Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening! I bring gifts. Just so we are all on the same page--this chapter takes place after Chip leaves Theo but before the Blue Planet coffee shop scene in Temper and the Rope. Since it's Creed and Bobby in this chapter the timelines diverge just a bit. Read on lovelies! And as always let me know what you think! HUGS AND KISSES!!!!!
It's during my nightly shower routine when I realize I can't stop thinking about Creed's hands. He was framing pictures the other day while I was playing video games and I couldn't help but notice how hard his hands looked. His hands are the type that appear rough, with veins like vines and a tenderness that seems so out of place, especially for a man who is capable of abducting someone.
Shaking my head I reach up to pinch my cheeks and rub water from my eyes as a familiar rush of shame bubbles through my body. Stop romanticizing Creeds hands Bobby Lee. Even with my own scolding I can't help the way that my mind wanders to the day we sat on the bed and he told me his story. I told him that I forgave him, and I do, but now I'm not sure if I can forgive myself for doing that.
As I shift in the shower a rush of dizziness floods through my head and I grab onto the tile wall to steady myself. My body has felt frail these past weeks. I thought I was sick but now I'm not so sure. I'm constantly sleepy and pretty much always alone because Creed has been working longer shifts. Something about multiple people quitting at the same time? So I sleep for a good twelve hours, play video games and then sleep some more. When Creed comes home my mood perks up a bit, but lately he's been keeping his distance.
I turn off the spray of water and listen to the sudden sound of Creed jingling his keys as he opens the front door and closes it behind him.
Ashamed with myself but also eager to be with the older man, I jump out of the shower and reach for my clothes only to find that they aren't there. I groan and squeeze my eyes shut cursing my forgetful self. What is it with me lately and this lack of concentration? I can't remember anything. I can't stay focused. I'm a useless piece of crap.
Annoyed, I glance at Creed's bathrobe which is hanging on the door. To wear. Or not to wear?
What's worse? Going outside with the robe on? Or going outside naked?
Going outside naked.
Nodding as if my decision is sound I reach up and tug the dark blue robe from the hook that holds it slipping my arms inside and tying it around my waist. The material is soft and the sleeves of the robe extend past my hands. I flush with how comforted I feel inside of the large piece of cloth.
I leave the bathroom turning off the light behind me and padding down the hallway that is filled to the brim with pictures of me. I glance at a couple with bizarre interest as I walk. There's one photo in particular that never fails to catch my eye. It's of me in my bedroom standing in front of my mirror in just my boxer-briefs, studying myself. In the mirror if you look closely enough you can see the reflection of Creed in the tree outside, taking the picture in the window. It leaves me in awe every time I see it that I never noticed the man behind me.
Sighing, I straighten my robe and continue down the hallway. When I walk into the main room I notice Creed at the stove already preparing food even though he just got home. Creed glances up as I enter his expression a mixture of boredom and exhaustion before it goes blank and his eyes study my figure a dark glint hidden in the depths of those ambers. I scoot past him and reach into the fridge to get a bottle of water.
"How was work?" I question trying to ignore the resentment I have at being left alone so often lately.
You shouldn't care Bobby Lee. You want to be left alone, remember?
"Draining." Creed responds his body turning toward me slightly as if it's only natural for his whole being to give me attention. His eyes remain on the stove as he mixes a pan of what looks to be the beginnings of stir fry.
"What did you do?"
"The usual."
"What's the usual?"
"Bossing employees around, correcting other people's mistakes, feigning that I actually care."
So he had a bad day. It seems to me like he's had a lot of bad days in succession. Well join the club, it's not like its magic carpet rides and racing unicorns in this hole in the ground. At least he gets to see other organic life forms. All I get to see are walls.
We fall into silence. I don't know what to say to him, and I'm sure he doesn't know what to say to me. While we've become cordial with each other there's still this unbreakable tension. Nothing's really changed if you think about it. I'm still trapped in a box underground. What's worse is that now I don't even really have Creed around to bug the hell out of me with theories of fate and the universe's alignment.
While there was always the pressure of our unique situation, the added strain of limited contact with each other is weighing heavily on the both of us. My lips part with the beginnings of some sort of response but nothings leaves my mouth. Instead I lean against the fridge and nurse my water bottle watching the way that Creed's arms flex as he cooks with concealed interest.
It feels like I haven't seen him in days when in reality I saw him this morning before he ran off to the hotel. Truly I've seen him for maybe a couple of hours collectively over the course of the last couple days. I hate to admit it even to myself but more and more often the time we've spent near each other is not enough.
