Part 7:The eye of the cyclone
"Oh, stop it. The last thing I need is you complaining," said Laurel internally to her wolf.
"Tim!" she exclaimed. "I didn't see you."
He was standing in front of her, a few books in his arms. The funny look on his face proved that he understood that something was wrong with Laurel.
''Well, obviously." He arranged his glasses better on his nose. "Are you okay? Sara told me you've been gone all night."
"Just tired. I spent all night at the library, studying, and I fell asleep on the book."
"I see." He pulled the books closer to his body and looked at her nervously as if he was deciding whether he should say something more. "Anyway, you should see Sara. She's worried about the robbery and all."
"I will. Tim?" she asked as he was ready to leave the building.
"Yes?" he asked with one hand on the door, ready to push it open.
The books in his arms were in a strange position, and Laurel was certain that they would soon fall to the ground. Tim wasn't famous for his athletic abilities.
"Did the police find something new?"
"No, still nothing. Hopefully, everything will be settled soon," he answered with optimism.
"Yeah." She wished she was as optimistic as Tim, but that wasn't going to happen. "Be careful with those books. They look heavy."
Tim nodded thankfully and left while she headed to her room.
The moment she opened the door, she was welcomed with a tight hug from Sara.
"Hey, cutie-pie. . . I can't breathe," she mumbled, unable to move.
For some strange reason, when Sara was excited, her hugs were so powerful that they could knock the wind out of Laurel's lungs.
"Oh, sorry." Sara released her. "Don't you dare scare me like that!" she added and hit Laurel at her upper arm.
"Ouch!" Laurel reacted and rubbed her arm even though Sara's hit hadn't caused her pain.
She always remembered to keep the pretenses around humans.
"You deserve it." She shrugged and went to sit on her bed.
"I was at the library all night. I fell asleep on the book."
"Laurel, I know you don't like to talk about yourself, but I see you. You are acting strange, you don't sleep, you leave at night, and now," -Sara made an indefinite gesture into the air and finished her movement pointing to Laurel- "this. What is happening? I want to help."
"I told you. I'm stressed about the paper. No need to worry," she said and tried to comfort her.
"I'm still not convinced," she murmured but hugged her friend nevertheless.
"Sara? I need some advice."
"Tell me." She patted the space next to her, and Laurel sat down.
Laurel cleared her throat, "If there was someone who liked you-"
"OMG!" she screamed. "You have a boyfriend? That's why you are acting like that?" Sara screamed again in joy and started jumping. "How could I not understand it? Of course, it makes sense!" she kept mumbling to herself.
"Hey, earth to Sara! Calm down. No, I don't have a boyfriend. Hypothetically speaking."
Sara's excitement immediately cooled down, and she stopped smiling.
"Laurel Creed, you do know how to underwhelm someone," she said in disappointment.
"As I was saying," Laurel continued ignoring Sara's accusation, "if there was someone who liked you, but you didn't want him, what would you do?"
"I'd avoid him, and if that didn't work, I would tell him I'm not interested."
"Yeah, but that would hurt his feelings, and it's not his fault that he got into that situation."
"Sweetheart, there is no easy way to say something like that, especially if that person is very fond of you. One way or another, his heart will be broken. You'd better be honest with him."
"I understand," Laurel said, her mind racing and thinking. She couldn't be completely honest with James. She couldn't tell him about her past, but Sara was right. She should tell him she wasn't interested. After all, he thought that she was human. Maybe he would believe her.
She started getting undressed. A hot shower with lots of steam to get lost in was everything she needed.
"I talked with Asher," she shouted once she was inside the bathroom.
"His mother is sick; he will be gone for a while."
If there was an answer or a comment from Sara, she didn't hear it. She was already letting herself get lost in the aroma of her shower cream and enjoying this moment of peace.
Five days had passed, and nothing had changed. Laurel and Asher trained every day, testing his strength, agility, speed, and what he could do to avoid blood-related problems or control his thirst. She, also, told him a lot about her family, the years before her father's death, and even tried to explain her dark years.
Laurel was afraid of him running away, but to her utmost surprise, he didn't look scared. He listened to her while she was explaining her reasons, her fears, and her guilt. When she finished her story, all he did was hug her and told her that he respected her more now that he knew what she had been through.
Asher explained to her how his father was never in the house, constantly worrying about his business. He had great expectations from his son, and he couldn't forgive him for choosing his own path.
"I know how others think about me. They think I'm rich, happy, and ungrateful for what life has given me. But I never asked for any of it. All I ever wanted was love and a united family."
