Chapter 5: A Visitor From Paris
When they got home, Bella went straight to her room. She took her shoes off and laid on the bed. Emily put the bags in her room and went to check on the girl. When she walked inside, Bella was asleep. She covered the girl up and went to take a bath. She felt exhausted.
She took her time and when she finished, she checked on the girl again and she was still out. So Emily went downstairs and cooked spaghetti for lunch. She woke Bella up, they ate and then sat on the couch to watch tv together.
The rest of the day went fine. They just chilled and then unpacked. Later at night they sat to watch a movie in Emily's bedroom and Bella ended up falling asleep. So Emily let her stay there for the night.
She finished watching the movie and fell asleep too.
The next day Penelope stopped by. She wanted to know everything about the trip.
Emily loved how excited Bella got when she talked about everything that happened.
They met Derek and Reid for lunch at a local restaurant and Bella invited them to the apartment to help her put together a new Lego set she had bought in New York.
They spent the afternoon chatting and assembling Legos.
"We should do this more often." Derek said as Bella got back from upstairs with another small set.
"Well... I'm gonna need more Legos for that. This is all I've got, you know" Bella said.
"Bella!" Emily said and everybody laughed.
"Well, it's the truth" Bella said.
"I'm sure we can do something about that" Penelope said.
"Oh my God no" Emily said. "My house is going to be full of Legos now"
"I'm okay with that" Bella said and they laughed.
They really had a great day and everybody agreed to stop by again some other day.
That Monday morning Emily had to go back to work. Sadly she didn't have a holiday break like most people. So to the BAU she went and she took Bella with her.
She traveled on two cases that week and on Thursday night Bella was happy to finally get her mom back.
Hotch gave the team the Friday off. So Emily spent the day at home with Bella. They just hung out all day. Both glad to be home together.
On Saturday, Penelope and Derek stopped by to watch a movie with them in the afternoon.
"So what are we watching?" Bella asked sitting next to Morgan on the couch. Emily handed her the popcorn bowl and said "Resident Evil".
"Zombie movie?" Bella asked surprised.
"yeah" Derek smiled.
They had a great time and Bella wasn't so happy when they left.
"We'll see you soon" Morgan said giving her a hug.
"School is back on Monday" Bella said looking a bit down.
"And you'll be running around the office on Monday too" Derek told her.
Bella hugged Penelope goodbye and they left.
"I thought you were excited to see Gavin and Rose" Emily said as they walked to the living room.
"I kind of am, I guess" Bella said even though she didn't look very happy. She did miss her other friends but staying home with her mom sounded so much better than going to school.
Emily gave her a look.
"I just like being at home...with you." the girl said. "and them" she added. Them = the team.
Emily smiled understanding and they sat to watch tv.
Sunday was another chilled day but around 5pm Chloe called and invited Bella to go to a birthday party with her and Millie.
So Bella went to get ready while Emily watched tv.
The girl showered quickly, put her clothes on, and went downstairs.
"Mom, can you braid my hair?" She asked.
"Sure" Emily smiled.
Bella sat on the floor and Emily did two French braids.
"You should go out too" Bella said.
"Oh no. This couch is calling me today" Emily said.
"Come on mom. You never go out... with just grownups I mean" Bella said.
"I like going out with you" Emily said and Bella smiled.
"Come on I'll drop you off" Emily said and they went out.
Emily left Bella at Hilary's apartment on the floor below and went back home. She sat on the couch and turned the tv back on. Bella got back at 10 and sat with her to watch the end of the movie. The girl fell asleep and Emily decided to carry her up. She put the girl on the bed and went to her room. She showered and then headed to bed.
Emily woke up with the alarm clock and went to get Bella.
"Hey. Wake up baby" she said running her hand on the girl's back.
Bella moved a little but didn't open her eyes.
"Wake up sleepy head" Emily said giving the girl a kiss on the cheek.
Bella opened her eyes and wrapped her arms around Emily's neck.
"Good morning" Emily smiled.
"Morning" Bella said.
"Time for school. Come on" Emily said.
Bella let go of her and they went to get ready.
They met again at the kitchen island for breakfast.
"Did you carry me to bed again?" Bella asked.
"yup" Emily said taking a sip of her coffee.
"sorry" Bella said.
"it's alright, baby" Emily said with a smile and put her coffee mug on the sink. "Come on. We're gonna be late" she said and walked upstairs to get her bag.
Suddenly the doorbell rang. Bella went to see who it was and it was Hilary and Chloe.
"Hi" Hilary said as Bella opened the door.
"Good morning" Bella smiled.
"Where's your mom?" Hilary asked.
"She went to get her bag" Bella said. "Why?"
"Millie is feeling sick so I was wondering if Chloe could ride to school with you" Hilary said.
"Sure" Bella smiled. "Come on in Chlo" she said and Chloe walked inside.
"Tell your mom thanks" Hilary smiled and left.
Bella smiled and went to finish her cereal.
"Hi Chloe" Emily said as she got to the bottom of the stairs.
"Hi" Chloe said.