I'm going insane. That's the only explanation. I haven't received any hugs from my friends, or any proud hair tussles from my father, or even a kiss on the cheek from Kimmy and mom. Physical contact is at an all-time low and it's starting to become more apparent the longer I go without.
I swish water around in my mouth as I stare at the honey colored skin of Creed's forearm and the unrefined fashion in which the muscles underneath the flesh move. With that thought comes the shameful memories of his hand on me. We should've known in that moment that what we did would become a constant rumination. Whenever I'm not focused on something in particular (which is quite often) my mind immediately replays the way it felt to be pressed up against a surface like that, sandwiched between the firm plain of the wall and the solid frame of Creed's body.
My eyes stubbornly and without permission shift down to glance at the powerful strength of the older man's thighs. I can already feel the breath leaving my body and the sweat collecting on the back of my neck.
I'm desperate to touch human flesh. That's what this is. God the shivers of pleasure that run up and down my body at the mere thought of just a hug. My eyes slowly travel back up Creed's torso appreciating the way his shirt fits before grazing over his adam's apple. The lump in his throat bobs as he swallows and I get the urge to touch the skin with my fingertips.
Stop it. I shake my head a bit to get rid of my creepy thoughts and glance up unintentionally locking my eyes with sharp ambers.
Holyshit. He saw me looking at him.
There's no way he didn't see me looking at him. My heart starts beating at a very unhealthy pace as I continue to stare into his eyes the silence of the room broken only by the sizzling of the pan.
He's the first to break eye contact as his attention is brought back to the food. His expression doesn't give away what he's thinking at all.
"What did you do today?" He attempts not even glancing at me.
I fold my arms and raise a brow amused with his lack of response. "Nothing. I slept all day."
This brings a look of concern to his face and he glances at me as he lifts the pan from the stove, scooping the contents onto a large platter. "You slept all day?"
I shrug. "I'm always tired and nothing seems worth the effort. Sleeping is the fastest way to get through the day." I walk around the counter and sit on a stool facing the older man as he brings out plates and silverware. The expression on his face tells me that he's not pleased with what I've said. "It's really quiet around here, what's the point of being awake? It's not like I have anyone to talk to."
"It's a box Creed. A concrete box. I can't hear the world, I can't see the world, I can't even touch the world. It's like I don't even exist." I shake my head and spear a carrot with the fork that Creed placed in front of me. "The only evidence that I exist is you, and you aren't even around to prove it anymore anyways." My irritation is starting to surface and I'm sure that Creed can recognize it because he's always been good at that sort of thing. Before I can even muster the energy to spear another vegetable Creed's fingers are grasping my chin and forcing me to look at him. The pleasure that I feel from the contact of his skin on mine is unexplainable. It's not necessarily a physical pleasure but more of an emotional one.
It scares me. What's even scarier is the fact that I'm starting to get used to feeling this way.
His intense gaze pierces me and I resist the urge to swell and preen under those attentive eyes. "Bobby Lee if you require something from me then you need to say it."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do." He responds.
I don't answer him and instead try to push down the flush in my cheeks as I force my gaze away from his face. He sighs and lets go of me turning slowly towards the bathroom. The way my flesh cools at his absence is painful. So painful that before I even realize it my hand is reaching out to catch his arm in order to stop him from leaving. His tiger like eyes are questioning as he turns back to look at me and his face is pulled into an expressionless façade that is built to intimidate and persuade.
"Stay." I mumble my pride bleeding just a little as I do, but I feel disgustingly desperate for his attention and I've been so alone that I'm slowly willing to throw it all away just to have those amber eyes on me.
The silence is even thicker than usual but it's a velvety thick that makes me feel like I'm floating. Creed slowly turns his body towards me again and I very nearly breathe a sigh of relief.
All he needs to do is sit down next to me. He doesn't even need to talk. I just need him to be here, because when he's with me I feel like I'm present. It's a feeling that I haven't felt in a while and it hits me that his attention is like a vice. Something I said I didn't want in the beginning but after being force fed I can't get enough.
My nervous heartbeat has slowed now that he's turned back to me but when his hand digs into my hair it nearly stops. I choke a little on the food in my mouth but try to hide it as what feels like a swarm of ants' crawls up my spine. I would say that he's touching me carelessly but the bigger part of me knows that any touch I receive from Creedence Van Nicholson is made with intent.