"I'm sure that no one thinks like that about you."
"Oh, please!" he hummed. "Sara doesn't like me. Tim talks to everyone, so that doesn't count."
"Sara doesn't know you very well, but she's a great person. Last year, when I was working at that restaurant, she was keeping dinner for me because I was working till late at night without a break. And a few months ago, around the time of my father's death anniversary, she came along to the church. She's not into any religion, but she was there for me. She has her own demons to deal with, like all of us. Give her a chance and show her who Asher really is," she advised him.
They trained for the rest of the day. He made him run and jump. She tested his bloodlust and his reaction in some situations. She taught him how to breathe and make himself look human. Lastly, she showed him some fight techniques to be able to protect himself.
"I want to know more. About vampires, I mean," he added when Laurel gave him a confused look.
"What else do you want to know? You have learned about your weaknesses and strengths."
She was ready to say "their," but at the last second, she stopped herself, remembering that he was one of them.
"There must have been a first vampire. The creature that started everything. Was he or she cursed? Or was it a witch's creation?"
Laurel looked at him with a hint of pride in her eyes. He was curious and wanted to learn about their world. That made her heart jump in joy because she realized that for the first time in two years, she wasn't the only supernatural creature on the campus. She didn't want to admit it, but even with Lyra, she felt lonely because she didn't have anyone to share her worries and plans with.
Her friends were thousands of miles away, and their absence made her realize that the solitude she once had asked for was no longer her wish.
Putting her knives in a small bag, she motioned Asher to sit on the couch.
"The first vampire was born as a product of sex between a witch and a demon."
Asher's eyes widened in surprise. "A demon?" he asked, wondering if his perfect hearing had stopped working.
She laughed. "Yes. I've told you before. Many creatures are wandering around."
"A demon?" he asked again, unable to get over it.
"Well, they are miserable creatures. Shapeshifters, actually. Trust me, you don't want to see their real form. When they walk on earth, they usually take the form of a human. Anyway, she got pregnant, and a special child was born. He didn't have all the abilities or the weaknesses vampires now have, but when he committed the first murder, something changed. His bloodlust and his killer instincts increased, and when his mother saw what her child had turned into, she condemned him to leave in the shadows."
"Wow!" His eyes were looking at her with admiration.
"That's the story. It's not pretty or captivating, but life usually isn't."
"I want to return to my classes. I need to do this, so I can feel that not everything has changed."
She stared at him and had a small meeting with Lyra.
"He is feeling steadier and eager to return to his normality. We'll watch him and everything is going to be okay," Lyra said.
So, one day he returned to his dorm after receiving everyone's wishes for his mother. It was more difficult than he thought to be around so many humans at once, but he tried to focus and follow Laurel's advice. He always liked her character, but it was now more than ever that he appreciated her. She was a prisoner of her existence, and yet she didn't leave his side or abandon him, and for that, he would always be grateful. He didn't even want to think about what he would do if she wasn't there that night.
Laurel, on the other hand, wasn't feeling very optimistic. The killer had made no new appearance, and she was sure that he was still close enough to be an imminent threat. She hadn't seen James, whose name made her shiver and worrying about her heart. Her wolf was giving her the silent treatment and hadn't spoken to her in days.
Fortunately, very soon, one of her problems would be solved.
Sara rushed into their room and put a leaflet straight to her face.
"Hold on! I can't see."
"Sorry," Sara smiled innocently.
The leaflet was about a party that would take place that night at the Crescendo Club.
"Everyone will be there. We should go."
"Aren't you worried now?" Laurel teased her.
"We will all go together, and we will leave together. No harm will be done at seven people at the same time." Sara had a serious look on her face. She had considered everything, except for the supernatural nature of the killer.
"Alright, I'm in," Laurel said and smiled.
"That was easier than I thought it would be," Sara said perplexed.
"What can I say? I'm full of surprises." Laurel laughed, winked at her, and left, only to head straight to Asher and hand him over the leaflet.
"This is our chance. He must be there; everyone will be. A party, people drunk, people on top of others, it's the perfect chance for his next appearance. No one will notice between the crowd if he bites or lures some drunk, stupid humans."
"Then, we will go to the party."
"And I will be ready to end this for good."
"I want to help," he insisted.
"It's not yet time for you to fight. Alright, listen," she said after a few moments, "you will be my back-up plan if something goes wrong. Okay?"
"Fine. I'll do as you wish." He pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Good. Now, I have to go. I need to wear something that can hide my weapons."
"I can't wait to see you in action."
"I wouldn't be that cheerful. Many things can go wrong tonight."
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