Part 43: Mind Control
November 24, 2018
9:30 am
After taking down a meta human both Henry and his father made their way back to Star Labs. Skidding to a stop, Barry walked ahead of his son. Walking towards the entrance Cisco saw Barry first.
"Nice one," he praised. "Give me some," Cisco and Barry shared a handshake.
Walking past him Barry joined the others in the Cortex. Taking a seat next to Caitlin the pair began to talk. Stepping into the room Henry smiled at his godfather.
"That was great, kid," voiced Cisco as both men shared a handshake.
"Whoa! Wait a minute. What was that?" asked Barry slightly jealous after noticing the exchange.
"It's our handshake," said Cisco simply.
"Yeah, Uncle Cisco and I came up with it yesterday. It's actually our thing in the future," replied Henry.
After visiting his mom yesterday, Henry came back to Star Labs and patched things up with Cisco. They were as good as new and managed to create a handshake. Truth be told this handshake would be used later on with Cisco and Henry's best friend, Atticus.
"Oh! That's nice," said Barry, forcing a smile.
"I think that's wonderful. I'm glad to see you guys are on speaking terms," voiced Joe standing beside Harry. He thought Henry might have been a bit more reluctant to share anything with Cisco after their encounter yesterday, but seeing their little handshake his doubts went away. Glancing at his grandfather Henry looked down blushing a bit remembering the event.
Suddenly, Barry's phone went off. Looking at the text message Barry noted that he was needed at the office. "It's Singh," Barry flashed out of his suit. "You tagging along Henry?" asked Barry, looking at his son.
"Nah. I'm gonna stay here for today," replied Henry, deciding to take a break from his day job. "Say hi to Singh for me," he added before making his way towards his mother.
"Ok," nodded Barry before both him and Joe headed out the door.
5:00 pm
It was towards the evening when everyone gathered at Star Labs. Joe, Barry, Iris, and Ralph had finished their day job and retreated to Star Labs to join Cisco, Henry, Caitlin, and Harry. Nora entered the lab shortly after being bored at home.
"Hey guy," said Barry walking into the room notifying them of his presence.
"Hey," replied the 4 Star Labs resident's playing a video game on the monitors. Taking a closer look Barry noticed that it was Mario Kart. Standing behind them Barry tilted his head in amusement as he looked at the screen. Suddenly a notification popped up on the screen informing them of a crime taking place.
"Looks like it's back to work for us," mumbled Harry as Cisco typed on the keyboards.
Tracing the signal the satellite pinpointed a bank robbery taking place at 52 Bluerivers Street.
"We got a 211 taking place at Morgan Bank down by 52 Bluerivers St," Cisco informed. Looking at each other Barry and Henry nodded their head at one another before rushing towards the scene.
"What do we got Cisco?" asked Barry into his comms as he ran to the scene with his son.
"Well it seems to be a meta who's robbing the bank," answered Cisco as he hacked the security cameras. "Telepath," breathed out Cisco seeing the familiar blue haired female super villain. "We're not sure how her powers work, so be careful," warned Cisco. Telepath was a fairly new villain the team had faced. They weren't sure how her powers worked, all they knew was that she could take over a person's mind and bend it to her will, similar to Grodd.
Hearing the name 'Telepath' had Henry's gears turning. He had heard that name before, but where. Making a sharp turn left Henry suddenly remembered. Of course! Telepath in his time was a meta who could mind control just by having a person looking into her eyes. Like Medusa, but instead of turning them into stone she takes control of them. Having this knowledge Henry knew what he had to do. Don't look into her eyes.
"Roger that," radioed Barry as they got closer to the scene.
"I'll take out Telepath, you get everyone out of there," commands Henry, sparing a glance at his father. Hesitating for a bit Barry nodded his head in acknowledgement.
"Be careful," prayed Caitlin, voice coming through the comms.
5:05 pm
Standing at the center of the bank, Telepath smiled wickedly as the people in the bank filled her duffle bag with money and any valuables they had on them. With the giant safe open, Telepath watched as her minions obeyed her orders.
"That's it! Keep it going!" egged on Telepath.