His form moves behind me so I can't see him and his strong palms firmly massage down the back of my head and onto my neck where his fingers trace the flesh lightly. Goosebumps rise all over my bare legs and I shiver only scarcely aware that Creed is tucking his fingers underneath the collar of the bath robe and pushing it gently off of my shoulders.
"W...What are you doing?" I stutter, my fingers letting go of the fork as they favor grasping the edge of the counter.
"You can tell me to stop." Is all that he says his voice reverberating through the air and stroking up my back. Conflict arises in my mind as I realize that, just as before, he's letting me know that I control what happens here. I could tell him to stop right now and nip this whole thing-whatever it is- in the bud.
I swallow and close my eyes shivering as his fingers continue to push the cloth down my arms until it finally bunches at my waist where the belt is tied in a haphazard knot. My whole back is ridiculously sensitive in this moment, I can feel the heat from Creed's body pulsing against my flesh and his hands kneading the knots out of my shoulders is doing something out of this world to me. Even the sound of his skin rubbing against mine causes tingles to shoot all over my extremities like a fucking firework show.
"Would you like me to stop?" He whispers. His voice is so close and has such an effect on me that I feel ashamed but I instinctively shake my head at the question. No. I don't want him to stop. His hands travel gently but firmly down my back and I can't stop the shuddering breaths that exit my throat as shivers wrack my whole body. I feel more alive in this moment than I have for a long time. I jolt as his fingers massage the area close to the base of my spine and lose my balance catching myself with my palm on his thigh. I hate to admit it but my crotch is swelling quite obviously, causing a clear tent to rise in the robe. I flush knowing for a fact that Creed can see it but also knowing I'm not embarrassed or uncomfortable enough to ask him to get away from me.
Creed presses closer against my back and I clear my throat uneasily at the hard presence of his own member poking into my spine. Creed must take this as a sign to step away because he begins to retreat his body heat fading too quickly for my liking. Instantly I'm grasping at his hands on my sides and pulling them around me to my front, signaling without words that I don't want him to go. Creed allows this and he sounds satisfied as his fingers graze my nipples. The pads of his middle fingers very softly stroke me and I begin to lose myself a little in the sensation of it. We are so overly involved in each other at this moment that when there is a loud knock on the outer metal doors we both jump in surprise.
Creed doesn't say anything but pulls away from me reluctantly before leaving to unlock the door. With heavy breathing and flushed skin I find myself glaring at the cupboards as if they will somehow find a way to make Theo turn around and walk in the opposite direction. Creed saunters into the room moments later, Theo babbling about god knows what behind him. He, of course, is giving Theo his full attention. Toxic jealousy spreads on my tongue but I try to keep it at bay. Calm down Bobby. He's his own person it's not like he belongs to us.
Wrong. He said he belonged to us remember?
When Creed finally turns to look at me, after shutting the door and locking it, his face grows serious and he gestures in my direction. "Bobby...your robe..."
I look down and realize I'm only just hanging onto my modesty with the robe barely clinging to my waist. Theo goes silent when Creed says this and glances at me.
"Did I interrupt something...?" he questions uncomfortably, trying and failing to not look at me.
Creed begins to shake his head and say no.
"Yeah actually, you did." My response is snippy albeit quiet and I'm absolutely shocked by it. I honestly didn't even realize the words had left my mouth until after they'd already been spoken. I try to mask my surprise with fake confidence and a glare as I begin pulling my robe back onto my shoulders. The silence that follows is more than a little awkward.
No one belongs to anyone.
"Bobby-" Creed starts with a scolding tone but I shrug before he can finish his sentence and hop out of my seat, pulling the robe tighter around me. I make my way to our bed and slide under the covers glaring at the opposite wall with my back to them. Holyshit, I don't even have a filter anymore.
"I...can come back." Offers Theo but of course Creed won't hear that. The sound of them moving to sit on the couch breeds frustration in my gut but I stay right where I am. I guess this definitely means he's not leaving anytime soon.
"No that's not necessary. Bobby is just presenting himself as particularly childish tonight." I scoff out loud and then wince and berate myself for it. Stop acting like you give a shit Bobby Lee.
But I do give a shit.
"How are you doing Bobby? Is everything okay?" Theo asks. I don't turn to look at him but respond anyways.
"Oh I'm fantastic. I love being alone in this hole 24/7, it's an absolute dream." The silence that follows my words is awkward and I can practically sense Theo glancing at Creed with one of those looks.
