November 30, 2018
10:00 am
Two occupants sat in the Captain's office engaged in a heated argument.
"NO! No! Absolutely not!" yelled Joe standing up from his seat.
"Come on Joe. This could be our one chance to take him down," encouraged Singh.
"No!" shouted the man shaking his head. "And even if Iris were here I wouldn't put her in that type of danger," he replied causing Singh to sigh.
"Kane Morse is one of our top most wanted criminal. He's known to be a drug smuggler and has the biggest human trafficking ring in Central City. With this lead of him attending this nightclub tonight it might just be our only chance to take his whole operation down," explained Singh.
"We know that he had one of his guys hack into the CCPD database meaning he knows every operative that works here. So having one of our officers in this field will be a huge red flag. Morse or his men would know that they work for the department with facial recognition. That's why having someone out of the department would be perfect. Morse would never suspect anything like that," concluded Singh.
"Yeah and did you forget the part that this guy is dangerous. What if something goes wrong? You can be putting someone's life at risk," argued Joe.
"Well it's a chance I'm willing to take," replied Singh with determination. "Iris is our only hope," he said looking up at Joe.
"Well Iris is in Coast City," replied Joe causing Singh to slump. "And even if she was here I would never let her put her life at risk. So I suggest you find someone else to do this crazy stunt. And if you can't just give up," advised Joe.
Looking at the wall Singh began to think. Who else does he know that would be perfect for this OP. It would have to be a young female cause Morse was known to fall for pretty girls. Suddenly an idea came into mind.
"What about Henry's Aunt. Dr. Snow," replied the Captain.
"Caitlin?" clarified Joe.
"Yes! She would be perfect! She's young, beautiful, and smart! Morse would never know what hit him!" smiled Singh.
"I don't know," said Joe unsure. He didn't want to put Caitlin at risk.
"It'll be easy. All Snow has to do is dress pretty, grab Morse's attention, start a conversation with him, and get him drunk enough where he starts spilling his company secrets. We know Morse is a powerful man and keeps denying the accusation we have against him. With this concrete evidence of what his organization truly does through the mic attached to Caitlin's dress, we will have the evidence we need for his arrest,"
"I'm not sure, Captain," said Joe, voicing his concern. "This seems too good to be true. What if she doesn't want to do it?" he asked.
"Well we won't know unless you ask," replied Singh standing up from his seat. "Talk to Snow about it and come to me with the results. That's an order," he added seeing Joe's hesitation. Walking around him Singh exited the room leaving Joe to comprehend everything that just happened.
10:30 am
Sending a quick text to everyone Joe asked for them to meet him in the Cortex. Walking in Joe was greeted by Barry, Henry, Caitlin, Cisco, Ralph, and Harry.
"Hey Joe," waved Cisco. "We got your text. What did you want to talk about?" he inquired.
"Well I just had an interesting conversation with Captain Singh," he replied trying to ease the matter in.
"What about?" asked Henry.
"Well do you guys know of a man named Kane Morse?" he wondered.
"Yeah," answered Barry. He was familiar with hearing that name and what the man does around the precinct.
"Who's that?" pondered Caitlin.
"He's a rich snobby millionaire who's being accused of human trafficking and drug smuggling," replied Barry.
"Yeah, well those accusations might be true. And Captain Singh is determined to take him down," said Joe.
"How?" asked Ralph.
"He wants someone to pose as a temptress seducing Morse into spilling his company's secret. Preferably a female vixen," explained Joe gently.
"And how does this concern us?" wondered Harry.
"He wants Caitlin to do it," winced Joe, ripping off the bandage.
"What?!" yelled Barry.
"Me?" replied Caitlin in disbelief.
"Yup," nodded Joe.
"But I've never done something so vile before," said Caitlin.
"This will be perfect for you!" exclaimed Henry, surprising everyone.
"Excuse me?" said Caitlin, turning her attention to her son.
"You've done plenty of these OP's before, well in the future that is," muttered Henry.
"I have," she said in shock.
"Yup," nodded Henry. "I even distinctly remember a time you posed as a stripper," replied Henry, causing Caitlin's eyes to bug out.
"A-a s-st-stripper," she stuttered out.
"Yeah," he said. "I was 10 at the time. I was standing beside Papa Joe waiting for you guys to wrap things up. Thank god I was staying with Uncle Cisco that night. I've never seen dad run that fast after an OP," shuttered Henry causing Joe, Harry, and Cisco to laugh.