Running into the bank Henry spotted Telepath. Running around her Henry avoided making eye contact with meta as he ran behind her. Standing behind her Henry pushed her at super speed into a desk knocking her unconscious. Telepath laid motionless on the floor as The Flash began to carry people out of the bank.
Looking at her a beeping sound caused Henry to turn around. A bomb automatically started counting down from 1 minute. It turns out by slamming Telepath into the desk it must have somehow activated her automatic detonator.
"Uhhh, what's that noise?" asked Nora, hearing a weird beeping sound coming from Henry's comms.
"Your life support," glared Harry looking at her. "How dumb can you be? It's a bomb you dimwit," he replied as Caitlin tried to calm him down.
"Yeah. And I got to find a way to disarm it. Quick!" added Henry as Barry whizzed past him.
"Do you know how to do that?" asked Joe.
"Yeah, I've done it a bunch of times. It's a piece of cake," replied Henry, getting to work.
Spotting a pair of scissors on the counter Henry grabbed it before flashing towards the bomb. With 45 seconds to spare Henry found the familiar red wire before cutting it. A sigh could be heard from the Cortex as they relaxed in relief. But it was cut short as the bomb countdown started to rapidly decrease.
"Uh oh," Henry stared at the clock.
"What's going?" asked Caitlin worriedly as they couldn't see the countdown from the angle of the security camera.
"It was a dummy wire," said Henry innerly scowling himself. "The bomb's gonna explode, fast," he said, looking around for something to use.
"But you can stop it, right?" asked Ralph.
"I hope so," mumbled Henry looking around desperately.
A glimpse of a light caught the corner of Henry's eyes as it reflected off a metal object. Whipping around Henry spotted a paperclip lying on the table. Smiling, Henry rushed to grab it before returning to the task at hand. A friend of his had taught him how to disarm a bomb with a paperclip. He was very handy with that sort of thing. Could get out of impossible situations with just the things around him (Note: This friend will be the son of an upcoming hero).
Standing in flashtime Henry tried to buy himself some time. Bending and twisting the paperclip to how he needed it, Henry used it to reach for a button built in the bomb, successfully shutting off the bomb with 1 second to spare. Huffing out a breath of air Henry came out of flashtime. Seeing something moving in the corner of his eyes, Henry looked up to see Telepath standing right behind him through a reflective surface. Her eyes began to glow green as they pierced through Henry's eyes. A burning sensation began to pass through him as she gained control of his mind.
"Kneel," ordered Telepath as Henry screamed in pain before dropping to the floor.
Hearing his son screaming in immense pain Barry ran quickly to the bank.
"Henry!" called Barry kneeling to his son's side. "Are you ok?" he asked worriedly.
Henry shook violently trying to prevent Telepath from taking complete control of him. His powers were switching rapidly from speed to cold. His hair shifting from white to brown as frost and lightning danced across his body.
"Come on stay with me," begged Barry, trying hopelessly to keep his son from shaking violently.
Digging deeper Telepath began to invade Henry's mind. He tried so desperately to stop her but with his powers acting up he was powerless. She was too powerful. The little glimmer of hope was gone from Henry's eyes as Telepath broke through.
His eyes glowed bright green. His hair turned snow white as the temperature in the room dropped. A mist of smoke began to encase Henry. Looking at his son Barry watched as Henry began to suck up the air in the room with his powers. Gathering enough energy Henry sent an ice blast causing everything in his path to fly a few yards. Thrown back into a wall Barry stood up shakily off the floor.
Possessed Henry walked out of the mist. Icicles layered around his suit and dusted his white hair. He looked like a completely different person with his glowing green eyes.
"Henry," breathed out Barry in shock.
"Who the hell is Henry," replied Henry.
Laughing menacingly Telepath stood from her crouched position behind a desk. Walking towards Henry Telepath stood beside him.
"Looks like I have your new pet under my control," smirked Telepath eyeing Henry.
"Got to say Flash, he's a little more toned than you," commented Telepath skimming her hand across Henry's chest.
"What did you do to him?" asked Barry, radiating anger.
"Me?"asked Telepath innocently. "Why, you still don't know what I did," she replied with a tilt of her head.
"For the fastest man alive your brain sure is slow. You should work on that, I'll save you some time from using those legs," she pointed distasteful at his feet.
