Part 36: Snowflakes
The moments after Zach's call were a blur for Laurel. She remembered James rushing to her, putting his hand around her waist and searching for answers about her state.
"Sara. . . ."
"What happened to Sara?"
"Zach called. . . I have to see him."
A thousand thoughts swirled in her mind, and she felt as if she couldn't breathe. She put her hand on her stomach and shallowed the nauseated feeling that filled her body.
"I'll drive you there."
"No!" she exclaimed rougher than she intended. She didn't want him to learn about her mother's plan yet. Not because she didn't trust him, but she couldn't deal with more questions and worries.
"Asher can help me."
She avoided making eye-contact. How could she explain what her mind was telling her? She didn't have proof, but her instinct warned her that if her mother had taken Sara, then she was targeting her friends. Sara was the only human close enough to Laurel to cause serious emotional damage.
Asher was the only vampire around her. Therefore, she had to make sure that he wouldn't leave her side until the final battle.
"What about the witch?" Lyra asked. "We aren't close to any witch."
Laurel didn't know the answer. What was worrying her the most was the werewolf her mother intended to sacrifice. She couldn't keep an eye on everyone. All of her people were in danger.
She finally looked at James' spring green eyes.
"I can't explain right now, but, please, be careful. Tell everyone to watch out."
"Laurel, talk to me. You scare me."
"Just make sure that no one wanders alone."
He nodded perplexed but didn't want to push her more. His mate looked terrified, and if that could ease her fright, he would make sure to secure everyone.
Asher came to them. Laurel hadn't heard James calling him, but it didn't matter.
"We must go to Thomas's house. I'll call you as soon as possible. Be careful." She kissed him and looked at him with pleading eyes.
She sat in the car, and Asher turned on the engine and drove off.
"What happened?"
"Not now. I need to think." She pressed her lips together. Her hands were trembling, so she curled them into fists and took a few breaths.
Sara was gone. Her mother would keep her alive for a couple more days. That thought comforted her a little. At least, she was alive. She tried with every ounce of power to get inside her mother's mind, but her effort was fruitless.
"Come on!" she said, disappointed, and Asher looked at her, worried.
However, he didn't say anything and put his foot hard on the accelerator.
Lena was leaning over the huge, walnut table. Books about ancient Egyptians, witchcraft books, and even some human history books laid on top of it. In the center of the table was a big parchment with Zach's designs.
At the middle of it stood the infinity symbol, which is also called lemniscate: a horizontal, figure-eight symbol. Four lines started from it and ended in four corners. At the end of each line stood another symbol.
Firstly, the pentagram: the symbol of the witches. It represented the five elements: earth, air, water, fire, and spirit. The last one was very rare, and witches rarely talked about it because of the power the bearer could possess, but respected it nevertheless.
Secondly, the Ankh symbol. Ancient Egyptians originally used it to represent life or immortality. Through the passage of the centuries, it was associated with death and the transition to the afterlife. For that, the Ankh symbol represented the vampires. They belonged neither in life nor in death. They were somewhere in the middle, bound to their immortality.
Thirdly, there was the half-moon: the symbol of the werewolves. The moon was adored because it gave strength but was also feared because it heightened their senses and traits to a dangerous level.
Last but not least, the symbol of the human species: The Triquetra symbol, interlaced with a circle. It was made up of three intersecting Vesica Pisces. This shape is created by the intersection of two congruent circles. Each one represents the three basic elements that are necessary for life: air, water, and earth. They, also, represent life, death, and rebirth.
Humans are born, destined to die but always hoping that death is not the end of their journey. Many religions are based on the afterlife and the rebirth of the soul.
It was an ancient Celtic symbol, but the witches used it to represent humans when they wanted to send secret messages, afraid that humans might understand their nature and hunt them. Therefore, and ever since, it was established as the symbol of the fourth pillar species.
Lena looked again at the central symbol. Immortality. That was what Laurel's mother wanted to achieve, but not the type that vampires had. Zach had been searching day and night for any references, but all of them concluded and agreed that the one who completed the spell would be invulnerable, and no weapon existed to end him.
"That's it. The end of the world as we know it. If your mother completes the spell successfully, that means that no one is safe. She will be able to do as she wishes, with no consequences, and I'm afraid that it will bring disaster. We must stop her before she gains that power."
"How? She will expect me. I can try to kill her if I'm close enough, but how will I reach her?"
"I believe," Zach said unsure, "that she will want you to see her victory. If she's going to kill you, she will do it with her own hands."
"But you aren't sure, are you?"
