too aware of Bobby between my legs and so is he as he glances down into the water at my manhood a flush rising to his cheeks. I avert my gaze and reach into the container hooked to the tile walls pulling out a bar of soap and handing it to the boy. "Wash." I say but it releases from my lips as an order. An order that Bobby submits to.
I observe languidly as Bobby scrubs his flesh his gaze flitting to me more often than not as if he has not abandoned the drunken haze that had settled over us not long ago. I humor the idea of scolding the boy for his wandering eyes but decide to let him be as he scoops some water from the tub onto his shoulder in order to wash off the soap suds. He stretches so like a cat leaning his body over me as he grabs the shampoo from over my shoulder and I study the pert pinkness of his nipples as they hover above me. Almost automatically my palms grasp at his sides holding him in place. He freezes for only a second before he's scooting forward in the water, tucking his knees in a position that allows him to straddle me comfortably.
I am not accustomed to this.
I am not accustomed to Bobby being so open and touching me so spontaneously. I startle, my palms grasping the edges of the tub, as a spray of water springs over my head but with it comes a combing hand. Bobby has already wet his head with the shower hose and has moved on to me his face concentrated as if he's conducting a very difficult task. He sets the shower hose down in the water and pops the lid of the shampoo squeezing some into his hand before rubbing it onto my head.
"Yeah?" he questions scrubbing his fingers through my hair earnestly.
"When I said to wash....I meant to wash yourself. I am perfectly capable of doing this." I point my finger at the top of my head as his dark eyes look down at me. He flushes but appears slightly affronted.
"You're being weird Creed."
Oh here we go again. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "How is that Bobby?"
"You used to look for excuses to touch me. Now all of a sudden it's like you want me to get away from you." His scrubbing becomes substantially more aggressive but he doesn't notice as he continues with his rant. "Is it me? Am I not what you thought you wanted? Or is it like that thing where you want what you can't have but then when you have it it's not interesting anymore?" There's panic in his eyes as if he caught something and so quickly is discovering that it is slipping from his fingers. "Am I....not....attractive now?"
He's spiraling.
I reach up and grab his arms pulling them from my head before attempting to look him in the eyes. Those eyes are downcast making it difficult but he can't look away from me for too long. "Bobby. It was quite literally minutes ago that you were pushed up against the bathroom door with my hand around your cock." His cheeks bloom and goosebumps rise on his upper arms and just as I had assumed his gaze is now meeting mine as if it was meant to be there all along. "It has nothing to do with you being uninteresting or unattractive. I am trying to give you space to breathe."
"But I don't want space. I've had space for weeks and I hate it. Am I not making that clear?"
"You are making it clear Bobby.......I am....not used to you being so....I don't know how to act when you..."
'When I what?"
I gesture at his position, the way that his legs are parted as he sits in my lap. It's as if he hasn't even realized that our naked flesh is touching, that I am still solid between us. "You don't like it?" His voice is deepening sensually as if becoming aware of the situation has impassioned him.
I shake my head quickly to stomp on any more of those self-conscious uncertainties that are building homes in his mind. "Of course I like it Bobby."
His hands resume their scrubbing as if I never removed them from my skull in the first place. "Then what's the problem?"
"The problem is that I've made up my mind to slow down and quite abruptly you are speeding up."
"What does that have to do with-"
"Do you love me Bobby?" He freezes. His face is still flushed but there's a hesitation...a doubt in his eyes. It's painful to look at but not unexpected. "You understand now?"
"You do not need to justify yourself Bobby. I knew that was the response that I would get when I asked. This is what I mean." I reach up and stroke a piece of wet hair out of his face. "You do not need to constantly offer yourself to me in order to assure yourself that I'm still interested...that you still have my attention. I'm already yours. Yes I enjoy kissing you. Yes I enjoy touching you but I don't need to do those things all of the time in order to love you." Bobby nods his eyes searching my face. "Stop doubting yourself. Now let's hurry up. I'm getting hungry."
For the remainder of the bath Bobby allows me to wash myself but he stays planted in my lap as he scrubs his own hair swearing loudly when he gets shampoo in his eyes. When we get out of the bath he tries and fails to make it look like he's not raking his eyes all over me. I ignore it as best as I can, handing him a towel and opening the bathroom door. "What should we eat?"
Bacon it is.
"Would you like me to turn the t.v on Bobby?" I question walking towards the remote control that I tossed haphazardly to the other side of the couch.
"ummm....only if it's not the news." He replies. I nod and turn the t.v on switching the station a couple times before leaving it on something that is definitely not news. "Pffft! Is this the Bachelorette?"
"I don't know what that is." I reply and toss the remote onto the couch next to him. Clearly he thinks it's amusing that I settled on this channel.