"Caitlin as a stripper," repeated Ralph gazing over Caitlin's figure in lust. "Why can't I unsee that," he said staring at Caitlin causing her to feel weirded out.
"You better unsee it before I smack it out of you," growled Barry in Ralph's face as Henry stood in front of his mother protectively.
"Alright, alright," said Ralph with his arms raised.
"What does Singh have planned?" wondered Caitlin.
"Well he intends for you to dress you know revealingly, catch Morse's attention, start up a conversation with him, and get him drunk enough that he starts singing like a canary," summarized Joe. "That way will have enough evidence to arrest him," he concluded.
"But what if I'm not good at it? I don't have my powers, how am I supposed to protect myself," said Caitlin with doubt. She really wanted to take down this guy. The more she listened she realized he was a threat and needed to be taken off the streets immediately.
"That's where we will come in," spoke up Henry. "I'll speak to Singh about having Pursuit and Flash for backup," he continued.
"Yeah," agreed Barry. "Will explain that you're a good friend of the heroes, who would like to ensure your safety," he voiced worried about this mission.
"That's a great idea," smiled Joe. "Singh will probably want to talk more about it with you Caitlin. Which is why we should go. He told me to give him your reply ASAP," he said gesturing to the door. Nodding their heads Caitlin and her son grabbed their jackets along with Barry as they made their way to the Police Department.
10:50 am
Walking into the Police Department the gang made their way straight to Singh's office. Knocking on the door they waited for a reply before entering.
"Detective Joe. Caitlin," spoke Singh surprised to see them in his office so fast.
"Hello Captain," greeted Caitlin. "Officer West has just informed me of your plan and I am happy to inform you that I have accepted your request," spoke up Caitlin confidently.
"That's great!" beamed Singh.
"I understand that Mr. Morse has denied all accusation of his human trafficking and drug smuggling involvement, leading you to take drastic measures to ensure his arrest," began Caitlin. "But I wanted to know what exactly I will be doing," she requested.
"Well as you know you will have to seduce Kane so I suggest you practice beforehand. As for your outfit, no offense but you will have to dress like a slut. You know a dress that is short, revealing, sexy," emphasized Singh.
"Well meet up here at the precinct at exactly 10:30 pm. So make sure you come with the dress on. Myself along with the task force will accompany you to the nightclub. We will stop a couple blocks from the destination making sure that the microphone attached to your dress is working," continued Singh.
"Once that is done we will be monitoring your every movement from surveillance. Will speak to you over the comms of what to say and more. You have to use your charms to get Morse drunk. Try not to drink too much though," advised Singh showing her a picture of the man.
"After we have all the evidence needed we'll send the SWAT team to apprehend Kane. And then your work here is done," ended Singh as Caitlin nodded her head.
"Ok. That doesn't sound too bad," sighed Caitlin as the explanation eased her doubts.
"Sir, if I may add," spoke up Barry, grabbing the Captain's attention. "Caitlin here is actually a good friend of The Flash. And I have just been informed by him that he along with Pursuit would like to accompany us on this mission," said Barry holding up his phone.
"I didn't know you were close with the Scarlet Speedster, Allen," said Singh looking him over.
"I'm not. But Caitlin is and he cares very much about her safety," explained Barry.
"Well I don't see what's wrong with that. So you can tell Flash that it would be an honor if he and Pursuit would join us," replied Singh.
"I will," nodded Barry in relief.
"I would also like to create something that will help my Aunt Caitlin from getting drunk. If that is ok with you boss?" asked Henry looking at the Captain.
"That's actually a great idea. By all means go ahead," said Singh, finding no reason to stop him.
"Great!" smiled Henry.
"Well if that is all, you guys are dismissed. See you at 10:30 pm," ended Singh as they left his office.
Standing outside Caitlin but her lip in worry. How was she supposed to seduce this guy? A police officer came up to Barry asking for his input. Excusing himself Barry left the group. Joe left soon after to fetch some coffee, leaving Henry and Caitlin alone. Sensing her worry Henry placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I'll teach you everything I know," smiled Henry kindly.
"You will?" she asked.
"Of course!" said Henry. "Beside god knows you'll be so lost without me," he laughed lightly as Caitlin hit him on the arm.