"He's upset because I've been working more recently. Smith and Kobe quit so I have to pick up their shifts until the next hiring round."
I sit up quickly and look at the two men who are staring at me from their spots on the sofa.
"When is the next hiring round?"
Creed glances at Theo as if he has a better answer to this which, I guess he probably does since he's way up there at the top of the hierarchy. "Uhm...well it should be coming up in the next week or two." Theo offers but his cautious look makes me think he's saying this just to soothe me.
"TWO WEEKS?" I snap in disbelief before quickly shutting my mouth and glaring at the blankets. Two weeks is a fucking life time down here. I fight the urge to cry at the thought of another eternity alone because I'm not a baby and it shouldn't fucking matter.
"I...can look into getting it moved up. We should have enough applications to go through with the process now I just have to send out a couple emails....Would you like me to do that Bobby?" Theo questions tentatively and I nod slowly without a second thought. Give Creed some fucking vacation time too while you're at it. As if he can read my mind Theo glances at Creed, then at me before pursing his lips. "And you...take a couple of your vacation days."
Creed doesn't protest and instead nods silently and takes a quick swig from his water bottle as a small burst of triumph shoots through my chest. "Thank you Theo," He finally says and then sets his water down on the coffee table. "Is everything okay with Chip?"
Theo sighs loudly and sits back into the sofa more comfortably than I'd ever seen him sit before. He looks frustrated but also morbidly serene and completely unlike how I was used to seeing him. "I've done something Creed," The older man runs his fingers through his dark locks before glancing at Creed. "He left me. He left me and tried to terminate guardianship."
I listen quietly, intrigued and more than willing to be a fly on the wall in this conversation.
"I was so angry. I am angry. So I called his roommate and told him to steal the papers." Creed continues to watch Theo knowingly as if none of this surprises him. "That boy will do whatever I say because he looks up to me. Only God knows why. I thought I would feel remorse for using him. I thought I would feel guilt, but I don't." Theo laughs a little quiet laugh before laughing even louder. "I'm fucking happy because Chip can't sign the papers. You were right Creed. You've always been right. Love is insanity. I'm completely fucking insane. I won't give in to Chip, but God fucking forbid if he tries to leave me. I can't figure out if it's more selfish to want him or to refuse him."
I sit back quietly against the headboard and watch the two men with complete and utter awe.
And I thought Theo was the normal one.
Honestly he seems crazier than Creed right now....Is he drunk?
"I've been keeping tabs on him, watching him. How else would I know if he's okay?"
Creed reaches over gently and firmly grasping Theo's shoulder. The look in his eyes is that of a true friend, one you know without a doubt would do anything for you if they could. "You are in love Theo, but you are tormenting yourself because of it. You have to decide for yourself how far you are willing to go and what it is that you want in the end. I cannot make those decisions for you."
Theo shakes his head and curls in on himself. "I'm not good for him Creed. I know that I'm not good for him. He deserves better than me, but I want him to stay with me and I can't stand thinking of him with someone else."
Creed doesn't respond and instead pats Theo's shoulder before standing up and grabbing a pack of beer from the fridge.
Oh great. Now they're going to drink all night. Sighing I grab the blanket and throw it over my face begrudgingly surrendering to the fact that I would have to fall asleep to the dramatic antics of two adult men.
When I wake up in the morning Theo Is already gone and Creed is at the stove whipping up some food, as always. I decide not to announce the fact that I'm awake and instead watch silently as Creed grabs ingredients from the cupboards above him to add to whatever he's making for breakfast. As I study his back I remember the sounds of Theo's drunken sobs from the night before and the boundless comfort that Creed offered him.
Creed doesn't seem like the type of man to do anything for himself. I am the one thing that he did selfishly in his whole entire life and now that I understand that I'm not sure how to feel. Did I turn him into something he was never meant to be? I'm not blaming myself because I know that I didn't do anything wrong mere existence prompted this man who had sturdy morals to do the unthinkable.
"Bobby come sit down." I snap out of my thoughts and attempt to push away my embarrassment when I realize that I was caught staring once again. It's so strange for him to be here in the morning that I'm pulling myself out of bed and obeying without a second thought. I'm still in the older man's robe which is a little askew but I reach up and tighten it properly before sitting down. As we both eat our food silently I wonder what Theo did that made Chip so mad in the first place.
"Why did Chip leave Theo?" I ask, curiously scooping eggs into my mouth and glancing up at Creed. His eyes are sad as if thinking about his friend is painful enough.
