November 13th, 2018
1:00 am
Henry laid asleep on the couch having yet another nightmare.
Henry's Dream P.O.V
....After taking down the meta human, Henry made his way towards the Cortex with a smile on his face. Feeling a gust of wind coming from behind him, Henry turned around expecting to see his father but was met with Nora standing by his mother's bedside. Grabbing the syringe from her pocket, Nora injected Caitlin with a serum before flashing away.
"No," cried Henry rushing over towards Caitlin fearing the worst. Caitlin's heart monitor began to increase rapidly as she began to seize.
"Help someone!!!" called out Henry as Barry and Cisco came rushing into the room.
"What happened?" asked Barry looking at the scene.
"Nora injected her with something. I need you to hold her down," explained Henry as Barry and Cisco followed his orders. Rushing over to the medical cabinets Henry began to frantically look for a sedative.
"Hurry Henry," exclaimed Barry trying to hold his wife down
"Got it," replied Henry holding up the cure. "Stand back," exclaimed Henry as he injected his mother with it. Slowly, Caitlin's heart rate began to decrease letting everyone sigh in relief. Suddenly, Caitlin started to flat-line.
"What's happening?" asked Cisco as Henry began to look at the heart monitor rate for a sign.
"Whatever Nora injected her with must be reacting to the cure. Instead of saving her, it's killing her," replied Henry. "Quick get the crash cart and the oxygen mask now," ordered Henry.
"Come on Cait, come on," prayed Barry holding onto her hand.
Grabbing the equipment, Cisco passed the oxygen mask to Barry as Henry was doing chest compression's. "Charge the panels," informed Henry as Cisco turned on the machine.
"There charged," said Cisco handing Henry the panels.
"Clear," said Henry shocking his mother. Watching as his mother's body jolted up from the electrical shock Henry glanced at the heart monitor hoping for a pulse. Seeing no pulse Henry began to panic.
"Charge it 400 joules," Henry ordered Cisco. Turning the nob to 400 joules, Henry shocked his mother. Hearing the sound of her flat-line Henry began to tear up.
"Turn it all the way!" Henry commanded Cisco. Shocking his mother Henry waited. Hearing the sound of her flat-line in the background, Henry began to shock his mother multiple times trying to revive her. Despite his father's and uncle's protest to stop, Henry kept going. Holding his son back Barry tried to stop Henry from shocking Caitlin again.
"No, please, MOM" cried Henry in his father's arms trying to break free.
"She's gone," replied Cisco with tears in his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Nooooo!!!!!" screamed Henry...............
"Noooooo!!!!!!!!" screamed Henry jolting up from the couch.
"Whoa, calm down," said Caitlin approaching her son. She was just heading back to her room when Henry woke up screaming. "You're OK, you're safe," Caitlin told him caressing his face.
"Mom," Henry looked at her in tears. She was alive.
"Yeah, it's me, Henry. Just go back to sleep," urged Caitlin pushing Henry back down into the couch.
Grabbing onto her arm Henry made Caitlin look into his eyes. "Please don't leave me," pleaded Henry looking up at her. Looking into her son's gorgeous green-blue eyes, Caitlin's heart dropped. She couldn't just leave him, he looked so broken.
"OK," Caitlin nodded her head as Henry made room for her on the couch. Taking a seat on the couch Henry curled up against his mother. Wrapping his arms around her Henry cried onto her chest. Clutching onto her tightly Henry tried to assure himself that she was alive.
"It's OK. I got you. It's just a bad dream. You're OK," Caitlin comforted stroking the back of Henry's head. Henry tried to control his breathing. As he relaxed, Henry soon drifted off into a deep slumber once again.
Listening to her son's soft snoring Caitlin sat, lost in thoughts. She thought his nightmares were just a phase, that it would only happen sometimes. But ever since Henry came to this time, he kept having these frequent nightmares getting worse each day. She needed to tell someone about it. She needed to tell Barry.
Looking back down at her son Caitlin decided to get some rest. She couldn't go back to her room since that would wake Henry up. So instead, Caitlin laid her head back down on the couch falling fast asleep with her son in her arms.
9:00 am
Walking up to the sun beaming down on his face, Henry turned around on the couch to feel something warm beneath him. Opening his eyes in shock, Henry noticed that he had fallen asleep on top of his mother. Sitting up at lightning speed, Henry accidentally woke Caitlin up.
"Sorry," apologized Henry sheepishly.
"It's OK," replied Caitlin rubbing her eyes. "How did you sleep?" yawned Caitlin looking at her son.