"It's a show about a lady choosing her one true love through a competition with lots of male competitors." Bobby says. His tone suggests that he's making fun of the t.v show but he sits more comfortably on the couch and stares at the screen with interest.
"That's not how love works." I find myself muttering as I pull out a pan. Bobby scoffs at me as if he knows what love is. Based on our earlier conversation he does not. As I'm cooking breakfast my phone vibrates incessantly causing Bobby to glance in my direction multiple times before turning back to the t.v. I don't concern myself with answering the call because I am already all too aware of who will be on the other side.
Benny Jones.
The man who raised me, the man who taught me to be better than those who created me. I lied to Bobby when I told him that I keep in contact with Benny. The truth is....the moment that I stepped into Bobby's home on that Saturday night....that was the night that I stopped contacting Benny. It seemed wrong for me to call and pretend that everything was okay. I had made the decision to do something that went against my very nature. Surely if Benny ever found out he would collapse from the shock. I didn't want him to know and If there is anyone that I cannot tell a lie to it is Benny Jones.
Benny doesn't play childish games. The moment he realized that my letter wasn't coming....that I wasn't calling....he began calling me. Initially it was once a week but as days went by without my response he started calling more frequently.
Currently he's calling me every day and it gets more and more difficult to ignore him. I miss him. Benny is truly a father to me so of course I miss him and the deeper down the rabbit hole I go the more I wish I could call him and ask him for forgiveness. If I ever saw him again I swore that I would get on my knees and beg him to understand. Beg him not to despise me.
"Aren't you going to answer the phone?"
I jolt nearly knocking the pan of scrambled eggs off of the stove but I catch the handle just in time and push it back into place. "No."
"Why not? Who is it?" Bobby strides over to my phone curiously and I force myself with extreme effort not to reach over and grab him.
"Benny? Who's Benny?"
I flip some bacon pursing my lips and glancing at the inquisitive boy. "My biological father."
"Oh....creamery Benny?" I nod grabbing a couple plates to lay out the food. "Why aren't you answering then?"
"I simply don't feel like answering right now."
Bobby slips himself onto a stool and folds his arms. "But is there a reason that you don't feel like answering right now?"
I gaze at him, placing his plate down. "No."
Bobby's alluring eyes stare at me-studying me as if he senses something amiss. I always knew that reading him would come as second nature to me. I never counted on the chance that the same could be said of him. "Something's wrong. You write him regularly. If he's calling constantly like this maybe something happened."
I shake my head pushing the bacon from my plate to his as a sudden wave of nausea overcomes me.
"You're a terrible liar Creed. Almost as terrible as I am." He bites into the bacon tentatively as if he too is experiencing nausea and I am reminded that as of recently he has had issues eating.
"If I discuss this with you will you try and eat at least half of what is on your plate?"
Bobby considers this with a weary expression on his face but the temptation of information is too great for him to pass up so he nods vigorously and crunches down on a crispy slice of bacon as if to provide further proof.
"Very well. I informed you before that I write to Benny regularly." Bobby nods chewing carefully and reaching for his glass to wash down the meat. "I lied." My chest swells with the all too familiar fear I experience at the thought of Benny discovering what I've done. "I haven't contacted him since May. Since the night that I brought you here."
The phone rings again as if punctuating this revelation and we both glance at it before looking at each other. "Why not?"
I shake my head reaching forward to rub at an insignificant stain on the counter as if having this to distract me will make thoughts of my family easier to cope with.
Bobby doesn't look away from me as he eats, waiting for my explanation while simultaneously coming up with his own theories as to why. "It's because of me isn't it?"
I glance up at him both surprised and unsurprised that he came to this conclusion so easily. The expression on his face is pure unadulterated guilt as if he's the one who has done something to make things turn out this way. As if it wasn't me who made the choices that brought us here. "I'm sorry" He whispers glancing down at his food. My chest burns with agony at the sight of him so distraught.
Reaching over I grab his hands in mine. His skin is soft and warm the personification of a hearth in a welcoming home. No...Bobby is my home. "There is no need for you to be sorry Bobby. I have made my bed and I am more than willing to lay in it when the time comes." I attempt to smile but I fear it comes out less reassuring and more uneasy.
Bobby's eyebrows scrunch together as if feeling all of the distress in my body mirrored inside of himself. "Don't talk like that. You aren't laying in any bed. I won't let you."
I almost laugh at his innocent expression of determination but I bite it back and reach up stroking the side of his face with my palm. "You are so sweet."
"I'm not sweet. Don't make that face. Nothing bad is gonna happen. It's a non-issue."
"Incredibly convincing."
"Don't patronize me Creed. I know that what Kello said the other day made you just as scared and worried as it made me. But you don't have to worry because I won't let anything bad happen to you. I'll protect you." Bobby's eyes fill with fierce resolve and I can't help but be charmed by his strength of mind, no matter how naïve it may be.