"Chip is in love with Theo and Theo refused him. He forgot Chip's graduation day and attempted to sleep with a woman. Chip found out."
I nod and push food around my plate. I'm not that hungry lately but in an attempt to keep from raising Creed's suspicion I try to make it look like I'm eating. "But Theo loves Chip. Why does he think he's so bad for him?"
Creed sighs and leans against the counter staring at my plate. "Theo is my friend and I love him deeply but He is spoiled, and accustomed to getting what he wants. You do not see it because you do not see him often but he has quite a temper and a need to control everything. This is why he excels in a position with more influence and responsibility. He was born in power and as such he continues to crave power and dominion in all aspects of his life. He loves Chip yes but with that love comes the toxic need to control and he recognizes it. He doesn't want to subject Chip to that."
"Control..." I mumble thinking about the night that Chip and I were in the hot tub and the way he talked about Theo as if he was someone completely unattainable, meanwhile Theo is thinking the exact same thing about him.
"Speaking of control," Creed starts and my attention snaps to him as he looks up at me from my plate. His amber eyes are severe and attentive. "Could you tell me why you have simply been migrating your food around your plate instead of eating it?"
I swallow and drop my fork. The jig is up. He noticed. "I'm not really hungry."
Creed's head tilts like a dog when it's trying to understand something and I find this attractive but shove the heat I feel into the back of my mind. "Is there any particular reason that you are not hungry?"
I look down at my hands and shrug. "I don't know. I just never feel like eating anymore."
Creed sighs before pushing himself from the counter and moving in my direction, causing my heart to start beating at a pace that is completely uncalled for. I nearly book it out of my chair when the man kneels in front of me and takes my hands. His thumbs rub circles into my flesh as he looks up at me a serious expression painting his handsome face. "Bobby you have been behaving strangely as of late. This is completely unacceptable. You need to eat. You've become weaker, don't think I haven't noticed."
I flush at the feeling of our hands touching and swallow before pulling away. "I'm fine. I'm just not hungry."
Creed's eyes become considerably more fierce as he gazes up at me and I can see in the way that he rolls his jaw that he is trying his best to keep composed. "Bobby are you acting this way because you're upset with me? I know you have been alone and I am sorry but I cannot simply shirk my job responsibilities because you require more attention."
I scoff loudly and stand up almost pushing Creed onto his ass as I hurry away from him to the closet where my clothes are stored. "Simply because I require more attention?" Creed stands and follows me slowly as if expecting a tirade. I open the closet but instead of pulling clothes out I turn on him. "Who is the one that put me in here in the first place Creed? I'm not a fucking puppy I'm a human being!"
Creed shakes his head "I never implied that you were a puppy Bobby."
I turn toward the closet and begin sifting through clothes to find something I actually want to wear. Not like I'll be seeing anyone anyways. "No Creed, you didn't, but you treat me like one. You preach about love and the universe but when it comes down to it I'm always the afterthought."
"Afterthought? Bobby I do not understand-"
"I'm an afterthought Creed!" I snap turning to glare at him and throwing the shirt in my hand onto the floor. I point at the front door and make a grand gesture with my arms. "You can leave this room and go to work, see your friends, fucking go to the park, a party, the movies. You can forget I even exist for ten hours a day and then when you're done out there, you come here and that's when I start to exist again." I can feel myself trembling. These thoughts were buried so deep inside of me over the last couple weeks and now that I'm finally getting the opportunity to express them out loud they hurt more than I ever thought they could. "When you're friends come here I'm fucking furniture. I'm just a goddamn part of the environment. You don't know how it feels. Theo, Luce, Ange.....I can see it on their faces every time that they wish they could just forget they ever saw me. They wish they didn't even know I was here. I'm guilt, I'm shame, I'm disgust, I'm a fucking afterthought Creed!" I bite my lip to keep myself from breaking into sobs and look up at the ceiling as if that will force the tears rimming my eyes back into my skull. "You go outside every day, you breathe the fucking air. You live. The only thing I know is this fucking room and it's suffocating me. So forgive me if I'm not fucking hungry." I shake my head and turn back into the closet sending a salty scowl towards the older man. "Attention.....what fucking attention?" I mumble.
I hear Creed coming closer behind me but ignore it as I try to pull myself together.
"Bobby look at me." I sniffle but continue to move clothes around, realizing that I'm not actually searching for anything I'm just doing something with my hands so I don't have to face the older man.