"Good," said Henry running a hand through his hair. Remembering what had occurred last night Henry recalled his nightmare. He was delusional when he had asked his mother to stay with him, too stunned by his nightmare.
"Thanks for staying with me," Henry smiles at her gratefully, even though he didn't remember asking her.
"It was no problem," said Caitlin smiling at her son. " you want to talk about it?" pried Caitlin. She wanted to know what was going on with Henry, she was worried about him.
"No," replied Henry shaking his head. "I'm going to go make breakfast. Do you have any request?" asked Henry standing up wanting to change the subject.
"No. Anything's perfectly fine with me," answered Caitlin smiling slightly, she could tell that Henry was hiding something from her.
"OK," smiled Henry before flashing to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. While Henry was preparing their breakfast, Caitlin snuck into her room. Closing her door, Caitlin tried to make as little noise as possible. Grabbing her phone by the dresser Caitlin dialed Barry's number. Hearing it ring Caitlin prayed for Barry to answer it.
"Come on Barry, pick up," mumbled Caitlin through the phone. She needed to get this off her chest. She's been keeping this away from him for so long.
"Hello," Barry answers his phone.
"Barry," sighs Caitlin in relief.
"Cait! Are you OK?" asked Barry worriedly.
"I'm fine. I-I just need to talk to you. C-Can you meet me at Jitters in an hour?" stuttered Caitlin afraid that Henry might hear her.
"Yeah," Barry confirmed.
"Great," exclaimed Caitlin. "I'll see you then, bye," said Caitlin hanging up. Taking in deep breaths, Caitlin tries to control her racing heartbeat. Setting her phone down by the counter, Caitlin made her way towards the kitchen.
"I made pancakes," exclaimed Henry pointing to the stacks of pancakes he had on the counter. "I also got some real authentic maple syrup, straight from a small town in Canada," said Henry drowning his pancake in syrup.
"It looks delicious Henry. Thank you," smiled Caitlin before digging in.
9: 45 am
After finishing up their breakfast and getting dressed, Henry flashed Caitlin to the doors of Star Labs.
"I'm going to do a double check on the meta humans. To make sure everything is as it should be," Henry told her. "I'll see you later," he kisses her on the cheek before flashing away.
Caitlin watches from where she stands as Henry's yellow and blue lighting disappears into the city. Waiting a while, Caitlin made sure that Henry did not return before making her way towards Jitters.
10:00 am
Walking into the doors of Jitters, Caitlin was hit with the overwhelming smell of fresh baked pastries and coffee. Searching the room, Caitlin spots a person with their back turned to her. They had light brown hair and was wearing a red sweater with matching converse.
Barry, though Caitlin smiling as she approached him.
"Hey," Caitlin calls taking a seat opposite of him.
"Hi," said Barry smiling at her. "I got you some coffee and a cinnamon bun. I wasn't sure if you ate breakfast already," Barry nervously rubs the back of his neck.
"Thanks," said Caitlin breaking a piece off the sugary sweet.
"It's really good," mumbled Caitlin with her mouth full making Barry laugh.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" inquired Barry taking a sip of his drink. Stopping what she was doing Caitlin look up at him before sighing.
"It's,...It's about Henry," replied Caitlin looking at him.
"What about Henry?" perked up Barry at the mention of his son.
"He's...been having nightmares for a while," confessed Caitlin looking down. "It started when he had first came to this time. I thought it was a phase, that it'll past, but it hasn't. He tosses and turns on the couch, shaking in his sleep, and often waking up in the night screaming," Caitlin tells him.
"And then," paused Caitlin. "This morning," said Caitlin taking in a deep breath. "He begged me not to leave him," said Caitlin with tears in her eyes.
"I've never seen him so broken before Barry," cried Caitlin. "What if something is seriously wrong with him. Like he's suffering from PTSD or depression?" asked Caitlin worriedly.
"I'm his mother! I'm supposed to know these things! " Caitlin wept.
"Hey, hey, calm, down Cait," said Barry holding onto her hand trying to calm Caitlin down. "You're being too hard on yourself," said Barry rubbing the back of her hand.
"You're a great mom Cait. Don't ever doubt yourself," said Barry looking at her with nothing but love in his eyes. "And Henry's a smart kid. If something was wrong with him he'll know where to find us. OK?" assured Barry as Caitlin nodded her head.
"Just give him some time. I'm sure he'll talk," Barry smiles at Caitlin who wiped away her tears.
"Thanks, Barry," said Caitlin giving him a tight-lipped smile. Looking into each other eyes, green orbs clashed with brown. The pair felt so drawn to each other, like they couldn't look away.