"You still haven't answered me," gritted out Barry.
Rolling her eyes Telepath looked at the Flash. "Well let me bring you up to speed, Flash. Your boy here," she pointed at Henry.
"Is under my control," she gestured to herself. "You see what you failed to understand is that my power comes from within. Some might say it from the windows to your soul," she said as Barry got the reference looking away from her eyes as they began to glow. Blinking, Telepath turned off her powers.
"All I did was have your little toy look into my eyes and BAM!" clapped Telepath. "He's mine now," she sneered. "My own personal Flash doll," she caressed Henry's jaw affectionately as Barry clenched his jaw.
"Got to say he did put up a fight thou. Not one to back down so easily," noted Telepath. "There so much darkness in him," she commented looking at Henry's stone face. "So much pent up anger," she added as Nora gulped knowingly as she listened from the Cortex. "He's so young yet he's suffered so much. Far more than you can imagine," she turned to The Flash. She felt pity for the young man, but she had to do what she had to do.
"Let him go," growled Barry.
Looking at him trying to act tough Telepath began to cackle. "That's a good one Flash. You almost got me there," she wiped away a lone tear. Fuming with anger Barry sent a spark of lighting at her making her fall by the impact.
"I won't ask again," warned Flash.
Blood leaked from one of her nostrils. Taking the back of her hand Telepath wiped away the trial before standing up.
"Well if you put it that way. Let me show you who's really in charge," she smirked.
"Sic'em boy," commanded Telepath as Henry charged at Barry.
In a dance of blue and yellow lighting the two speedsters began to attack one another. Barry at first tried defecting Henry's blows not wanting to hurt his son in this controlled state. After many tries Henry kept pushing Barry to fight. He attacked him mercilessly, not holding anything back. He had no idea his son could fight like this. So being forced to fight to stay alive Barry gave it all he got.
Everyone at Star Labs stood at the edge of their seat watching the fight wondering who would win. Looking from the sideline Telepath smiled at her Flash Masterpiece. Gathering a couple more stacks Telepath stuffed it into her bag. Finishing her task Telepath called upon Pursuit telling him telepathically to take her to Central City Park. If these speedsters wanted to fight, let's give them an audience, she smirked as Henry sped off with her in his arms. Following after his son Barry rushed out the door.
5:15 pm
Heading towards the park Henry ran up and down buildings and cars with Barry on his tail. Seeing The Flash gaining on him, Henry began to freeze the path he was running on. Too focused on trying to catch up to his son, Barry failed to see the ice under his feet causing him to plummet to the ground. Arriving at the park, possessed Henry set Telepath down. Turning towards Pursuit Telepath looked into his glowing green eyes.
"Your mission is to kill the Flash," she commanded. Using her powers Telepath suppressed Henry from breaking through at the thought of killing his father.
"Is that understood?" verified Telepath as Henry nodded emotionless. "Good," she said, seeing the familiar trail of yellow lighting headed towards their direction.
"It's showtime," she smirked before moving away from Pursuit.
Skidding to a stop, Barry stood in front of his son. Glaring at him Henry created two ice spears in the palm of his hand.
"She's controlling you son. You need to snap out of it," begged Barry trying to get through to him.
Looking at him Henry began to create an ice mist radiating the power he holds.
"I don't want to hurt you," pleaded Barry searching desperately looking into his stone eyes.
"You're my mission," replied Henry robotically before attacking.
Running at him Henry swung his ice spears at Barry who tried to avoid the collision. Sprinting around the park the speedsters attacked on another. Lighting and icicles began to shoot in different directions causing people to scream and run from the scene. Watching the sight of terror in people's eyes Telepath laughed wickedly. Pulling out her phone Telepath began to contact the police activating phase 3 in her grand plan.
"Police speaking," answered the operator.
"Help! I need the police! There is a rogue speedster attacking The Flash!" screamed Telepath acting the part of a frightened witness.
"Where are you mam?" asked the operator worriedly.
"I'm at Flash stadium. Hurry! I think he's gonna kill him!" she said before ending the call. Looking down at her phone Telepath grinned. Turning her attention to the two speedsters Telepath smirked as she looked at the scene. Flash laid on the floor as Pursuit hovered over him. Cocking his head to the side Barry spat blood out. His face and body held scratches from Henry's icicles.