"My hero." I tease bumping his nose with my finger.
"Are you trying to make me angry?"
"Well that is just an unreasonable assumption. I don't need to try to make you angry you do a good enough job of that on your own." Bobby narrows his eyes attempting to glare at me but I can hardly see the whites around his corneas.
"Are you falling asleep again already?"
His mouth falls open and he scoffs. "Wha...I find that statement offensive. Clearly I have treated you too well recently. I will have to correct that."
A smirk finds itself at home on my face and I lean across the counter pushing my plate aside as I do so. "Bobby Lee you may treat me however you see fit. I will gladly surrender to you."
Blood seeps into the young man's cheeks and his gaze becomes heavy with desire. His body leans towards me as if seeking me out of habit. "You can't do that." He mumbles pushing his plate away as if it is causing a distraction.
I glance at it out of the corner of my eye checking to see that half of the plate has been finished as discussed and turn my attention back to the boy that holds my heart in his hands. "Do what?"
"You tell me that we have to go slow and then fucking say stuff like that and makes me..." He flushes the embarrassment of what He's about to say too much.
"Makes you what?"
Bobby shivers and hides his head in his arms. "I'm selfish." He finally mumbles after a minute. "Despite everything you were right. You've always been right, it's just so hard to say out loud." I tilt my head and wait for the young Asian boy to look up at me. When he does his face is a mix of so many emotions that it's nearly impossible to pick out just one. "I still remember what you said that day...about how I would yearn for you...about how one day I wouldn't dream of leaving. You were right. I want you every day when you aren't here. You're a constant thought in my're the only thought in my head. All I ever think about is you...your skin, your hands, your shoulders, your eyes. I'm so full of you but I still want more. I'm selfish."
There's a lunar eclipse in my chest. The explosion of a star and all that I can see is cosmic dust when Bobby looks up at me with those alluring eyes. I feel relief... an enormous sense of relief that he finally understands because that is exactly the same conundrum that I've faced within myself for so many years. "Bobby if feeling that way makes you selfish then what am I?"
He shakes his head and stands up coming towards me. As I watch him I lean back against the counter my gaze never leaving his lithe form. He moves with grace and purpose while at the same time looking irresolute. He stops in front of me wrapping his arms around my waist, a look of wonder hidden in his dark eyes as if he can barely believe himself that he is doing this. But quite swiftly his gaze loses that fleeting awe and is replaced with tenacity. "Creed....I want to kiss you....again...Actually....I want to kiss you all the time and it's not because I want to make sure that you still want me. I just....I just want to touch you. Is it okay if from now on If I kiss you all the time?"
The grin that pulls at the corners of my mouth is uncontrollable. I attempt to reign it control it but I quickly realize that I've never been in control...not once since I laid eyes on this boy have I had any manner of control. I have had the illusion of control but we both know now who holds all of the power. Tentatively I reach up and cup Bobby's face in my hands pushing my forehead against his as if this will stop the overwhelming wave of emotion. He's soft and the sensation of his flesh against mine is a comfort. "Bobby I would be honored if you would kiss me whenever you want to."
"Okay. From now on I'm going to kiss you the moment that you walk in the door."
"I am going to kiss you when you're cooking."
"And when you come out of the shower"
"And when we are lying in bed at night."
"Bobby Lee don't you think this is getting a little dangerous?" I warn my lips caressing the corner of his mouth. He moans gently as if my words have awoken something inside of him.
"Should I be scared?" He whispers his fingers finding their way underneath the cloth of my shirt.
"I think perhaps I am the one who should be scared No?"
"You could never be scared of me." Bobby mumbles, before leaning forward and laying a chaste kiss on my chin. The tone of his voice expresses that the mere thought that I would ever fear him is completely ludicrous.
"On the contrary I have been scared of you since the very first moment I looked into your eyes." Bobby's gaze is shocked but filled with adoration at this revelation as if the thought that I could be shaken by his very existence never occurred to him. He is a calamity, a catastrophe but I would let him rip me apart at the seams any day as long as he is looking at me. His arms grasp at me with even more greed than before and I stroke his brow with the pad of my thumb reassuringly. "You own me Bobby Lee. You have always owned me."
Just some fluff for you all. We are always in need of some good fluff. How are you all doing? I hope you are well. Remember self-care! I say that because I suck at self-care and I want you to be better than me. You guys are in my thoughts! Thank you for your never ending support. I know that I thank you every chapter but you guys deserve it and I don't do nearly enough for you. STAY SAFE! STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF! DON'T LISTEN TO THE HATERS AND REMEMBER HOW IMPORTANT AND SPECIAL YOU ARE!
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