"Bobby Lee would you please look at me?" Creed asks again and I can sense the concealed desperation in his voice. Reluctantly I turn to him and fold my arms resting against the wall of the closet. Creed's eyes are full of an emotion that I've not often seen and it causes a pain so deep to fill my chest that I almost feel bad for yelling at him. Almost.
"Bobby I apologize for making you feel as if you don't exist. That was never and will never be my intention. I despise the fact that you feel like you are second to anything." He comes closer so he's leaning against the doorframe of the closet right across from me, his eyes so sincere that they very nearly bring me to my knees. "You are so special to me, in a way that I never expect you to truly understand. If I have made you feel like anything less than a King then I apologize. I love you Bobby Lee, and I know that you don't take pleasure in hearing those words from me but I will never stop saying them."
I reach up and rub my cheek realizing as my hand comes down that I'm crying. I'm freaking crying like a baby in front of Creed.
"Bobby, may I please touch you?" Creed asks and his voice is so breathy and distressed that I can't bring myself to say no. I nod my head, sniffling and reaching out as Creed steps into the closet and into my arms, pulling me into the most satisfying hug I have ever experienced in my whole entire life. His body is warm and welcoming and everything I've been fantasizing it would be over the last couple weeks. I clutch to him like he's the only thing tethering me to the Earth and I don't feel bad about it at all. In this moment everything feels so right that I can barely believe it ever felt wrong in the first place. "I am so sorry." Creed whispers again in my ear, his hand stroking into my hair soothingly. I shake my head breathing him in.
"No, I'm sorry. I flipped out at you. You were just worried about me."
Creed grabs my arms in his palms and pushes me a couple inches away so that he can get a good look at me. "I am concerned. You sleep all day, you scarcely eat, and you seem to be paler every time I look at you. What can I do to make it better?"
I stare into Creed's eyes and try to think of what could make me feel less of nothing and all I can think about is him and my family. Obviously my family isn't an option here and there is no way that I'm going to admit that I'm starting to feel attraction towards him out loud. Instead I settle and say "I wouldn't mind seeing Luce and Ange." Creed nods immediately digging into his pocket for his phone. "And strawberries. I wouldn't mind eating strawberries."
"Done." Creed says and is immediately walking away, phone in hand. I flush and turn around grabbing the first items of clothing that I see and quickly heading to the bathroom to take a shower. As I close the bathroom door I hear Creed talking lowly on the phone in the kitchen, "Would it be too much if I asked you to bring strawberries? I assure you that I will pay you back. Thank you Ange."
I shut the door quietly and turn to stare at the shower contemplating on whether I am pleased or displeased with how eagerly Creed submitted to my silly needs. I decide to put those thoughts aside for now and jump in the shower washing away the sweat from my sleep. I zone out for a while in the shower, my consciousness drowning in thoughts of amber hugs and hand holding so much so that I'm shocked when I realize the water has run cold. The moment I notice the change in temperature there is a knock on the door.
"Bobby....answer me...are you alright?" His voice sounds panicked and worried, as if this isn't the first time he's knocked on the door to check on me. I freeze. Creed is the type that if you haven't answered the first two times he's letting himself in. How many times has it been? When I hear him marching with quick strides back down the hallway to grab his keys off of the counter I know that we are code red. My body lights on fire despite the cold water and I stumble out of the shower reaching for a towel right as Creed unlocks the door and marches in.
I barely manage to cover my dick with the little time that I have.
I swallow awkwardly looking down at my naked hips before looking up at Creed. He still has the remains of fear on his face as he searches me up and down, looking for anything that could be a cause for concern. The sound of the shower still going is deafening in this moment and apparently he shares my opinion as he stalks forward into the small space, pressing me against the shower door as he leans down to turn off the water. I swallow again pressing as far against the cool glass as possible to get away from him. When Creed straightens himself in front of me he looks upset to put it mildly. "Why didn't you answer me when I called?"
"I..." I clear my throat. "I just....I was deep in thought....sorry."
The older man's eyebrows pull together and he stares at me with an expression that tells me he's paying very close attention and hanging on my every word. Already he's worried about my sleeping habits, my eating habits, as well as my overall health. Creed is making a point to watch my behaviors. "What were you thinking about so entirely that you couldn't reply? You terrified me."