"Please Henry, it's me, your father," begged Barry weakly, trying to get through the mind control.
"Well things just got interesting," commented Telepath at the realization.
Looking down at the man at his feet Henry stared into his eyes. His face cold as he looked at his father. Creating an ice spear Henry looked at him.
"Your my mission," he replied before lifting his spear. Closing his eyes Barry waited for the impact. Seeing as Henry was about to drive the spear into Flash's heart Telepath called upon him.
"Oh Pursuit!" called Telepath gaining the speedsters attention. "It's go time," she smirked as they disappeared. Jumping onto his feet Barry ran after the pair.
5:17 pm
"We got to get a move on," encouraged Captain Singh as people ran around him attending to the task. Strapping on a bullet proof vest Singh made his way out of the department. "Let's go, people. The Flash needs our help," he stated before leaving with the entire SWAT team.
5:25 pm
Arriving at the arena Henry set Telepath down by the entrance to the stands.
"Finish him," she stated as Henry nodded before flashing onto the field. A gust of wind passed as The Flash stood before him.
"Please don't make me do this," pleaded Barry looking at Henry.
Using her powers Telepath channeled all of Henry's anger and directed it to The Flash. Looking at his father Henry bore daggers. Seeing as there was no hope Barry charged at Henry. Running around the arena Pursuit and Flash attacked one another. Watching the altercation Telepath smirked.
5:30 pm
"Cisco can you track them?" asked Caitlin worriedly.
During the fight at the park the two speedsters had somehow disabled their trackers. They had no idea where they were. Caitlin sat on her seat running a nervous hand through her hair. She was worried for both of them. Knowing that Henry was mind controlled there's no telling what damage he could cause.
"Working on it," answered Cisco, typing frantically.
Suddenly Joe's phone went off just as the satellites got a hit.
"There at Flash Stadium," said Cisco.
"Singh just sent a SWAT team to them," replied Joe as they watched the scene from the monitors across the lab.
5:35 pm
Aiming a punch at Henry, Henry caught Barry's arm freezing it. Barry screamed in pain as ice coated his arm.
"This isn't you, Henry," breathed out Barry staring at his son in horror.
"You don't know anything about me, dad," answered Henry coldly before blasting him across the stadium. Rolling on the floor Flash came to a stop. Groaning Barry got up.
"I know that you're better than this. I know you Henry," said Barry wobbling.
"Do you? Do you really?" questioned Henry darkly.
"You don't know the first thing about me, dad. How much I've suffered. How much pain I've had to endure because of you," he replied as images of what happened to him began to resurface.
Telepath stood from the sideline channeling the memories and the pain it caused the young speedster before directing it at The Flash. Running at his father Henry threw punches and kicks at him. Attacking one another the two speedsters were lost in a swirl of lighting.
"You left me, You left me when I needed you the most," recalled Henry with tears running down his face as he attacked Flash. Throwing him off balanced Henry loomed over a bloody and bruised Barry Allen.
"Henry, that wasn't me," gritted out Barry clutching his side as he stood up.
"Liar!" yelled Henry backhanding him with a lighting bolt, sending him across the field.
Smiling Telepath clutched her bag tighter observing the scene. Running around the arena Henry began to generate enough energy to throw a lighting bolt. Seeing this Barry did the same thing. As both speedsters gained enough energy they ran at each other. About to collide with one another the speedsters released their lightning bolt at one another creating a giant blast of light. Being thrown back by the impact both Flash and Pursuit rolled on the field as they came to a stop.
"You know me Henry," said Barry standing up.
Standing up Henry looked at the man from across the field. He had no idea who he was. His brain was scrambled. "No I don't," replied Henry running at him before sending Flash into a panel of television ads lining the edge of the field. Flashing towards him Henry looked at Flash.
"Henry," replied Barry as Henry looked at him. His face looked so familiar. "You need to wake up," groaned Barry struggling to get up.
Looking away from him Henry tried to fight the darkness. Sensing Henry putting up a fight Telepath began to increase her power directed at Henry. With the darkness consuming him Henry punched his father again.