Zach sighed. Black circles were under his eyes, so big that the werewolf genes couldn't heal them fast enough. "No, I'm not. I'm making assumptions, but right now, that's the best we have. You must do everything to stop her. I know what James and the other Alpha's have planned. Your goal was always to kill your mother. But, now it's more than that. It's our last hope. If you fail, I don't know if any of us will survive long enough to see the next sunrise."
"Okay, tell me what you want me to do." A determined look covered her face and her eyes shimmered in confidence.
"Did something happen?" Asher asked her. "You seem different. I don't know how to explain it. Before, you were nervous and anxious, but now, I can see it more clearly."
"I agree. Spill the beans," Lena urged on her.
"Well," she smiled and bit her lower lip, "the curse is over. I'm free. No more running, no more fear of hurting James. The bond still exists, but I believe we will find a solution to that problem too."
"That is great! I'm so happy for you. I know how much this cost you, but now, it's over." Lena smiled cheerfully.
"Good. Now, you have more reasons to fight," Zach said.
He never said much, but Laurel could see in his eyes all his love and affection. She knew how happy he was, but they both understood that there was no time for celebration.
"Go on." She nodded.
"The necklace you delivered to Charles was crafted by a powerful witch. It contains tremendous amounts of power, so you will take it and destroy it before your mother uses it. If my references are correct, she will need it for the last part of the spell, after the sacrifices. I hope that you will be there on time to prevent them, but if you don't, you must focus on the necklace."
Laurel couldn't take her eyes off him.
"I am certain that if you kill her, she will be gone forever. No orange stone this time. She needs all of her soul to complete the spell and be immortal. I'm still working on how to kill her. I mean," he shallowed, "it can be magic or a weapon, but with magic, you might not have to be too close to her. It all depends on the situation," he concluded.
Lena's phone buzzed.
"It's Chloe. I'll be back in five." She picked up the phone and left the room.
Asher started studying a book about ancient Egyptians. He was never interested in History, but their symbol was representing him too. There were many things he didn't know about the supernatural world, and his curiosity increased every day. He started flipping the pages, staring at every design, and scribble on them.
Laurel looked at him and chuckled.
"He has changed so much!" Lyra said like a proud mother.
"I know. He's adorable. He's more concentrated and confident. I wish we had more time to teach him."
"We will. When this madness ends, we will have all of our lives ahead to teach him how to be a great vampire. He's already a great person. He doesn't need help on that."
Laurel's peripheral vision caught Zach. Her taciturn friend was exhausted. She could see the worry in his eyes and the burden on his shoulders. He was sensitive and kind, and he would never admit to being tired if that meant not helping enough his loved ones.
"You must sleep. You've done more than I expected. You surpassed yourself, but now it's time to rest. We will leave before sunrise, and after that, we cannot stop. I want you to be at your best out there." She touched his shoulder and caressed his ebony, combed hair. "Come on, Zachy," she added teasingly.
His eyes brightened, and a shadow of a wistful smile appeared. "You haven't called me like that for a very long time."
"Indeed. I know it bothers you. You are not a fan of nicknames."
"I like it, now," he surprised her. "I'll keep it."
"Zach, I have to thank you for everything you have done."
"You don't have to. I obeyed my heart."
"I know. What are you going to do after? Lena is going home. Chloe and I will stay here. Maybe I can convince her to study at the university. Thomas. . . He'll figure it out. But you? You are an enigma."
"Not as big as you." He laughed. "I don't know. I would like to settle somewhere, but firstly, I think I want to see the world. As a tourist, not as a vigilante," he added before Laurel could comment.
"Nice. Don't forget us. I'll demand pictures. Maybe you should borrow Lena's camera."
"Oh, please! Ask for anything but this."
They both laughed with a rich chortle and stopped when Lena returned.
"What happened here? Was that laughter? Is it Christmas, or did a miracle happen sooner?" she joked.
"Oh, don't tease him. Leave my Zachy alone."
They talked a little bit, and then Asher and Laurel decided it was time to go. Lena would stay with Zach to clean the room and rest for a few hours before returning to the pack.
Asher went outside first and headed to the car. Laurel gave a final nod to her friends and stepped outside, her shoes touching the grass, as snowflakes landed on the ground and turned everything white.
She looked up at the sky and stared at the dark, grey clouds. Snowflakes were slowly falling, bringing a wave of sharp, dry cold. The sun was hidden, and all the animals had run to protect themselves. She extended her arm with her palm facing the sky and let a snowflake land on it.
It melted quickly on her warm skin. Only a few drops of water remained to indicate that something once existed. She swallowed and closed her palm, her fingers touching the cold water.
Asher called her through the open window of the car.
"I'm coming!" she muttered.
She got in and closed the door with a light thump.
A thin layer of snow covered the road, and the tires left trails on it.
The sound of her breathing filled the silence of the car as she watched the snow swallowing everything.
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