"I...."I glance down at his hands the way his veins run up into his wrist. I imagine how rough his hands might be if they touched me right now. Trying to push myself out of my strange stupor I force myself to look up at Creed meeting fiery ambers. Suddenly the air feels very thick and I'm tremendously aware of Creed's gaze running down my naked chest and to my horribly censored bottom half. "I wasn't thinking about anything in particular." I say slowly looking past him. He nods as if this is a good enough explanation and I can see the muscles in his jaw tighten as he turns around and saunters back down the hallway.
The breath leaves my body in an edgy and slightly roused shudder before I'm shutting the door in order to put my clothes on. Creed doesn't bother me again.
A half an hour later Ange, Luce and Kello are stomping into the apartment, dripping rain and bickering as always. My mouth goes sour at the sight of the latter and I immediately glue myself to Creed's side as he sets the keys on the counter. I may even overdo it wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing up against him. He seems surprised for a second before following my gaze. Soon his strong arm drapes around my shoulders and I can't help but shiver at how close we are. I feel like I could get used to this.
"Bobby! Sweetie!" Ange gasps grasping my face in her manicured hands and smiling brightly. I smile back instantly comforted by her scent. "I'm so happy to see you. How are you doing?"
Creed's arm tightens instinctively on my shoulder as if anticipating a terrible response and preparing himself for it. "I'm wonderful," I respond holding onto Creed's waist tighter. "Thank you for asking."
Ange's smile falters a bit in a mix of confusion and unexpected gratitude before she pats my face gently. "Well, aren't you just thriving today." I flush and look at the floor barely aware of Kello's unwavering gaze. "I hope you've been treating him well Creed. The last time I saw you two it was a bit....intense." My mind wanders back to that day at Theo's when Creed practically attacked me in bed. That feels like so long ago.
"I would never hurt Bobby." Creed responds. I can feel the way his body stiffens in defense. I look up at him and give him a gentle squeeze to calm him down before Ange is grabbing my hand in hers and dragging me toward the couch. I silently lament at the loss of Creed's body against mine but allow the woman to guide me across the room. She gasps as she sits glancing at the bed. I look behind me confused before turning back to her.
"No chains?" She questions looking pointedly at Creed. I can tell he's already done with her as he takes the strawberries from Luce to rinse them.
"I informed you that they weren't permanent. They were gone as soon as things quieted down." He mumbles turning the faucet on. I can't help but stare at his broad back, silently urging him to come sit with me.
"Well I am very relieved to hear that." Ange turns to me and wiggles her eyebrows. "Now we just gotta get him some nice fresh air."
Kello scoffs in his chair looking far too comfortable for my liking. "Don't be an idiot Ange. Why in the world would he go outside? Do you want Creed to get caught?" His eyes wander to me and I feel naked under his gaze. An immediate need to have Creed beside me hits my core and as if hearing the call Creed plops down next to me with a bowl full of strawberries. His arm immediately finds its home at my neck and I allow it reaching into the bowl and grabbing a tiny red fruit.
Luce makes a furious sound from his seat on the right of Creed. "Really Kello? Again?"
Ange waves her hand at Luce before glancing at the blonde man to her left. "It's alright Luce. Only uneducated men feel the need to constantly insult women who are more intelligent than them."
Kello grins at that and crosses his legs. "Oh it's very intelligent how you want to get Creed imprisoned for twenty years or more."
I glance at Creed. "Twenty years?"
Kello laughs loudly at my confusion before gesturing at Creed who seems to be refusing to look at me. "Didn't you know? Kidnapping sentences aren't light. If Creed gets caught he's going away until he's a sad lonely middle-aged man. But're a kid too could be longer." I sit up straighter immediately put off. I can't even imagine Creed going to prison. No. I don't want to imagine Creed going to prison.
"Calm down Bobby." Creed mutters gently pushing me back into my seated position. As if he can sense my distress.
"Calm down?" I mumble sounding a little panicked to be honest. I feel panicked. I forgot. I forgot that the world had consequences for these things. I wanted to go home and I wanted to run away but I forgot about what would happen to Creed if he was ever found out. It's like the consequences didn't even occur to me after a certain point. My being here was just how it was. It was lonely and inconvenient and boring sure but at some point It stopped being such a....a heinous thing in my mind.
Ange picks up a pillow from the floor and tosses it at Kello's face giving him a furious glare. "Look what you did asshole! You freaked him out!"
Kello shrugs. "He should be freaked out." His gaze meets mine and he grins. The grin on his face is sickening to look at. It's as if he knows something that I don't. He knows how fragile Creed really is, how fragile I am and he lives for the breaking. "The world isn't rainbows and sunshine. He's been locked up in this place so long he forgot about that. This is like his second home, look at how comfortable he is over there nestled into Creed like a sheltered baby chick." Kello sits up a bit and puts his elbows on his knees. "Guess what chickie? You're new home is built on a very fragile foundation. You better pray a storm doesn't hit."