Running around each other the speedsters charged at one another. They were both bleeding profoundly. Exhaustion quickly consumed them from their active use of their powers. Lunging for his father Henry tried to choke him only to have his hand caught in his father's grasp. Bending Henry's arm, Barry wrapped it around his son's neck, causing Henry to choke himself. Standing behind him Barry tried to choke the mind control out of Henry.
"You need to snap out of it, son. It's me, you're father," gritted out Barry increasing his grip.
Struggling Henry fumed in anger. Activating his ice powers Henry created an ice sword in his hands. "Shut up!" yelled Henry before plunging the sword into his father's chest. Letting go of his son Barry looked at the sword impaled in him. Turning around to face him Henry twisted the sword in Barry's chest causing him to scream out in pain.
"Barry!" screamed Caitlin watching the scene play out from the Cortex. Suddenly Barry's heart rate started to plummet.
"He's gonna kill him," breathed out Iris.
Looking at the screen Caitlin couldn't take it anymore. Standing up, Caitlin went into one of the glass rooms, grabbing a metal rod she and Henry had been using to train with. Making her way back to the group Caitlin looked at Cisco.
"I need you to breach me to Flash Stadium," stated Caitlin as Cisco did just that. Watching her leave Ralph couldn't help but express his thoughts.
"Wouldn't a gun have been more useful," replied Ralph as they all just looked at him.
Pulling the knife out of Barry's chest Henry watched as the man held onto his side. Wobbling a bit Barry struggled to stand on his two feet.
"I'm not gonna fight you," replied Barry looking at his son. He was through fighting him. Looking into his piercing green eyes all he saw was, Henry, his son. Deep down he knew Henry wouldn't hurt him.
"You're my son," he looked at him for any hopes of his son.
Startled by the man's words Henry froze. He saw something in the familiar green eyes. Something in his face got to him.
"KILL HIM!" yelled Telepath seeing the hesitation.
Looking back at The Flash Henry charged at him tackling him to the floor. Following onto the floor Henry loomed over Barry.
"Your my mission," he replied before repeatedly punching Flash in the face as he repeated the words.
Arriving at the Stadium, Caitlin stood at one of the entrances to the stands. Spotting Telepath a few meters from her, Caitlin stalked over towards the meta. Watching the scene Telepath cheered as she saw Pursuit beating Flash into a plump. Seeing as she was distracted Caitlin swung the metal rod at Telepath's head, effectively knocking her out.
"Take that you bitch," growled Caitlin looking down at the unconscious meta.
Bending down Caitlin cuffed Telepath with some meta cuffs she picked up before arriving here. Standing back Caitlin noticed some shuffling within the stands. Scrunching her eyebrows Caitlin saw Singh and a SWAT Team hiding behind some chairs as they aimed their guns at Pursuit, waiting for the Captain's command.
"No," breathed out Caitlin before rushing to the field.
Breathing heavily Henry held back on his punches as he looked at the fallen hero.
"Then finish it," breathed out Barry as Henry hesitated.
"But just know Henry, no matter what happens today, just know that I love you, son. And I don't blame you. I love you Henry," breathed out Barry as Henry looked at him in shock. Something about those words seemed so familiar to him. He started having visions about the man.
...Keep up the great work, slugger...
...I can't lose you Henry...
...I love you too, son...
His head was telling him one thing but his heart was saying another. Shaking his head Pursuit created an icicle within the palms of his hands. Lifting his arm up Henry aimed it at Flash's chest. Seeing her son about to stab his father, Caitlin intervened.
"Stop!" yelled Caitlin halting Henry in his tracks.
"Hold your fire," shouted Singh seeing Caitlin on the field. "Snow! What are you doing?" questioned Singh. "Get out of the way!" he yelled back.
"No!" yelled Caitlin. "I won't let you shoot him," she growled protectively. Looking at her son Caitlin took some cautious steps towards him. Watching from the sideline the police couldn't hear the interaction but could keep a close eye on the speedster if he tried anything.
"Henry. I need you to listen to me, son," she called out as Henry regarded her. "You need to snap out of it. Telepath is controlling you," she pushed on.
"No," replied Henry shaking his head. He had no idea what she was talking about. Who was Telepath and why does she look so familiar?