"Mom, Millie is sick so Chloe is riding with us, okay?" Bella said putting her bowl on the sink.
"Sure" Emily smiled. "Let's go then?" She said and Bella got her backpack and they headed out.
"So I see you at 3:30 or 5?" Emily asked as she parked the car in front of the school.
"5. There's choir today. I'll ride the bus with Gav. You don't have to pick me up" Bella said.
"Okay. But anything just call" Emily smiled and gave Bella a hug.
"Okay. Bye" the girl said.
"Bye Emily" Chloe smiled.
"Have fun girls" Emily said and they got out of the car and walked to school. Bella waved goodbye to Emily and the woman drove away.
Suddenly someone hugged Bella from behind.
"Rose!" Chloe said excited to see her friend.
"Hi" Rose smiled and hugged Chloe.
"How was LA?" Bella asked.
"It was cool." Rose smiled. "But my aunt and uncle are crazy" she said and Bella and Chloe laughed.
Suddenly Gavin got there and hugged all of them.
"How was Idaho?" Rose asked.
"It was pretty awesome" Gavin said and they headed to class.
"How's it going stranger?" Penelope asked.
"Everything is going great" Emily said smiling as they walked to the conference room.
"Well, There's a call for you from a Sean McCallister. It came to my phone accidentally. It sounded hot... and important" Garcia said handing Emily a piece of paper. Emily tried not to look too intrigued.
"Did he leave a message?" Emily asked.
"No, but it's from Paris." Garcia said and Emily stayed quiet. "So... Is he an ex?" Penelope asked. "International butty call?" She asked and they walked inside the conference room.
"No. He's a friend" Emily said and took a seat.
"Murder in Montana." Hotch said walking in.
And just like that the subject changed and in little time they were off to Montana.
Bella was in school when she got a text from Emily.
"I'm going to Montana. Garcia will pick you up today. I love you - Mom"
Bella sent "okay. Be careful. I love you too". And put her phone back in her pencil case.
"Hey what's up?" Chloe asked as she noticed Isabella seemed to be lost in her thoughts.
"Oh" Bella said with a little jump. "Nothing. My mom is heading to Montana."
Chloe just stared.
"Garcia will pick me up" Bella said not really understanding why.
"Cool" Chloe said and Bella went back to copying what was on the board.
Once school was done, they headed to choir and it went great. Mister Levi, the choir director, had heard from his friends about the girls in New York so he went to talk to them about it.
When choir practice ended, Bella walked to the entrance to find Penelope there.
"Hey. How was your day?" Penelope asked giving the girl a hug.
"Fine" Bella said. She waved goodbye to her friends and they went to the car.
At the BAU, Bella did her homework and then watched movies on Netflix for the rest of the day, while Garcia worked.
Bella fell asleep at 10:30 and around 2am they headed to Penelope's house.
For Bella the day went great. Penelope dropped her off at school and she had a great time.
Emily was at a crime scene with Morgan when she got a text. "We need to talk" and it was from Sean McCallister. She looked a bit shocked and a bit scared even though she tried to hide.
"Prentiss" Morgan said.
Her eyes were a bit widened.
"Yeah, it's nothing" she said putting her phone away. "What if he didn't do it? What if she pulled the trigger?" She said about the case...
Around 2:30pm, Emily called Hilary.
"Hi, is everything okay? Chloe told me you're in Montana" Hilary said.
"I'm actually in Spokane right now" Emily said. "I was wondering if you could take Bella home with you? It's just that things are heated at the office, you know" Emily said.
"Of course I can" Hilary said. She usually worked 8am to 3pm and then worked from home. She was always happy to help Emily whenever she could.
"Thank you so much" Emily said relieved. She knew that if it was something really really dangerous Sean would have called her again. But she wanted to make sure Bella wasn't alone at any time.
So at 3:30, Hilary was waiting for the girls at the school entrance.
"Bella you're coming home with us today" Hilary said.
"Did something happen?" The girl asked a little scared. Emily didn't text her to tell and she usually did that.
"No no honey. Everything is fine. It's just that your mama said that people are really busy at the office so she thought you could use some fun hanging out with us"
"Okay" Bella said and they headed home.
The kids did their homework, ate a snack, and then played till bed time.
Around 11pm Emily landed in DC.
She texted Sean and they agreed to meet at a bar in the city.
Emily walked in and smiled when she spotted him.
"Emily " He said and she went and hugged him.
"How are you?" Emily said letting go of the hug.
They sat in a booth.
"I was gonna call you back. I just got super busy on a case" Emily said.
"It's alright." he said serious and suddenly Emily realized something was very wrong.
She stared at him waiting for him to talk when he suddenly said "Ian Doyle vanished from prison"
Fear was written all over her face.
"Interpol can't find him" Sean said.
"What?" She said in shock.
"He's off the grid Emily" Sean said.
"Do you think he's headed here?" She asked and Sean just stared.
Emily's eyes filled with tears. She could not believe that was happening.
"Am I in danger?" She asked with a shaky voice.
"We all are" Sean said.
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