4:45 pm
After hours of mastering the art of seduction, Henry decided to test Caitlin's skills. So calling in his godfather and Harry, Henry had Caitlin perform for them. Using everything she learnt Caitlin was able to seduce both Cisco and Harry in record time.
"So what do you guys think?" asked Henry with a smirk.
"I think she's got it in the bag," commented Harry as Cisco nodded.
Walking over to her son the mother and son shared a handshake. "That's great! Thank you so much Henry," smiled Caitlin.
"It's no problem," assured Henry. "Now it's time to focus on your outfit," he added.
"Ohhhh yes! Girl we neeeedd to go shoppingggg," squealed Cisco.
"Took the words right out of my mouth," Henry laughed at his godfather's antics. "You in Harry?" he asked.
"Nah, I've got a couple things here I got to take care off. Have fun," he said before leaving the trio. Gathering their things the trio headed to the mall.
5:32 pm
After eating their dinner Henry, Cisco, & Caitlin made their way to a dress shop. Browsing through the aisle the trio found dresses that they felt would be great for the OP. Gathering them in their arms they passed the dresses to Caitlin to try on. Sitting outside the dressing room the boys waited to see the dress Caitlin was trying on.
Walking out in a white tight dress the boys glanced over it. "Too long," they replied.
She then walked out with a green short dress. "Not enough cleavage," commented Henry.
Caitlin entered in a blue sequence dress. "Sequence is so outdated," Cisco told her.
"Sleeves are terrible," replied Henry shuddering as he looked at the brown dress.
"Not enough WOW," said Cisco looking at the blue dress that looked fitting but not quite.
"Wayyy too revealing!" shouted Henry trying to cover the view with his hand .
"Too casual," said Cisco looking at the simple outfit.
Finally Caitlin walked out in a tight, fitting, short black jumpsuit that could pass as a short dress. Looking up at her both boys' jaws dropped. "That's the one," smiled Henry as he high-fived his uncle.
"Ok. Well let's go. We still have hair and makeup to do," complained Caitlin looking at the time to see that they already spent more than an hour in here.
"Alright, Alright," complied Henry. "Lord knows how long you're gonna take," he teased causing Cisco to chuckle. Rolling her eyes fondly they paid for the dress before making their way out of the store.
10:26 pm
Captain Singh and the rest of the task force paced around the empty entrance of the department waiting on Caitlin and the two speedsters. Glancing at the time Singh noted that it was 10:26 pm. Leaning over a table he hunched his back as he examined the blueprints. Suddenly a blast of air burst into the room. Turning around Singh was met by the scarlet speedster.
"Captain Singh," greeted Flash.
"Flash," replied Singh with a nod. "Where's your partner?" he questioned noticing the missing speedster.
"He's on his way. Is Caitlin here yet?" wondered Barry looking around the room.
"Not yet. But she should be here any minute," answered Singh. Nodding his head Barry looked at the other officers around the room. He knew a few of them. Watching him carefully Singh tried to contemplate what his relationship was with Doctor Snow.
"So," Singh began clearing his throat. "You must be really close with Dr. Snow since you were so insistent on coming on this OP?" he said emphasizing his point.
"She's a good friend," replied Barry.
"You must care very much about her," he said, jarring for a reaction.
"She's," began Flash thoughtfully. "...very special to me. I can't lose her," he ended truthfully. He couldn't imagine life without Caitlin.
"I see," said Singh with a nod. He could see that the hero cared very much about her. Whether she was a friend or more Singh decided not to pry. It was not his business after all.
"Has Caitlin explained the plan to you?" asked Singh.
"She mentioned the basics," answered Barry, not wanting to say too much and blow his cover.
"Well I can give you a run down of the plan while we wait," he gestured to the blueprints behind him. Nodding his head Barry joined the Captain at the desk as they looked over the plan. As they looked over the information the distinct sound of clicking of heels could be heard in the distance.
Walking into the room Caitlin wore a tight short black jumpsuit, paired with some black heels, a silver bracket, a diamond ring, and some earrings. As she strode into the room some catcalls could be heard from the surrounding officers at her appearance. Ignoring them Caitlin walked further into the room with her son on her trail who glared at them.
Hearing the commotion Flash along with the Captain turned around to see what all the ruckus was about. Barry's eyes widened as he took in Caitlin's figure. She had a tight black dress on with a deep neckline showing her cleavage. The dress really left little to the imagination. His eyes eventually locked with Caitlin who gave him a weak smile.