Suddenly the sound of glass breaking encases the coffee shop. Turning his head towards the entrance of the store Barry watched as a figure emerged through a fog of smoke. Throwing three devices into the room the device magnetically attached to the ground. Looking down at the devices a few feet away from him, Barry noticed that it was a bomb.
"Everyone, get down!" yelled Barry grabbing Caitlin as the blast of the bomb sent them flying. People flew across the room by the shockwave of the bomb (It's not an actual bomb just a device that makes people fly without harming them). Being thrown a couple of feet away, Barry landed on top of Caitlin.
"You ok?" asked Barry looking down at her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," groaned Caitlin from the blast as Barry got off of her. Standing up Barry and Caitlin looked at the mysterious figure.
Walking into the room, the hooded figure clad in black lifted up his palm to show a bunch of daggers he held in his hands like playing cards. Watching the horrid look on their faces, the hooded figure smirked behind his mask before throwing the daggers in different directions. Observing the scene play out from the sideline, Barry was about to flash to save the day when he felt a gust of wind behind him. Turning around Barry saw a person in a black suit with light blue-yellow lighting dancing through the air. Henry.
Running into the scene Henry began to grab the dagger the mysterious figure threw at people. Trying to retrieve as many daggers as he could, Henry failed to see the mysterious person throwing one more dagger at a person. Grabbing the last dagger in the air, Henry heard someone cry out in pain. Whipping his head around, Henry saw his mother clutching the side of her shoulder. The dagger had grazed her arm.
"Cait," Barry calls rushing over to her, failing to notice the flying dagger as well.
Fuming with anger, Henry dropped the daggers in his hand before turning his attention towards the hooded figure. Super speeding towards him Henry aggressively pinned him against the back wall.
"Gotcha," Henry punched him in the face, knocking him out before cuffing him.
"Is everyone ok?" asked Henry turning towards the crowd while vibrating his voice. Looking at the mysterious speedster everyone nodded their head. Seeing that everyone else was fine Henry flashed towards his mother who stood beside his father.
"Are you ok?" asked Henry holding onto her cheek as he examined her wound.
"I'm fine," assured Caitlin holding onto his hand that was on her cheek.
"Are you sure?" asked Henry looking into her eyes.
"Positive," replied Caitlin putting her other arm on Henry's shoulder. Taking out their phones the crowd of spectators began to record the scene.
"Henry," whispered Barry looking at the crowd. Turning his head away from his mother Henry looked at his father.
"You should go," warned Barry eyeing the crowd. Looking at the crowd, Henry noticed that they had their phones out. Letting go of his mother's cheek, Caitlin dropped her arm from his shoulder. Vibrating his entire body Henry disrupted their vision from seeing his face. Turning back towards his mother Henry looked at her in the eye.
"I'll see you at Star Labs," whispered Henry as Caitlin nodded her head.
Taking a step back Henry looked at his mother once more, before turning his attention towards his father. Nodding his head at him, Barry returned the gesture as Henry flashed out of the coffee shop heading straight towards Star Labs with the criminal.
"Come on. We got to go," Barry helped Caitlin retrieve their things as they made their way out of Jitters.
11:00 am
Henry paced around the Cortex running a hand nervously through his hair. Walking into the Cortex Barry and Caitlin was met with the entire gang [Harry, Cisco, Henry, Ralph, Joe, Iris, Nora, Cecile (Jenna is with a babysitter)]. Hearing footsteps approaching the entrance of the Cortex, Henry turned around to see his mother and father.
"Mom," a distraught Henry flashed to her. "Are you ok?" asked Henry looking her over for any injuries.
"I'm fine," assured Caitlin as Henry looked into her eyes.
"Can I see it?" asked Henry referring to the cut on her arm that was covered by Barry's jacket.
"Sure," replied Caitlin pulling down the sleeve to Barry's jacket that she was wearing. Looking at the wound Henry began to inspect it. Closing his eyes Henry began to summon his inner frost.
"May I," asked Henry making his hand emit out a wave of frost. "I won't hurt her, but it will just sting a little," added Henry seeing everyone regarding him with wide eyes. Nodding her head Henry began to heal his mother's wound.
"Frost healing," Henry commented after he was done. "It's one of the perks of having your power," quipped Henry with a smirk as everyone looked astonished.
"Thank you," smiled Caitlin looking at her son gratefully. Looking into Henry's eyes Caitlin remembered the nightmare he had this morning.
"Henry, can we talk?" Questioned Caitlin looking at him.
"What about?" asked Henry scrunching his eyebrows in confusion.
"You're nightmares," replied Caitlin as the rest of the Team looked at them confused.
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