It's at this moment that the whole room vibrates with a loud rumble that must be thunder from the storm outside. I jump, I fucking jump and the room goes silent. And then Kello starts chuckling in such a disturbing way that I think I may have nightmares for weeks. His laughter stops suddenly and he sighs, standing up quickly. "Joking! Joking! I'm just joking! Shit, don't look so serious folks!" He reaches down and readjusts in his pants before turning to go to the kitchen area. "I fucking need to piss."
"Just ignore him." Ange says sizing him up with disgust before looking at me with one of her heart stopping smiles. "He's got serious issues." Kello scoffs from the counter but no one pays him any attention. Creed seems to be off in his own world now staring into the bowl of strawberries that he's set in his lap for my ease of access. Luce is glaring at the coffee table as if this will stop him from physically attacking the blonde man.
"I'm pretty sure I'm the one with the least issues in this entire room." Kello shoots back with a grin taking a sip of water.
Ange growls but refuses to look at him. "I thought you were taking a piss Kello?"
"Jesus fucking Christ mother, I'm going." He grumbles and heads down the hallway to the bathroom. Not before sending me a gratified wink. I shiver and turn back to look at Creed. He's still far away from the look in his eyes. I shift and reach up daring to grab his face in both of my hands. This action seems to bring him back to the present and he's looking into my eyes as if I hold the secrets of the universe. A look that I haven't seen since I got here really.
"Don't worry." I mutter my heart swelling as I try my best to push down the doubt and fear that starts to overflow in my throat. All of a sudden everything feels so fleeting. All of a sudden I want to hold Creed's fucking hand and I don't care how that makes me look. "I won't tell anyone. I won't let you get in trouble. Don't worry."
His amber eyes turn into liquid gold right in front of me and I think if Ange, Luce and Kello weren't here this would be an entirely different conversation. Luce clears his throat and I let go of Creed's face shifting awkwardly before grinning at Ange. "I just remembered something!"
"What?" She sits up and pretends to be super excited just to lighten the mood. I appreciate that and take advantage of it.
"Tomorrow is my birthday!"
Luce laughs out loud and I make sure to send him my best glare. "You just remembered that? You're a teenager. Your birthday is supposed to be like the most important day to you, next to Christmas."
"First, I'm offended by that insinuation. Second, days blend together down here." Luce's smile fades and I wince at bringing down the mood again.
"Well if it's your birthday tomorrow are we all coming over for a celebration?" Ange asks sitting up even further, the thought of a party literally breathing life into her.
"No." Creed's voice is quiet but solid behind me and I turn to look at him wondering if he's really upset by what Kello said. I can't blame him if he is. It upset me too. "We will hold a party with everyone later," My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion and I feel myself start to vibrate with need when Creed's eyes meet mine. "Tomorrow it's just us."
"Alright then Creed," Comes Kello's voice as he saunters back into the room reeking of soap and morbid nonchalance. I feel my nose wrinkle in disgust at the sight of him but turn back to the bowl of strawberries to contain it as the man plops down into his seat once more giving me one of his wolfish grins "Keep him all to yourself."
I can feel Creed tensing beside me. His muscles are bunching and I can practically feel the urge to strangle Kello wafting off of him in a thick aroma. Silently I reach over and rest an awkward hand on his knee. I try to make it look casual even though I have never casually touched Creed as much as I have today. I can feel my own hesitation in my fingers resting on him but I hope that no one else can see it. Creeds dark eyes move down to mine and study me, really study me, before his hand is curling in my hair in a way that instantly makes me calm. "I intend to." is all that he says before I feel him bury his nose in my hair.
My whole body is a firework responding quickly to the way he touches me. I try to suppress the color that bleeds through every single one of my pores but Ange glances at me with a knowing eye before leaning over and stealing a strawberry. Kello throws around another ambiguous insult but I don't even hear it because the only thing that I care about is the feeling of Creed's face nestled into my skull. It's a soft gesture, a gesture that is so gentle that it makes my being pulse with an unadulterated need to turn it into something harsh and rough. I want him. I want him so bad and it's such a strange and fucking perfect kind of want. It's a want that exudes sweetness and leaves me breathless. Yeah....I think I could get used to this.
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