"Yes she is Henry!" shouted Caitlin trying to get him to see straight. "Don't you see?" she gestured to the destruction of ice around them.
"She's using you," carried on Caitlin. "This isn't you, Henry. You're better than this. You wouldn't harm anyone. Especially your own father," she said sparing a glance at Barry who was already looking at her.
Looking at the woman, Henry knew deep down that he couldn't harm her. It was like it was programmed in him. But something about her words got to him. So looking away for her Henry looked at the man she claimed to be his father. Those green eyes clashing into him looked so familiar. But he couldn't put a finger on where he's seen them before. Shaking his head Henry remembered his command.
"He's my mission," he said readying his icicle in his hand as the police readied their guns.
"No!" yelled Caitlin stopping him.
"Just look at me son, look at me," she stepped closer as he stared at her.
"That is your father down there. It's Barry, Barry Allen. The Flash," she replied trying to jog his memory as Henry shook his head.
"I don't have anyone," he said, feeling like a machine.
"You have me, Henry. Your mother," she said looking at him with tears in her eyes. "And I know that you are in there, somewhere deep down. I need you to fight for me son," she encouraged.
"Please Henry I'm begging you. Come back to me son. Come back to me my beautiful boy," she said with tears running down her face.
Hearing those words something in Henry snapped. "Mom," he called out in realization before his mind began to fight back. His eyes flicker from their normal blue-green to bright green. His head started to pain him causing him to drop the icicle and move away from The Flash. Blinking rapidly Henry shook his head trying to shake away any remaining effect of the mind control. Looking around Henry gaze locked with his injured father.
"What did I do," replied Henry, moving away from his father as Caitlin ran towards Henry engulfing him in a hug.
"I'm sorry," said Henry shakily. "I would never. I don't know what happened," he said honestly. Flashes of the event slowly began to resurface in his mind causing his eyes to water.
"I know," said Caitlin holding him tighter.
Standing up Barry made his way towards the pair. Pulling away from the hug Caitlin made room for Barry. Taking a step forward Barry began to approach his son. Seeing him approaching Henry took a step back. "Stay back," he warned. "I almost hurt you. I almost killed you," he said with his voice cracking as the sound of his father's screams rang out in his ear.
"It's ok," said Barry wrapping his arm around his son. "That wasn't you," he assured him, causing Henry to break down in his arms.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," apologized Henry over again.
"I know, son. I got you," replied Barry kissing the top of his head as the SWAT team watched them from afar. Joining in on the hug Caitlin wrapped her arm around both men she loved.
5:50 pm
After patching up both speedsters, Caitlin took a step back. "Well it looks like I'll take a couple hours for your wounds to heal up. Other than Barry's stab wound you guys are fine," she said, giving them their diagnoses.
"Sorry about that again," winced Henry sitting beside Barry.
"I told you it's fine," assured Barry, laying a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Did you mean those words?" voiced Harry.
"What words?" asked Henry.
"When you were fighting Barry you started yelling at him. How much you've suffered. The pain you've had to endure. Barry leaving you. Was that true?" pried Harry.
Looking down Henry nodded his head reluctantly. Well I guess I have some explaining to do he thought before looking it up. "Yeah, it was," he answered.
"When I was a kid, I was kidnapped by an enemy of yours," he looked at Barry. "This person tortured and abused me for my powers. Another time I was kidnapped by the government. They experimented on me. Shocked me with multiple high voltages trying to test my pain tolerance. I was 8 at the time. I've suffered a lot dealing with villains out to get me," explained Henry.
"There was a time where things got so tough that you just left," he replied looking into Barry's eyes. "You left me. Alone. Without saying a word," he said looking down as tears built up.
"I blamed myself that day, thinking it was my fault," Henry said with a tear running down his face.
"I am so sorry that my future self did that to you Henry," apologized Barry. "But I'm telling you. I would never do that to you Henry. I would never abandon you," spoke Barry honestly. Looking at his father Henry embraced him in a hug.
"I love you dad," Henry recalled Barry saying it to him for the first time on the field, thinking he was gonna die without saying it.
"I love you too son," said Barry wrapping his arm around his son.
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