"Hi," she breathed out standing in front of him.
"Hi," whispered Barry as the pair stood there gazing into each other's eyes.
"Dr. Snow," voiced Singh, breaking their gaze. "I see you've dressed for the occasion," complimented Singh.
"I hope it meets your requirement," said Caitlin timidly looking down at it.
"It's more than enough," assured Singh.
"Henry," called out Singh, noticing the young man. "Have you come to wish your Aunt good luck," he wondered.
"I have," he nodded. "Is that all right?" he asked for permission.
"By all means go ahead," encouraged Singh. "Well start loading the van," he said before turning towards the task force. Walking away Singh sent commands to the men around. Barry nodded to the pair before giving them some privacy. Seeing that they were alone Henry turned to his mother.
"Here," Henry passed her a test tube with a golden liquid in it.
"What's this?" asked Caitlin.
"Alcohol dehydrogenase," replied Henry. "It's an enzyme that breaks down the alcohol in your bloodstream," he said as Caitlin sniffed the liquid curiously. "With a few household items and an hour that I spent in the lab. I was able to make sure you won't get drunk," he explained.
"But the hangover is a bitch," he said. Looking at him Caitlin shrugged before gulping it down. At least this way she can drink as much as she wants without worrying about getting drunk. Wincing at the bitter taste Caitlin shook her head.
"Nervous?" he wondered.
"A bit," she replied honestly.
"Don't be. You'll do great out there," replied Henry with a hand on her shoulder. "Besides we've got your back," he gestured to his father behind him with a tilt of his head.
"Thanks Henry," smiled Caitlin feeling better.
Leaning forward Henry kissed his mother on the cheek.
"Be careful," he warned.
"I will," assured Caitlin, giving his hand a squeeze. Nodding his head Henry left the police department.
"When's your partner gonna get here Flash?" voiced Singh.
"Any minute now," replied Barry as he heard a gust of wind behind him. Turning around everyone was met with the black clad speedster, Pursuit.
"Are we ready?" he asked looking around the room.
"We are now," replied Flash as he shared a look with the Captain. With that they left heading towards the nightclub.
10:54 pm
Stopping a couple blocks from the Nightclub the crew began to set up. Caitlin, Pursuit, and Flash made their way to the back of a black van where a tech guy was. He was busy accessing the surveillance cameras to the club when they walked in. Turning his attention to the intruders the nerdy tech guy eyes zoned in on Caitlin's outfit. He shamelessly gawked at her ignoring the 2 speedsters.
"Hi. Captain Singh said that you were the guy to come to for the mic and comms," began Caitlin looking at the man.
"Uh yeah? Yeah!" he answered stupidly. "I'm Steven by the way. Steven Hayes," he said offering his hand.
"Dr. Caitlin Snow," replied Caitlin shaking his hand politely.
"You're so hot," he muttered. "Erm I mean your dress is nice," he quickly added.
"Uh thanks," replied Caitlin creeped out.
"Ummm here are your comms," he said, grabbing for it causing it to slip out of his hand as he frantically picked it back up. "You just attach it to your ears," he said handing it to her. "But obviously you would know that. Since you're a doctor of course," he stampeded out nervously. He had never been around a girl so beautiful and in such a tight dress.
"I'm gonna go find the Captain. I have something to tell him," Flash excused himself.
"And I'll just find your mic," said Steven, looking around his messy work area as Caitlin attached the comms to her ear. "Here it is!" he exclaimed, getting up from under the desk causing his head to bump the underside of the table. Holding the top of his head Steven crawled out from underneath before making his way to Caitlin.
"I'll just attach it to you," he said standing in front of her. Leaning over her Steven's eyes locked on Caitlin's cleavage. Her breasts were practically spilling out of her dress. With a nervous gulp Steven looked over her figure.
"Now where should we put this mic," he voiced looking over her in lust. His gaze was burning on Caitlin. Despite her uneasy feeling around him she decided to let him do his work. After all it was what he was paid here to do.
Steven's hands roamed around Caitlin's figure looking for a good spot to attach the mic. His hand caressed her ass causing Caitlin to jump involuntary. Seeing the action Henry gritted his teeth as he controlled his anger. He did not like this man one bit.
Steven then brought his hand back to the front of Caitlin's dress before moving it up towards her breast. As he inched higher he purposely squeezed her breast making Caitlin wince.
"Ow," complained Caitlin.
"Sorry," replied Steven, not the least bit remorseful.
Having enough of the perverted man Henry strode forward.
"I got this," growled Henry snatching the mic with his fast reflexes.
"But I've got to-" began Steven.
"If you know what's good for you, you'll leave," he replied coldly as his eyes crackled and the temperature in the van dropped.
"Yes s-sir. I'll j-j-just leave y-you to that, sir," he stuttered before running out the van.
"Creep," said Henry watching the coward run.
"Thank you," said Caitlin in relief.
"Would it look so bad if I were to freeze his balls? I mean it would serve him right for groping you without consent," said Henry thoughtfully.
"As much as I would love to see that, it's not right," sighed Caitlin, being a doctor meant you don't invoke pain on others. "Plus we have a mission. So get to it," she said referring to the task at hand.
"Alright Miss Bossy," teased Henry before respectfully attaching the mic onto his mother's dress. Turning towards the keyboard Henry typed away as he began to connect to the mic.
"Captain," called out the scarlet speedster, gaining his attention. "Can I talk to you for a minute," he said as Singh excused himself from the officer he was talking to.
"Yes?" asked Singh.
"I just wanted to tell you that I have set some extra precautions in place regarding Caitlin's safety. As we speak, Cisco Ramon, a good friend of Dr.Snow, has hacked into the DYNAMITE nightclub cameras. He, like myself, are both worried for Caitlin's well-being and only want to protect her," explained Flash.
"I understand Flash. And that's understandable. At least this way we'll have more eyes keeping a lookout for Snow," smiled Singh reasonably.
"Thank you," thanked Flash.
Clapping him on the shoulder Singh left the hero to assist one of the officers. Watching him go Barry turned back heading towards Caitlin and his son.
11:00 pm
As Henry finished the process of setting up the mic Barry joined.
"Can I talk to Caitlin for a second?" he asked politely.
Nodding his head Henry switched off the mic so that the police won't get a recording of their conversation. Standing up from his seat Henry approached his mother. Hugging her Henry pulled back only to kiss the side of her cheek.
"I love you," whispered Henry.
"I love you too," replied Caitlin.
"Good luck," wished Henry. Nodding his head at his father Henry left the pair alone.
"How are you feeling?" began Barry.
"Good. I'm ready to take down this guy," answered Caitlin confidently.
"That's good to hear," said Barry. "Look Caitlin," he started looking into her eyes, "if you don't feel comfortable or if Morse does something to you, don't hesitate to tell us. Both Henry and I will get you out of there in a flash," said Barry truthfully.
"I know," replied Caitlin, putting a hand on his shoulder. She could tell that something was wrong with him. Looking into her eyes Barry could see the unspoken question she was asking. He couldn't keep the fear in anymore.
"I'm just worried about you," admitted Barry. "It's usually me putting my life at risk not the other way around. I just have a bad feeling about this OP. Like something might go wrong. I don't want to see you get hurt," he ended with his head down.
"Hey, it's gonna be ok," assured Caitlin, lifting his chin up so he could look at her. "Alright," she said looking at him. "And even if something does go wrong you and Henry would be there to protect me," she ended with her forehead pressed against his.
"I don't want to lose you," breathed out Flash with a tear running down his cheek.
"You won't," replied Caitlin, wiping away the stray tear.
Looking into her eyes Barry engulfed Caitlin in a hug. Holding her tightly against his chest Barry tried to chase away his doubt. Pulling back from the hug Barry looked deeply into Caitlin's eyes. Brown clashed against green. With his hand on her waist and her hand on his chest Barry started to lean in slowly.
"Get into position everyone!" yelled Singh causing the pair to jump back. Walking towards the van where Caitlin was Singh appraised Flash.
"It's go time Snow," replied Singh.
"Ok," nodded Caitlin before smoothing down her dress. Stepping out of the van Caitlin took one last look at her son and Barry before making her way towards the club. Jumping back into the van Steven activated the mic. Looking at the surveillance from the van everyone watched as Caitlin entered the club.
"You got eyes Cisco?" asked Barry through the comms.
"Yup," answered Cisco as both himself and Harry watched the scene from the Cortex. Holding their breaths everyone watched the scene.
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